KAMUS KULISUSU Edisi Percobaan ke-6 - PDF Free Download (2025)

disusun oleh Dr. David Mead, M.A., M.S.

Kamus Kulisusu (Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris) Edisi Percobaan ke-6 Kulisusu Dictionary (Kulisusu – Indonesian – English) Sixth Trial Edition

Kamus ini belum lengkap, dan sedang diperbaiki terus. Kalau Anda melihat sesuatu yang perlu diobah atau ditambah, tolong sampaikan usul Anda kepada alamat yang di bawah, Kami siap menerima semuanya, dan lebih dari ini, tidak lupa kami mengucapkan banyak terima kasih. This dictionary is incomplete, and is constantly being revised and improved. If you see something which needs to be changed or added, please send your suggestions to the address below. We are prepared to receive them all with much gratefulness.

Dr. David Mead 8001 Hope Lane Waxhaw, NC 28173 Amerika Serikat

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A - a a'ai dem. ini, kata penunjuk yg menyatakan objek yg

aga n. kutu ikan. a kind of fish louse (marine

dekat dng pembicara. this, a demonstrative indicating an object which is in the speaker's immediate vicinity. Lihatlah: a'iko, ri'ai. ka'ai presen. disinilah. here is. Ka'ai poɗa. Disinilah pisau. Here is a knife. ngkaa'ai manner_dem. begini. like this. Hapai ka ngkaa'ai? Kenapa begini? What's up? What's wrong? aaso-aaso n. tatanan. regulations, rules. aasu-aasu n. sm burung. k.o. bird. aɓi vt [-'o]. menganggap sebagai. regard as, treat as. Ku'aɓi'o ngkanao sahinaangku. Saya menganggap dia sebagai keluarga. I regard him as family. Aɓi'o ngkana rahamiu. Anggaplah seperti rumah sendiri. Make yourself at home. peka'aɓi vi. baku menganggap. regard, treat each other as. Ingkita a'ai, topeka'aɓimo sansahinaa. Kita baku anggap saudara. We treat each other as brothers. aciho n. bersin. sneeze. te'aciho vi. bersin. sneeze. aɗa vt [-'o]. menahan. stop, restrain. Sateleuno ɓei poone i raha, ndo'aɗa'o i pu'uno esa. Tibanya mau naik ke rumah, ditahan mereka di dasar tangga. When she came and was about to go up to the house, they stopped her at the base of the ladder. ađabu n. azab, kutukan atau siksaan dr yg Maha Kuasa, di dunia ini ataupun di akhirat. divine punishment, curse or torture from the Almighty, in this life or in the hereafter. adati n. adat, kebiasaan. custom. ade n. istilah untuk memanggil adik (jarang dipakai; kalau adik dipanggil, biasanya pakai namanya saja). term of address for one's younger siblings (rarely used; siblings usually call each other by name). laade [la'ade] n. nama untuk bayi laki-laki yg belum punya nama sendiri. name for a baby boy who doesn't yet have his own name. waade [wa'ade] n. nama untuk bayi perempuan yg belum punya nama sendiri. name for a baby girl who doesn't yet have her own name. Lihatlah: andi. aɗe n. dagu. chin.

isopod), usually found living in the mouths of fishes. agama agama. religion. agiako vi. mengadakan, melakukan yg direncanakan. organize, arrange, carry out a plan of action. Ndo'agiakomo kando riso, ɓendo pompili ɓo apundo. Mereka mengadakan pertemuan, untuk memilih raja mereka. They arranged and met, in order to choose a king for themselves. I'agiako lumako te walino. Dengan tiba-tiba dia menentukan pergi dengan temannya (melihat temannya berangkat, langsung ikut). Right away he planned and left with his friend (he saw his friend going, and directly decided to follow). aha vt [-'o]. mengasah ****. sharpen, whet, rub one side of a blade back and forth on a whetstone. Lihatlah: taɗiɗi. Ahađi n. 1) Minggu, hari Minggu. Sunday. 2) minggu. a week. Lihatlah: minggu.

ahi mo'ahi vn. asin. salty. E'e a'ai hinai mo'ahi, imotewe. Air ini tidak asin, tetapi tawar. This water is not salty, it's fresh. ahirino %%. akhirnya. finally, in the end. ahu n. asap. smoke.

ai o'ai vi. berteriak. shouting, yelling, noise made by a crowd.

ai-ai teriak. cry. ai-aino mia **** crowd noise ko'ai-ai vi. berteriak-teriak. loud, noisy, yelling. Lihatlah: kogara-gara [gara-gara-2].

a'iko dem. itu, kata penunjuk yg menyatakan objek yg agak mendekat dng pembicara. that, a demonstrative indicating an object nearby the speaker. Lihatlah: a'ai, ri'iko. ka'iko presen. disitulah dekat. there close by is. ngkaa'iko manner_dem. begitu spt yg dekat. like that close by. a'iso dem. itu disitu, kata penunjuk yg menyatakan objek yg sedikit jauh dr pembicara dan tingginya rata. that over there, a demonstrative indicating an object mid-distant from the speaker in a level direction. Lihatlah: asoa, ri'iso. ka'iso presen. disitulah (sedikit jauh dan rata).

ala over there is.

ngkaa'iso manner_dem. begitu (spt yg sedikit jauh dan rata). like that over there.

a'ita dem. itu disitu di atas, kata penunjuk yg menyatakan objek yg sedikit jauh dan lebih tinggi dr pembicara. that up there, a demonstrative indicating an object mid-distant from the speaker in an upward direction. Lihatlah: araa, ri'ita. ka'ita presen. disitulah (di atas dan sedikit jauh). up there is. ngkaa'ita manner_dem. begitu (spt yg di atas dan sedikit jauh). like that up there. ajala n. ajal. (predestined) hour of death. ajara kuda sembrani (dalam dongeng). winged horse, pegasus (in legends). Lihatlah: lajara. ajima n. jimat, azimat. talisman, amulet. Isee uɓasiako pae a'ai, ɓo ajimau. Jangan engkau buang padi ini, sebagai ajimatmu. Don't throw away this rice, it's for your amulet.

ajo1 paajo vt [-'o]. menghiasi, membajui dgn baju pesta dan dandanan. adorn, dress in festive clothing and adornments. Io mamano Naro ɗa mompaajo kumaɓengkano. Mamanya Naro sementara membajukan orang sunat. Naro's mother is dressing the ones who have been cicumcised. ajonga n. dandanan yg dipakai pd ****. adornments worn on festive occasions such anklets, bracelets, necklaces and decorative hairpieces. ajo2 %%. berjalan lenggak-lenggok. swing or sway the body while walking. ajonga Lihatlah: ajo. ajongi vt [-o]. membuat adonan. make batter. akala vt [-'o]. mengakali, menipu. give (someone) a wrong idea, deceive. I'amara tei ko'uni, "Ingkomiu a'ai mi'akala'aku!" Dia jadi marah dan berkata, "Kamu sekalian ini telah menipu saya!" He was mad and he said, "You all here, you deceive me!" Kua'iko tama awondo a'iso ɗa'umakala'inda, ilausakomo ɓumansule i rahano. Padahal ternyata, ayah tiri mereka mengakali mereka, ia terus menghilang pulang ke rumah. In actuality their step-father was deceiving them; (instead) he went directly to his house. ake n. ukiran pada lesplang rumah bagian depan. length of the tie beam at the front of a house. ako conj. tetapi, kecuali. but, except. Tolausako mohalu kewa, ako nai ɗa'a. Kami terus mencari kepiting, tetapi tidak ada. We went directly and looked for crabs, but there weren't 2

any. Jonatan imobula, ako imobula andino. Memang Jonathan putih, tetapi adiknya lebih putih lagi. Jonathan is fair, but his younger sister is more fair still. Ɓeku lako i Jakarta tolu ta'u lumapasino, ako hinapo ida'a doingku. Saya mau pergi ke Jakarta tiga tahun yang lalu, tetapi belum ada uangku. I wanted to go to go to Jakarta three years ago, but I didn't have the money. -ako sfx. ****. insturment, verbal suffix indicating that the action is performed with a particular instrument. Tolingka'akomo karu. Kita pergi jalan kaki. We went by foot. Io ndoke a'iso, irakoako limano. Dia menangkap monyet itu dengan tangannya. He caught that monkey with his hand. 2) ****. beneficiary, verbal suffix indicating that the action is performed for someone else. 3) ****. topic, verbal suffix indicating that a thought or communicative action concerns a particular topic. Hapa'indamo ukongaru-ngaru'ako? Kenapa kamu sedang menggerutu? Whatever are you grumbling about? 4) ****. a marker of hypotheticality or possibility: if, when, whenever, provided that. Ɗaahoako doi, toɓolosiomo ɓa'ono raha. Kalau ada uang, kami mengganti atap rumah. If there is money, we will replace the roofing thatch. Ku'awaoako koda a'iso, ɓeku wawaakokomiumo kami ontoho. Kalau saya dapat foto itu, nanti saya membawa ****. If I find those photos, I'll bring them for you so that you can see them. Maloako imopii karuno. Sakit kakinya kalau malam hari. Her feet hurt at night (lit. if, whenever it's night). aku vt [-'o]. menggenggam. grasp, take a handful of. mo'aku pae menggenggam padi take a handful of rice mo'aku saro mengumpulkan dan membuang sampah gather and throw away refuse — n. genggam. a handful. -'aku prn. orang pertama tunggal kasus akusatif. first person singular accusative. ala vt [-o]. mengambil. fetch, get, take. umalao osio wula hampir sembilan bulan almost nine years te'ala vn. terambil, terjual, laku (jualan); termuat, dapat dimuat (di sampan, mobil, dsb). taken, sold, selling well, in demand; able to be taken (loaded on a boat, car, etc.). Sahapa a'ai? Ite'alamo. Berapa ini? - Sudah terambil. How much is this? - Sorry, that's already been sold. Ite'alamo kelamiu? Apakah labu kamu terjual? Did your pumpkins sell? Ite'alapo. Masih dapat dimuat (barang-barangnya di kapal). It can still be taken (there's still room on the boat for your


te'alai vt [-o]. mendapat. catch, get, snag. Bua

alo'a n. malam (dalam menghitung waktu masa

malaka ndokaaho ɓawu tume'alaio. Jambu biji dimakan babi yang mendapatnya. The guavas were eaten by the pigs that got them. alamu n. alam, dunia. the world, the worldly realm. i bungkuno alamu ea di belakang dunia yang luas in back of the worldly realm (in the realm of spirits and angels) alansara n. sj beras pulut yg putih isinya. k.o. sticky rice with a white kernel. alasa n. alasan. reason. pe'alasa beralasan. give a reason, give an excuse. alionda n. lagu tradisional Kulisusu. k.o. traditional Kulisusu singing. pe'alionda vi. melingkar sambil menyanyikan lagu alionda. gather in a circle and sing alionda music. me'alionda i Kampo Entaa **** **** alo n. malam (biasanya dalam menghitung waktu). night (usually in counting passage of time). lembahi alo larut malam, tengah malam in the wee hours of the morning, from midnight until 2 or 3 am mentonga alo tengah malam midnight, middle of the night momapu alo dingin karena malam cold from the night air alono tolu alo malam ketiga setelah orang mati dikuburkan (dan upacaranya) third night after a person has been buried (and the ceremonies performed that night and the following day) alono picu alo malam ketujuh setelah orang mati dikuburkan (dan upacaranya) seventh night after a person has been buried (and its ceremonies) alono pato pulu alo malam keempat puluh setelah orang mati dikuburkan (dan upacaranya) fortieth night after a person has been buried (and its ceremonies) alono sa'ecu alo malam keseratus setelah orang mati dikuburkan (dan upacaranya) one hundredth night after a person has been buried (and its ceremonies) alono ponahua malam sebelum penikahan dan upacaranya (harf: malam pemasakan) the evening prior to a wedding and the events associated with it (lit. night of cooking) Pia alo ɓemi bucu ri'ai? Berapa malam kamu menginap di sini? How long (lit. how many nights) will you stay here? Pia alono ɓemi lako? - Pato alono. Berapa hari lagi baru kamu pergi? Empat hari. How many days until you go? Four days. — vt [-'o]. ****. commemorate the death of someone. me'alo vn. tinggal beberapa malam. spend several nights. ɓendo me'alo **** **** Me'alomo minteleu ri'ai? **** Have you been here more

lampau). night (in counting passage of time in the past). Pia alo'ano... Berapa hari yang lalu... How many days ago... pe'alo vi. berkenduri, mengadakan kenduri untuk orang yg mati. prepare and hold a death commemoration feast, by tradition held on the third, seventh, fortieth, and one hundredth nights after someone has been buried. pe'alo'a n. kenduri dan upacara untuk orang yg mati. death commemoration feast and its associated rites. pi'alo'ano %%. dulu, dahulu, beberapa hari/waktu yg lalu. in the past, previously, awhile ago, some days/time ago. Pi'alo'ano sađia kupe'andea i ri'ai. Dahulu saya selalu bermain di sini. In the past I always used to play here. sa'aloo adv. sepanjang malam. all night long, the entire night. alu1 n. alu. pestle used with a nohu. alu2 vi. singgah. stop by, stop in, visit. To'alu me'olu. Imopii oleo. Mari kita singgah di tempat berteduh. Panas matahari. Let's stop in the shade. The sun is hot. Mi'alu i raha impi-impia. Kapan-kapan singgah di raha. Stop by my house sometime. alumi vt [-o]. menaungi, melindungi. shade, overshadow, cover. ama1 n. ayah, istilah informil untuk memanggil bapak. dad, informal term of address for one's father. Lihatlah: bapa, đaiđa, tama, uma. ama2 n. damai. peace. amala n. amal. good deeds. — vi. 1) melakukan atau berdoa untuk sesuatu yg baik, beramal. work or pray for something beneficial, do good. Io e'e ario, ndo'amala'akono saluwu-luwuo manusiano Rombo. Air itu diamalkan semua orang Rombo. That well was accomplished (constructed) by all the Rombo people. Ama-amala'aka'aku sio-siono kupo'awa rajaki. Berdoa untuk saya supaya saya dapat rejeki. Pray for me that my efforts will be blessed. amara vn. marah. angry. Lihatlah: bobo. amaraki vt [-o]. marah kepada. be angry at.

amba mo'amba vn. asin sedikit. slightly salty. Namino e'e a'ai mo'amba. Rasanya air ini asin sedikit. This water tastes slightly salty. Lihatlah: mo'ahi [ahi], motewe [tewe]. mo'amba-amba vn. asin sedikit saja. having a hint of saltiness. ambaɗalo n. bisul di leher. abcess, boil on the neck.

ambara n. ****. fermented something. Ambo pn. Ambon. Ambon. ambo vt [-'o]. memotong (rambut). cut (hair). Ɗa'impia ɓemi ambo'o? Kapan kalian memotong rambut? When will you cut your hair? pe'ambo vi. memotong rambut bayi pd umur tujuh hari (dilakukan dalam acara adat dan keagamaan). cut the hair of a baby at the age of seven days old (religious and customary ceremony). Lihatlah: pegunci [gunci]. ampa1 n. ranjau, bambu atau kayu yang runcing ujungnya, dipasang untuk merangkap binatang. pitfall spikes, sharpened wood or bamboo stakes fastened in the ground to trap animals.

ampa2 ɓaampa %%. 1) berjejer sambil merentangkan tangan ke kiri dan kanan. stand in a row while stretching out arms to the left and right. 2) ****. describing the situation when two brothers marry two sisters.

ampo me'ampo vn. berlebih-lebih, bilangannya banyak sehingga dianggap murah. abundant, oversupplied, overabundant to the point of being sold cheaply. ampu vt [-ho]. menggendong di depan atau di pangku, memangku. carry vertically in front, carry or hold in one's lap in an upright or standing position. ampu ncuu sit with raised knees held by arms, sit hugging one's knees ampuho tamano duduk di pangkuan bapaknya his father took him in his lap Lihatlah: sangkili. ana1 n. anak. child, offspring. ko'ana vi. beranak. having offspring. Arimo kumo'ana meo a'iso. Sudah beranak kucing itu. That cat has already had a litter. pako'ana vt [-'o]. memperanakkan. deliver (baby). Ngeeno mompako'anano, wolia. Yang memperanakkan, disebut "wolia" The one who helps deliver, is called a "wolia". pine'ana n. anak angkat. adopted child. mote'ana %%. ****. care for, have responsibility for children. Ungkuɗe mote'ana, cinano mosa'o namisino. **** I'm taking care of the children today, their mother is feeling sick. ana awo cmpd n. anak tiri. stepchild. ana bua cmpd n. 1) anak, murid, bawahan, karyawan. child, student, pupil, disciple, subordinate, underling, employee. 2) anak, bani. offspring, child. Mi'alama'akakai kai dumaamo ana bua. **** Pray for us that we have a baby. ana bule cmpd n. anak yatim. fatherless or 4

motherless child, a child who has lost one parent. ana gogi cmpd n. anak kecil, terutama sekelompok anak kecil yg sedang beribut. small child, especially used of a group of small, noisy children. ana guru cmpd n. murid. pupil, student. ana hako nph. ****. a polite circumlocution for referring to one's own or someone else's wife. ana ikiɗi cmpd n. *****. child, from about three years old up to age nine or ten. ana i tonga cmpd n. anak di tengah, punya kakak, dan adik. middle child. ana i wuto cmpd n. anak kandung. ****. ana kođa cmpd n. kapten, yang bertanggungjawab untuk perahu di laut. master of a ship, the one responsible for the boat at sea. ana mo'ia cmpd n. anak yg masih tinggal dgn orang tuanya atau mertuanya. child still living with his parents or in-laws. La Dema ana mo'ia i poni'anano. La Dema anak tinggal di mertuanya. La Dema lives with his in-laws. ana monia cmpd n. menantu. son-in-law or daughter-in-law. ana mpio cmpd n. anak ayam. chick, baby chicken. ana ncina cmpd n. ****. preadolescent girl from the age of nine or ten until puberty. Lihatlah: randaa. ana ngkaaka cmpd n. anak sulung. first born child. ana ngkamea cmpd n. bayi sampai empat pulu hari (masih ada pusatnya). infant, newborn, up to about 40 days old (especially a child which still has the stump of the umbilical cord attached). ana ngkokopi cmpd n. anak bungsu. last born child. ana nsikola cmpd n. murid. student, pupil, school boy, school girl. ana ntama cmpd n. anak tanggung laki-laki yg belum kawin, cowok. male adolescent or young adult, a young man who has not yet married. Ungkuɗepo ana ntama. Saya masih cowok, saya belum kawin. I'm still single, I haven't married yet. ana ntama nsala cmpd n. ****. preadolescent boy, from the age of nine or ten until puberty. ana ntama lembahi cmpd n. ****. an unmarried older man, a bachelor. ana piara cmpd n. anak pungut. adopted child. ana randaa cmpd n. anak tanggung perempuan (yg belum kawin), cewek. female adolescent, a young woman who has not yet married.

ana rapia cmpd n. anak kembar. twin, twins. ana to'u cmpd n. anak betul (bukan anak pungut). one's real child, one's child by birth (not an adopted child). anano piɗi nph. anak panah. arrow, spear (of speargun). ka'ana'ana n. boneka. doll.

ana2 moana Bentuk lain: muana. vn. kanan. right (hand), right (side). lima moana tangan kanan right hand Lihatlah: moiri [iri]. andea n. sahabat karib (antara perempuan). girlfriend, close female companion (of another female). Lihatlah: ɓela, wali. — vt [-ho]. menjaga anak kecil. babysit, watch small children. Andeahopo andiu. Jaga dulu adikmu. Watch your younger sibling. pe'andea vi. bersahabat, bergaul, bermain, bercanda (khusus perempuan). be close girl friends or women friends; play around, tease each other (of girls and women). pape'andea vt [-ho]. mempersahabatkan, memajukan persahabatan antara dua orang perempuan. make become friends, encourage a friendship between two girls or women. pe'a-pe'andeaha n. tempat perempuan bergaul. a place for women to sit around and talk. andi n. adik. younger sibling (male or female). Lihatlah: ade. andou n. sm ikan. k.o. fish. angga vt [-'o]. menghiraukan, menghormati, menghargai. pay atention to, heed, esteem, respect. anggapu menganggap. believe. angka-angkapea n. ****. brittle star. angku-angku n. penyepit, jepitan. tweezers. peangku-angku memakai jepitan (msl mencabut bulu). use tweezers (e.g. to pluck hairs). ansa n. insang. fish gills. anso vt [-ho]. memindahkan. move. Toɓincu'o kato ansoho. **** kami cabut kemudian dipindahkan. We pull it up and we move it. Ansoho kurusi a'iso i mbuino meja. Pindahkan kursi itu ke belakang meja. Move that chair in back of the table. anso-anso vi. pindah sedikit. move slightly. Mi'anso-ansopo. **** Scoot over a bit, okay? (to people sitting on a rail, when someone else wants to sit down) Lihatlah: julu. anta vt [-ho]. mengeluarkan isi (katung, botol, dsb) dgn cara memegang bagian atas dan mulutnya di bagian bawah. shake empty (a bag, bottle, etc.) by holding the end up and the mouth downward. te'anta vn. dikosongkan. shaken out, emptied. 10/4/2013

anu n. anu. thing, whatsit, whatever you call it, whats-his-name. — vt [-o]. mengganggu. tease, annoy. anu-anu vt [-o]. mengolok-olok. ridicule, mock. ao vi. berteriak, menangis. wail, cry, weep. Lihatlah: aro, pangka. — n. teriakan. wail, cry. aono meo teriakan kucing the wail of a cat mokoko'ao vn. mau menangis, merindu (kampung halaman), merindukan (orang). feel like crying, feel homesick, feel heartsick (for a person).

apa mo'apa vn. hampa, kropok, kosong, tidak berisi. empty, without content. le'uha mo'apa telur kutu yg kropok empty nit pae mo'apa padi tanpa isinya di dalam rice hull without any seed inside api n. api. fire. ko'api vi. berapi. firey, with fire. gunu ko'api gunung berapi volcano (lit., mountain with fire) apu n. tuhan, induk. lord, chief. apunto tuhan kita our lord, our god apuno ngalu induk angin, pusat angin ****wind storm??**** pe'apu vi. menghambakan diri. humble oneself, be subservient. pe'apui vt [-o]. melayani. serve. apu'a n. atasan. overlord, supervisor, boss. Lihatlah: apua. apua n. nenek, cucu. grandparent, grandchild. apua i cuu cmpd n. moyang; cicit, cece; generasi keempat ke atas atau ke bawah. greatgrandparent; great-grandchild; one's anscestor in the fourth generation (lit. grandparent/child at the knee). apua bukulale cmpd n. buyut, nenek dari nenek; piut, canggah, cucu dari cucu; generasi kelima ke atas atau ke bawah. great-great-grandparent; great-great-grandchild, one's anscestor or descendant in the fifth generation (lit. grandparent/child of the ankle). apua pele ngkaru cmpd n. moyang dari nenek; piat, anggas, anak dari piut; generasi keenam ke atas atau ke bawah. great-great-greatgrandparent; great-great-great-grandchild; one's anscestor or descendant in the sixth generation (lit. grandparent/child of the sole of the foot). apua lembahi cmpd n. nenek-moyang. ancestor, ancestors. ara1 n. sm_ikan. paddletail. Lutjanus gibbus Forss. ara2 arak. distilled palm wine, arrak. Lihatlah: langke3, suka. ara3 n. teriak. shout, yell. ko'ara-ara vi. berteriak-teriak dan banyak

berbicara (spt orang mabuk). shout, yell, make a commotion (as for example drunken people). araa dem. itu disana di atas, kata penunjuk yg menyatakan objek yg jauh dan lebih tinggi dr pembicara. that way up there, a demonstrative indicating an object far away from the speaker in an upward direction. Lihatlah: a'ita, ri'araa, teuraa. ka'araa presen. disanalah (di atas dan jauh). way up there is. ngka'araa manner_dem. begitu (spt yg di atas dan jauh). like that up there. Arabaa n. Rabu, hari Rabu. Wednesday. Arabu Arab (bahasa, bangsa, dsb). Arab, Arabic, Arabia. ari vi. 1) sudah, selesai. finish. Ɓansulengako keu ari. Kembalikan sudah selesai. Please return it when you're finished. 2) pernah. ever. Arimo mongkaa duria? Pernah makan durian? Have you ever eaten durian? Hinapo ku'ari lumako i Jakarta. Saya belum pernah pergi ke Jakarta. I have never been to Jakarta. — vt [-o]. menghabisi. finish, end. aripo %%. nanti. later. Aripo toɓa'awa ɗeeɗenopo. Nanti kita bertemu nanti malam. Let's meet later this evening. poko'ari vt [-%]. menghabiskan. finish up, finish off, make an end of. ario dem. itu disitu di bawah, kata penunjuk yg menyatakan objek yg sedikit jauh dan menurun dr pembicara. that down there, a demonstrative indicating an object mid-distant from the speaker in an downward direction. Lihatlah: arua, ri'ario. ka'ario presen. disitulah (di bawah dan sedikit jauh). down there is. ngka'ario manner_dem. begitu (spt yg di bawah dan sedikit jauh). like that down there. aripo Lihatlah: ari. aro n. teriak, erang, rintihan. cry, wail, groan. Lihatlah: ao, pangka. aro-aro n. teriak, erang, raung. cry, wail. aro-arono meo erang kucing wail, cry of a cat aro-arono mia erang orang wail of a person ko'aro-aro vi. mengerang, meraung-raung. cry, wail, groan. aru vt [-ho]. 1) menyentuh. touch, make contact, come in contact with. Pu'uno ua mokokato to'u kei arukita ɓakeno. Tumbuhan kacang benguk sangat gatal kalau kita disentuh buahnya. The velvet bean is very itchy if you come in contact with its fruit (lit. if its fruit contacts us). 2) berhasil, dapat. obtain, get. Ipo'aru ompole ika. Dia dapat banyak ikan.. He got a lot of fish.. 6

I ta'uakono ipo'aru. Tiap tahun dia berhasil banyak. Every year he makes a bundle. te'aru vn. kena, terkena. contacted, accidentally contacted, hit. te'aru i ɗopi kena di papan hit on a board arua dem. itu disana di bawah, kata penunjuk yg menyatakan objek yg jauh dan menurun dr pembicara. that way down there, a demonstrative indicating an object far away from the speaker in an downward direction. Lihatlah: ario, ri'arua, teurua. ka'arua presen. disanalah (di bawah dan jauh). way down there is. ngka'arua manner_dem. begitu (spt yg di baswah dan jauh). like that down there. aru-aru n. sayuran dr labu yg sudah tua, pakai santan. vegetable sidedish made from old squash cooked in santan. Lihatlah: kabuɗu. arumai dem. itu yg menuju kemari, kata penunjuk yg menyatakan objek yg menuju ke pembicara. that coming toward here, a demonstrative indicating an object moving toward the speaker. Lihatlah: asoa, ri'iso. ngka'arumai manner_dem. begitu (spt yg sedang menuju kemari). like that coming toward here. as n. as. axle, shaft. asno katinti asnya ketinting propeller shaft of a motorized boat asa n. as (kartu permainan). ace (playing card). asala n. sumber. resource. Jadi, topohalu'akono asalano i tahi, io lumu, kato pakuliakono ɓatotoano te'uhu'anto. Jadi, kita cari sumber di tahi, semacam lumut laut, lalu kita mengobati tepat di tempat tertusuk. Therefore we seek resources from the sea, a kind of seaweed, and we medicate with it exactly on the spot where we got stung. asana n. kayu angsana. red sandalwood, narra. Pterocarpus santalinus L. f. ase1 n. rahang. jaw. ase2 n. galah asin, galasin, sj permainan menghadang dng garis-garis berbentuk petak-petak di tanah. kind of tag game, usually played five against five. pe'ase vi. bermain hadang. play this kind of tag game. asi1 n. jepitan, tangan (khusus kepiting, dsb). pincher, claw (of crab, etc.). Lihatlah: kapo1. — vt [-'o]. menjepit. pinch, clamp. te'asi vn. terjepit. pinched.

asi2 maasi vn. sayang. feel affection, feel concern. maasiako vt [-ø]. sayang kepada, mengasihi. feel affection for, feel concern for, love. Cinando ɗapo tora-tora tei sauri imaasiako'inda. Ibu

mereka masih hidup dan sangat sayang kepada mereka Their mother was still alive and she loved them very much. ka'asi n. kasihan. affection, concern, pity; what a pity/shame! Nai ɗa'a pembulu, ka'asi. Tidak ada sayuran, kasihan. We don't have any vegetables, what a pity! asira n. Asyura, hari ke-10 Muharam. Ashurah, the 10th of Muharram. asiraaka Lihatlah: lagu asiraaka. aso vt [-o]. menjual. sell. Ɓalongka inaso? Apakah semangka dijual? Is the watermelon fo sale? Hiina topo'awa mo'asono punci i ɗaoa. Kami tidak menemui orang yang menual pisang di pasar. We didn't find anyone selling bananas at the market. paraaso n. jualan. merchandise. po'asoa n. toko, tempat menjual. store, place where things are sold. po'asoa pakuli apotik pharmacy, drug store Lihatlah: toko, waru. asoa dem. itu disana, kata penunjuk yg menyatakan objek yg jauh dr pembicara dan tingginya rata. that way over there, a demonstrative indicating an object far away from the speaker in a level direction. Lihatlah: a'iso, ri'asoa, teusoa. ka'asoa presen. disanalah (jauh dan rata). way over there is. ngka'asoa manner_dem. begitu (spt yg jauh dan rata). like that way over there. ata1 n. budak. slave, a member of the slave class, formerly the lowest of three castes in Kulisusu society. Lihatlah: lolaki, maradika. ata2 vt [-'o]. menggapai (orang pd saat main kejarkejaran). reach out and tag (someone while playing tag). Atamolai n. orang bunian. k.o. spiritual beings who inhabit a parallel, invisible world, undertaking many of the same activities as do people (farming, trading, etc.). atawa Bentuk lain: tawa. conj. atau. or. Ɓou ɓansulemo i lipuu atawa ɓou torusu i lako'au? Apakah engkau akan kembali ke negerimu ataukah akan meneruskan ketujuanmu? Do you want to return to your country, or do you want to continue on to your destination? Moiko kupokacu'akono tawa kunaa'akono? Lebih baik saya kirimkan kepadanya, atau saya simpan disini untuk dia? Would it be better to send it to him, or leave it here for him? Kei Indonesia, kaɗi topeɗeɗeku i kampo, tawa topocia salamu, kando wungkahikita. Kalau di Indonesia, kita cuma mengetok di pintu atau memberi salam, dan mereka membuka untuk kita. In Indonesa, we 10/4/2013

just knock on the door, or we give a greeting, and they open to us. ate n. hati. liver. ate-ateno karu nph. ****. arch of the foot. ato1 vt [-'o]. 1) menandu, membawa di atas tandu. carry on a litter. 2) mengiringi, mengantar dl iringan. accompany, escort' (in a procession). mo'ato mekoiri mengiringi anak kecil yang akan digunting rambutnya escort an initiate for a hair-cutting ceremony mo'ato kaɓengka mengiringi anak yang akan disunat escort a circumcision initiate mo'ato kumawino mengiringi pengantin escort a groom to his bride's house po'ato'a n. 1) tandu, terutama untuk menandu anak yg disunat pd malam sebelumnya. litter, especially one for carrying a child circumcised the previous night. 2) pengiringan. procession.

ato2 pangato vi. memasang atap. attach roofing thatch.

awa vt [-o]. mendapat, menemukan. get, find, encounter, meet, come upon. Mpo'awamo ika ingkomiu? Apakah engkau mendapat ikan? Did you get any fish? Lakomo ɓoɓoiho, kau tenao ɓei leu umawa ungkuɗe. Pergilah panggil dia dan suruh menghadap pada saya. Go call him, and tell him to come meet me. Awao tamau/cinau! **** (kutukan) May your father/mother be taken! (imprecation) awa-awa vt [-o]. mempertimbangkan. think over, ponder. Lihatlah: reka-reka [reka]. ɓaawa Bentuk lain: ɓa'awa. vr. bertemu, menemui, saling berjumpa. meet, encounter one another. ɓaawa-awa vr. *****. meet for a long time, meet continuously ?? ɓaawa-awaako pogau berunding negotiate, meet regarding one's talk tempo'awa vn. bersambung, sambungan. touching, meeting up. aweri vt [-o]. mengipasi. fan. mo'aweri api mengipas api fan a fire pe'awe-aweri vi. berkipas. fan oneself. awo %%. tiri. relation in a blended family. ana awo anak tiri stepchild cina awo ibu tiri stepmother tama awo ayah tiri stepfather awu1 n. abu. ashes.

awu2 pe'awu vi. menanam diri. burrow onself, plant oneself. I'awamo buaea ɗame'awu i lapa mpae. Ia mendapatkan buaya sedang menanam diri di dalam sekam padi. He found a crocodile burrowed in some rice chaff. pape'awu vt [-'o]. kasih masuk. make burrow, force into or under.

B - b ɓaɓa vt [-o]. menggendong (anak) di punggung atau di atas pundak. carry (a child) on one's back or shoulders. E'eheo anamai ɓinaɓa. ***** Our son likes to be carried on shoulders. ɓaɓangka vn. lonjong. oval, elliptical. b*ab*arani Bentuk lain: b*arani. n. sm ikan. k.o. trevally.

ɓaca poɓaca'a n. tempat membaca. reading place. poɓaca'a boku perpustakaan library

ɓacu-ɓacu n. ****. grassy seabed. bađa n. badan. body. Searti: ɓoto. ɓaɗili n. meriam. cannon. ɓaelo n. sm ikan. k.o. small, white elongated fish. Lihatlah: hulu-hulu.

ɓaeo n. sm ikan. k.o. fish. ɓae-ɓaeo n. ****. sardines ??

ɓaga n. geraham. molar. bage pebage vi. membagi. divide. pebage-bage vi. membagi-bagi. divide, share. Topebage-bage pocuri'amai. **** We share a bed between all of us. ɓagea n. sm kue terbuat dr tepung sagu. k.o. pastry made from sago flour. ɓaguli n. kelereng, keneker. marble. peɓaguli vi. main kelereng. play marbles. ɓaguli ɗara-ɗara cmpd n. kelereng yg dibuat dr biji pohon gorek-gorek. nickernuts, seeds of the nicker tree used as marbles. ɓaguli golu cmpd n. sm kelereng dr gelas, garis tengahnya kira-kira 2.5 cm. a kind of glass marble about one inch in diameter. ɓaguli tonde cmpd n. kelereng gelas yg biasa. an ordinary-sized glass marble. baha n. bahan. ingredients, material. Imarasai topohalu bahano. **** It's difficult for us to find the ingredents. Ɓo wawoleɗa, io bahano io lanu. Kalau wawoleɗa, bahannya agel. As for a wawoleda, it is made from gebanga. ɓaha vt [-'o]. mengejutkan, bikin terkejut. startle, surprise. ɓahaɓa n. sm ikan. black-spot seaperch. Lutjanus fulviflamma Forss. bahagia n. bagian. region, part. Sabucuno ipo'iamo i tonga-tonga indade, i bahagia salata, i bahagia napa, i bahagia ciu te i ɓara po'iahando. Setelah itu, ia tinggal di tengahtengah, tempat berdiri yang lain-lainnya di bagian selatan, utara, timur dan barat. After that, 8

he stood in the midst of them, and they took their places to the south, north, east and west. Lihatlah: cumindai. bahatiki vi. lucu-lucu. funny, making others laugh. Ndobahatiki. Mereka lucu-lucu. They're funny. ɓahe vt [-o]. menggantung. hang, hang up. moɓahe ɓaju menggantung baju hang up a shirt peɓahe vi. bergantung. hang, let oneself hang down (as from a branch, holding onto it with one's hands). Lihatlah: pelohe [lohe]. koɓahe-ɓahe %%. ****. ****. ɓaho vt [-'o]. memandikan. bathe, give a bath to. peɓaho vi. memandi. bathe oneself. peɓaho'a n. tempat mandi. bathing place. peɓahoka **** mandi, suci. time of bathing, cleansing (Muslim ceremony at the start and end of Ramadan). wula pebahoka bulan puasa holy month, the month of Ramadan oleono pebahoka hari raya holy day, religious holiday peɓahokano Haji **** **** the night of (or before?) Eid ul-Adha??? peɓahokano Puasa **** **** pekaɓaho-ɓaho vi. bermain di dalam air. play around in water. Ɓendo lako i Ɓone mengkaɓaho-ɓaho. **** They are going to Bone to take a dip. Jamu hoalu ndoterisomo mia ɓendoleu mekaɓaho-ɓaho i E'e i Nunu. **** At eight o'clock people gathered to go swimming at Banyan Waterhole. pengkaɓaho-ɓaho'a n. tempat berenang. swimming hole, swimming place, place for playing around in water. Lihatlah: nangia [nangi]. ɓahu n. bahu. shoulder. ɓai vi. sangat kering, kering betul. completely dry. giu ɓumaimo sudah harus kering betul **** ɓaibula n. sm ikan kecil. k.o small fish. ɓaiki n. panau, bentik-bentik putih, kulitnya tidak baik. small white spots on skin, skin is not good. Lihatlah: panu. ɓajabu n. abon ikan. seasoned fish-meat floss, a condiment made from fish meat pounded with spices and dry-fried until powdery. bajabu santa abon ikan yang dibuat dengan santan fish powder made with coconut milk rather than grated coconut (in this case this spice mixture is first heated before adding it to the pounded fish) Lihatlah: kuɓa, tumpi-tumpi. ɓajinga mia ɓajinga orang kurang ajar a rude person

ɓaju n. baju. shirt or jacket. — vt [-'o]. membajui. dress, clothe. ɓaju kombo cmpd n. baju ****. decorative dress. ɓaka vt [-%]. mengoles kulit (spt dgn air kunyit, cair dr beras, dsb). smear the skin (as with tumeric juice, liquid from rice kernels, etc.). ɓake n. buah. fruit. ɓake ngkeu buah-buahan fruits (in general) ɓake'a n. waktu berbuah. time of fruiting, time of bearing fruit. Io kaɓombone, ɓake'ano wula hopulu sampe wula hopulu ka'osaɗe. Pohon buni berbuah pada bulan sepuluh dan bulan sebelas. Bignay bears fruit in October and November. koɓake vi. berbuah. fruited, bearing fruit. ɓaki n. sj keranjang atau bakul yg dibawa pd punggung dan ambinnya pd puncak kepala. baskets of varous sizes, having in common that they are carried on the back using a tumpline. ɓaki langka sj bakul besar yg dianyam dri rotan, anyamnya berlubang, dipakai pd punggung dan ambinnya pd puncak kepala k.o. large basket plaited from rattan with open interstices, worn on the back using a tumpline Lihatlah: ɓalase, humbu, karinda, kompiu, langka-2. ɓaku1 n. bekal. provisions. kaɓaku n. oleh-oleh dari perjalanan. gift, offered by one returning from a journey. ɓaku-ɓaku n. sarapan. a very light meal, especially a light breakfast consisting of tea with or without a light snack, served early before the main midmorning meal. ɓaku-ɓaku mewangu sarapan pagi breakfast parambaku n. bekal di perjalanan saat berlayar jauh. provisions during a long sea voyage. peɓaku-ɓaku vi. memakan sarapan. partake of such a light meal or snack. ɓaku2 n. kontol, kantong buah pelir. scrotum. ɓaku3 n. dada (burung, kelelawar). throat area, breast (of bird, bat).

bala bala-bala n. balok, kayu yg sudah dirimbas, juga disebut keu bala. beam, wood which has been squared, also called a keu bala. Lihatlah: balo, mbala. ɓala n. sero, pancang-pancang yg merupakan pagar yg mengiringi mangsa (rusa, ikan) ke dalam tempat yg terkurung. trap in which fences funnel the moving prey (deer, fish) into a small pen, a wier trap or fish corral. Lihatlah: bunu'o, ompo. peɓala vi. memakai sero. set and use a wier trap. 10/4/2013

koɓala vi. mempunyai sero. have or own a wier trap. Imembali tolako i ɓala? - Tabeano kuhulepo kumuani'inda kumoɓalano. Apakah kita bisa pergi ke sero? - Hanya kalau saya pergi dulu memberitahukan yang punya sero. Can we go to the fishtrap? - Only if I go first and inform the fishtrap owners. balaa n. bencana, bala. disaster, catastrophe. ɓala-ɓalaki Bentuk lain: ɓalaki. n. sm ikan. frigate mackerel. Auxis thazard Lacep磥. ɓalaki Lihatlah: ɓala-ɓalaki. ɓalangkuni n. ikan madidihang. yellowfin tuna. Thunnus albacares Bonn. ɓalase n. sm keranjang dibuat dari daun nipa atau gebang. k.o. basket made of nipa or gebang palm leaves. Lihatlah: ɓaki, humbu, karinda, kompiu, langka-2. ɓale1 n. janur, daun pucuk muda (kelapa, enau, pisang, pinang, dsb) yg belum terbuka. young, emergent leaves (of coconut, sugar palm, banana, areca, etc.) which have not yet unfolded. ɓaleno lewe wiu daun **** muda young **** ɓaleno ni'i janur young coconut leaves ɓaleno punci daun pisang muda young banana leaves ɓale2 n. tiang pancang penyangga sero. suppoort poles for wier trap. ɓalengka vt [-'o]. membalik (msl perahu supaya ****). flip over, turn over (for example, a boat so that it rests keel-side up). teɓalengka vn. terbalik. turned over, upset. ɓali1 n. musuh, lawan. enemy, opponent. poɓali %%. melawan. oppose. Ipoɓali te kaɓetahihako. Dia melawah penjabat tinggi dalam pemerintah. He opposed / fought with people occupying high positions in government. ɓali2 vi. berubah; luntur (warnanya). change; fade (of colors). Iɓalimo woi. Dia sudah lain muka. His face changed. Hinapo iɓali po'iahamiu? Tidak berubah tempat tinggalmu? Have you not moved? Iɓali kulimiu, imohalomo. Kulitmu berubah, sudah hitam. Your skin has changed, it's dark now. Iɓalimo waranaano. Sudah luntur warnanya. Its colors have faded. Kei ɓaliako waranaano ɓana memea a'ai membali mobula, koma'ana kumatemo. Kalau seandainya benang merah ini sudah berubah menjadi warna putih berarti saya sudah mati. If the color of this red thread should change becoming white, it means that I am dead. Lihatlah: ɓante, longko. — vt [-ho]. mengubah, memindahkan. change, move. ɓalino rope perubahan tujuan change of direction ɓali'i vt [-o]. mengubah. change. Lihatlah:


b*ali-b*ali n. kampak kecil. hatchet. Lihatlah: kampa, pali.

ɓalika n. olakan, pusaran arus. eddy, backflow of a current.

ɓalo n. lubang. hole. — vt [-'o]. menggali lubang dl tanah. dig a hole in the ground. ɓalo-ɓalo n. jendela. window. balo1 n. 1) balon. balloon. 2) bola lampu. light bulb. balo-balo n. balon-balon, mainan anak-anak terbuat dr karet yg dikembangkan. bubble plastic, a viscous plastic substance sold in small tubes which children blow into bubbles using a tiny straw.

balo2 balo-balo n. balok, kayu yg sudah dirimbas, juga disebut keu balo. beam, wood which has been squared, also called a keu balo. Lihatlah: bala, mbala. ɓalo-ɓalongka n. sm ikan. drummer, including both the low-finned drummer (Kyphosis vaigiensis Quoy & Gaimard) and the southern drummer (Kyphosus bigibbus Lacep<e`>de). Kyphosis spp.

ɓalongka ɓalongka manansisi cmpd n. timun, ketimun. cucumber. Cucumis sativus L. Lihatlah: woci.

ɓalongka ɗawa Bentuk lain: ɓalongka. cmpd n. semangka. watermelon. Citrullus lanatus (Thunberg) Matsum. & Nakai. ɓalongka nanasi semangka yg kuning isinya watermelon with yellow flesh ɓalu-ɓalula n. sm ikan. finney scad. Megalaspis cordyla L. ɓalula n. jangat, risa, belulang. hide (of animal), callus. ɓalulano wembe jangat kambing goat skin ɓalulano karu belulang kaki callus on the foot ɓalulupa vn. pikun. old, advanced in years. ɓalumbi n. belimbing manis. starfruit, carambola. Averrhoa carambola L. Lihatlah: takule. balumpa n. sm tarian. k.o. native dance, slow and twirling with flowing arm movements. Lihatlah: kompania, lense, ngibi, pangaru, pomaani, wele. ɓamalimbu Lihatlah: katamba ɓamalimbu [katamba]. ɓana n. benang, benang yg kasar. thread, coarse thread. Lihatlah: kambari, rabuta. bandara bandar pd main judi, orang yg menyelenggarakan perjudian. croupier, someone who operates a gambling table. ɓanga vn. heran, kagum. astonished, amazed. 10

Ndoɓanga te ndosanaa to'u i Buragil. Mereka merasa heran dan gembira sekali pada Buragil. They were astonished and very happy with Buragil. ɓangahako vt [-no]. menjadi heran pada. astonished at, amazed at. Sai poronge gauno a'iso, ɓangke-ɓangkele a'iso iɓangahako Buragil. Mendengankan perkataan tersebut nenek menjadi heran pada Buragil. When she heard that talk of his, that old woman was astonished at Buragil. Ndoɓangahako kasegano Buragil ɓo pumepate guruɗa mosogo a'iso. Mereka menjadi heran dan kagum terhadap keberanian Buragil untuk membunuh burung Garuda yang ganas itu. They were astonished at Buragil's bravery to go kill that fierce Garuda. b*angale n. sj kunyit, akarnya tidak terlalu kuning. k.o. plant in the ginger family. ɓangka1 n. 1) perahu. boat. Lihatlah: boti, londe, paɗewaka. 2) karapaks, kulit ketam. carapace, shell of a crab. ɓangka-ɓangka ako ɗaho te ɓangka-ɓangkano i bungkuno **** **** (description of a cuttlefish) peɓangka vi. memakai perahu, berjalan naik perahu. go by boat. peɓangka'a n. ****. host (for an spirit). koa, peɓangka'ano onicu **** owl, a host for spirits saɓangka n. teman, sahabat. close friend. Oo saɓangka! Io hapa ɓou lako? Hai teman! Mau ke mana? Hey friend! Where are you going? Lihatlah: ɓela1. ɓangka mpelogo cmpd n. perahu balapan. racing boat, racing sloop.

ɓangka2 meɓangka vn. belum matang. unripe. Lihatlah: momata [mata-4], pusu.

ɓangke n. bangkai. corpse. ɓangkele n. isteri. wife. Kegunaan: istilah tidak lazim lagi. archaic. Lihatlah: ɓokeo. bersetubuh (binatang). have intercourse, couple (said of animals, not humans). ɓangke-ɓangkele n. orang yang tua sekali. very old person. Lihatlah: ɓoke-ɓokeo. ɓangko n. bangku untuk duduk. bench. ɓangkuɗu n. mengkudu, bengkudu. Indian mulberry, noni. Morinda citrifolia L. ɓangkuɗu kampo cmpd n. mengkudu yg buahnya kecil. variety of Indian mulberry producing small fruits. ɓangkuɗu laro ngkeu = bhangkudu kampo. = bhangkudu kampo.

peɓangkele vr.

ɓangkuɗu kota cmpd n. mengkudu yg buahnya besar. variety of Indian mulberry producing large fruits. ɓangu n. bentuk, rupa. shape, form. keu ngkanao ɓanguno tondo pohon-pohon kayu yang membentuk pagar trees in the shape like a fence ɓangu-ɓangu n. cara, jalan. method, way. Ɓangu-ɓanguno ɓei pokonteleuho namu-namuno mia owosendo pepu'umo itewungkahi Jalan tercapainya maksud orang tua mereka mulai terbuka. The way for the intentions of their parents to be fulfilled began to open up. bangu-bangu conj. gara-gara, oleh karena, sebab. because of, on account of. ɓangu-ɓanguno waho gara-gara hujan on account of rain Ɓangu-ɓanguno kai telau'eamo waho, kai moɗaki uwi ngkeu. Sebab hujan lebat, ubi kayu rusak. Because of the heavy rain, cassava crops were ruined. Lihatlah: gara-gara1.

ɓangui peɓangui vi. berbuat. do, behave. Kai peɓangui ngkaa'a'iso kamolea larono nahina inengka. Dia berbuat seperti itu kecewa tidak terpilih. He behaved like that out of disppointment. — n. kelakuan. deed, behavior. Pebanguino nai moiko. Kelakuannya tidak baik. His behavior was not good. ɓansa n. tempat bergantung buah palem. the inflorescence/fruiting structure of a palm.

ɓansi peɓansi vi.

mencari tembelok. hunt for shipworms. ɓansule vi. pulang. return home. ɓansulengako vt [-ø]. mempulangkan, mengembalikan ke rumah. return, send home. Ɗaho pinokacungku ɓo La Ode Umar, ako ndoɓansulengako, rouno hina ndoto'orio po'iahano. Saya ada kiriman untuk Ld. Umar, tetapi dikembalikan ke rumah oleh karena mereka tidak tahu rumahnya. I had a packet for Ld. Umar, but they (the post office) returned it, because they didn't know his house. ngkoɓansule %%. ****. ****. banta n. karung. sack. sabanta semee satu karung semen, satu zak semen a sack of cement ɓantala vi. berjejer, berbanjar. in a row, lined up. ɓante vn. luntur dan kering. faded and dry. Lihatlah: bali-2, longko-3. ɓantea n. 1) pos jaga, pos ronda. guard post. 2) ****. small community structure used for holding a yearly ceremony. ɓante-ɓantea n. pos jaga, pos ronda. guard post. ɓa'o n. atap. roof, roofing. 10/4/2013

peɓa'ongi %%. mangato peɓa'ongi i rapi **** ****

ɓa'o see cmpd n. atap seng. roof made of corrugated steel.

ɓa'o nipa cmpd n. atap daun nipa. roofing thatch made from nipa palm leaves.

ɓa'o rombia cmpd n. atap daun sago. roofing thatch made from sago palm leaves.

bapa1 n. ayah, bapak, istilah informil untuk memanggil atau mengacu bapak. dad, father, term of address or reference for one's father. Lihatlah: ama1, đaiđa, tama, uma. bara n. barang. things, goods. Ɓangkando imantondu'ako kaɗio bara. Perahunya sarat dengan barang-barang. Their boats ride low in the water just because of all their goods. ɓara1 n. barat. west. ɓara2 %%. barang, sembarang, apa saja. any, whatever (free choice). kue ɓara giu kue sembarang macam pastries of whatever kind Topongkaa saɓaramo ɗumaano. Kita makan apa adanya. We eat whatever happens to be around. Saɓaramo kinaando ndokaaho. Apa saja makanannya, mereka makannya. Whatver their food is, they eat it. — conj. kalau, mungkin, barangkali, kira-kira, sekiranya, atau. if, when, perhaps, lest perhaps, or. Moi-moiko, ɓara u'uɗoo. Hati-hati, mungkin nanti ditelanmu. Be careful, lest perhaps you swallow it. Ɓo hapa ɓara gunano seu a'iso? Apa kira-kira gunanya jarum itu? What perhaps is the use of these needles? Boku wineweungku a'ai, ɓendo ehe-eheo ɓara ka hiina? **** Will they like this book I'm making or will they not? Topecimoi ndoke ɓara ilimba kumaaho gandunto. Kita menjaga sekiranya monyet datang makan jagung kita. We keep watch for monkeys lest they come and eat our corn. ɓaraako conj. kalau, barangkali, jangan sampai. if, when, whether, perhaps, lest, so that ... not. Ɓaraako, ndoteleu ɓela hakonto. Barangkali akan datang teman kita. Perhaps our friends will come. Ndohengga'omo i raha a'iso ɓaraako ikowaho, ɓara iko'oleo. Mereka sudah taksir (berkumpul) di rumah itu, jangan sampai kehujanan, jangan sampai mata hari. They've determined it'll be at that house, whether it's rainy or sunny. Hapai kami pongkarai? Ɓaraako iɓintanikai ɓangka. Kenapa kamu buru-buru? - Jangan sampai kami ditinggalkan kapal. Why are you in such a hurry? - So that we don't miss the boat. Moi-moiko, ɓaraako mintesuɓe. Ompole haka i sala. Hati-hati,

jangan sampai tersandung jari kakimu. Banyak akar di jalan. Be careful lest you stub your toe. There are lots of roots along the trail. ɓara ɗiako conj. kalau, jangan sampai. if, lest. Tohule momonio bokumiu, ɓara ɗiako ndoɓere-ɓereho. Kita pergi minta bukumu, jangan sampai dirobek-robeknya. Let's go ask for your book back, lest they end up tearing it. Ɓara ɗiako hiina tohule momonio bokumiu, ndo'anggapu'omo weweuahando. Kalau kita tidak minta bukumu, dianggapnya memiliknya sendiri. If we don't go ask for your book back, they'll think it belongs to themselves. ɓaraako Lihatlah: ɓara-2. b*arajandi n. barzanji, bacaan puji-pujian Nabi Muhammad. chanting in praise of the Prophet Mohammed. barakati n. berkat. blessing. kabarakati n. berkat. blessing. b*arani Lihatlah: b*ab*arani. ɓarasala n. spekulasi. speculation. meɓa-meɓarasala %%. mudah-mudahan (tidak tahu kalau akan dapat atau tidak). hopefully (without foreknowledge whether something will work out). ɓarata n. kayu panjang penghubung dua sampan sebagai pincara. long beams for joining two sampans into a raft, boom. ɓare-ɓarea n. ikan parang. wolf herring. Chirocentrus dorab Forss. ɓari vt [-'o]. membelah kayu yg agak panjang. split long pieces of wood. ɓaringi n. sm kerang di laut yg bercangkang ganda. k.o. small marine clam. b*arisi %%. baris. ****. baromapi n. sj ikan. k.o.marine eel. ɓarongko n. ****. boiled banana pastry, wrapped in a banana leaf. ɓaru n. rabuk, bulu halus yg terdapat pd pangkal pelepah daun enau, dipakai sebagai kawul. aren fiber, fine, cottony material obtained from the leaf sheaths of the sugar palm, used as tinder. kaɓaru-ɓaru n. 1) pohon genduru (sj palem). clustering fishtail palm. Caryota mitis Lour. 2) sm serbuk yg dikikiskan dr bagian luar pangkal daun palem ini, dipakai sebagai dempul. a powdery substance scraped from the exterior of the leaf sheaths of this palm, used as boat caulking. ɓaruasa n. biskuit kelapa, sj kue kering tradisional yg terbuat dr kelapa parut, tepung beras, telur dan gula. k.o. traditional cookie made from grated coconut, rice flour, eggs and sugar. ɓaruga n. ****. ****. 12

ɓarumapi n. sm ikan belut. black-edged conger. Conger cinereus R


ɓasa peɓasaha n. kembokan, tempat cuci jari. finger bowl. Searti: pewu'ohia.

ɓasarapu n. ****. ****. ɓase n. ikatan padi yg besar, terdiri atas dua iu atau lima molungku, yaitu jumlahnya kira-kira 50-60 tangkai. a sheaf of rice consisting of two iu or five mokungku tied together, or about 50-60 heads of grain altogether. Lihatlah: iu, mokungku. ɓasi1 vt [-o]. menukar. exchange. moɓasi doi menukar uang exhange money Poɓasipo doi ikiɗi. Harus tukar dulu uang kecil. Change it into small bills first. ɓasiako vt [-ø]. membuang. throw away, discard, remove. Kei ɓinasiako racuno buncici, imoiko mongkaa. Kalau racunnya **** dibuang, bagus dimakan. mokokoɓasiako vn. ingin membuang. want to throw away. ɓasi2 n. panci yg mempunyai tutup dan bertelinga pd kedua sisinya; juga wadah plastik yg mirip. cookpot with two side handles and a lid; also plastic containers of this design. Lihatlah: ɗandanga. ɓasi-ɓasi n. ****. small serving dish (for sauce or condiment) with two side handles and a lid. ɓasiako Lihatlah: ɓasi. ɓasikali vt [-%]. menyepak ke belakang, menyepak sesuatu di belakang. kick backwards with the foot, kick something which is behind oneself. ɓasu n. tempat menyimpan sagu berbentuk kerucut. conical form for holding sago. ɓata1 n. 1) genteng. roofing tile. 2) ****. classifier for flat objects. saɓata boku sebuah buku one book, a book

ɓata2 moɓata vn. ringan. light (in wieght).

batako batako. cement blocks, cinder blocks. monceta batako mencetak batako make cement blocks using molds batala vi. batal. cancelled. ɓatari n. cantel, jagung cantel. sorghum. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, cv. group Bicolor. ɓatata vi. berucap untuk mengutuk. utter a curse. baterei n. aki, baterai. battery. Bau-bau n. Bau-bau, ibu kota dulu kesultanan Buton. Baubau, the capital of the former sultanate of Buton. ɓaura n. ikan mojair. a general term comprising several species of large trevallies including the giant trevally, the bluefin trevally, and the

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



ɓawa bigeye trevally. Caranx ignobilis Forssk., Caranx melampygus Cuvier, Caranx sexfasciatus Quoy & Gaimard. ɓau-ɓaura n. sm ikan. k.o. small trevally, possibly an immature ɓaura. ɓaura mangali Bentuk lain: mangali. n. sj ikan. golden trevally. Gnathanodon speciosus Forss. ɓaura pae-pae cmpd n. sj ikan. fringe-finned trevally. Pantolobus radiatus Macleay. ɓawa n. bawang, bawang bombay. onion. Allium cepa L. cv. group Common Onion. ɓawa bula cmpd n. bawang putih. garlic. Allium sativum L. ɓawa mea Bentuk lain: ɓawa memea. cmpd n. bawang merah kecil. shallot. Allium cepa L. cv. group Aggregatum. ɓawu n. babi. pig. Sus spp. b*ayu n. pohon bayur. k.o. tree.

ɓea moɓea vn. berat (barang-barang). heavy (said of things). Lihatlah: niu.

ɓeau n. kemiri. candlenut. Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd.

bebe n. bebek, itik. duck, especially the domesticated duck.

bebe nauwe cmpd n. sm burung. k.o. bird.

ɓeɓe vt [-'o]. memukul. hit, strike. Lihatlah: epi, siasa.

kaɓeɓe n. pemukul, kayu atau alat lain untuk memukul. beater, stick or other object for beating. kaɓeɓeno tamburu kayu pemukul gendang drum stick, stick for beating a drum b*eb*eko n. odol. toothpaste. ɓeɓo vi. ****. quiver, jiggle (of folds of fat on an obese person). bede n. bedeng (tempat menanem tumbuhan). bedding (for plants). ɓehi n. sm pohon. kind of tree, the trunk of which is suitable for making hulls for small boats. beka n. kemaluan perempuan. vagina. Searti: bi'i, bungka, cire, para. bel n. bel, telpon. bell, telephone. Lihatlah: talipoo. — vi. memakai telpon, menelpon, mengebel. make a call, ring someone. Ɗaaho ɓo bumelno. Ada yang mau menelpon. There's someone wanting to make a call. bela %%. membela. ****. ɓela1 n. sahabat. close friend. Lihatlah: andea, joara, saɓangka [bangka1], wali. ɓela-ɓela n. sahabat. close friend. peɓela vi. bersahabat, berakrab, bermian bersama (seperti anak laki-laki). be friends with one another, be close, play together (said of young boys). Topeɓela. Kita bersahabat, kita berakrab. 10/4/2013

We are close friends with each other.

papeɓela vt [-o]. mempersahabatkan, memajukan persahabatan antara dua orang. make become friends, encourage a friendship between two persons.

ɓela2 moɓela vn. luka, berluka. wounded. saɓela-ɓela vn. banyak luka. having wounds all over.

kaɓela n. luka. wound. kaɓela ngkonana luka bernanah a pussy wound

ɓele vn. miring, serong, teleng (msl kepala, rumah, pohon dsb). leaning to the side, aslant, askew (of head, house, tree, etc.). Iɓelemo oleo. Mata hari sudah tergelincir. The sun has passed the zenith (early afternoon, about 1 or 2 p.m.). Iɓelemo wula. Bulan sudah tergelincir. The moon has passed the zenith. Iɓele untono. Otaknya miring, dia agak gila. He's not thinking straight, he's a bit crazy. Lihatlah: telia [lia2]. koɓele-ɓele ****. with one's head leaning to the side. beleke n. 1) blek. storage tin with a replaceable lid. 2) sebagai satuan pengukuran, blek yang isinya 20 liter. as a unit of measure, a tin with a capacity of 20 liters. bele-beleke n. kaleng. tin can. ɓelenga n. pipi. cheek. belo vi. memutar, membelok. turn. ɓelo n. hiasan. decoration. ɓelo-ɓelono ɓaruga perempuan-perempuan cantik dl lingkungan keraton, yg masuk di dalam perangkat **** sara **** ɓelu n. piring mangkuk. dish, small bowl. Lihatlah: cimboka, malobu. bene1 n. ubi takup, ubi upas. hard yam. Dioscorea nummularia Lam. bene2 gembung, mengembang. swollen, distended. kabene-bene n. permainan dr busa sabun, pakai pipa atau alat lain untuk membikin busa. children's game of playing with soap bubbles, often with a pipe or other instrument for blowing. Lihatlah: balo-balo [balo]. ɓenga vt [-'o]. membuka sesuatu sehingga terbelah dua tetapi tidak terlepas belahannya. open something so that it splits in two, but the two halves do not completely separate. ɓengkaro n. sm jerat. k.o. snare trap. ɓengkaro kea jerat **** untuk menangkap burung nuri *** catching parrots ɓengkaro kuluri jerat **** untuk menangkap burung perkici **** for catching lorikeets bengkele n. montir, ahli mesin (mobil, sepeda motor, dan mesin-mesin lain). mechanic, repairman

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



ɓincu (auto, motorcycle, and other kinds of machines).

ɓensi vt [-ho]. membuka dengan gigit. bite open, tear open with one's teeth. moɓensi towu ***** open sugarcane with one's teeth — n. *****. a piece of cane, wood, etc. which has been removed in this way. teɓensi vn. terbuka dengan gigit. opened with the teeth. Nai teɓensi. Tidak bisa terbuka dengan gigit. It can't be opened with the teeth. tebensikako vi. terbelah. split. b*ensi n. bensin. gasoline. bente n. benteng. fort. Bentulu pn. merek rokok, Bentul. a cigarette brand, Bentul. ɓenu n. sabut kelapa. husk of coconut. ɓera n. 1) parang yg ujungnya berbenutk setengah lingkaran. k.o. machete, the blade usually about 20 to 24 inches long with a straight back, deep belly, and distinctively tapering toward the handle. Lihatlah: tambali, ta'owu. ɓera-ɓera n. ****. small version of a full size ɓera, the blade only about 8 to 10 inches long. ɓere vt [-ho]. merobek, menyobek. tear, rip. Lihatlah: ɓora, ciha, tere. moɓere vn. robek, sobek. torn. ɓereki vt [-o]. meneriaki. shout at. ɓerengisi n. sm kerang bercangkang ganda. k.o. bivalve mollusk. ɓeru n. gores. scratch. ɓerusi vt [-o]. menggoresi. scratch. teɓeru vn. tergores, kegores. scratched. ɓesua n. perangkap bulat panjang yg dipakai di kali atau sunggai untuk menangkap udang. k.o. small, elongated trap for catching shrimp in a river or stream. ɓeto n. duri yang bergerigi dan beracun ikan pari. the serrated, venemous spine of a stingray. — vt [-'o]. menusuk. pierce. ɓewe n. tali gasing. the string used for spinning a top. — vt [-'o]. ****. wind string around a top. Toɓewe'o io hule ka to'eleo. ***** We wind string around the top, then we release it. ɓiɓi vi. menggigil, gemetar. shake, shiver, tremble. ɓicu'o n. bintang. star. ɓiɗa n. istilah untuk menghitung harinya sejak kelahiran. term used in counting the number of days after birth (the day of birth is counted as the first day). halu ɓiɗa hari kedelapan setelah lahir the eighth day since being born pato pulu ɓiɗa hari ke-empat puluh setelah lahir the fortieth day of life ɓigi n. ulas (jeruk, bawang putih), pangsa (labu, kapok, dsb). segment (of citrus fruit), clove (of garlic), section (of pumpkin, kapok pod, etc.). 14

opicu ɓigi kapa tuju biji kapas seven cotton bolls bi'i n. kemaluan perempuan. vagina. Searti: beka, bungka, cire, para. ɓija %%. bersorak (krn gembira). cheer, yell (from happy excitedness). — n. sorak. cheer, yell. bijano Korea soraknya Korea the cheer of the Koreans ɓika-ɓika n. ****. k.o. pastry made from grated cassava, banana and sugar. ɓiku-ɓiku Lihatlah: taɓiku-ɓiku. ɓila conj. setelah beberapa kali, setelah beberapa saat. after, usually implying an activity has been performed several times. ɓilamo mongkaa setelah beberapa kali dia makan after eating several times Ndob^ila kumora megaga a'ai, hinando po'awa io inaio mompotalono. Setelah beberapa saat mereka bertengkar, tidak mendapatkan kesimpulan siapa yang menang. After going at their dispute for some time, there hadn't emerged a winner. Ɓila mompolaha Jib*ara'ili, ɓila mompolaha Ɓintausu. Kadang-kadang yang mengajar Jibrail, kadangkadang yang mengajar Bintausu. Sometimes Gabriel give chase, sometimes Bintausu gives chase. ɓila-ɓila conj. kapan-kapan, tidak terlalu lama. some day or other, after some time, whenever. Ɓila-ɓila miwawai te anamiu. Kapan-kapan mengantar anak kalian. Bring your son along sometime. Ɓila-ɓila kamileu. Kapan-kapan lagi baru datang. Come again in a few days. Ɓila-ɓila katoleu. Tidak terlalu lama, kami akan datng lagi. We'll come again in a little while. ɓilaa conj. lama-kelamaan. when at last, eventually. Sabucuno ri'iko, ɓilaando lumingka, ndoleuho ɗuka saaɗe kampo. Setelah itu, lama-kelamaan mereka. After that, when at last they set off, they came to another village. ɓilaako conj. nanti. later. saɓilano conj. setelah. when, after. ɓile-ɓile n. sj ikan. needleskin queenfish. Scomberoides tol Cuvier. ɓili n. otot (badan). muscle (of body). 2) banir, akar banir (pohon). buttress root (of tree). ɓilino pu'uno ra'u akar banir pohon ra'u buttress root of the ra'u**** tree koɓili vi. berotot; berbanir, berakar banir. having muscles, muscled; having buttress roots. ɓimbi vt [-ho]. menjinjing. carry something hanging from one's hand (as a bucket of water). ɓincu vt [-o]. mencabut. pull out, remove (as when

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



ɓinde transplanting a plant, or a nail from a board). moɓincu paso mencabut paku (memakai palu) pull out nails (with a hammer) Imopii ngisindo. Ndohule ɓumincu'o ri'ita i Ereke. Giginya sakit. Dia pergi mencabutnya di sana di Ereke. His tooth hurts. He's gone to have it pulled there in Ereke. peɓincu vi. ****. pull, extract (from oneself). Ihule mebincu ngisino. Dia pergi bercabut giginya. He went to have his tooth pulled. ɓincuki vt [-o]. mencabut beberapa kali, mencabut banyak. pull out all over, pull out lots, pull out repeatedly. Amara Rabungkowala, kai ɓincukio ni'i. Mengamuk Rabungkowala, kemudian ia cabut pohon kelapa. Rabungkowala got mad, and he pulled up coconut palms all over. teɓincu vn. tercabut. pulled out. ɓinde vt [-'o]. membuka dgn menindis pinggirnya (spt luka, kelapak mata, dsb). open or reveal by pushing back on the edges (as a wound, the eye, etc.). Lihatlah: renga. ɓingku n. beliung. carpenter's adze. ɓinsa n. ****. traditional, one-time-use weight (rock) used when bottom fishing, in order to get a fishing line to the sea floor. peɓinsa memakai *****. use this kind of weight when fishing. ɓintani vt [-o]. meninggalkan. leave. Iɓintani kampo ɓei lako kumaraja i kota. Dia meninggalkan kampung untuk pergi bekerja di kota. I left the village to go work in the city. ɓintanio đunia meninggal dunia leave this world, die ɓio n. 1) telur. egg, roe. ɓiono puyung telur burung puyuh pigeon eggs ɓiono manu telur ayam chicken egg ɓiono siɓa telur-telur ikan cakalang roe of the skipjack tuna 2) kacang. nut. ɓiono jambu kacang mete cashew nut 3) buah pelir. testicle. ɓiono mia buah_pelir testicle ɓire n. kain hiasan yg dipasang pd langit-langit. a decorative border hung around around the top of a room where the walls meet the ceiling. Lihatlah: langi-langi. ɓiri n. telinga. ear. ɓiri mansinga telinga lebar ears that stick out koɓiri vi. bertalinga. eared, having ears. tonde ngkoɓiri ****** glass with a handle ɓiri-ɓiri wembe cmpd n. ****. k.o. thistle. ɓiri makuni cmpd n. a kind of fish, the purpleheaded emperor. Lethrinus lentjan Lacap磥. b*irita n. pohon dungun. the keeled-pod mangrove, also known as the looking-glass mangrove. Heritiera littoralis Dryand. 10/4/2013

ɓisa1 n. bisa, racun. poison. Lihatlah: pandita, racu. ɓisa2 n. dukun. shaman. bisikoe biskwit. commercially made crackers and cookies.

ɓisoko vt [-'o]. menyalahkan, menyatakan atau memandang salah. ascribe fault to, declare or regard to be in the wrong. ɓisu n. bisul pd umumnya, tetapi terutama yg di betis, paha atau pantat. abcess or boil in general, but particularly one on the legs or buttocks. ɓitacu n. kepiting kenari, ketam kenari. coconut crab. Birgus latro L. ɓiwia n. sm siput. k.o. univalve mollusk. ɓo prep. untuk ****; calon. for, indicating recipient or future intention; future, intended. Ɓo hapa gunano? Untuk apa gunanya? What is this for? (lit. For what is its use?) Lewe a'ai ɓo pembulu. Daun ini untuk sayuran. These leaves are for vegetables. La Misi-misikini a'iso io ɓo ana moniano. Si Miskin adalah calon anak menantunya. La Miskin was his future son-inlaw. bobato n. ****. the rank of traditional village headman (of which there were seven in the native system of governance). bobo vi. mengomel. speak angrily, speak rebukingly. I'awaomo mia ɗamo kumora bumobo. ***** He met a man who was speaking harshly. boboki vt [-o]. memerahi. rebuke, become angry at. ɓoɓo n. sisa-sisa padi di kebun setelah dipanen. rice stalks remaining in a field after harvest. peɓoɓo vi. mengambil sisa-sisa padi; biasanya dikumpulkan ke dalam langka-langka (sm kerangjang) dan tidak diikat. collect rice leftover from harvesting; it is usually collected into a langka-langka (k.o. basket) rather than tied into bundles.

ɓoɓoo1 teɓoɓoo vi. beserdawa. belch.

ɓoɓoto vn. bodi

bulat, berbentuk silinder. round, cylindrical. Lihatlah: malimbu. n. 1) perahu lesung, perahu yg berupa sebatang pohon kayu yg dikeruk. dugout, a small boat made from the hollowed trunk of a tree. Ɗaaho bodi ri'asoa i rahando Nasir. ***** ***** 2) bagian badan bahara yg terdiri atas sebatang pohon kayu yg dikeruk; *****. the dugout bottom of a banca; also any banca so constructed. bodino ɓangka badan perahu the dugout bottom of a boat bodi pinapa sj perahu kecil yg terbuat dr ****; kalau bermotor, juga disebut katinti a kind of small boat constructed from a dugout bottom supplied with one (or

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




more) strakes of planks as siding; when supplied with an inboard motor it is also called a katinti) Lihatlah: ɓangka, katinti. ɓoe excl. kata seru kelumpuhan atau keheranan, wah! an exclamation of consternation or profound surprise, argh, hey, darn, shucks, shoot, phooey! Ɓoe! Wah! (kegelapan karena mati lampu) Hey! (lights unexpectedly go out, leaving people in the dark) Ɓoe, ilembo. Wah, tertumpah dan merembet. Darn, it's spilled and spread all over. Ɓoe, nai ɗa'a, ilimba. Wah, tidak ada, dia keluar. (ketika sudah berjalan jauh untuk menemukannya) Phooey, he's not here, he's gone out. (when one has walked some distance to their house) Ɓoe, tei ompole ana gogi! Wah, banyak sekali anak-anak! Argh, how many noisy children there are! ɓoe1 n. helai. piece (of string). bogoro n. bayam putih. k.o. amaranth with a white inflorescence. Amaranthus spp.

ɓohe peɓohe vi.

memanggil dng mengucapkan "Bohe!", memanggil dng kasar. call using "Bohe!", call harshly.

boi peboi vi. ****. play house.

ɓoi ɓoɓoi vt

[-ho]. panggil, memanggil. call. Toɓoɓoiho anamai kato hule mompoɗo io wacu toko pondai-ndai langi. Kita panggil anak kita untuk pergi memoton batu tinggi sampai di langit. We'll call our son and we'll go cut down a tall rock which reaches to the dome of the sky. ɓoka1 n. bilangan uang pada mahar (mas kawin). sum of money given as brideprice. Lihatlah: popolo. ɓoka2 vt [-'o]. menyebut. mention, tell. Hinapo kuɓoka'o. Saya belum menyebutnya. I've not told anyone about it yet. Ehe kuɓoka'o. Saya ingin menyebutnya. I want to tell it. ɓokasako vt [-ø]. mengungkapkan. disclose, reveal. ɓoke n. persambungan. cockfight. Ɓeku siko-sikorimo ɓoke ɗeeɗeno. **** I'm waiting for the cockfight to begin momentarily. — vi. menyabung ayam dengan memakai taji. fight cocks using spurs. Lihatlah: ɗulambata, perumpa [rumpa]. ɓoke'a n. tempat persambungan ayam. place where cockfights are held, cockfighting ring or pit. ɓoke1 n. berkas, ikat. bundle, sheaf. saɓoke opae satu berkas padi one sheaf of rice — vt [-'o]. mengikat, menambatkan. tie, tie 16

around, bundle, tether.

kaɓoke n. 1) tali untuk mengikat bungkus kecil, terutama tali agal (serat dr daun pohon gebang). string used for tying small bundles, especially gebanga (leaf fiber from the gebang palm). kaɓokeno lapa-lapa tali agal untuk mengikat lapa-lapa gebanga for tying rice packets 2) ikat kepala. headband. kaɓokeno rapa ikat kepala headband ɓokeo n. suami. husband. Kegunaan: istilah tidak lazim lagi. archaic. Lihatlah: ɓangkele. ɓoke-ɓokeo n. 1) orang laki-laki yang tua sekali. very old man. 2) sm semut hitam, besarnya sedang, sarannya di rumput dan daun-daun. k.o. medium-sized blank ant which makes its nest in grass and leaves. ɓoko1 Lihatlah: kaɓokola. ɓoko2 n. sm ikan. fusilier. ɓoko memea cmpd n. sm ikan. dark-banded fusilier. Pterocaesio tile Cuvier. ɓoko moijo cmpd n. sj ikan. blue and gold fusilier. Caesio caerulaurea Lacep<e`>de. ɓoko mokuni iki cmpd n. sj ikan. a kind of fish, the yellow and blueback fulilier. Caesio teres Seale. ɓoko3 vi. keram, rasa keram dan sakit pd paha atau lengan. have cramps, feel cramps and pain in the limbs. ɓokoto vn. hangus sekali, hangus betul, kering betul sampai menjadi hitam. exceedingly burnt, burnt to a crisp, burnt black. Lihatlah: lupu. boku n. buku. book. ɓoku n. niat hati, suara niat. longing, desire, aim. ɓoku i nganga oraha **** one's heart's desire ɓokuru n. sm burung. k.o. bird.

ɓolo ɓolo mbici cmpd n. bagian kaki ****. part of the leg immediately below the calf.

ɓolo vt [-ho]. mengganti (barang pakaian). change (an article of clothing).

peɓolo vi. mengganti baju. change clothes. pengkaɓolo bergantian. replace one another (one after the other by turns).

ɓolosi vt [-o]. menganti (baju, piring yang pecah, dsb.). replace, change (as clothes, a broken dish, etc.). Toɓolosio ɓa'ono, imoɗakimo. Kami menggangti atap, sudah rusak itu. We're changing the roofing thatch, it's worn out. kaɓolosi n. pengganti, imbalan. substitute, replacement. kabolosino jasa imbalan jasa recompense for services boloku n. katrol. pulley. ɓolomea vi. 1) kemerah-merahan kulitnya krn kena sinar mata hari. sunburned, sunburnt. 2) menjadi

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merah mukanya (karena marah atau emosi). blush, become flushed (with anger or other emotion). ɓolonta n. lubang pd lantai rumah panggung. hole in the floor of a raised house. ɓolucu n. akar nafas bentuk paku seperti terdapat pada sm pohon bakau. spike breathing root as found in certain species of mangrove trees. Lihatlah: kacuu-cuu, haka lengka. ɓoncu n. pohon waru. the sea hibiscus tree. Hibiscus tiliaceus L. Lihatlah: tokulo. ɓondulu n. sikat mencuci pakaian. scrub brush, brush for washing clothes. ɓone n. pasir. sand. ɓongka vt [-'o]. membuka. open, pull apart (as the two halves of a bivalve). moɓongka perongka membuka **** open cockleshells ɓongka manu cmpd n. ****. cock's crow. ɓongkara vt [-'o]. membongkar (barang dr kapal, dsb). unload (cargo from a ship, etc.). Ɓongkara'o pae asoa. Bongkarlah beras itu. Unload that rice. Ɗamo ɓumongkara. Sedang membongkar. They're unloading. ɓongkela n. pinggul. hip, including the upper part of the buttock.

ɓongko moɓongko vn. tengik, berbau busuk. putrid, foulsmelling.

ɓongo1 n. tumbung (bakal tumbuhan pada buah kelapa). haustorium (the round seed bud or 'apple' which forms inside a germinating coconut). Searti: para.

ɓongo2 moɓongo vn. bodoh. stupid. koɓongo-ɓongo vi. bodoh,

setengah gila. unskilled, stupid, unbalanced, not all there. Tokoɓongo-ɓongo mekue. Kami bodoh membikin kue. We don't know how to make cakes. Lihatlah: lolu. ɓonto-ɓonto n. sm ikan. k.o. fish, a lizardfish or grinner.

ɓoo ɓoonopo apa lagi. even less so, let alone. Saangkinomo tantarahako i lipu a'ai hinamo ndopokopepateo ɓoonopo ana ngkana ingko'o nahina iɗumaa ewangau. Sedang tentaratentara negeri ini sudah tidak sanggup membunuhnya. Even all the soldiers of this country weren't able to kill it, even less so a youth like you who has no weapons. booba n. sm belalang. k.o. green grasshopper with long legs and a long neck. Lihatlah: kaɓoɓoro, kocumba. ɓooko vn. tuli. deaf. 10/4/2013

ɓora vt [-ho]. merobek. tear. Lihatlah: ɓere, ciha, tere.

ɓoriɓi Bentuk lain: ɓoruɓi. n. sirip punggung ikan. dorsal fin of a fish.

ɓoro n. ingus. mucus from the nose. Lihatlah: roga. koɓoro %%. beringus. have a runny nose.

boro1 n. bor. drill, awl. — vt [-'o]. membor. drill, bore. Ndoboro'o tontono ni'i. Mereka membor di bawah pohon kelapa. They bored underneath a coconut tree. boro2 vt [-'o]. mengambil semua, membeli semua, memborong. take everything, take something in its entirety, buy someone out (often with the intention of reselling at a higher price). Boro'o saluwuo a'ai! Ambil semua ini! Take it all! ɓorombonga n. sj setan di alam bebas, bisa terbang. k.o. free-ranging evil spirit that is able to fly. ɓorona n. sm ikan. spinefoot (fish). Siganus spp. borosu n. bros. brooch. ɓoru n. tudung. coolie hat, a wide-brimmed hat worn for protection against rain and sun. ɓorungi vt [-o]. memayungi. shade or shield someone from rain or sun, especially by using a bhoru. peɓorungi vi. berpayung. shade oneself. Kei mopii oleo, ndopeɓorungiako io sawu. Kalau panas mata hari, mereka berpayung dengan sarung. If the sun was hot, they used sarongs as sunshades. mboru-mboru n. **** sm gubuk. a roof without a peak, a roof or section thereof which slopes in one direction only (for example, that part of the roof which covers a porch); also referring to small, temporary shelters with this kind of roof, a lean-to. ɓoruɓi Lihatlah: ɓoriɓi. ɓorucu n. sj ikan. blotched porcupinefish. Diodon liturosus Shaw. Searti: buncici. ɓose n. dayung. paddle. Lihatlah: jao. — vi. mengayuh. paddle, row. bose i sambali mendayung ke seberang row across to the other side Lihatlah: gai, hui. pekaɓosei vi. memancing *****. go fishing in an unmotorized boat.

ɓosi moɓosi vn. busuk. stinky, rotten, gone bad. moɓosi unse busuk ketiak stinking of sweat

kaɓosila vn. berbau_busuk (umpamanya daging yg busuk). smell bad, smell rotten (for example the stench of rotting flesh). ɓosiki vt [-o]. menghaluskan kapas sebelum membuat benang. dress cotton fibers prior to spinning.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




bosu n. bos. boss. ɓosu n. tempayan, berisi 5-10 liter. water jar holding 5-10 liters.

ɓosulei kaɓosulei kerangka.

frame. kaɓosuleino patowala kerangka patowala frame of a kite

ɓota moɓota vn. pecah, bocor, dgn isinya berkeluar. broken, punctured, leaking, have contents coming out. ɓote n. 1) letus. explosion. 2) berondong jagung. popcorn, popped corn. — vi. meletus. explode. Iɓote hulu pađamara. Meletus pelita. The kerosene lamp exploded. boti n. sj perahu layar tradisional, perahu lambo. k.o. traditional sailing boat, a trading sloop. Lihatlah: ɓangka, paɗewaka. ɓoto n. 1) badan. body. Ɗai maina mopiihano i ɓotou? Dimanakah badanmu yang dirasa sakit? Where are the places which hurt on your body? Searti: bađa. 2) buah, biji, kata penjodoh umum untuk menghitung. fruit, nut; used as generic classifier for counting objects. saɓoto ɓeau satu biji kemiri one candlenut saɓo-saɓotondo satusatu bijinya one piece for each of them Kalimbungomiu, sahapa rua ɓoto? Kepala mudamu, berapa dua buah? How much for two of your young coconuts? Nai lembahi a'iko ipo'onto saɓoto kapala mobula. Tidak lama kemudian, ia lihat sebuah kapal putih. Not long after that, he saw a white boat. ɓoto-ɓoto n. sm ikan. mackeral scad. Decapterus macarellus Cuvier. botolo n. botol. bottle. bo'u-bo'u n. jergen, jeriken. jerrycan.


beras, dsb. wood weevils and other small woodor grain-eating insects. bubuno pae bubuk yang makan beras weevils found in rice bubuno gandu bubuk yang makan biji jagung weevils found in corn kernels bubuno keu bubuk yg makan kayu wood weevil, furniture beetle 2) bubuk, serbuk atau tepung halus dr serangga itu. frass, the fine debris which is produced by these insects. kobubu %%. berbubuk. having weevils, eaten by weevils. bubu2 vt [-'o]. mencabut. pull apart. Lihatlah: rabu. tebubu vn. ambruk, beratakan. pulled apart. bubuci vt [-o]. mencabut. pull out. mobubuci wuluno manu membului manuk pluck chicken feathers bubu3 gelembung udara yg keluar dr air. bubbles of air coming out of water. mata bubu mata air yg bergelembung-gelembung bubbling spring bubusi vt [-o]. menuangi. pour liquid out on. mobubusi koburu menuangi kubur pour water on a grave (traditional activity carried out prior to Holy Days)

bubu4 kabubu n. ****. earthenware baking cover.

bubuno n.

duku, langsat. langsat. Lansium domesticum Correa. buburu n. ****. sweet porridge made from mung beans and sticky rice. bubuu1 n. sm burung. k.o. bird. bubuu2 n. sm ikan. k.o. fish, striped in front, dotted in back. Lihatlah: goo-goo, kumii.

buci kobuci-buci vi. makan makanan ringan saja.

kabua n. 1) tali kail, tali pancing. fishing line. 2) tali layang-layang. flying line of a kite. pekabua vi. memancing. use a fishing line; fish, angle. Tolako mekabua kananeano tabeano poone buso. Biasanya kami pergi memancing nanti kalau air naik. We usually go fishing only if it's high tide. bua malaka Bentuk lain: buah malaka. n. jambu biji, jambu batu. guava. Psidium guajava L. bua-buaea n. linggi dalam pd bagian depan perahu. inner deck near the bow of a boat. buaea n. buaya. crocodile. bua-buaea n. sm ikan. a kind of fish, the fringeeyed flathead. Papilloculiceps nematophthalmus G er.

buantere tebuantere vn. jatuh di pantat atau belakang, dng tangan dan kakinya terbuka. fall on one's bottom 18

or back, with the arms and legs splayed.

bubu1 n. 1) bubuk, sm serangga yg suka makan kayu,

nibble around, snack around, not eat a full meal (as someone during the fasting month). bucu Asal: PMP *butun 'a shore tree: Barringtonia spp.'. n. pohon butun atau butung, juga disebut pohon putat laut. sea poison tree, also called the fish poison tree. Barringtonia asiatica (L.) Kurz. bucu1 vi. menginap di suatu tempat selain rumah sendiri. stay overnight, overnight somewhere that is not one's home. Maina mibucu? Di mana engkau menginap? Where did you spend the night? bucungi vt [-o]. meninggalkan sesuatu untuk diambil pd saat lain. leave something somewhere to be retrieved later. bucua n. tempat menginap. place where one spends the night. Bucuano i maina? Di mana tempatnya menginap? Where is he staying? sabucu vn. 1) satu tempat, tepat, bertepatan, sesuai.

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be in one place or location, coincide, be aligned. Ɓei sabucu te namu-namunto... Kalau mau sesuai dengan angan-angan kita... If it is to coincide with our intentions... Sabucu teleumiu. Kedatangan kalian tepat waktu (tepat dengan janji). Your arrival was right on schedule (just when you said you would come). 2) setelah, segera sesudah. after, immediately following. Sabucuno, ɗumaamo ɗuka andino. Setelah itu, sudah ada lagi adiknya. After that, his younger brother was also born. bue1 n. dondongan. swing cradle. pocuri bue tidur di dondangan sleep in a swing cradle — vt [-ho]. mengayun, mendorong sehingga berayun. swing, push something so that it swings or sways. Bueho kai mbalola. Doronglah supaya **** Push it so that it really swings. bue-bue vt [-ho]. mengayunambungkan. swing or rock back and forth. Lihatlah: undu-undu. pebue ****. swing (oneself) in a swing. pebue'a ****. ****. Nopolohemo sawundo i sampano ɓo pebue'ando kando pocuri. Mereka menggantungkan sarung mereka di cabang sebagai ****. They hung their sarongs on a branch as a hammock and they slept. kobue-bue vi. bergoyang-goyang. swing, dangle. kabue-bue n. ayunan, buaian anak-anak (spt dibuat dr ban yg lama, umpananya), kadangkadang juga disebut bue. a child's play swing (such as might be made from an old tire), sometimes also referred to as a bue.

bue2 kabue-bue sanjungan.


praise, honor. kabue-bueno Nab*i sanjungan Nabi praise in honor of the Prophet n. sm kerang bercangkang ganda. k.o. small marine clam living in sandy areas, the shell is very thin.

buka bukaa puasa cmpd n. pembukaan puasa. the breaking of a fast.

buke vn. penuh. full. Lihatlah: lewi. buku n. ruas (bambu, tebu, dsb). node (of bamboo, sugarcane, etc.). Bukuno towu hiina ikinaa. Ruas tebu tidak dimakan. Sugarcane joints are not eaten. bukuno hiku nph. sendi siku. elbow joint. buku-buku sm kerang laut. k.o. small triton. bukulale n. pergelangan (kaki atau lima). ankle, wrist. bukurou n. sm ikan. false scorpionfish. Centrogenys vaigiensis Quoy & Gaimard. bukutii n. bukti, tanda bukti. proof, evidence. bula Asal: PMP *bulan 'unnaturally white, albino'. 10/4/2013

kabula n. putihnya. whiteness. mobula vn. putih. white, pale. mobula ngkapa cmpd vn. pucat (msl oleh karena sakit atau ketakutan), keputih-putihan. pale, wan (as from fright or illness), whitish. pembula %%. ****. ****. bulacu n. burung pelatuk-kelabu sulawesi. ashy woodpecker. Mulleripicus fulvus. bulalaa n. laba-laba kecil. a species of small spider.

bulalu bula-bulaluno cuu nph.

tempurung lutut. kneecap. Lihatlah: kolungkuno cuu. bulawa n. emas. gold. bule vn. meninggal bapaknya atau mamanya, menjadi yatim. lose a parent (mother or father). Ibulemo. Dia yatim. He has lost a parent. bule mpa'i cmpd n. yatim piatu. orphan, a child who has lost both parents. ana bule cmpd n. anak yatim. fatherless or motherless child, a child who has lost one parent.

bulele bulelenga ****. ****. raha bulelenga ***** discussion house

bulengke tebulengke vn. terbeliak, terpesona. wide-eyed, spellbound.

bulense n. bahasa makian, ucapan cuki mai (khusus untuk laki-laki). cuss words, swear words, abusive language (especially that of men). tebulense vn. memaki. swear, cuss, use abusive language. Teu tebulense ingko'o a'iko. Cuki mai kamu itu. My goodness, how you swear! buli n. pohon tancang, sj pohon bakau. large-leaved mangrove. Bruguiera gymnorhiza (L.) Savigny. buli-buli1 n. dubur, termasuk ****. anal region, including the sphincter. Lihatlah: puri, kuɗu. buli-buli2 n. ****. sea fern. bulilaka n. isi perut ikan bungambau, enak dimakan. ****. bulili vi. berputar. turn around, go back. Lihatlah: lili. pebulili vi. berputar-putar (terutama ****). spin around (especially the spinning around of childinitiates at the commencement of the circumcision ceremony). petaa-taabulili vi. berputar-putar, ****. walk in circles, go around or pace around in circles. bulili vi. berbelok. turn. Ɗa b*umulili, motorono itesindarako banno kai cuuna. Saat berbelok, tiba-tiba motornya selip sendiri dan terjatuh. As he was turning, his motorcycle skidded and fell over. bulolo n. pucuk pohon yg tinggi, terutama yg muncul

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




****. upper branch or bough, especially a terminus that emerges from the main profile of the tree. bulolono mpa'i-pa'ino pucuk pohon yg paling tinggi the topmost bough of a tree bulonso n. lubang palka. hatch of a boat.


bunga raja.

bunga2 n. bunga uang. interest, yield (on an investment).

bunga3 n. gerakan dan irama langkah dalam

mata bulonto cmpd n. sm siput air luat. k.o. marine snail.

bulu1 bulusi vt [-o]. menyiram. pour. bulusako vt [-ø]. menuangkan, membuang (isi yg cair). pour out, throw out, discard (liquid contents). Lihatlah: sali. tebulu vn. tertumpah. spilled. bulusa n. loyang. k.o. wooden tray or bowl. Lihatlah: katoa. bulu2 n. lapisan beludru yg menutupi tanduk rusa. velvet (of deer antlers). tandu bulu tanduk rusa yg masih berbeludru velvet antler bulugo n. sm batu karang yg bundar-bundar, spt ****. coral formation with a round or globular structure, such as ****. Lihatlah: saasa. bulugo molori cmpd n. sm batu karang. k.o. hard coral. buluo n. sm kerang bercangkang ganda. k.o. edible mussel. Lihatlah: perangka. bulusa Lihatlah: bulu. bumbunga n. bumbungan. ridgepole. bunci n. naik merah, punya nanah. bunci molala cmpd n. daerah pd kulit yg bengkak dan merah, pusatnya putih dan bernanah. large pustule or boil with a raised, white center. Imoneno ra'ino, poone bunci molala. Dia berbintil-bintil pada dahinya, lalu naik daerah putih. She had several pustules on her forehead, which have developed white centers. Lihatlah: moneno [neno]. buncici n. sm ikan. spineless pufferfishes, including the fine-spined puffer fish Tylerius spinosisissimus Regan and the narrow--lined toadfish Arothron manillensis de Proc<e'>. Searti: ɓorucu. buncu muncul bengkak. swell up. Ibuncumo kuɗuno temo ta'ino. Pantatnya muncul bengkak karena sudah ada tahinya. The bottom (of his pants) swelled out with poop. Asal: cf PMP *buntut 'rear end of a chicken'. bundoloho n. bisul di perut. abcess, boil on the belly. bunga1 n. kembang, bunga hiasan. decorative flower. Lihatlah: wulele, roe. bunga mboro cmpd n. anemon laut. sea anemone. %%. bunga raja Bentuk lain: wunga raja. cmpd n. kayu singapura, bunga pagar. lantana, also 20

known as Spanish flag. Lantana camara L.

bunga-bunga nta'a manu = bunga raja. =

permainan silat. rythmic arm and leg movements when miming self-defence. bungambau n. sm ikan. yellow-lined seapearch. Lutjanus rufolineatus Valenciennes. Lihatlah: bulilaka, katamba. bungi n. busung pasir. sandbank. bungka n. kemaluan perempuan. vagina. Searti: beka, bi'i, cire, para. bungkaka n. sm burung. k.o. bird. bungkeke n. sm ketam. k.o. crab of mangrove forests. bungko vi. bungkuk, bongkok. stooped, hunched. kobungko-bungko vi. berjongkok. squat. Lihatlah: cucua, kohongko-hongko [hongko], kontanda-ntanda [ntanda]. bungkoloko1 n. sm burung. k.o. bird. bungkoloko2 n. undur-undur. antlion, doodlebug. bungku n. punggung. back (of body). Lihatlah: toruku. tebungku vn. pulang. returned, gone back. bungku ngkaru cmpd n. kura-kura kaki. instep of the foot. bungkusu n. bungkus. package, wrapper. bunsoso n. ikan paus. whale. bunu vt [-'o]. membelah, mengiris (spt semangka, timun, kela, dsb). cut, slice (as watermelon, cucumber, pumpkin, etc.). bunu'o tempat tertampungnya ikan pd sero. holding pen of a wier trap. Lihatlah: ɓala, kaɓetahi. buo vn. tunggal, satu-satunya. single, lone, sole. Rusa i Kolensusu, cumpe-cumpeno kumotandu ngeeno tandu buo. Rusa di Kulisusu, pertama-tama bertanduk, namanya tanduk tunggal (tidak bercabang). As for deer in Kulisusu, the first time they grow a horn it is called the spike (unbranched) antler. bura1 n. busa. foam. bura2 n. bedak, pupur. powder, especially powder for use on the skin or face. bura mpae bedak beras (dipakai sebagai bedak dingin) rice powder (used on the skin as a protectant against the sun) — vt [-'o]. 1) membubuk. pulverize. mobura kundaro pinu'ai ***** pulverize tumeric which has been dried in the sun 2) membedaki. powder, apply powder to. Leupo ri'ai, kuburakopo. Datang sini, saya membedaki engkau. Come here, let me powder you.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




pebura vi. memakai bedak, membedaki dirinya. use powder, apply powder to oneself. pebura mpae memakai bedak beras pd kulit (sbg bedak dingin) use rice powder on the skin (as a protectant against the sun) buranga n. melukut, menir, pecahan beras (dr proses menumbuk padi). small pieces of broken rice kernels (which result from the process of pounding rice). burasa n. ****. rice cooked in banana leaves.

bure1 bure wacu cmpd n. kerikil, batu kecil. gravel, pebble.

bure2 n. sm tumbuhan. k.o. tall plume grass, some probably to 10 and 12 feet tall, the inflouresence white, fuzzy, the leaves up to three feet long, often with a long thin brown tip. buri n. ****. line, scratch, mark, marking, writing. buri-burino lima rajah tangan, garis-garis pada tangan lines in the palm of the hand Io toke, memea hako burino; imo'uso hako ɗuka burino. **** The tokay lizard — vi vt [-'o]. menulis. write. koburi %%. ****. marked, with markings; spotted, speckled (of chickens). buri-buri n. sm ikan. corseletted frigate mackerel. Auxis rochei Risso. buriranga n. sm burung. k.o. bird. buro vi. berhenti (hujan). abate, subside (of rain). Buromo waho. Hujan sudah berhenti. It's stopped raining. buropo waho nanti habis hujan later when the rain has stopped burori vt [-o]. mengorek telinga. clean the ears. burorio n. se**** bulu ayam, ***** untuk mengorek telinga. a chicken feather, stripped of barbs except for the tip, used for cleaning the ears. buroto n. nyamuk besar, ****. large mosquito, a carrier of malaria. Lihatlah: pepi. buru1 vt [-ho]. menggulung (tali dsb) berbentuk bola.

roll, wind (string, etc.) into a ball. — vi. simpul. balled, knotted. ia bumuru urat simpul varicose veins — n. gulung, gulungan (benang, tali, dsb). ball (of yarn, twine, etc.). kaɓokeno lapa-lapa saburu segulung tali agal untuk mengikat |fv(lapa-lapa) one ball of bast fiber for tying |fv(lapa-lapa) Lihatlah: pare. kaburuha n. 1) gulungan. ball. 2) alat penggulung, kiri-kiri. spool, reel. buru2 vt [-ho]. melawan, dan pelawannya tidak membalas. fight against an opponent who does not fight back. pekaburu baku melawan. fight against each other. buru3 %%. pekerjaan kasar. menial labor. burungo n. sm siput. k.o. univalve mollusk. Lihatlah: laɓangkura. buso vi. pasang. high tide. Ɓei buso. Mau pasang. It's approaching high tide. Isungkumo buso. Air pasang sudah penuh. It's full high tide. I'olaro buso; deedeno mo'oci topo'onto pongoci hako arua i Kumapa. Air dalam karena pasang; sebentar nanti kita pergi melihat siput-siput di sana di Kumapa. It is deep with the high tide; later when it's shallow water we'll go look at shellfish at Kumapa. poone buso clause_idiom. air pasang. rising tide.

busu tebusu vn. ****. experiencing weakness in the hand or foot.

buto mobuto vn. layuh, hampir mati; tidak segar lagi, sudah layu. feeble, debilitated, about to expire; no longer fresh, withered.

butu mobutu vn. **** 'layung'. ****. Hinai mobutu ihino? **** ****

buu-buu n. burung bubut sulawesi. a bird, the bay coucal. Centropus celebensis Quoy & Gaimard.

C - c -Ca Bentuk lain: -ha, -'a. sfx. locative suffix. cabo n. sabun. soap. cabo peɓaho sabun mandi hand soap cabo petotapi sabun cuci pakaian laundry soap cangkiri n. cangkir. cup, teacup. cangkuni n. sm kue. k.o. pastry made from glutinous rice flour, wrapped and steamed in banana 10/4/2013


ceme n. cemer, cemeh (sm permainan kartu judi). kind of gambling game resembling baccarat.

cengke n. cengkeh. clove tree, cloves. Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Perry.

cere n. cerek, teko. kettle, teapot. ceta vt [-'o]. mencetak. mold, form. monceta batako

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




mencetak batako make cement blocks using molds Keto ceta'o leweno punci, ngeeno tumpi-tumpi. Kalau kita mencetak dengan daun pisang, namanya "tumpi-tumpi". If we press it into shape in banana leaves, it's called "tumpitumpi". cia1 n. perut. belly. mencia vn. hamil. pregnant, showing. pokomencia vt [-'o]. berzinah, terutama laki-laki yg menghamilkan perempuan dan tidak bertanggung jawab. fornicate, especially for a man to get a girl pregnant out of wedlock and not take responsibility for it. cia2 vt [-'o]. memberi. give. ciahako vt [-%]. memberikan. give. kacia n. pemberian. something which is given, a gift. kaciano walingku pemberian temanku something which my friend gave me pocia ****. payment made to a priest for services performed. Tolawaciomo pociano La Goi a'ai. **** **** (said when making a payment to a priest) pocia'a n. pemberian. dividing, division. pocia'ano mia mate **** dividing of a dead person's belongings (usually conducted the fortieth day after the person has been buried)

ciɓampuhe peciɓa-ciɓampuhe vi. tidak pakai kemeja. go shirtless.

cici mocici kehabisan airnya, tidak lagi mengeluarkan air (msl sesuatu yg dijepit atau diperas). run out of liquid, no more liquid coming out (e.g. of something which is being pressed, squeezed or wrung). Penangku imocicimo mansino. Penaku kehabisan mangsinya. My pen has run out of ink. mociciha n. tempat kehabisan. place of running out. wita mociciha tanah genting isthmus

cicimpoloi pecicimpoloi vi. (anak kecil) menghalang orang dewasa yg mau mengerjakan sesuatu. interfer (by small children) with adult work that needs to be done.

ciciro penciciro vi. melihat ke bawah. look downward.

cid*ahi pecid*ahi vi. menghentak kaki saat tidur. thrust with the legs while sleeping.

cid*o vt [-ho]. ****. ****. cigi pecigi vi. ****. move a fishing line up and down (to attract prey).

pecigi-cigi vi. ****. move a fishing line up and down (with multiple tugs). 22

ciha vt [-'o]. merobek, menyobek. tear, rip. Ndomokora monciha leweno ni'i. **** They worked at splitting coconut leaves (to make lapa-lapa coverings) Lihatlah: ɓere, ɓora, tere. mociha vn. robek, celah. torn, split. wita mociha tanah yg celah fissured ground mociha'a bagian atau tempat yg robek, retakan. (place of) a tear or split. mociha'ano wita retakan tanah fissure, crevass cii1 vt [-ho]. mencocokkan (ikan), mengikat (ikan) pd insangnya. string (fish) together through the gills. — n. ikat (ikan). a string (of fish). cii2 vi. sampai ke dasat laut. touching or reaching to the sea bed. Icii ka hiina? Sampai (galahmu) ke dasar laut atau tidak? Does it (your pole) touch bottom or not? cii3 vi. 1) surut, turun, reda. subside, abate, calm down, settle. Iciimo oci. Sudah surut air laut. The tide has subsided. 2) ****. when processing coconut oil, having reached the stage at which the dregs have separated and fallen to the bottom. Ɓei ciimo mina? **** Are the dregs about ready to settle? (Are you almost done making oil?). — n. 1) that which calms or settles. ciino larondo sesuatu yang menyenangkan hatinya something which pleases his heart 2) ****. the dregs left from processing coconut oil. ciino mina **** coconut oil dregs Searti: ta'i lana. pacii vt [-'o]. meredakan. soothe, calm, settle. mompacii larono mia imoiko **** **** Io ɓakeno kontawu, imembali togigio jadi bura, topacii'o kato ɓasiako e'eno. Kita bisa memarut buah kontawu sampai bedak. Kita meredakan, lalu kita membuang airnya. The kontawu fruit, it's possible to grate it into a powder. We let it drain and throw away the liquid. cii laro clause_idiom. senang, senang hati, puas. have a calm and happy heart, be pleased, be satisfied. Icii larondo mia i Kolensusu. Orang Kulisusu puas People in Kulisusu are happy. Tarima kasih. I cii larongku. Terimah kasih. Saya senang sekali. Thank you. I'm very pleased. Icii larongku minsaɓa. Saya senang kamu datang. I'm so pleased that you came. cii4 vi. sm kemasukan setan. become possessed by an evil spirit. cika vt [-'o]. menombak (ikan) dengan serampang. spear using a fishing spear. kancika n. serampang, trisula. spear for fishing, usually supplied with several points. Lihatlah: pangisi, sarampa-2, sosapa.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




— vt [-'o]. menombak (ikan) dengan serampang. hunt using a fishing spear. ciko n. sm ikan. goatfish. ciko bungkala cmpd n. sm ikan. striped goat fish. Upeneus vittatus. ciku vt [-'o]. mengelilingi. go around, circumnavigate. Minciku'o. **** You sure get around. Mincikuomo milingka. Kamu sudah keliling. You've been to lots of places. ciku-ciku n. sekeliling. around, surrounding. i ciku-ciku penciku-ciku vi. berbandar-bandar. go round, circle, make circles (around a central object). cilapu n. kutu ayam. chicken louse. kocilapu vi. berkutu ayam. lousey, infested with chicken lice. cile n. kemaluan perempuan (bahasa kasar). vagina, pussy (coarse word). Searti: beka, bi'i, bungka. ciled*ahu n. sm kerang. k.o. edible univalve of mangrove swamps.

cimba papocimba-cimba vt

[-ho]. bersusun-susun *****. set or arrange in cross-wise layers. Lihatlah: papotapi-tapi [tapi-1]. cimbangi vt [-o]. menimbangkan. weigh on scales. kancimbangi n. 1) timbangan, penimbang. pair of scales. 2) timbangan, penimbal miring untuk memperimbangkan sesuatu, msl kain yg dipasang pd kerangka layang-layang dan bisa ****. a wieght used to make something balanced (for example a a piece of cloth tied to the spar of a kite and which can be adjusted from side to side). cimbara n. pondok di kebun yang tinggi. tall garden hut. cimbasa n. celana, sarung atau pakaian lain yg dipakai khusus waktu mandi. shorts, sarong or other clothing used when taking a bath. cimboka n. 1) kobokan, mangkuk tempat air untuk mencuci jari tangan sebelum dan sesudah makan. fingerbowl. 2) ****. a fingerbowl full, a fingerbowl used as unit of measure. Lima ecu sacimboka. Lima ratus Rupiah satu kobokan Five hundred Rupiah for a fingerbowl full. cimoi vt [-o]. menjaga, menjagai (pd siang). guard, tend, watch over (during the day). moncimoi ndoke menjaga monyet guard against monkeys moncimoi raha menjagai rumah guard a house pecimoi vi. berjaga (siang). tend, keep watch (during the day). mecimoi pombulaa menjaga kebun tend a garden Topecimoi ndoke ɓara ilimba kumaaho gandunto. Kita menjaga sekiranya monyet datang makan jagung kita. We keep watch for monkeys lest they come and eat 10/4/2013

our corn. Searti: cungku, tangki.

pecimoia n. pondok untuk menjaga kebun dan mengusir monyet, burung-burung, dan babi. a small shelter for looking after a garden and guarding against birds, monkeys and wild pigs. Lihatlah: laika. cimpaga n. ayam yg burik, bercorang-coreng putih hitam atau putih merah. a chicken mottled black and white or red and white. cimpu vt [-ho]. 1) memotong (daun, dahan, dsb) satu kali ayun sudah putus. cut completely through (petiole, branch, etc.) in one motion. 2) memotong sesuatu (memakai parang) dng gerakan dari atas ke bawah. slash s.th. (with a machete) using a downward motion. Lihatlah: welisi. pecimpu vi. memotong (memakai parang) dari atas ke bawah. slash downward (with a machete). cina n. 1) perempuan, betina. female, girl, woman. cina ɓangkele istri (istilah tidak lazim lagi) wife (archaic term) manu ncina ayam betina hen (lit. female chicken) 2) ibu, istilah untuk mengacu ibu. mother, mom, term of reference for one's mother. Daaho cinau? Ada ibumu? Is your mother home? Lihatlah: ibu, ina, mama-1, paapa. pecicina vi. main perempuan. imitate a woman, **** femininity. cina awo cmpd n. ibu tiri. stepmother. cina ngkaru cmpd n. ibu jari kaki. big toe. cina lima cmpd n. ibu jari tangan. thumb. Lihatlah: tonisu. cinano laewo nph. gelombang sebesar tiga gelombang biasa dan besar yg berturut-turut, bisa menenggelamkan kapal. a wave three times the size of an ordinary large wave, capable of capsizing a boat. cinaɗa vn. bergantung. hanging down. raha cinaɗa rumah bergantung house which leans inward cinci1 vt [-ho]. ****. open up, spread out. cinciri vt [-o]. mengencangi. tighten, make taut. macinci vn. kencang, cepat. taut; fast, quick. Ganduno imacincimo. Gendangnya sudah kencang. The head of her drum is now taut. Nahina imacinci tambo. Dia tidak cepat sembuh. He hasn't gotten well quickly. Imacinci lumingka Wa Lidi? **** Is Wa Lidi fast at walking? cinci2 n. jengkerik. cricket. cinciako vi. dgn cepat terbang lurus di atas permukaan air (khusus ikan). skim straight and fast across the surface of the water (of fish). cinda vi. pasti. definite, certain. Icinɗamo. Sudah pasti. It's definite. Nai cinda ngalu. Pancaroba

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




angin. The wind is not definite. — %%. tepat, persis, justru. right, precisely, exactly. Ɗie'akitapo cinda i sisino. Irislah persis di pinggirnya. Cut it right along the edge. Mopii ciangku cuminda i moana. Perut saya sakit sebelah kanan. My stomach hurts on the right side. pacinda vt [-ho]. memastikan. confirm, verify. Ipacinɗahomo potae io raja a'iso io La Misi-misikini monona. Ia memastikan bahwa raja itu adalah si Miskin betul. She confirmed that that king was indeed La Misi-misikini. moncinda vn. pasti. definite, certain. Imoncinɗamo. Sudah pasti. It's definite. cindalo vn. ****. withered (?), having a black end (?) (of cassava tubers). Icindalomo owingkeu. **** *** Lihatlah: moleu [leu]. cindi1 vt [-o]. mengeluarkan api. light a fire. kacindia n. geretan. (cigarette) lighter. cindi2 vt [-'o]. memutar. turn around. cindi3 vt [-'o]. menjentik. flick with the finger. cindohi vt [-o]. menindis dng kuku ibu jari, mencubit di antara kedua kuku ibu jari (msl kutu). press with the thumbnail, nip or pinch between both thumbnails together (e.g. lice). Lihatlah: kunukui [konuku]. cinga-cinga n. sm tumbuhan. k.o. plant. cingkula n. rempela unggas. gizzard. cinolaro rasa syukur (lahir anak, kawin, berhasil, dsb.). feeling of gratitude toward God (as with the birth of a child, marriage, accomplishing something). cipaka n. 1) testa, kulit dlm tempurung kelapa yg akan menjadi isinya. testa, the thin layer just inside the shell of a coconut upon which the meat forms. 2) kelapa yg sudah agak besar, tetapi belum mulai berisi. a fruit of the coconut palm, the inside flesh of which has not begun to form. Lihatlah: ngkalomba, samisisiluno [sisilu]. cipoi vt [-o]. melayan. serve. cipu vt [-'o]. menyengat. sting (as of wasps, bees, etc.). Lihatlah: uhu. cira n. sm kerang kecil bercangkang ganda, tempatnya di akar pohon bakau. k.o. edible bivalve mollusk which grows in mangrove forests, cemented to the roots; the large, long shell is black on the outside, white on the inside, irregular, tapering to very thin edges; larger than the talawa; delicious, sometimes eaten raw; a type of awning clam? Lihatlah: kolompinga, talawa. cirisa Bentuk lain: tirisa. n. saringan (untuk cairan). sieve, strainer (for liquid). Lihatlah: gugura. 24

ciroa vt [-ho]. meniru. imitate. ciroi vt [-o]. melihat ke bawah. look down at. ciro-ciroi vt

[-o]. melihat-lihat ke bawah, memandang dengan posisi menunduk. look down on, bend over and observe.

cirondo poncirondo vi. ****. ****. poncirondono manu

ciu ciwa

bunyi panjang ayam (baik jantan atau betina) the long crowing of a chicken (of both roosters and hens) n. timur. east. ciuno e'e **** east of the well

pekaciwa menggotong.

carry on shoulders between two or more people. ciwai vt [-o]. menambah. increase, add to. Ciwaiopo. Tambah lagi. Take some more of it. peciwai vi. menambah untuk bersendiri. add, take more for oneself. Isee maia, peciwaipo! Jangan malu, tambah lagi! Don't be shy, take some more! Lihatlah: pe/lampangi. kanciwai n. tambahan. addition, additional amount. Mikanciwai kabulamiu teleumiu a'ai. **** You look whiter on this visit (than last time). Ikanciwai kapiino kau pakodiu'o? Apakah lebih sakit waktu digerakkan? Does it hurt more when you move it? kokanciwai vn. bertambah. have an addition, have an added amount. Ikokanciwai kamahampau. Kamu bertambah ganteng. You've grown more handsome. cobe-cobe n. cobek. stone mortar for grinding spices. coco vi. cocok. fitting, of the correct size. Pakea a'iso icoco ɓo inaɗe. Pakean itu cocok untuk dia. That clothing was just right for him. colo n. korek api. match, matches. coro-coro n. ****. decorative curtains used to drape the walls of a room on festive occasions.

cu'a mocu'a vn. tua. old, mature. ni'i mocu'a kelapa tua mature coconut mia mocu'a orang tua parent(s) kacu'asa vn. bersikap spt orang tua (tt orang yg masih mudah). act like, have the nature an old person (said of a person who is still young). cubo n. balok. thwart, crossbeam. cuɓono ɓangka i tonga balok di bagian tengah perahu thwart in the middle of a boat cuɓono ɓangka i ou balak di bagian depan perahu thwart in the front of a boat cubu n. yg paling atas, puncak (atap, gunung). tallest point, peak (of a roof), summit (of a mountain). cucu1 n. paruh (burung); mulut panjang (ikan julungjulung dan ikan cendro). bill, beak (of a bird);

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




also referring to the elongated jaws of garfishes and longtoms. — vt [-'o]. mematuk. peck. cucuki vt [-o]. mematuk. peck, peck at, peck up. mancucu vn. mancung. pointed. enge mancucu hidung mancung pointed nose cucu2 n. tempa besi. iron handiwork. — vt [-'o]. memukul (spt tukang besi), menggigit (spt ular). strike, hit (as a blacksmith), strike, bite (as a snake). Lihatlah: koto. cucuki vt [-o]. memukul beberapa kali. pound, hammer on repeatedly. cucura n. ****. ****smithy?? cucua vi. berjongkok (supaya buang air besar). squat (in order to defecate). cucuga n. bisul di kepala. abcess, boil on the head. cuculu vt [-'o]. meniru, menggemakan, mengikut, mirip. imitate, echo, follow, resemble. Keto pemeke, keto o'ai, icuculukita ngineahako jini hako a'iso. **** If we coughed, if we shouted, the the ones called jinns would echo us. Icuculu tamano io Wa Lidi, imahampa. **** Wa Lidi resembles her father, she's handsome. cucumbe n. kudung, kerudung. veil. Lihatlah: solungku. pecucumbe vi. berkerudung. veiled. pecumbe-cumbe ****. ****. cucunda vt [-'o]. mengetuk, menyumpahi. curse, imprecate. kancucunda n. kutuk: *-an; kutukan, sumpah. curse, imprecation. cucuru n. kue cucur. k.o. fried pastry made from rice flour, palm sugar and water. cucuru ɓangka kue cucur berbentuk perahu this pastry, fried compressed in a boat shape cucuru malimbu kue cucur berbentuk bundar (bentuk biasa) this pastry, fried flat and round (the usual shape) cucuwi vt [-o]. menutup. close, cover (with a sarong for example). Lawan: wungkahi. tecucuwi vn. tertutup. closed. kancucuwi n. penutup. cover, lid. kancucuwino pena penutup pena top for a writing pen kancucuwino meja taplak meja tablecloth kancucuwino masina **** decking which covers the motor of a boat cuɗa vt [-'o]. melemparkan. throw overhand. cuɗapako vt [-ø]. melemparkan ****. throw overhand ****. cucuɗapako vt [-ø]. melemparkan beberapa kali. repeatedly throw things overhand. pekancuɗa vi. melempar (??). throw (??). kancuɗa buru batu kecil, batang rokok, atau barang lain yg dimanterai baru dilempar kpd orang yg dibenci, dgn tujuan orang itu menjadi 10/4/2013

sakit. a small stone, cigarette butt, or other item, over which a magic formula is recited, which is then thrown toward a hated opponent, with the intent that that person becomes sick. cuɗu vi. jatuh, tiba dr atas. land from above, descend and hit the ground. — n. tempat jatuhnya (msl sesuatu yg dilemparkan). landing spot (for example, of something that was thrown). cud*ui vt [-o]. memberi tanda dengan patok. make a mark with a stake. kancud*ui n. tanda patok. stake mark.

cu'i mocu'i vn. kering. dry.

cuka1 vt [-'o]. menukar. exchange. tepocuka vn. tertukar. accidentally exchanged. kancuka n. alat tukar. ****.

cuka2 ****. ****. Icukamo gau. Sudah mau jalan. (yg berbicarakan mau berpisah) Time to go. (said by someone who wants to leave) cukana vt [-'o]. mentanyai. question someone, put a question to someone. pecukana vi. bertanya. have a question. Kando pecukanamo ɗuka wali hakono, "Ka andinto a'ai?" Dan temannya bertanya juga, "Bagaimana adik kita ini?" And his friends also had a question, "And (what about) this younger brother of ours?" pecukana'ako %%. menanyakan. have a question about. kancukana n. pertanyaan. question. cukari vt [-o]. menukar. exchange.

cukawea poncukawea %%.

*****. describing the situation when a brother and sister of one family marry respectively a sister and brother of another family. cuke vn. tidak pas, terlalu panjang ****. too long to fit, extending too far in the horizontal direction. Mi'usu i kamara i Kurnia Baru? - Hina, rounomo kucuke. Did you take a room on the Kurnia Baru? - No, because the berths are too short for me (lit., I am too long). cula n. sm bambu. k.o. bamboo. Lihatlah: culambacu, peri, suraɓi, tari. culabara n. bara bahara. ballast. cula-cula n. cerita, ceritera. story. Io cula-cula a'ai, io cula-culano miano Konawe. Ceritera ini, ceritanya orang Konawe. This story is the story about the Konawe people. Lihatlah: koja. culambacu1 n. sm bambu. k.o. bamboo. Lihatlah: cula, peri, suraɓi, tari. culi1 n. tahi telinga. earwax. Lihatlah: lue. culi2 n. ****. ****. culino wacu bata batu ****

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culingkoleo n. sm ikan. scarlet-breasted maori wrasse. Cheilinus fasciatus Bloch. culungi Bentuk lain: culingi. vt [-o]. membantu, menolong. help, aid, assist. Cumulungi'aku itonia malo ngeeno La Nduke. Yang menolong saya kemarin`malam, namanya La Nduke. The one who helped me last night, his name was La Nduke.

cumbale cumbalea n. tempat pembaringan mayat. ****. tepocumbale vn. jatuh ****. fall backwards, fall flat on one's back.

cumbe n. benih yg akan jadi katak. ****. cumbi mocumbi vn. ****. chipped (as a cement wall). Lihatlah: moruɓi [ruɓi].

cumbooko n. burung walik kembang. black-naped fruit-dove. Ptilinopus melanospilus Salvadori.

cumbu1 n. tunas dari biji. a sprout from seed. cumbuno ni'i tunas kelapa coconut sprout Lihatlah: cuna, lasi. — vi. tumbuh. sprout, grow. cumbupako vt [-ø]. menancap, menancapkan. imbed, implant with force. cumbu2 vt [-'o]. bertinju. hit with the fist. cumbuki vt [-o]. memadatkan. tamp. cumbukio kansusuki padatkan sisipan tamp down fill material (to strengthen a fence post) pecumbu vr. meninju. box one another, hit each other with the fists. Ɓeto po'onto mia mecumbuno. Kita akan menonton orang meninju. We're going to watch a boxing match. cumbu3 n. lembar, kata penjodoh untuk barang pakaian. piece, classifier for articles of clothing. sacumbu ɓaju motonu satu lembar baju hancur a tattered shirt Sahapa sacumbu? Berapa satu lembar? How much for one piece? cumbu-cumbu uwi n. sm ular. k.o. snake, the head long and rather pointed, distinct from the body, body light green above, two yellow lines at bottom sides. cumbura n. air terjun. waterfall. cumburi vt [-o]. tambah air lagi. refill a bucket, tub, or other water container. Lihatlah: lingkoni. cumindai n. bagian. part, region. cumindai ciu bagian sebelah timur east, eastward cumindai salata bagian sebelah selatan south, southward Lihatlah: bahagia. cumpe %%. pertama. first (in space or time). cumpe-cumpe pertama-tama. at first, initially, in the beginning. cumpei vt [-o]. memulai. begin. cumpo n. batang. stick. sacumpo olito sebatang kayu terbakar a stick of charred firewood 26

mocumpo vn. ****. ****. mocumpo ikino **** ****

cumpu1 kacumpu n. ****. ****. kacumpuno tabako tumpung rokok cigarette butt

cumpu2 sacumpuako %%.

tiba-tiba. suddenly, unexpectedly. cumumbu n. ikan alu-alu. barracuda. Sphyraena barracuda Walbaum. Lihatlah: ndoma, sangkeɗa. cuna n. tunas yang tumbuh dari tunggul. new sprout from a stump or cut-off branch. Lihatlah: lasi, cumbu. cunani Lihatlah: cuuna. cuncu vn. bersambung. connected. Isee wungkahio sacuncuo. Jangan membuka semuanya. Don't open the entire lot. cunda n. sumpah, kutuk. oath, curse. cucunda vt [-'o]. menyumpah, mengutuk. curse, put a curse on. pecucunda vi. menyumpah diri, mengutuk diri. curse one's self. cundeka %%. manja. ****. Ku'aɓikomiu ngkana kaakangku i wuto. Jadi kuponsarunakomo cundeka. **** I consider you to be my won brother. Therefore **** cundo n. tumit (tt kaki atau lima). heel (of foot or hand). pekacundo vi. mengentakkan dgn tumit, menendang pd tanah. stomp, hit one's heel on the ground. Lihatlah: ranca, sepa. cundu1 n. 1) tengkuk. nape of the neck. 2) belakang atau punggung bilah pisau (parang, dsb), tepi bilah yg tumpul. the spine or back of a blade, the blunt edge opposite the cutting edge. cundui vt [-o]. memukul dng punggung bilah parang. strike with the spine or back of a blade. mokocundu vn. antuk-mengantuk. nodding off, sleepy. Isee mitekampa'ako ingkai. Kami mokocundu, kaɗimo mimpocuri. **** Do't let us bother you. If you're sleepy, just go to sleep. cundu mpa'a cmpd n. bagian paha ****. part of the thigh immediately above the knee. cundu2 vt [-'o]. membela, membantu, memihak. defend, aid, take the side of. Tocundu'o samia. Kami membela seseorang. We defended a certain person.

cundu3 mencundu vn. sering, sudah berulang kali-kali. often, many times, repeatedly. Ɗapo mencunduno ɓei leu. Dia masih akan sering datang. He will still be coming here often. Pempiamo mileu i Ereke? - Pelimamo. - Eh

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




maka imencundumo kua'iko mileu! Sudah berapa kali kamu ke Ereke? - Sudah lima kali. Weh ternyata sudah sering kamu datang. How many times have you come to Ereke? - Five times already. - Wow, you have indeed been here often! Imencundumo lumako i Kioko. Kamu sering ke Kioko. You go often to Kioko. Lihatlah: mempisi [pisi], me'osi [osi]. cungkahi vt [-o]. membuka. open, uncover. Icungkahio. **** It opened it up. (a cat which got a fish from out of underneath a cover) Lihatlah: wungkahi. cungku1 vt [-'o]. menjaga. care for, guard, tend. moncungku pombulaa menjaga kebun tend a garden cungkuno kampo orang yg tidak keluar kampungnya someone who doesn't often go places, a stay-at-home cungkuno gode-gode orang yg sering ketemu duduk di balai-balai person who is often found at their sitting platform Searti: cimoi, tangki.

cungku2 cucungku vi. mengangguk, menggerakkan kepala ke bawah. bend one's head forward, with the head bent forward. kocungku-cungku vi. *****. hang one's head, go around with one's head hanging. cungo n. hama-hama. k.o. insect. cunu vt [-o]. 1) membakar, membembam. grill over open coals, roast in hot coals. Lihatlah: silewi, tapai. 2) menyalakan (suluh, lampu, dsb.). light (a torch, lamp, etc). Imalomo, tocunuo pađamara iseeako i ɗoloma. Sudah malam, mari kita menyalakan lampu supaya tidak gelap. It's already night, let's light a lamp so that it won't be dark. Lihatlah: saki. tecunu vn. sedang terbakar. burning, burnt. kancunu n. makanan yang dibakar, seperti jagung bakar, ikan bakar. food baked on top of glowing coals, such as roasted corn, grilled fish. pekancunu vi. membikin, makan makanan yang dibakar. prepare, eat grilled food. pekacunu-cunu vi. bermain dengan api. play around with fire. cunui vt [-o]. membakar (sampah). burn (trash). pecucunui vi. membakar banyak. burn lots. cu'o1 vt [-ho]. menusuk. stab, stick. Lihatlah: uhu. cu'opako vt [-ø]. menusukkan. stab, stick. Lihatlah: uhupako. tecu'o vn. tertusuk. stabbed.

cu'o2 kancu'o n. tunggul, bekas tebang (pohon kecil). stump (of small tree, maybe only 4 or 5 inches in diameter). Lihatlah: paɗaka-2.

cura 10/4/2013

curangi vt [-o]. melongsorkan. slide. mocura vn. longsor. slidden.

curi pocuri vi. tidur. sleep. Anamai hiina ilako rouno ɗapo mocuri. Anak kami tidak pergi karena dia masih tidur. Our son didn't go because he was still sleeping. pocurii vt [-o]. mengjagai pd malam. guard, keep watch over during the night. pocuria n. tempat tidur, kamar tidur. sleeping place. tekocuri vn. ketiduran. overcome by sleep, fallen asleep. curiga vi. curiga, beragu-ragu. have doubts, be suspicious. curigai vt [-o]. mencurigai. suspect, be suspicious of. curingkuleo n. sm ikan warnanya hijau. k.o. greenish fish, similar in appearance to the mbele-mbele. curio sm burung. k.o. bird. curu vi. menetes. drip, flow in drops. Ɗacumuru luluno. Menetes air matanya. His tears were flowing. curupa n. tetes. drop. curupano waho setetes hujan raindrop Ɗaaho curupa i rapi. ada tetes di dapur there's a drip in the kitchen (roof) kocuru-curu vi. menetes-netes, bertetes-tetes. keep (on) dripping, drip profusely. Lihatlah: kotaa-taa [taa-2]. cuu1 n. lutut. knee. kacuu-cuu n. akar nafas bentuk lutut seperti terdapat pada sm pohon bakau. knee breathing root as found in certain species of mangrove trees. Lihatlah: ɓolucu, haka lengka. cuu2 Lihatlah: mancuu. cuuna vn. jatuh, terutama dr ketinggian. fall, especially to fall from a height. cuuna mperonga jatuh bersamaan fall together cuuna ngkolempe dr keinggian jatuh duluan pinggir (tt manusia) fall from a height onto one's side (of people) cuuna ngkombale dr ketinggian jatuh duluan punggung fall from a height onto one's back cuuna ngko'oko jatuh tiarap dr ketinggian fall from a height onto one's front cuuna ngkosisi dr ketinggian jatuh duluan samping fall from a height onto one's side cuuna ngkotaɗe jatuh berdiri fall and land upright / standing cuuna ngkotongke jatuh duluan kepala (juga disebut tt pisau yg jatuh tegak) fall headfirst (also said of a knife which falls tip first and stays stuck standing) cuuna nsaro jatuh kaya kotoran fall tumbling cuuna nteɗansi jatuh terjepit fall and land wedged cuuna ntensoro

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



ɗaki jatuh terluncur fall / slide / skid downhill cuuna ntetambe jatuh di atas cabang atau halangan ***** lain fall and land over a branch or other obstruction Sacuunano i lia Wangkinamboro, mia ompole ndoluahakonomo wacu. Begituh jatuh Wangkinamboro, orang banyak menimbuninya dengan batu. When Wangkinamboro fell into the cave, many people dumped out rocks on him.

cunani vt [-o]. menjatuhkan. drop.

cuwa n. sj buah untuk tuba ikan. k.o. fruit for poisoning fish. Lihatlah: cuwele. — vt [-o]. menubai. poison (fish) using the fruit of this plant. cuwele n. tuba, baik tumbuhan dan akarnya yang mengandung racun ikan. derris, both the plant and the root from which a fish poison is obtained. Derris spp. Lihatlah: cuwa.

D - d ɗa

vn. ada, berada. be, exist. Ɗa ɗahopo cinau? Apakah ibumu masih hidup? Is your mother still living? Ɗapia wula ɓemi po'ia i Ereke? Masih berapa bulan engkau akan tinggal di Ereke? How many months still will you live in Ereke? daa n. dam atau 'macan-macanan', sm permainan dng papan bertapak catur. the so-called 'tiger' game, a kind of strategy game similar to checkers. pedaa vi. bermain dam. play the tiger game. ɗa'a neg. tidak ada. there are not, exist not, none. Ɗa'a ihino. Tidak ada isinya. It's empty (lit. Its contents do not exist). Pak Camat, nando ɗa'a. Pak Camat tidak ada disini. The district head is not in. ɗaasisi %%. biarlah, biarkan saja. let, allow, permit, let it go, it's okay. Ɗaasisimo topoone oruakita te ungkuɗe. Biarlah saya naik denganmu. Let the two of us go up, including me. Hapai kau ponahuaka'aku? - Ɗaasisi. Kenapa kau memasak bagi saya? - Biarkan saja. Why are you cooking for me? - Oh, just let me. Mentee mimpondo'u e'e mokula? - Ɗaasisimo. Mungkin kamu mau minum air panas? - Tidak usah. Perhaps you would like something to drink? - You don't need to bother. Seuhaka'aku sawungku a'ai ɓo sala te ɓaju, ɗaasisimo ka hiina kupesawu keku pocuri. Jahitkanlah sarungku ini untuk celana dan baju, biarlah saya tidak memakai sarung bila saya tidur. Sew my sarong into pants and a shirt for me, it's okay that I don't have a sarong when I sleep. ɗaci n. pohon jati. teak tree. Tectonia grandis L. f. ɗaci bula cmpd n. pohon jati putih. yemane tree, also known as gmelina, gray teak, and Malay beechwood. Gmelina arborea Roxb. d*ad*ara n. kue dadar gulung. k.o. rolled pastry, filled with a mixture of coconut and palm sugar 28

and usually coated with additional grated coconut. Lihatlah: kondinga.

ɗaɗo taɗaɗo vi. ****. ****. Ɓelaako uteɗaɗo. Akan tambah parah. It will get worse.

ɗaga vn. dagang, perdagangan. commercial, storebought, imported. pae ɗaga beras dagang commercial rice poɗaga vi. berdagang. trade, deal. — n. pedagang, saudagar. trader. d*agi n. daging, terutama daging sapi, kambing, atau rusa. meat, especially red meat (as of cow, goat or deer). ɗahu n. anjing. dog. Canis famiiliaris. — vt [-'o]. berbunuh dengan anjing. hunt with dogs, set after with dogs. Rusa i Kolinsusu, to lako ɗumahu'o. Jonga di Kulisusu, kita pergi berbunuh dengan anjing. As for the Kulisusu deer, we go and hunt it with dogs. đaiđa n. sang ayah, istilah sangat formil untuk memanggil bapak. very formal term of address for one's father. Lihatlah: ama-1, bapa, tama, uma. ɗaki vt [-ho]. merusakkan. ruin, destroy. Sintereno ikowara'ea, iɗakiho matanto topembula. Senternya terang sekali, merusakkan mata kita kalau kita His flashlight is very bright, it ruins our eyes to look at it. ɗaki-ɗaki vt [-ho]. merusakkan. destroy. peɗaki-ɗaki vi. merusakkan diri. destroy oneself. Ipeɗaki-ɗaki karungkokono. Dia merusakkan kehamilannya. She destroyed her own pregnancy. moɗaki vn. rusak, dol. broken, worn out, ruined, decayed. raha moɗaki rumah yang rusak run down house Toɓolosio ɓa'ono, imoɗakimo. Kami mengganti atap, sudah rusak itu. We're changing the roofing thatch, it's already worn

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



đawalo ɗanda2 vt [-ho]. menindis, menekan ke bawah. press


moɗakiha n. tempat atau bagian yg rusak. place or part which is broken or worn out. Topopoikoho moɗakihano gode-godento. Kita memperbaiki tempat balai-balai kita yang rusak. We'll fix the worn out parts of our sitting platform. ɗaku vt [-o]. membenturkan kepala, mengantukkan kepala. hit one's head against, ram. teɗaku terbentur kepala. accidentally hit or bang one's forehead against something. Lihatlah: tesundu [sundu]. tepoɗaku vn. ****. hit heads together accidentally. ɗala-ɗala jari-jari pemeleh di serambi rumah. **** of the front porch of a house. ɗalalapita n. sikap/tingkah laku yg menjekelkan. ****. ɗale n. enjelai, juga disebut jelai atau jali. Job's tears. Coix lacryma-jobi L. Searti: osole. ɗalepa vi. ****. scoot one's foot outward. karu ɗalepa **** with the feet scooted outward (and knees together) ɗali n. anting-anting. earring. peɗali vi. memakai anting-anting. wear earrings. ɗalu bombe (tidak diomongi). ****. peɗalu vr. saling baku bombe. ****. đalubi n. gulungan lemak. layer of fat, roll of fat. kođalubi %%. ****. possessed of such a layer of fat.

ɗampa maɗampa tidak terlalu miring. low pitched, rising at a low angle. Ɓa'ono raha a'iso imaɗampa. Atap rumah itu tidak terlalu miring The roof of that house is low pitched. koɗampa-ɗampa vi. setengah berbaring (spt anjing atau binatang lain). halfway lying down (as of a dog or other animal). teɗampasako vn. jatuh ke depan dng mengulurkan tangan ****. fall forward but break one's fall by extending out one's hands. ɗampa ɓone n. sm ikan yg gepeng. flounder. ɗampi vn. berlekat, melengket. stick, adhere. ɗampitako vt [-ø]. simpan ulang. ****. koɗampi-ɗampi menempel. adhering, clinging. ɗampo Lihatlah: kaɗampo. ɗamu n. sm ikan. k.o. silverish fish, spiny and soft portions of dorsl fin clearly separated; pelvic, anal and lower caudal fins yellowish.

danda pedanda vi. ****. support part of one's weight on one's arms.

ɗanda1 n. tali. rigging. ɗandano ɓangka talinya kapal boat's rigging 10/4/2013

down on, exert pressure on. Lihatlah: dangka.

peɗanda vi. menekan dng tangan. press with the flat of the hand.

ɗanda3 Lihatlah: ɗandanga. ɗandanga Bentuk lain: ɗanda. n. dandang yg biasanya mempunyai pegangan gantung. k.o. large cookpot, usually with a wire carry-handle. Lihatlah: ɓasi. ɗangka vt [-'o]. menyentuh. touch. Lihatlah: danda. ɗangkula n. giliran. turn. ɗansi vt [-o]. menjepit. pinch, squeeze. kaɗansi 1) penjepit, ****. pincher, a branch with a split end (used for example as tongs to pick up hot rocks). kaɗansino ika kantapai **** spit (consisting of a partially split piece of wood, and tied with rattan at both ends) for grilling fish 2) alat untuk menjepit ubi kayu. a cassava press consisting of two flat boards held together by rope at one end and one's weight applied at the other end. teɗansi vn. terjepit. accidentally pressed or wedged between two surfaces. ɗaoa n. pasar. market, bazaar.

ɗara moɗara vn. hanya sedikit (yg tinggal), hampir habis atau mati, sangat sakit. a little bit (remaining), almost used up or expired, extremely sick. Maka moɗara mimpongkaa! Engkau cuma makan sedikit. How little you've eaten! Imoɗaramo, saɗe'eteno ɓei puramo. Hanya sedikit yang tinggal, sedikit lagi akan habis. It's almost out, a little bit more and it'll be finished up. ɗara-ɗara1 n. 1) gorek-gorek, sm tumbuhan berduri. nicker tree, k.o. slender bush or tree with abundant recurved thorns and bearing spiny pods. Caesalpinia boncoc (L.) Roxb. 2) benih bulatnya yg digunakan sebagai gundu (kelereng). nickernuts, the smooth round seeds of this plant, sometimes used as marbles. ɗara-ɗara2 n. sm tumbuhan. k.o. plant with a smooth, round, flat seed that rattles. ɗariango n. jerangau, sm tumbuhan yg akarnya lunak. sweetflag, a kind of plant with pungent roots. Acorus calamus L. ɗarisa n. perusut, alat penanda membantu tukang kayu. marking gauge, a carpenter's tool used to mark lines before cutting. ɗa'u [da'u] n. kemaluan laki-laki (anak-anak). penis (child). Searti: d*ongke, kira, lahu. đawalo vn. mulus, cantik. well formed, flawless, beautiful. jambu đawalo jambu yg mulus a perfect-looking cashew apple

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ɗawo n.

ipar. brother-in-law, sister-in-law, specifically one's spouse's siblings.

ɗawu peɗawu vi. berbagi. divide. peɗawu-ɗawu vi. membagi-bagi.

divide, distribute. ɗawu'a n. 1) bagian. portion, apportionment. saɗawu'a satu bagian one portion 2) nasib, takdir (sesuatu yg sudah ditentukan oleh Tuhan). fate, end (what one has been apportioned by God). mosa'o ɗawu'a nasib buruk ill-fated, (come to, have a) bad end ɗea n. rasa. feeling. — vt [-ho]. merasai. feel. poɗea vi. sadar dr bangun tidur. conscious, awake, aware. A'ikopo kai peneeri poɗeamo kai wangu. Di situ baru ia bergerak, sudah sadar, langsung bangun. While that, he stretched awake and got up. — vt [-ho]. 1) merasa, mendengar. hear, feel, be aware of. Mipoɗeaho mia mansagu itonia malo? **** Did you hear those rowdy people last night? Rouno kutekocuri, hinapo kupoɗeaho kei kowaho itonia malo ke hiina. Oleh karena saya ketiduran, saya tidak mendengar kalau hujan tadi malam atau tidak. Because I was asleep, I wasn't aware whether it rained last night or not. 2) ****. feel or be affected by an evil influence emanating from an ancestor spirit, manifaested e.g. by disobedience to parents. dedee excl. kata seru keheranan, wah! exclamation of surprise, hey! Lihatlah: edede. ɗeɗee excl. kata seru kesakitan, aduh! exclamation of pain, ow! ɗeɗehi vt [-o]. mengupas. peel (as sugarcane with a knife). Ɗeɗehiopo towu. Tolong mengupas tebu. Peel this sugarcane please. Lihatlah: kulisi [kuli], lulasi, owihi, wura. ɗeɗeri vt [-o]. melakukan dengan cepat. do something quickly. ɗeeɗe sebentar, sedikit. soon, in a little bit, in a little while. Ɗeeɗeno. Sedikit lagi! Just a little bit more/longer! Ɗeeɗepo. Sebentar. Just a minute. Ɗeeɗeno mata malo, d^aaho lagu maluđu. Sebentar malam, **** Later after sunset, there will be maludu-singing. Keto peɗawu ɗeeɗeno, topeɗawu moi-moiko. Kalau sebentar kita bagi, harus dibagi dengan adil. When we divide it in a little while, we must divide it well. ɗee-ɗeeɗe %%. pelan-pelan. go slowly, take something slow. Ɗee-ɗeeɗe, isee mokora! ****, jangan kuat! (kata suruh kpd ahli pijat, umpamannya) Take it easy, not so hard! 30

(instructions to a masseur, for example) Wakutuuno ɓawu hako a'iso ndotekocuri to'u, ipina'imo Buragil ɗee-ɗeeɗe ɓei ala manu-manu kincah tumokano i rapano komondaando ɓawu hako a'iso. Di waku babibabi itu itu sedang tidur nyenyak lalu Buragil turun dengan pelan dengan maksud untuk mengambil burung kincah yang yang sedang bertengker di atas kepala komandan babi-babi itu. When the pigs had fallen fast asleep, Buragil climbed down slowly in order to get the kincahbird which was perched on top of the pig's commander's head. paɗeeɗe vt [-ho]. memperlahankan (kedaraan, kuda, dsb). slow (a vehicle, horse, etc.) down. d*e'ela %%. kasihan. poor thing, what a pity! Lihatlah: ka'asi. ɗe'ete Bentuk lain: saɗe'ete. Asal: fr saade 'one' + diminutive particle ete. %%. sedikit. a little, a bit, a small amount. saɗe'eteno pokana hampir sama almost the same, a little shy of being the same Pogau Maligano, ipokana te Ereke saɗe'ete. Bahasa Maligano bersamaan dengan Ereke. The language in Maligano is a little bit like in Ereke. Doimai ɗamo saɗe'eteno. Uang kami masih ada sedikit. We already have a little money. Anano raja nahina ilawani mau ɗe'ete. Puteri raja tidak menjawab sedikitpun. The king's daughter didn't answer, not even a bit. Lihatlah: ete. ɗeke vt [-'o]. toki dgn kepalan jari tangan. hit with knuckles extended. ɗeku vt [-'o]. menepuk. tap. Lihatlah: rumbo, toki. ɗeku-ɗeku vt [-'o]. menepuk. tap. peɗeɗeku vi. mengetok (spt burung pelatuk). knock, tap (as a woodpecker on a tree). meɗeɗeku i kampo tmengetok di pintu knock on the door ɗempa n. batu cadas di pinggir laut. flat expanse of solid rock along the seashore. d*empo vi. duduk ****. sit with legs retracted and flat on the ground, one foot touching or resting under the knee of the other leg. Lihatlah: hempo. đene [đene] n. tanah berlumpur. muddy ground. mođene vn. 1) lembek sekali (tanah, makanan). extremely soft (food, ground). Imođenemo punci ɗawa a'ai. Sudah lembek sekali papaya ini. This papaya is extremely soft. 2) *****. be in mud up to the sides of one's feet. Lihatlah: morene. pekađene-đene vi. main lumpur. play in mud, stomp one's feet around in mud (playing).


Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




paɗenge-ɗenge vt [-'o]. selalu mengalahkan orang lain. repeatedly defeat someone. pompaɗenge-ɗengeno maka bikin sakit hati orangnya **** ɗeru pantun. quatrain verse. moɗeru %%. use quatrain verse to express one's feelings (especially love, also annoyance, anger) or intentions, or give advice (e.g. father to son). ɗete n. dataran. a level place, level land. Searti: wita rata. maɗete vn. rata. flat, level. Keto pekalaha, pekanunu, mau tangke imaɗete. Kalau kita seia kekata, biar gunung akan menjadi rata. If we are in agreement, even a mountain can become flat.

ɗiɗi koɗiɗi vi. cukup (biasanya didahului kata ingkar). sufficient, present in adequate amounts (usually used in negative contexts). Kueno hiina ikoɗiɗi. Tidak kecukupan kuenya. The cake was insufficient, there wasn't enough cake to go around. ɗiɗiu vt [-'o]. mengancam, menganiaya, membahayakan. threaten, illtreat, endanger, place at risk. Kao gajimai hinamo toɗiɗiu'o, kaɗimo topakeo doino negara. Gaji kami tidak kemungkinan rugi, kami memakai uang pemerintah saja. We didn't put our own wages at risk, we just used government money. ɗie vt [-'o]. mengiris (kain, daun tabako, dsb) dng *****. cut (fabric, tabacco leaves, etc.) by laying the matieral flat and cutting with a knife (or scissors). ɗie-ɗie vt [-'o]. mengiris-iris kecil (****). cut finely, cut up (in this manner). d*isitere n. distrik. district. ɗiu1 n. duyung. dugong, sea cow. Dugong dugon. ɗiu2 n. gerak. movement. koɗiu %%. bergerak. move, stir. koɗiu-ɗiu bergerak-gerak. move about, make movements, fidgit. koɗiu-ɗiu ngkaru ongkangongkang kaki fidgit with the feet, swing or dangle one's legs back and forth koɗiu'a pekerjaan. work. Lihatlah: karajaa. pakoɗiu vt [-'o]. menggerakkan. move. Ikanciwai kapiino kau pakodiu'o? Apakah lebih sakit waktu digerakkan? Does it hurt more when you move it? ɗoa1 vt [-'o]. menghitung, memperhitungkan. count, calculate.

ɗoa2 kaɗoa-ɗoa n. joran, batang pancing. fishing pole, fishing rod.

đo'a [đo'a] n. doa. supplicatory prayer. đo'a 10/4/2013

salama doa selamat prayer for safety — vt [-o]. berdoa. pray for. Apuanto, ndođo'ao, ndoeheakita cina. Kakek kita berdoa supaya kita dapat jodoh. Our grandfather prays that we'll find a girlfriend (lit. he prays for it, he wants a girl for us). kođo'a %%. berpengetahuan ilmu gaib. have knowledge of hidden things. peđo'a vi. berdoa. pray, say a prayer. Pempaa ndoteriso ɓendo peđo'a'akono mia mate. Empat kali mereka berkumpul untuk berdoa orang mati. Four times they gather to pray for the deceased person. đobi %%. berbicara tdk beraturan, semua berbicara tanpa saling mendengarkan. talk in a disorderly manner, everyone talking at once without listening to each other. ɗoɗa n. dedap. coral tree. Erythrina spp. ɗoɗo1 vt [-'o]. memotong. cut. Lihatlah: hea, toto. ɗoɗo2 %%. mengomel. complain. đoe vi. berdiri tanpa bantuan, tetapi belum sanggup berjalan (tt bayi). stand unsupported, but not yet able to walk (said of babies). Iđoemo! Sudah berdiri sendirian! (seruan orang tuanya) She's standing on her own! (excited cry of parent) Ariako đumoe, ɓei lampamo. Sesudah berdiri, akan bertatah. After she stands, she'll soon be toddling. doi n. uang. money.

ɗoko moɗoko vn. rakus, selalu tambah lagi. greedy, taking seconds and thirds. Lihatlah: mosibu, moro'o, moso'o. d*oko-d*oko n. kue dokok-dokok. k.o. pastry made from glutinous rice flour, sugar and bananas, wrapped and steamed in banana leaves. ɗola vt [-'o]. **** jauh. hit far away (a when playing marbles). ɗole vt [-'o]. mengguling, menggiling. roll; roll out (dough). moɗole keu menguling sepotong batang kayu roll a round piece of wood (e.g. section of trunk) moɗole gola = moɗole towu = moɗole towu moɗole towu menggiling tebu press sap out of sugarcane kaɗole n. ****. cane press, large piees of wood used to press press liquid out of stalks of sugarcane and sorghum. ɗoloma n. gelap. dark. đombolo n. buah jambu mete. cashew apple. ɗome Lihatlah: ɗomi. ɗomi Bentuk lain: ɗome. n. domino. dominoes. ɗompa vt [-ho]. mengiris tipis-tipis. slice into thin slices. kaɗompa Bentuk lain: ɗompa. n. alat untuk

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ɗomu mengiris tipis-tipis. mandoline, slicer, kitchen utensil used for making thin slices. ɗompano ondo alat untuk mengiris ubi hutan bitter yam slicer ɗomu n. kubangan. mudhole, wallow. ɗomuno ɓawu kumbangan babi pig wallow

ɗongi1 koɗongi-ɗongi vi.

terapung-apung. floating, drifting around, bobbing around. ɗongi2 n. pohon dengen dan buahnya. a species of dillenia tree with yellowish-orange, sour, edible fruits. Dillenia serrata Thunb. ɗongka1 n. pohon bintangur. the Indian laurel tree, also called Alexandrian laurel, beach mahogany, beautyleaf, and balltree. Calophyllum inophyllum L. ɗongka2 vi. hanyut. adrift. Jaremai, iɗongka i tahi. Jaring kami hanyut di tahi. Our net went adrift in the sea. ɗongka-ɗongkala n. 1) kuning telur. egg yolk. 2) buah pelir, biji kemaluan. testicle. ɗongkala n. sm pohon. k.o. tree. ɗongkawula n. sm ketam. k.o. medium-size land crab. ɗongke n. kemaluan laki-laki sedang tegang berdiri. man's penis in an erectile state. Lihatlah: ɗa'u, kira, lahu. ɗongkulo n. tongkol jagung. cob, corncob. ɗooɗi n. sm kumbang besar. k.o. large beetle. ɗopa vi. gegabah melahap makanan, makan terlalu berselera. hastily devour food, overeat, stuff oneself. dopa-dopa n. ****. **** kind of weight used in fishing? weight plus spacer? made of metal. ɗopi n. papan (sebagai bahan membuat sesuatu). plank of lumber. ɗore vt [-'o]. mengupas (kulit buah jagung). shuck (corn). đoromu [đoromu] n. drum. barrel, drum. dosu n. dos. cardboard box. sadosu ... satu dos ... a box

ɗotoro n. dokter. doctor. Saluwuo ɗotoro, wolia, te mantiri hinamo ndotamboo. Semua dokter, dukun dan manteri tidak dapat menyembuhkannya. All the doctors, shamans, and officials couldn't cure her. đuđu n. susu. breast. — vi. menyusu. suckle, suck at the breast. — vt [-o]. menyusui. breastfeed, give the breast to. Searti: wawo nsusu [wawo]. ɗuka adv. lagi, juga, pula. also, in addition, again. Saɓucuno, ɗumaamo ɗuka andino. Setelah itu, sudah ada lagi adiknya. After that, his younger brother was also born. ɗula n. dulang. tray. ɗula malige **** **** ɗulambata vi. menyabung ayam, yang kecil dengan taji, yang besar dengan batu diikat kepada kakinya. fight cocks, the smaller using a spur, the larger with a rock weight tied to its leg. Lihatlah: ɓoke, rumpa. ɗumaa vi. berada, ada; lahir bayi (bahasa halusnya). be, enter into existence, be born (polite expression). Saɓucuno, ɗumaamo ɗuka andino. Setelah itu, sudah ada lagi adiknya. After that, his younger brother was also born. ɗumapu tempat pecahnya ombak pd terumbu karang di tepi laut dalam. the place where waves break upon a coral reef at the edge of deep water. đumu-đumu n. sm ikan. k.o. fish, some kind of trevally. ɗundu n. sm lipas yang kecil. small cockroach species. ɗungko vt [-'o]. menatap dengan mata terbelalak, menetap tajam. follow with one's eyes, stare hard at. peɗungko vi. bertatapan mata. fix one's gaze. đunia n. dunia. world. ɗupa n. dupa, kemenyan. incense. matano ɗupa **** cubes of ****, used as incense duria Durio zibethinus Murray. n. durian. durian.

E - e ea


sangat, terlalu. exceedingly, very, too. ompole ea sangat banyak very many, exceedingly many Hinapo ito'ori lumonso, i'ikiɗi ea. Dia belum tahu melompat, dia terlalu kecil. She doesn't know how to jump (rope), she's too small. Lihatlah: maka.

ecu n. ratus. hundred, a unit of a hundred. eɗa peeɗa vi. sm permainan di mana penjudi berusaha ****. a game of skill in which participants compete to knock marbles or cashew seeds out of a ring.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




kaeɗa ****, atau biji yg di****. shooter, the marble or seed which one shoots in hopes of knocking others out of the ring. edede excl. kata seru keheranan, wah! exclamation of surprise, hey! Lihatlah: dedee. ee excl. ****. in a noisy place, a response asking someone to repeat themselves louder and more clearly: eh? Come again? e'e n. air. water, liquid. e'e ndino'u air minum drinking water e'eno đuđu air susu breast milk e'eno mia mate air mayat liquid formed during decompostion of a body ko'e'e %%. berair, mengandung cairan. containing liquid, watery, juicy. ega vi. ****. rock one's body (trunk) front to back or side to side. eh excl. kata seru keheranan, ****! exclamation of surprise, woah! ehe vt [-o]. ingin, mau, suka. want, like. I'eheko cina a'iso. Gadis itu suka kamu. That girl likes you. e'ehe [e'ehe] vt [-o]. ****. enjoy, like. ehe-ehe vt [-o]. mengasihi, mencintai. desire, long for, love. ehesako vt [-ø]. membolehkan, mengizinkan. let, allow, permit. Igaga, gauno ɓei lingka, ahirino ndo'ehesakonomo ɓo lumingka. Ia tetap bertahan, rencananya berangkat, akhirnya dibolehkan untuk berangkat. He remained firm, his intention was to go, in the end they let him depart. peka'ehe-ehe saling menyayangi, bercintacintaan. desire each other, love each other. poko'ehe vt [-o]. membiarkan. allow, assent to. ehea n. ****, itu yang disukai. the locus of one's desire, that which is wanted. Maina eheano? Yang mana dia suka? Which does he want? eja %%. mengeja. spell.

eje ko'eje-eje vi. nakal. naughty, misbehaved.


vt [-o]. memutarkan. spin. Toɓewe'o io hule kato eleo. ***** We wind string around the top, then we spin it. ele-ele vt [-o]. ****. swing axially (e.g. a shirt). elo1 n. lidah. tongue. elo-elo vt [-'o]. mengeluarkan lidahnya kepada. stick out one's tongue at. pe'elo vi. mengeluarkan lidahnya. stick out one's tongue. ko'elo-elo %%. dengan lidah kasih keluar (msl anak). with one's tongue sticking out (as a child). elo2 vt [-'o]. memasukkan gelang karetnya di patok (dl permainan anak-anak); berarti, menang 10/4/2013

permainan. shoot one's rubber band over the stake (in a certain children's game); hence, to win at this game. Inaio mo'elono? Siapa memasukkan karetnya? Siapa menang? Who got the ringer? Who won? pe'elo vi. sj permainan anak-anak dgn mencoba memasukkan gelang karet di patok. game of skill in which children try to shoot rubber bands over a stake. embere n. ember. bucket, pail. eme n. air_kencing. urine. — vi. kencing, membuang air kencing, membuang air kecil. urinate, pee. Ɓeku lako umeme. Saya pergi buang iar kecil. I need to go pee. emeka n. ****. wastewater, runoff from wash area or latrine; also, the blackish goo which accumulates in such areas. me'eme sering-sering buang air kecil. having to urinate frequently. te'eme ****. urinate by accident or unaware. te'e'eme buang air kecil tanpa sadar (msl jatuh, dipukul keras, dsb). release urine involuntarily (for example if one falls, is hit hard, etc.).

emeci eme-emeci vt [-o]. menakut-nakuti. intimidate.

emeka Lihatlah: eme. emosi vi. naik darah, beremosi. upset, emotional. empa n. empang. ****. empahi vt [-o]. memotong. cut. mo'empahi ika memotong ikan cut a fish

empe n. tikar, terutama yg dianyam kecil-kecil. mat, espcially one with a fine plaiting. empe dinapi sm tikar **** k.o. mat bordered with red fabric Lihatlah: salub*ata, salupi. empu n. hasil, guna. yield, use. ena vt [-ho]. menganyam, menjalin (tikar). weave (mats), plait (bamboo walls). Io peri, to'enaho jalaja. Kita **** menjadi bilik. We plait **** bamboo into bamboo walling. enge n. hidung. nose. enge đombolo hidung besar spt buah jambu mente very large nose like a cashew apple enge mancucu hidung mancung tall, prominent nose enge meo hidung tipis pointed nose enge tepense hidung peset flat nose te'engelako vn. jatuh kena hidung. fall on one's nose. engelako Lihatlah: enge. engka vt [-'o]. 1) mengangkat sesuatu; mengangkat seseorang, memilih seseorang (menjadi presiden, dsb). lift something; elevate someone (to a position), choose someone (to be president, etc.).


Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




pe'engo [pe'engo] vi. bersentuhan muka, mengecup. rub faces, kiss. engu n. tingkah laku lucu pd bayi. behavior which is funny to babies. ense vi. bergeser, pindah. shift, move (away). Ense riiko! Pindah ke situ! Move over there! ensehi vt [-o]. meninggalkan. move away from, depart from, leave. Ipusi, kai ensehio kawi'a a'iso. Ia jadi pusing, dan meninggalkan pesta perkawinan itu. He became troubled, and left the marriage ceremony. pe'ense vi. memindah lokasi, memindah rumah. move oneself, shift locations, move from one house to another house. ensele n. engsel. hinge. entaa vn. tinggi. high, tall. ko'enta-entaa %%. menyombong. boast, go around boasting. ɓaentaa %%. agak tinggi. rather tall. entaa oleo clause_idiom. morning, between 6 and 7 a.m. Tohulemo. Entaamo oleo. Biar kita pergi. Sudah siang. Let's go. The sun is already up. enta-entaa oleo clause_idiom. ****. late morning, from about 9 to 11 a.m. enu n. kalung. necklace. — vt [-o]. mengalungkan. put a necklace on s.o. Leu, ku'enuko. Datang, saya mengalungkan kamu. Come, let me put a necklace on you. pe'enu vi. memakai kalung. wear a necklace. enu ngkaɓengka cmpd n. sm kalung tradisional, antingnya agak besar dan biasanya bertanda naga. k.o. traditional necklace, the somewhat large pendant usually bearing a dragon emblem. epe n. rawa, tempat berawa. swamp, swampy area. epi vt [-'o]. memukul. hit, strike. Lihatlah: ɓeɓe, siasa. epu-epu n. sm kue. k.o. pastry made from cassava, with a sugar and coconut filling. era n. biras. brother-in-law, sister-in-law, specifically one's spouse's sibling's spouse. Lihatlah: ɗawo. sa'era vn. describing the relationship between two people whose respective spouses are siblings,

that is, two people who call each other era. vi. menangis diam-diam. cry softly, whimper. Lihatlah: pangka. me'ere vn. sering menangis, tukang menangis. quick to cry, frequently shedding tears, a professional cryer.


ero mo'ero vn. pahit-pahit sedikit, sekaligus gatal di lidah. slightly bitter and scratchy to the tongue. n. tangga (rumah); tangga (untuk naik ke kapal). ladder or staircase (leading up to a house); gangplank, drawboard (of a boat). esano pea tangga loteng staircase to the attic esa-esa vt [-'o]. ****. ****. eso vt [-'o]. meramas dgn tangan. rub with the hand. eta n. sisir (punci). hand (of bananas). ete partikel pengecil: kecil, sedikit. diminutive particle: little, small. Mokesa ete! **** Oh so pretty! Lihatlah: ɗe'ete, maka. ewa n. kemauan berjuang. desire, readiness to fight. Imaliwa sumongo ewano. Cepat ful kemauannya berjuang (ayam sabung). It (the fighting cock) quickly filled with desire to fight. ewangi vt [-o]. melawan. oppose, fight. pengka'ewangi vi. saling melawan, berjuang. oppose one another, fight. Sando ari mengka'ewangi, nahina ilembahi to'u imatemo guruɗa mosega itonia. Setelah mereka berjuang, tidak lama lagi maka matilah Garuda yang ganas itu After they fought, it wasn't long at all before that ferocious Garuda died. — n. pelawan. opponent. Isandataomo pandangano ɓo pengkaewangino. Dia menyediakan tombaknya untuk pelawannya. He readied his spear against his opponent. ewanga n. senjata, persenjataan. weapon, weapons, armament. ewo n. rumput kecil. short grass. Lihatlah: seko. ko'ewo vi. berumput. grassy. I lempeno koburu, iko'ewomo. I larono iko'ewomo ɗuka. Di pinggir kubur sudah berumput. Berumput di dalam juga. It was grassy around the edge of the grave. Inside it was grassy too.


G - g foto Lihatlah: poto. gaa Asal: cf Napu mogaa 'separate off, remove from each other'. 34

ɓagaa vi. bercerai. separated from each other, divorced. olai ɓagaano jerak jauh far away from each other Toɓagaamo, tolu ta'u i woi kato

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ɓa'awa ɗuka. Kita bercerai, tiga tahun depan kita bertemu lagi. We're separating, three years from now we will meet again. ɓagaa-gaa berpisah. split up, go one's separate ways. Apua hakongku ndoɓagaa-gaa po'iahamai; samia ɗai Wuna, samia ɗai Gorontalo, samia ɗai Jogia. Cucu saya sudah berpisah dari rumah kami; satu ada di Muna, satu di Gorontalo, dan satu di Yogyakarta. My grandchildren have gone their own ways from our home; one in in Muna, one is in Gorontalo, one is in Jogyakarta. pegaa vi. kawin. marry, get married. Hinapo ipegaa. Dia belum kawin. He's not married yet. pogaa vi. berpisah. separate, take leave (of travelling companions, who each continue on their own way). papogaa vt [-ho]. memisahkan. separate, make separate.

gaa2 magaa vn. cepat **** (tt kapal, pesawat, kendaraan, dsb). fast, making fast progress (of boats, planes, vehicles, etc.). Searti: maliwa. pamagaa vt [-ho]. melajukan. accelerate, increase the speed of. gaɗi 1) n. gading. tusk (of elephant). 2) gadinggading (perahu). rib (of boat). 3) lihat gaɗi-gaɗi. see gaɗi-ga>di. gaɗi-gaɗi Bentuk lain: gaɗi. n. ****. the unweathered, shiny part of the internodes of suraɓi-bamboo, underneath the culm leaf. Ikombena gaɗino suraɓi. gaga vn. berkemauan keras, tahan hati, tetap bertahan. be strong-willed, remain firm, hold out. pegaga vi. berbantah, baku lawan pendapat, bertengkar, baku tengkar, tolak-menolak. disagree, have a clash of opinions, be at loggerheads, be at odds. pegagahako vt [-ø]. menengkarkan. disagree about. pegogaga vi. berbantah terus, baku lawan terus, bicara terus tanpa saling mendengar. disagree or fight continuously, yell at each other without one person listening to the other. gai1 vt [-o]. mengubah arah (sampan, dsb) dengan menarik dayung ****. change the course of (a sampan, etc.) by pulling the paddle inward toward the side of the boat. Lihatlah: ɓose, hui, jao. gai1 n. ****. k.o. net. kapalano gai kapal yg memakai **** a boat which uses this kind of net gaja n. gajah. elephant. Elephas maximus L. gaji n. gaji. wages. — vt [-%]. menggaji, mengupahi. hire, pay. 10/4/2013

Ndopogaji mia wumeweuo waleno ika a'iso. **** They paid people to build the fish cottage. gaju n. gajul. petty thief. gaju manda gajul tobat a repentant thief galaga n. bekas jaringan laba-laba dan kotoran lain, biasanya terdapat pd ujung langit-langit, lemari, dsb. cobwebs and dirt, such as collects in the corners of ceilings, in cabinets, etc. kogalaga %%. kotor, ****. dirty, having cobwebs. galampa n. pendopo, teras. front porch, veranda. galuru gelombang laut dahsyat, tsunami. tidal wave, tsunami. gamba n. ragi. yeast. gamba'i vt [-o]. ragikan. add yeast to. Togamba'io owingkeu pongasi. Kita meragikan ubi kayu (supaya menjadi) pongasi We add yeast to the cassava (so that it becomes) pongasi gambiri n. gambir. gambier. Uncaria gambir (Hunter) Roxb. gambosu n. gambus yg berdawai tujuh. sevenstringed boat-lute. Lihatlah: kasapi. pegambosu vi. memetik gambus. play (by plucking) the seven-stringed boat-lute. ganda vt [-ho]. memotong (kayu api) ****. cut (firewood) into lengths. — n. sepotong kayu kira-kira 2 meter. a piece of wood about 2 meters long. ganda n. rebana, gendang hadrah. rebana, a kind of shallow drum with a single head sometimes also called a Malay tambourine. Iteurua, ipoone'ako ganda-ganda i Wolio. Tiba di Wolio, dia naik dengan gendang He arrived there, and went up to Wolio with drums. Lihatlah: tamburu. ganda-ganda %%. memukul gendang, menggendang. beat on a drum, play a drum. Lihatlah: rumbo. ganda maluđu cmpd n. rebana, gendang hadrah, sm gendang khusus untuk mengikuti lagu maluđu. rebana, Malay tambourine, a kind of single-membrane drum with deerskin head, ranging from 15 to 18 inches in diameter, the frame shaped like a shallow bowl 6 or 7 inches deep tapering to a hole in the bottom. ganda ikiɗi cmpd n. 1) ****. a Malay tambourine made in the same fashion as a ganda maluđu, but proportionally smaller. 2) rebana. imported, commercial tambourines with metal jingles. gande %%. gandeng. ****. gandu n. jagung. maize, corn. Zea mays L. Imokunimo ganduto, topo'alamo. Sudah kuning jagung kami, sudah diambil. Our corn is

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ginta already yellow (ripe), we've already fetched it.

gandu momata cmpd n. jagung mentah. unripe corn.

gandu mongura cmpd n. ****. ripe young corn, the kernels still soft.

gandu pulu cmpd n. jagung pulut. sticky corn.

ganja n. ganja. the marijuana plant. Cannabis sativa L.

ganta n.

gantang. a measure of capacity, approximately one quart. saganta ɓakeno kosambi satu gantang buah kesambi one quart of gum-lac fruits gara1 n. garam. salt. garai vt [-o]. menggarami. salt, add salt to. ika ginarai ikan digarami salted fish gara2 n. sj setan yg pd tengah malam mengeluar 'ghah! ghah!', **** (petanda kebakaran atau darah). k.o. evil spirit that utters 'gah! gah!' at night, a bad omen if one hears its call (a sign of fire or blood to come). gara-gara1 conj. gara-gara, sebab. because of, on account of. gara-garano waho gara-gara hujan on account of rain Lihatlah: bangu-bangu. gara-gara2 n. teriak. cry. gara-garano mia **** **** kogara-gara vi. berteriak. cry. garangga n. agar-agar, sm ganggang laut merah. species of red seaweed. Eucheuma spp. pegarangga vi. ****. raise red seaweed on frames set in shallow ocean water. Sa'oleo sa'oleo topina'i megarangga i tahi. Tiap hari kami turun ****. Every day we go down to tend our seaweed frames in the ocean. garisi n. ukur. ruler. garoba n. gerobang. pushcart. garuta n. ****. itchy patches on the front of the shin. gata n. sm tumbuhan di hutan, bentuknya mirip talas. k.o. plant that grows in the forest, similar to taro; if the latex of the plant touches you, it makes your skin very itchy. gataa n. ban karet, gelang karet. rubber band. gau vt [-'o]. mengatakan, mengaku. say, tell, admit. Ku'arimo gumauo ɓeku tambo'o kapiino anano raja. Saya sudah mengatakan bahwa saya akan menyembuhkan kesakitan anak raja. I already said that I would cure the king's daughter's sickness. — vi. berbicara. speak. — n. perkataan, keinginan, rencana. talk, desire, intention. Ungkuɗe, gaungku usumo sumikola. Saya, keinginan saya ialah masuk sekolah. Me, my desire is to enter school. kogau %%. banyak berbicara. verbose. 36

pogau vi. bercakap. discuss. — n. bahasa. speech, language. pogau ngKuliusu bahasa Kulisusu the Kulisusu language poga-pogau vi. bercakap secara serius. discuss seriously. kogau-gau vi. bercakap-cakap, bermusyawarah. sit around talking, stand around talking, chew the fat. kogau-gau'a n. handpon. cell phone. megau vn. suka berbicara, banyak berbicara, cerewet. talkative; troublesome, naughty. sagau %%. bermusyawarat dan bermufakat. discuss together and reach concensus. gawu n. kabut. fog, mist. gege1 n. sm laba-laba yang besar ****. a species of large hunting spider, the adult about 5 cm. broad. gege2 n. nanah dr penyakit mata. pus from an eye infection. Lihatlah: iga, lue. gegere vn. bersedia; berkemas-kemas, siap-siap, segera, cepat. ready, prepared; pack, get ready, stand by, hurry up. Migegeremo kami ponahu. Cepatlah kamu sekalian segera memasak. Hurry up you all and cook. genso n. seratus ribu. hundred thousand, a unit of a hundred thousand. geru vt [-'o]. mengaduk. stir. gia vt [-%]. melebarkan ruang antara dua ****. spread apart, widen the space between two objects. pegia vi. melebarkan diri (msl supaya orang lain bisa masuk atau duduk). spread oneselves apart (for example, to make room for someone else to enter or sit down). gie n. lidi. rib of a palm leaflet. gieno ni'i lidi kelapa coconut leaflet rib sambure gie sapu diabuat dari **** whisk broom made of palm leaflet ribs gigi vt [-'o, -o]. memarut. grate. Arimo topowu'ohi uwi ngkeu, togigio. Sesudah ubi kayu dicuci, kemudian diparut. After we wash the cassava, we grate it. gigi'a n. parutan. grater. gigisi vt [-o]. mengikis. scrape off. mogigisi ue mengikis rotan scrape rattan gili vt [-ho]. menggiling. grind. kagili n. penggiling. grinder, grindstone. kagilino ni'i **** coconut grinder kagilino gola **** grinder for making powdered sugar ginta n. cabe, lombok. chili pepper. Capsicum annuum L. ginta ɓolombo sejenis cabe besar k.o. chili pepper with a large fruit ginta bula sejenis cabe sedang, buahnya **** k.o. chili

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pepper with a medium-sized, pale yellow fruit ginta mpae cabe rawit k.o. chili pepper with a small red fruit, bird's eye chili ginta ule cabe merah panjang k.o. chili pepper with a long, red fruit ginta'i vt [-o]. kasih cabe. add chile peppers to, supply with chile peppers. girisi n. sagar, lidi ijuk. stout bristles obtained from the trunk of the sugar palm. gisi vt [-%]. menggosok. scour. kagisi n. alat penggosok (msl batu apung). scouring pad, scourer (a piece of pumice, for example). giu macam, lain. kind, sort. megiu vn. bermacam-macam. of various kinds or sorts. Ompole megiu pune, pokanamo ka'owoseno. **** There are many kinds of |fv[pune}-birds, all about the same in size. Imegiu gandu, ɗaaho mewunguno, ɗaaho mobulano, ɗaaho ɗuka mokunino. Jagung bermacam-macam, ada yang ungu, ada yang putih, ada juga yang kuning. There are various kinds of corn, there is some which is purple, some which is white, and also some which is yellow. sagiu vi. lain, hamil. different, pregnant. Sabucuno sawula ndo'ari kumawi, kua'iko io Waode Ɓilahi a'ai sagiumo. Setelah mereka sudah kawin satu bulan, kebetulan Waode Bilahi ini sudah lain (hamil). Afte they had been married a month, Waode Bilahi was different (pregnant). — %%. selain. besides, in addition to. Pokacuno, io rampa. Sagui a'iko, lawue memeano. Kirimannya, wijen. Selain itu, kacang tunggak. He sent sesame seeds. Besides that, cowpeas. sagiuno n. yg lain. a different one, another. giwu vt [-'o]. menagih. dun, press for payment. gobe n. perut. belly. gode vn. gendut perutnya. potbellied. goɗe n. bubur sagu. sago porridge. Searti: pombiwi. gode-gode n. balai-balai. outdoor sitting platform. Lihatlah: para-para2. gogalea vi. sibuk, kesibukan, repot. busy, occupied. Ndogogaleamo mompakawi io Rabungkowala. Mereka repot dengan perkawinan Rabungkowala. They were busy with marrying Rabungkowala. gogi n. anak kecil (terutama dl sekelompok), sering juga disebut ana gogi. small children (especially as a group), also often ana gogi. io gogihako **** **** gogiri vt [-o]. menggosok. rub. 10/4/2013

gogoso n. **** dibungkus dl daun pisang dan dibakar. cylindrical packets of sticky rice wrapped and roasted in banana leaves. Lihatlah: luluta, lapa-lapa, mandura. gola n. gula. sugar. gola ɓaku, gola ɓaku memea gula merah bongkahan palm sugar, jaggery sold in blocks gola beleke gula kaleng canned sugar gola ɓone gula pasir refined sugar gola memea gula merah palm sugar, jaggery golano roani madu honey golano towu gula tebu cane sugar golu1 n. 1) bola. ball. 2) sepak bola. socer, football. pegolu vi. bermain sepak bola. play soccer. Ɓeto lako mo'onto megoluno. Mari kita pergi menonton yang bermain sepak bola. Let's go watch the people playing soccer. golu2 vt [-'o]. mencampurkan, membaurkan. mix, blend. pogolu goɗe campur aduk, campur baur **** Togolu'o te kinaa. Kita mencampurkannya (abon) dengan nasi. We mix it (meat floss) with rice. golupu n. tepung (terutama tepung beras). flour (especially rice flour). membeu golupu **** pound rice into flour golupuno pae tepung beras rice flour golupuno gandu tepung jagung cornmeal, corn flour golupuno tarigu tepung terigu wheat flour Golupuno sanggara kaɗio tarigu te e'e. Adonan pisang goreng hanya terigu bercampur dengan air. The batter for fried bananas is only flour with water. Lihatlah: tarigu. gomi vt [-'o]. mengisap. suck at, apply pressure by sucking. gomo n. minyak pelumas, oli. lubricating oil. gonta vt [-'o]. mengocok (telur, adonan kue, dsb). beat (an egg, cake batter, etc.). goo-goo n. sm ikan. k.o. fish, posibly a species of leatherjacket. Lihatlah: bubuu, kumii. goo-goo1 n. 1) burung cangak laut. great-billed heron. Ardea sumatrana. 2) burung bangau sandang-lawe. woolly-necked stork. Ciconia episcopus. gora vi. memanggil. shout, call out. Hapai kau gora? Mengapa engkau panggil? Why did you call out? — n. panggilan. call, shout. Ako ɓendo pohapai, nahina ipolawani gorando. Tetapi apa daya, ia tidak menyahuti panggilan. But whatever, he never answered their shouts. goro-goro n. kerongkongan. throat. Lihatlah: korou. gorombola n. gerombolan, ****. insurrectionists, particularly ones who troubled southeastern Sulawesi from 1950 to 1965. gua n. gua. cave. Lihatlah: lia. guara n. tangkai mayang palem, dr dasarnya sampai

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tempat beranting. the primary stalk of the flowering structure of a palm, from its base to the first fruiting branches; peduncle. guda n. ruang kerja. workshop. gugura n. pengayak (untuk tepung). sieve (for flour). Lihatlah: cirisa. gule1 n. adonan. batter. gule2 vt [-'o]. mencampurkan (msl ikan dgn bumbunya). mix (as fish with spices). kagule n. bumbu masakan. spices used in cooking. kogule-gule vi. plin-plan, tidak pasti maunya. be of two minds, be undecided (about what one wants). guli n. kemudi. rudder.

one's hair cut. Inindua, tamano La Dema ilako i rahamai megunci. Gumunci'o, io Samsur. Kemarin bapaknya La Dema datang ke rumah kami untuk bergunting rambut. Yang mengunting rambutnya, Samsur. Yesterday La Dema's father came and got his hair cut at our house. The one who cut his hair was Samsur. Lihatlah: ambo. guntu n. guntur. thunder. guntu tumundu guntur yang mendalam deep, rolling thunder Lihatlah: rundu.


baru lahir. cloth for tying the waist and belly of a newborn. guru n. guru. teacher. paguru vt [-'o]. mengajar. teach, instruct. guruɗa n. garuda, sm burung besar pemakan manusia di dongeng. man-eating bird of legendary proportions. gusi n. guci, tempayan. earthen water vessel with a stocky shape and simple decorations around the lip. gusi pinole cmpd n. guci, tempayan. earthen water vessel, taller than an ordinary gusi. gusi naga cmpd n. tempayan naga. an ornate earthen vessel, usually decorated with a dragon or dragons. guu n. pohon cemara, eru. casuarina, horsetail pine. Casuarina spp.

pegulili vi. tidak langsung menerima saran. not directly accept an order.

gulu-gulu n. hiasan rambut perempuan untuk penyunatan atau perkawinan. traditional matted hairstyle for brides, female circumcision initiates, etc. Lihatlah: paɓale, wiwiki. guluma n. kelompok, kawanan, kumpulan. group of animals. gulumano ika kumpulan ikan school of fish gulumano bebe kelompok itik bevy of ducks guna n. guna, pergunaan. use, usefulness. Ɓo hapa gunano? Apa gunanya? What is this used for? guna-guna n. guna-guna. magic. gunci n. gunting. scissors. — vt [-'o]. menggunting. cut with scissors. pegunci vi. bergunting rambut. cut one's hair, get

gunu gunu ko'api cmpd n. gunung berapi. volcano.

gurita n. kain pengikat pinggang dan perut bayi yg

H - h haɗa mokokohaɗa vn. cantik, lucu, sayang, menarik. pretty, cute, darling, attractive.

mokokohaɗa'ako vt [-no]. menyayangi. esteem, value. Ri'isomo ka ɓeto pokana-kana minokokohaɗa'akono manusia. Di situlah kalau kita ingin sama-sama disayangi manusia. That way we will alike be valued by people. haɗeɗe Lihatlah: hareɗe. hadiri vt [-o]. menghadiri. attend. Ndolakomo ɓumoɓoiho raja ɓei leuako humadirio kawi'ando. Pergilah mereka memanggil sang rajah untuk menghadiri perkawinan mereka. They went and called the rajah that he might attend their wedding. haejati n. hajat, tujuan, maksud, niat. wish, desire, 38



intent, purpose, expectation. Hiina ɓeku cunanio haejatimiu. Saya tidak akan mengecewakan kalian. I will not disppoint you (lit. I will not drop your expectations). excl. ****. a kind of laugh of satisfaction made to oneself. — vi. tertawa 'haha'. laugh 'ha ha' to oneself. Ah, ihahamo duka Tambontahi, "Haha," taeno, "maka Ɓintausu te Rabungkowala," taeno, " ɓekukaa'indamo." Tertawa Tambontahi juga, katanya "Ha ha, Bintausu dengan Rabungkowala, saya mau makan mereka." Tambontahi also laughed to himself, "Ha ha, well well, Bintausu and Rabungkowala, I'm going to eat them." Lihatlah: hei.

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haji n. Edul Adha, Lebaran Haji, perayaan hari

halo mohalo vn. hitam. black. pohalo'ako ****. blackening, something used to

kesepuluh Zulhijah. Eid-ul-Adha, celebration of the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijah. haka n. akar. root. haka lengka cmpd n. 1) akar tunjang seperti terdapat pada sm pohon bakau. stilt root as found in certain species of mangrove trees. Lihatlah: ɓolucu, kacuu-cuu. 2) sm pohon bakau dengan akar tunjang, juga dikenal atas nama haka saja. k.o. mangrove tree species with stilt roots, also known simply as haka. Rhizophora spp. Lihatlah: lumbe. haki n. penyakit. disease, sickness. haki mata trahom, penyakit mata eye disease hako %%. penanda jamak untuk kata benda. plural marker for nouns. Io hapa inolimiu? - Io palolahako. Apa yang kau beli? - Terung dan sebagainya. What did you buy? - Oh, eggplant and other things. Bubuno pae, bubuno gandu, bubuno keu, io bubunohako... bubuk beras, bubuk jagung, bubuk kayu, bubuk semuanya... Rice weevils, corn weevils, wood weevils, all those weevils... haku n. hak. right, authority.

blacken with. pohalo'ako wuu **** hair blackening, black hair coloring halu vt [-'o]. mencari. seek, look for. hohalu vt [-'o]. mencari. seek around for, search about for. pehohalu mencari. seek around, make a search. ɓahalu-halu vi. cari-mencari. seek around for each other. halu bound num. delapan. eight. Lihatlah: hoalu. halua vt [-'o]. mencampur. toss together, mix. hama n. sm ruam halus. k.o. fine rash. kohama %%. beruam macam ruam ini. suffer from this kind of rash. hambata n. hambatan. obstacle, obstruction. Ɗaaho hambatano karano jambata imoɗaki. Ada hambatan karena jembatan rusak. There's an obstruction because the bridge is in ruin. hambi vt [-'o]. menyandang (spt tas). carry with a strap over the shoulder (as a purse). Hamisi n. Kamis, hari Kamis. Thursday. hampa1 vn. gegabah. reckless.



tepohala %%. selesma. cold (infection).

hala2 n. hutang, utang. debt. — vi. salah. be wrong. Tabea tohala... Kalau kami tidak salah, ... Unless we're mistaken... hala'ako vt [-ø]. salah tentang. be wrong about. hinala'ako n. kesalahan. error, mistake (lit. that which one is wrong about). kohala vi. berhutang. in debt, having a debt, owing. pekahalari berselisih, berbeda (pendapat). quarrel, disagree. hala uni cmpd n. nazar, janjian, ucapan terima kasih kpd Tuhan. vow, oath, giving thanks to God. Ɗeeɗeno, ɗaaho hala uni anano Suuma. **** **** — cmpd vi. bernazar, berjanji berbuat sesuatu jika maksud tercapai. make a vow, swear, vow to do s.t. if one's prayer is granted. Ihalamo unino ɗuka lakino lipu. Bernazar juga kepala kampung. The village chief also made a vow. Humala unino tabeano haroa'ano roraea. **** The ones making vows **** halawulu vi. berobah roman muka dan keliatan pudar. change one's countenance and become pale. hale n. serambi, kamar tamu. side room, guest room.

hali mohali vn. sulit, mahal. difficult, expensive.

halia vn. gelisah. nervous, restless, jittery. 10/4/2013

mahampa vn.

ganteng, gagah, mempesona. handsome, dashing, enchanting. handu n. handuk. towel. hapa intrg. apa ****. what (questioning nominal positions). Hapa inolimiu? Apa yang engkau beli? What did you buy? Ɗaaho hapa? Apa yang terjadi? What happened? hapai intrg. kenapa. why. Hapai kai pangka? Kenapa dia menangis? Why is it that he is crying? pohapai intrg. apa ****. what (questioning the predicate). Mohapai inggomiu? Kamu sedang apa? What are you doing? sahapa intrg. berapa. how much. Sahapa sahea ika cinunumiu? Berapa satu iris ikan bakarmu? How much for one slice of your grilled fish? Sahapa rua ɓoto? Berapa dua biji? How much for two pieces? Sahapa toramiu? Berapa umurnya? How old are you? sahapa'o %%. selama. during, thoughout. Sahapa'o io a'ai, ingkomiu i maina? Selama ini, kalian berada di mana? During all this, where were you?

hapu hapuni vt [-o]. menyangkal. deny. pehapu vi. bersangkal, menyangkal,

tidak mengakui kesahalan. deny, express denial, not admit one's fault. Sađia ipehapu. Ia selalu mengyangkal. He always denies things.

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haragaa n. harga. value, price.

hatibi n. khatib, yg berkhotbah di mesjid. preacher at

koharagaa vn. berharga, bisa dijual untuk harga yg baik. valuable, fetching a good price. Ikoharagaa ikino ika mongiwa. Ekornya ikan hiu berharga. Shark's tail is valuable. hareɗe Bentuk lain: haɗeɗe, haroɗo. excl. kata seru keheranan, wah! exclamation of surprise, hey! haroa vi. menjalankan kenduri. observe a ceremonial meal. Toharoa'ako haroa'ano poasa. Kita menjalankan pembukaan bulan puasa. We're celebrating the opening meal of the month of fasting. haroa'a n. kenduri. ceremonial meal. haroa'ano haji Edul Adha, Lebaran Haji, kenduri pada hari kesepuluh Eid-ul-Adha, Feast of the Sacrifice, ceremonial meal observed on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijah haroa'ano laa **** a traditional festival held in certain villages haroa'ano poasa kenduri pada hari pertama Ramadan, untuk merayakan permulaan bulan puasa ceremonial meal observed on the first night of Ramadan, to mark the beginning of the month of fasting haroa'ano roraea Idul Fitri, Lebaran, kenduri pada hari pertama Syawal setelah selesai puasa sebulan Eid-ul-Fitr, cermonial meal observed on the first day of Shawwal after the end of the month of fasting haroɗo Lihatlah: hareɗe. hasili n. hasil. result, outcome, product. Mbalo a'iso iko'ihiako pakea moiko hasilino karajaano ana ncina a'iso. Bambu itu berisikan pakaian yang sangat antik sebagai hasil usaha anak perempuan itu. That bamboo case was filled with nice clothes, the results of that girl's work. hatamu1 n. ketam, pengetam, skap. carpenter's plane. hatamu ondau ketam panjang kind of long plane hatamu ntonga ketam sedang medium-sized plane hatamu ompudu ketam pendek short plane — vt [-'o]. mengetam. plane (a board). mohatamu sisino ɗopi mengetam pinggir papan plane the edge of a board pehatamu vi. mengetam, memakai pengetam. plane, work using a carpenter's plane. pepehatamu %%. minta atau menyuruh sesuatu diketam. request or order something to be planed. hatamu2 vi. khatam pengajian. pass one's examination in Qur'anic recital. Mohatamuno Kura'ani itonia ndongaji. Yang khatam Alquran tadi sedang mengaji. The ones who passed their Qur'an examinations just then were reciting the Qur'an. Lihatlah: pongkikihi ɗopi [kikihi]. 40

a mosque.

hauna n. sj ikan. yellowmask surgeonfish. Acanthurus mata Cuvier.

haunga n. sm ikan. k.o. darkish surgeonfish. Acanthurus spp.

hawa1 pehawa pehawaki vt [-o]. mengingat. remember, think about. Sađia topehawakikomiu. Kami selalu mengingat engkau. We always think about you. tepehawaki vn. teringat. be reminded, be struck by a though. hawa2 n. hawa, cuaca. weather, climate. hawiako vt [-ø]. menabur. sow, scatter. hawu n. telur pd sj kepiting. the egg of certain crabs. he1 excl. kata seruang untuk menegur orang, hai! wahai! call word to get a stranger's attention, hey! He, i maina ɓemi lako? Hai, kemana bapak akan pergi? Hey, where are you going? He, io hapa? Hai, apa? Hey, what? Lihatlah: oo-1. he2 excl. ****. utterance-final exclamation which asks the listener to pay attention and respond appropriately, okay, alright, got it? Lydia, he! Lydia, **** (Here's a picture of) Lydia, alright? Colomiu, he! Korek apimu, ****. Here, take your matches, okay? Mata ta'owu, he! **** (Here's) the machete, okay? Pedi, spidolmo, he! Pedi, (di sini) spidol, **** Pedi, (here are your) felt tip markers, okay? Ɗa'a ɓajuno. Ɓaju'o, he! Tidak ada bajunya. Bajui, ****. He doesn't have any clothes on. Get him dressed, okay? Apin! Oo Apin! Apin he! Apin! Hai Apin! **** (memanggil anaknya Apin) Apin! Hey Apin! Apin!! (calling for one's child Apin) A'iko, he! **** How about that! (how nice you all look, dressed up like that!) hea vt [-'o]. mengiris. slice. — n. iris. a slice or cut of something. hea-hea vt [-'o]. ****. dice, chop finely. Golano tohea-hea meriɗi. **** The (palm) sugar, we chop finely. heera Bentuk lain: hera. vi. tertawa. laugh. herai vt [-o]. menertawakan. laugh at. hei Bentuk lain: hai. excl. ****. request for immediate response (??). Colo hai! **** Matches, okay! (when someone did not answer quickly) Hei? Apa? Apa yang bilang tadi? What? What did you just say?

heke koheke-heke vi. tertawa betul, terbahak-bahak dng menggoncang badannya. laugh out loud, laugh boisterously with the body shaking,

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



hoinu guffaw. Lihatlah: kokeke-keke [keke-4].

hela1 vi. berlayar. sail. Sa'arindo kumogaugau, kapala ɓo sinawikindo ɓei helamo. Setelah mereka berunding, kapal yang akan ditumpanginya sudah akan berangkat. After they finished talking, the boat they were going to board was about to sail. hela2 vt [-'o]. menarik, menaikkan (layar), meangambil (air). pull, lead, hoist, draw. mohela ɓiri menarik telinga pull by the ear mohela enge menarik hidung pull by the nose mohela e'e mengambil air draw water mohela kabua **** pull in a fishing line, retrieve a fishing line Hela'o pangawa! Naikkan layar! Hoist the sail! Hela'o penaau. Tarik nafasmu. Draw in your breath. I'owose mongiwa hinelamiu? Apakah ikan hiu yg kau ambil besar? Is the shark you caught large? pekahela vi. ****. pull against each other. hempi vt [-'o]. melepaskan dari batangnya atau kelopaknya. remove from its branch or ****. — vn. terlepas (tt daun, dsb). come loose or free (of leaves, leaflets, etc.). hempikako vt [-ø]. melepaskan. tear off. hempo vi. duduk ****. sit with legs retracted and flat on the ground, one foot touching or resting under the knee of the other leg. Hapai kami hempo i wita? Kenapa engkau duduk di tanah? Why are you sitting on the ground? Lihatlah: d*empo, toro-1, wangu. hende vt [-o]. mempersandar, meletakkan sesuatu supaya itu bersandar. lean, set something down so that it leans. pehende vi. bersandar. lean, lean back. kohende-hende vi. bersandar-sandar. sit around leaning. hengga vt [-'o]. menaksir. estimate, determine, set one's eye on. Ndohengga'omo i raha a'iso ɓaraako ikowaho, ɓara iko'oleo. Mereka sudah taksir (berkumpul) di rumah itu, jangan sampai kehujanan, jangan sampai mata hari. They've determined it'll be at that house, whether it's rainy or sunny. hengga-hengga vt [-'o]. memperkirakan, menduga. estimate, guess. henggano sedangkan. ****. heo n. miang, **** biasanya gatal kalau kena orang. the fine, black, often itch-inducing appressed hairs found on the culm leaves and other parts of bamboo. koheo vi. menpunyai miang (tt buluh, bambu). having black, itchy hairs (said of bamboo).

hera pekahera vt [-'o]. ****. ****. 10/4/2013

herai Lihatlah: heera. hia excl. kata kejengkelan atau kegusaran, wah! exclamation of irritation or exasperation, hey, good grief! Hia, hinapo ulako. Wah, belum engkau pergi. Good grief, you're still here?! hiina Bentuk lain: hina (*****) (the variant hina occurs when followed by aspectual particles mo or po). neg. tidak. no, not. hinaako conj. jangan sampai. lest. Totangowio hinaako iusupio lale. Kita menutupnya jangan sampai dimasuki lalat. We cover it lest flies get into it. hiku n. siku. elbow. Lihatlah: siku.

hindolu mohindolu vn. keringatan. sweaty. kahindolu n. keringat. sweat, perspiration.

hindoo vn. gundul, botak. bald. hingka tehingka vn. kaget. frightened.

hingke vi. tegak, berdiri (msl rambut, bulu). standing, splayed (of hair, feathers). Ihingkemo wuluno manu perumpa a'iso. Bulu ayam sambungan itu berdiri. The feathers of that fighting cock were standing up. hio excl. kata ejekan, biasanya disertai dgn mengankat jari telunjuk, ****. exclamation of ridicule, usually accompanied by pointing the finger at someone, hah, hah-hah! hiu n. sisir. comb. hiuno kucu sisir kutu louse comb, lice comb hiu rembe clause_idiom. tegak bulu roma, merinding bulu-bulu, dl keadaan bulu roma tegak. have goosebumps, have one's hair standing on end. Ihiu rembeku. Tegak bulu romaku. My hairs stood on end. Lihatlah: toro rigi [toro]. hoa1 n. burung julang sulawesi. knobbed hornbill. Rhyticeros cassidix. hoa2 menguap baunya. evaporate. hoalu num. delapan. eight. Lihatlah: halu. hod*e %%. ****. ****.

hoɗu mohoɗu vn. bersedu. hiccup. tehoɗu vn. tersedu. draw one's breath in sharply. kohoɗu-hoɗu %%. tersedu-sedu. sob gently.

hoenu Lihatlah: hoinu. hogo %%. ****. ****. hohi vt [-'o]. ****. saw back and forth with a knife. hohole n. sm penyengat yg bikin rumah dng melubang kayu. k.o. wasp which drills its nest in wood. hoinu Bentuk lain: hoenu. n. 1) sj pohon kecil, daunnya digunakan sebagai sayuran. k.o. small tree of the mallow family with edible leaves.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




Abelmoschus spp. 2) kacang lendir. okra. Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench. hole vt [-o]. menggoreng. fry, cook by frying in hot oil. kahole vt [-o]. menggongseng, menyangrai, menggoreng tanpa minyak. fry dry, fry without oil. **** Ibu menyangrai kacang. **** hole-hole n. sm kueh. k.o. pastry, often eaten directly after being fried. holoto1 n. sm ikan. double-ended pipefish. Syngnathoides biaculeatus Bloch. holoto2 n. 1) sesuatu yg terselip di gigi. something which is stuck between the teeth. 2) tusuk pengcungkil gigi. toothpick. peholoto vi. mencungkil, menusuk gigi. pick one's teeth. koholoto vi. ada sesuatu yg terselip di gigit. have something stuck between the teeth. holowiwi %%. ****. ****. honda n. sepeda motor. motorcycle.

hongi kahongi n. berbusa pd tepi bibir. foam at the edges of the mouth.

hongko kohongko-hongko vi.

berjongkok. squat. Lihatlah: cucua, kobungko-bungko [bungko], kontanda-ntanda [ntanda].


di samping, terletak berdampingan. be located beside or next to each other. Wacu'ea ɓahori-hori te Wita Memea. Wacu'ea berdampingan dengan Wita Memea. Wacu'ea is located next to Wita Memea. horo n. lantai. floor. horo ncula cmpd n. lantai pelupuh, lantai dari bambu cula yg sudah dibelah. slat floor made of split cula bamboo. horo ɗopi Bentuk lain: horo ndopi. cmpd n. lantai dari papan. floor made of wooden planks. horo mperi cmpd n. lantai pelupuh, lantai dari bambu peri yg sudah dibelah. slat floor made of split peri bamboo. horo mpanata cmpd n. ****. deck covering made of bamboo (??). horo ngkeu cmpd n. lantai dari kayu. floor made of wood. horo wua cmpd n. ****. ****. horo ue cmpd n. lantai dari rotan. floor made of rattan. horu vt [-'o]. menenun. weave. horuo n. tenunan, perkakas tenun. loom. howu n. gondong. goiter. kohowu %%. bergondong. have a goiter.

hua mohua vn. ****. fallen over.


hongu-hongu n. keturunan. offspring, child, descendant.

honu pohonu %%. mirip. resemble. Anamiu ipohonu te cinano. Anakmu mirip mamanya. Your child resembles her mother. hopa vi. menyalak. bark, bay. — vt [-o]. *****. hound, for dogs to run or chase after. Rusa i Kolensusu, tolahaakono ɗahu kai hopao momale'ako molai. Jonga di Kulisusu, kita berbunuh dengan anjin, digonggong setelah capai lari. As for the Kulisusu deer, we hunt it with dogs, and they hound it until it's tired from fleeing. hori vn. dekat. close, near. — n. damping, sebelah, dekat. side, vicinity. Horino rahano Wa Ipa rahamai. Rumah kami dekat rumahnya Wa Ipa. Our house is close to Wa Ipa's. Isansamo mia a'iso i horindo. Orang itu melanggar di dekat mereka. The man passed near to them. Lihatlah: lempe. ɓahori vi. berdekatan, berdampingan. close together, next to each other, side by side. Raja te mia rahano ndototoro ɓahori. Rajah dan isterinya duduk berdampingan The king and his wife sat side by side. 42

ɓahori-hori vi.

pehuɗu-huɗu aɗe vi.

menyangga dagu dng tangan, menyandarkan dagu di telapak tangan. rest one's chin in the palm of one's hand. Lihatlah: me'ungku-ungku aɗe [ungku]. hugu-hugu n. gaplek, ubi kayu yg dijemur. dried cassava. hui vt [-o]. mengubah arah (sampan, dsb) dengan **** dayung ****. change the course of (a sampan, etc.) by pushing the paddle outward away from the side of the boat. Lihatlah: ɓose, gai, jao. huka Asal: PBT *huka < PMP *suka 'a tree, Gnetum gnemon'. n. pohon melinjo, pohon belinjo. the gnemon tree, also called the Spanish joint-fir tree. Gnetum gnemon L. leweno huka daun melinjo yg mudah, dipakai sebagai sayuran young leaves of the gnemon tree used as a vegetable, joint-fir spinach hule1 n. jantung. heart. hule2 vi. pergi, ****. go; go ascending in evelation; go in a noutherly or easterly direction. Lihatlah: lako. hulesi vt [-o]. mendatangi. approach. ngkohule %%. ****. ****. hule3 n. gasing. toy top. hule ɓio cmpd n. gasing berbentuk telur. egg-

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



ia humba

shaped top.

hule ɓuso cmpd n. gasing berbentuk tempayan kecil. top shaped like a water jar. hule ngkande cmpd n. gasing berbentuk ****. top with a flattened shape. hule ntola cmpd n. gasing berbentuk ****. tall, slender top. hulu n. suluh, lampu, lentera. torch, lantern, lamp, light. hulu ɓawu damar, pedamaran dammar resin, in the natural state or wrapped in lewe wiu and lighted for a lamp hulu ɓeau suluh dibikin dgn menumbuk biji kemiri, kemudian dicampur kapas baru dilitit di bambu toirch made by pounding candlenuts and mixing it with cotton, which is then wound around bamboo hulu koroka = hulu ngkoroka = hulu ngkoroka hulu listrik lampu listrik electric lights hulu mensila lampu sorot spotlight hulu mina suluh dr kapas dicampur minyak kelapa, ditaruh dl air baru dibakar lamp made by dousing cotton with coconut oil and burning it in a dish of water hulu ngkoroka andang, suluh dibuat dr daun palem kering torch made from a dried palm frond hulu oboro suluh dr sebatang bambu diisi minyak tanah, ujungnya disumpal kain torch made from a piece of bamboo, one end of which has been filled with kerosene and plugged with a cloth hulu pađamara cempor, pelita minyak tanah yg dibuat dr kaleng bekas diberikan sumbu small kerosene lamp consisting of a tin can and a wick hulu strongke = hulu torongke = hulu torongke hulu torongke stromking, lentera minyak tanah kerosene lantern Lihatlah: oboro, pađamara. — vi. memancing malam dng stromking. fish by lantern light. Andiku ilako humulu itonia malo. Ipakeo hulu torongke i bangka. Adikku pergi memancing dengan lentera tadi malam. Dia memakai stromking di perahu. My younger brother went fishing by lantern light last night. He used a kerosene lantern on his boat. hulu-hulu n. sm ikan. k.o. small fish. Lihatlah: ɓaelo.

kohumba-humba %%. berdebar-debar (spt hati). beat, pound (as the heart).

humbawi n. sm teripang. k.o. sea cucumber. Lihatlah: sowolo.

humbu n. sm keranjang dibuat dari agel. k.o. basket made from gebanga. Lihatlah: ɓaki, ɓalase, karinda, kompiu, langka-2. humbuni vt [-o]. mengancam pd seorang perempuan agar mau dikawini. threatan a woman to make her ****. humeo n. semut. ant. humeo bisa cmpd n. sm semut merah. species of small red stinging ant. humeo halo cmpd n. sm semut hitam. species of black ant. humeo langka cmpd n. sm semut hitam. species of ant about 3 mm long, its body red, abdomen darkish, its antenae as long as its body; does not sting people; gathers where there is sugar. humeo ngkokawe cmpd n. semut yg mempunya sayap. winged ants. hundawi vt [-%]. menyinari. illuminate. Ndohundaw'iako'inda hulu, io sulutani monona. Kemudian disinari lampu, padahal sultan betul. They illuminated him with lamps, it was really the sultan. hungka vt [-'o]. ****. dig underneath s.t. and lift it out. hungki vt [-'o]. mencungkil, menekan ke atas. pry up or off, push upward. hungkilako vt [-ø]. ****. ****. pehungki vi. menaikkan diri, berdiri dr posisi ****. rise up, raise oneself from a lying position. huni vt [-o]. membakar (kebun). burn a field in preparation for planting. huu n. mulut bagian luar. labial circle, exterior mouth area. wulu huu cmpd n. kumis. moustache. wiwi huu cmpd n. bibir. lips. huuni %%. ****. ****.

I - i i iia1

prep. di. at, in, on; to, towards. prn. orang ketiga tunggal kasus nominatif. third person singular nominative. n. urat, urat darah. vein, blood vessel; tendon??


ia bumuru urat simpul varicose veins iano bungku ngkaru urat pada kura-kura kaki veins on the instep of the foot


Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




po'ia vi. 1) tinggal, terletak. stay, live, be located. Ipo'ia i mbui, jumaga-jaga Wangkinamboro ɓaraako iteleusi'inda. Ia tinggal di belakang menjaga jangan sampai Wangkinamboro mendatangi mererka. He stayed in back keeping watch lest Wangkinamboro should come upon them. Raha nsikola ipo'ia i olotano Lantagi te Wakurempa. Raha sekolah terletak pd batasan Lantagi dengan Wakurempa. The schoolhouse lies on the border between Lantagi and Wakurempa. 2) duduk tanpa bergerak, duduk suatu tempat tanpa berdiri. sit still, sit in one place without moving about. po'i-po'ia vi. 1) tinggal. reside, live for some while at. A'aimo karajaano Wa Ode Ginunduri i larono ipo'i-po'ia i tangkeno Wansisindoori-ɗori. Itulah pekerjaan Wa Ode Ginunduri selama ia tinggal di gunung Wansisindori-dori. That was Wa Ode Ginunduri's work while she lived on Wansisindori-dori Mountian. 2) berdiam-diam. remain quiet, silent. Lawani'aku, isee po'i-po'ia! Jawablah saya, jangan berdiamdiam. Answer me, don't keep silent! po'iaha n. pemikuman. living place, settlement. ibarano %%. ibarat, demikian juga. like, as with, likewise, similarly. Icuɗu ɗuka i oloncuɗuono ɗuka lakino lipu ibarano ngkaa-ngkaa'ai io kapala kampo a'iso. Jatuh lagi di halamannya kepala kampung, ibaratnya sekarang kepala kampung itu. Again it fell into the yard of the village leader, just like it had with the present village leader. ibu n. mama, istilah informil untuk memanggil ibu. mom, informal term of address for one's mother. Lihatlah: ina, mama-1, paapa, cina.

icu koicu-icu vi. menggeleng-geleng. shake one's head from side to side. Lihatlah: ko'unda-unda [unda]. iga n. tahi mata. mucus from the eye. Lihatlah: gege. ihi n. 1) isi. contents. ihino raha isinya rumah furnishings of a house Io lapumai, io ihino, io ni'i te io coklat. Bekas kebun kami, isinya kelapa te coklat. Our fallow garden plot, its contents are coconuts and cacao. 2) jaringan daging, daging buah. flesh, meat, flesh of fruit. ihino ɓake daging buah flesh of fruit ihii vt [-o]. mengisi. fill. mo'ihii b*ensi mengisi dng bensin fill with gasoline ko'ihi vi. berisi, ****. having contents, filled; bulked out (of root crops). Io uwi, hinapo iko'ihi ngkaa-ngkaa'ai. **** At present greater yams have not yet bulked out. 44

ii iisa

excl. kata seru kekejutan atau ketakutan perempuan, ****! woman's exclamation of startlement or fright, eek! Bentuk lain: isa. num. satu *****. one, used in straight counting (one, two, three...). Lihatlah: saaɗe.

ijo moijo vn. hijau. green.


n. ikan. fish. ika katapai ikan panggang fish that has been roasted and smoked above an open flame ika ncinunu ikan bakar fish grilled over coals ika ntora ikan hidup live fish ika ɓawu cmpd n. sm ikan. midnight snapper. Macolor macularis Fowler. ika malewe cmpd n. sm ikan laut yg gepeng. k.o. fish, possibly flounder or sole. Lihatlah: ɗampa ɓone. ika memea cmpd n. sm_ikan. ruby snapper. Etelis carbunculus Cuvier. ika mo'uso cmpd n. sm ikan. Quoy's parrotfish. Scarus quoyi Valenciennes. ika nsala cmpd n. sm_ikan. red squirrelfish. Sargocentron rubrum Forss. ikancini n. belantik, tiga bintang tengah dr Orion. the three stars of Orion's Belt. iki n. ekor. tail. iki lemba rambut pd tengkuk (biar pendek atau panjang) hairs at the nape of the neck (whether long or short) ikino patowala ekor layang-layang tail of a kite ko'iki vi. berekor. tailed, having a tail or tails. iki ika cmpd n. hiasan yg agak kecil, rangkanya berbentuk ekor ikan, yg dipasang pd bagain bawah layang-layang. a small, framed and covered decorative attachment in the shape of a fish's tail, fitted to the bottom of a kite. ikiɗi Bentuk lain: okiɗi. vn. kecil. small (of objects), thin (of rope). Hea'o iki-ikidi. Irislah kecilkecil. Slice it up small. ikidiha n. masa masih kecil. period of life when still small. Kupehawaki ikidihangku. Saya ingat semasa masih kecil. I rmember when I was still smal.

iko moiko vn. bagus, baik. good.


n. tahi lalat. mole, nevus.

ko'ila %%. mempunya tahi lalat di kulitnya. have a mole on the skin.

ila mpoo cmpd n. bentik-benitk hitam di kulit.


small dark spots on skin. n. air ludah. spit, spittle. — vi. menetes air liur. slober. pe'ili vi. berludah. spit (deliberately). pe'ili'a n. peludahan, tempolong. spittoon.


Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



ipua pengili vi. menurun gunung. go downhill, descend from a mountain. pangili vi. menurun ke muara sungai. downriver. pa'ili vi. berlayar ke hilir. go downriver.


ili3 kaili-ili sungkan, malu-malu, segan, enggan (berbuat sesuatu). reluctant, timid, feeling out of place, afraid (to do something). Mentee mingkaili-ili. Mungking engkau merasa malu. Perhaps you feel timid. Isee mingkaili-ili tumenakai. Jangan malu-malu menyuruh kami. Don't be afraid to ask us for what you want (lit. to order us). Isee mingkaili-ili, mi'aɓiomo rahamiu. Jangan malu-malu, anggaplah rumah kamu. Don't be timid, consider this your house. kaili montena segan menyuruh **** ili4 %%. paham, sifat. understanding, sense, nature. pe'ili vi. sifat, sikap, suasana, situasi hati. attitude, demeanor, internal state, state of the heart. mosa'o pe'ilino sikapnya jelek feel bad or ugly inside Imoiko pe'ilinto. Hati kami baik-baik. Down in our hearts we feel good.

iliako mo'iliako vn. mau. willing, desirous. Leu ri'ai, keu mo'iliako. Mari sini, kalau mau. Come here, if you are willing. mino'iliako n. keinginan. desire, wish. ilimu n. ilmu. knowledge. imamu n. imam, pemimpin salat di mesjid. imam, the prayer leader of a mosque. imbu Asal: PMP *imbuk 'nature spirit'. 1) setan laut, gurita raksasa yg bisa menenggelamkan kapal. devilfish, a giant octopus which in folklore is capable of sinking ships. 2) gurita cincin biru (sj gurita yg sangat beracun). the venomous greater blue-ringed octopus. Hapalochlaena lunulata Quoy & Gaimard. Searti: kuita, suɗa, totopu. impia intrg. kapan (kala mendatang). when (future). Impia ɗuka kami leu? Kapan datang lagi? When will you come again? impi-impia %%. kapan-kapan. sometime, some day or other. Mi'alu i raha impi-impia. Kapankapan singgah di raha. Stop by my house sometime. inimpia intrg. kapan (kala lampau). when (past). Inimpia minteleu? Kapan datang? When did you arrive? — vn. ****. former, olden. kapala inimpia, ngkangka'ai hinamo topompake sm kapal zaman dulu, tidak dipakai sekarang an olden type of boat, no longer used today -in- nfx. penanda pasif. passive marker. ina n. mama, istilah informil untuk memanggil ibu. 10/4/2013

mom, informal term of address for one's mother. Searti: ibu, mama-1, paapa, cina. ina mpuha cmpd n. pangkuan. lap. inaɗe prn. orang ketiga tunggal bentuk bebas. third person singular free pronoun. inai intrg. siapa (****). who (questioning obliques). Ɓo inai kau po'oli pakuli? Kamu beli obat untuk siapa? For whom did you buy medicine? inaio siapa (****). who (questioning core arguments). inalahi n. rimba raya, hutan yg belum pernah diolah. jungle, virgin forest. inao neg. bukan. no, not (negation for equative sentences). Rea a'iso inao reano manusia. Darah itu bukan darah manusia. That blood is not human blood. -'inda prn. orang ketiga jamak kasus akusatif. third person plural accusative. indaɗe prn. orang ketiga jamak bentuk bebas. third person plural free pronoun. ingkai prn. orang pertama jamak bentuk bebas. first person plural free pronoun. ingkei Lihatlah: ungkei. ingkita prn. orang pertama tunggal kolektif bentuk bebas. first person plural collective free pronoun. ingkomiu prn. orang kedua jamak bentuk bebas. second person plural free pronoun. ingko'o prn. orang kedua tunggal bentuk bebas. second person singular free pronoun. inindua n. kemarin. yesterday. inipua n. kemarin dulu. day before yesterday, two days ago. inoto n. tumpukan kayu sisa pembakaran di kebun. piles of wood leftover from burning a garden. Lihatlah: nona-2. inti n. isinya di dalam. inside contents. intipu vt [-'o]. mengintip. spy on. inuwi n. umbut, sayuran hati palem. edible palm pith, palm cabbage. io prtcl. 1) penanda nomina, partikel yang **** kata penguat arti. noun marker, a grammatical particle which precedes nominal consitituents (and lends some emphasis. Io inade umalao. Betul dia yang ambil. It was him who took it. 2) ****. hesitation pariticle, uttered during pauses while a speaker considers what he or she is about to say next. iompo n. sm ikan. k.o. fish.

ipi po'ipi vi. bermimpi. dream. inipi n. impian. that which is dreamed about, a dream.

ipua n. lusa. day after tomorrow, two days from now.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




Ke hiina meanta, ipua, kupowawa koda nsuere. Kalau tidak besok, lusa saya membawa foto yang lain. If not tomorrow, then the day after I will bring other pictures. irampu n. ubi kayu yg diparut, kemudian dibungkus dl daun pisang dan dibakar dng batu. grated cassava wrapped in banana leaves and baked on stones.

iri moiri vn. kiri. left (hand), left (side). lima moiri tangan kiri left hand Lihatlah: kema, moana [ana2].

isa mo'isa vn. hilang (pelembutan untuk 'kecurian'). lost, disappeared (euphemistically also meaning 'stolen'). Ke mata malo io sandalinto to'usupako i raha, iseeako imo'isa. Waktu mata malam, kita memasukkan sandal kita agar supaya tidak hilang (kecurian). When it's nighttime, we put our sandals inside, lest they get lost (stolen). Lihatlah: mo/lengu. Isarafili pn. malaikat Israfil, malaikat yg bertugas meniup sangkakala. the trumpet archangel Asrafel. Isara'ili pn. malaikat Izrail, malaikat yg bertugas mencabut nyawa. the death archangel Azrael. isee neg. 1) jangan. don't, negative imperative. Isee ukaa'aku, ungkuɗe kupowawa kaɓaku. Jangan engkau memakan saya, saya ada membawa oleh-oleh. Don't you eat me, I've brought a gift. 2) tidak akan. will not, expressing desire. Sio-sioino isee ikowaho. Mudahmudahan tidak akan hujan. Hopefully it won't rain. iseeako conj. agar tidak, agar supaya tidak. so that ... not, without. Pakulino hapa itonia? Iseeako kumomale. Obat apa itu tadi? Agar supaya saya tidak lemas. What kind of medicine was that? - So that I don't get weak. Ndopoonemo i lolono buah malaka owose, iseeako iɗiɗiu'inda kaɗaɗi mosega. Mereka memanjat di atas pohon jambu biji yang besar,

agar supaya mereka tidak diancam oleh binatang buas. They climbed to the top of a large guava tree, so that wild animals wouldn't bother them. Wakutuu a'iso nopohaluakonomo akala, ka'umpehano carano ɓendo ɓasiako Buragil iseeako ito'orio. Pada saat itu mulailah dicarikan siasat bagaimana caranya untuk membuang si Buragil agar ia tidak mengetahuinya. At that time they came up with a plan for getting rid of Buragil, without him knowing it. isilamu vt [-'o]. menyunat. circumcise, excise the foreskin (of males) or a portion of the clitoris (of females). Lihatlah: kaɓengka, rere-3. Isinene n. Senin, hari Senin. Monday.

istirika pe'istirika vi. menyeterika. use a clothes iron.

itonia adv. tadi. in the near past, just now, just then.


Toteleu itonia mewangu. Kami datang tadi pagi. We arrived this morning. Hapa ginaundo itonia? Apa yang dibicarakan mereka tadi? What did they say just now? — dem. yang tersebut, yang tersebut tadi. aforementioned, just mentioned. Ɓawu hako itonia ndoteleumo ɗuka i wiwino tahi, ako hinamo ndotelimba ri'asoa. Babi-babi tersebut tadi tiba pula di tepi lautan, tetapi mereka tak dapat menyeberang kesana. The aforementioned pigs also arrived at the edge of the sea, but they couldn't cross over there. vt [-'o]. mengikat (msl tangkai padi). bundle, tie together (as rice stalks). Arimo mongkocu io pae, to'iu'o. Setelah kita memanen padi, kita mengikatnya. After we cut the rice stalks, we bundle them. Lihatlah: ɓoke. — n. ikatan padi yg terdiri atas dua atau tiga molungku, yaitu jumlahnya kira-kira 20-30 tangkai. a medium-sized bundle of rice consisting of two or three mokungku tied together, or about 20-30 heads of grain altogether. Lihatlah: ɓase, mokungku.

J - j jadi Bentuk lain: jaji. conj. jadi. therefore. Mosa'o namisingku, jaji, hiina ilembahi tokogau-gau. Saya tidak merasa baik, jadi, kami tidak lama bercakap-cakap. I wasn't feeling well, therefore we didn't talk long. 46

— vi. menjadi, bisa. become, be able. Ijadi toholeo? - Ijadi. Bisa digoreng? - Bisa. Can it be fried? - Yes, it can. Ɓei jadimo kabupaten. Akan menjadi kabupten. It's about to become its (own) district.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




— vt [-'o]. membuat, menjadikan. do, accomplish, bring about. Isali jumaji'o. Dia cepat menjadikannya. He did it quickly. pajaɗi vt [-'o]. menjadikan. make into. Io ɓakeno kontawu, togigi'o kato pacii'o. Io taɓarono, to'alao kato pajadi'o bura, ɓei moloriako kulino woi. Kita memarut buah kontawu lalu meredakan. Tepungnya dijadikan bedak supaya kulit muka kita akan halus. We grate the kontawu fruit and let it drain. We take the scrapings and make it into a powder for making the skin of our faces smooth. jaempa vi. jalan belok-belok, miring-miring (spt orang mabuk). walk hapazardly, stagger, stumble (as a drunken person). jaga vi. jaga. be on duty, stand guard. Ndolako jumaga. Dia pergi jaga. He's away on duty. kojaga vi. waspada, dengan kewaspadaan. cautious, careful, alert. Ikojaga to'u i'alaomo. Dengan penuh kewaspadaan dia ambilnya. He was very careful as he took it. jaga'i vt [-o]. menjaga. guard, watch. jaga-jaga vi. menjaga-jaga. keep watch, keep an eye out. Ipo'ia i mbui, jumaga-jaga Wangkinamboro ɓaraako iteleusi'inda. Ia tinggal di belakang menjaga jangan sampai Wangkinamboro mendatangi mererka. He stayed in back keeping watch lest Wangkinamboro should come upon them. jago n. jago. rooster. jajali %%. suka menjajah. likes to take over, take control. jaji Lihatlah: jadi. jala n. jala. castnet. jalaja n. anyaman bambu, bilik. sections of plaited bamboo, used for walls. jamani n. zaman. era, epoch. jamba n. kakus, WC. toilet, latrine. jambata n. jembatan, dermaga. bridge, pier, jetty. jambe jambu-jambu yg dipasang pd samping layanglayang. streamers attached to the side-corners of a diamond kite. jambu n. jambu monyet, jambu mete. cashew. Anacardium occidentale L. pejambu vi. memetik, mengambil jambu. collect cashew fruits. jampaka n. kemboja, bunga kubur. frangipani, also known as plumeria and temple tree. Plumeria spp. jampu vt [-%]. mencat, mengecat. paint. Ngapi, tojampu'ako tondo. Kapur, kita ****. Lime, we use it to whitewash the fence. jamu n. jam. hour. jandi n. janji. promise. 10/4/2013

jangka jangka, rentangan waktu. span of time, time period.

jangku n. janggut; gelambir, pial (ayam); sungut (ikan). beard; wattle (of chicken); barbels (of fish). Lihatlah: pempe. jangku wembe cmpd n. janggut kambing, janggut spt janggut kambing. goatee. janji vt [-%]. berjanji, mengadakan perjanjian. promise, make a promise. Kai janji'inda, "Impia tempo imoleu ngineahako tulasi inade a'ai, milingkamo, mihohalu'aku, ungkuɗe, kumatemo." Mereka janji, "Kapan waktu pohon tulasi itu layu, pergilah mencari aku, saya sudah mati." He promised them, "When this tulasi plant is withered, you set off and search for me, I will be dead." Ungkuɗe a'ai, ɓeku pojanji te ingko'o keu ehe. Saya ini ada maksud mengadakan perjanjian dengan engkau jika engkau mau. As for me, I would make a promise with you, if you are willing. pinojanjiako n. perjanjian. that which one makes a promise about. Io hapa ɓo pinojanjiakonto a'iko? Perjanjian kita mengenai apakah itu? What is it that we should promise concerning? jao n. sm dayung besar ****. k.o. large paddle used on sailing boats. — vt [-'o]. ****. steer (a boat) using a *****. Lihatlah: ɓose. jaohari n. pohon trembesi. the saman tree, also known as the rain tree and monkeypod. Albizia saman F. Muell. jao-jaonga n. k.o. decorative necklace. japeo n. topi. hat, cap. Lihatlah: songko, topi. japi-japi n. japing-japing, kerang japing. black-lip oyster. jara-jara n. burung merpati karang. domesticated pigeon. Columba livia domestica Gmelin. jarangka n. perahu bercadik. double outrigger, a boat with outriggers on both sides. jare n. jaring insang. gillnet. jasa n. jasa. commendable service. jasi n. baju jas. coat. jepe1 n. bubur nasi. rice porridge. Searti: winola. pejepe vi. membuat bubur nasi. make rice porridge. jepe2 vi. berair. watery. jepeka n. genangan yang sudah mau kering. puddle which is somewhat dried up. Lihatlah: walaka. jerei vt [-o]. memalangi (jalan). obstruct, block off (a roadway). Jib*ara'ili pn. malaikat Jibrail, malaikat yg bertugas menyampaikan wahyu. the messenger archangel Gabriel.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)





advance, increase, mount. Ijulumo kamemeendo, te io andi ipangkamo mokora. Ketakutan mereka bertambah, dengan yang adik menganis dengan kuat. Their fear mounted, and the younger of the two cried hard. julu ngka'asoa maju (ke arah utara atau selatan) move (in a northerly or southerly direction) julu ngka'araa maju (ke arah timur) move (in an easternly direction) julu ngka'arua maju (ke arah barat) move (in a westerly direction) julu-julu %%. maju-maju. move forward, scoot forward (as on one's seat on a motorcycle). Jumaa n. Jumat, hari Jumat. Friday. jumpa %%. tabrak. ****. jumpali vt [-o]. menabrak, bertabrakan. crash into. Hiina ndojumpali to'uo, saɗe'eteno kando jumpalio motoro. Mereka tidak menabrak betul; seditik lagi kemudian mereka bertabrakan sepeda motor. They didn't really crash, a little more and they would have crashed motorcycles. Ndojumpalio, ndojumpaliakono motoro. Mereka bertabrakan, mereka menabrakkan motornya. They crashed, they crashed motorcycles. Ijumpaliakomiu koli-koli. Kamu ditabrakkan sampan. The canoe bumped into you. jumpalako vt [-ø]. mendorong. push, shove. Lihatlah: jujulako. tejumpa vn. tertabrak, terbentur. collided, crashed, bumped. tejumpali vn. tertabrak, terbentur. collided, crashed, bumped. Ndotejumpali i ngkiɗa-ngi>da. Mereka tertabrak (motor) di persimpangan. They crashed (motorcycles) at the intersection. tepojumpa vn. saling tabrakan. collide with each other. jupu %%. 1) di antara, sama jauhnya sama dekatnya. inbetween, in the middle distance-wise. 2) sama kuat, bermain seri. equivalent in strength, play to a draw, neither able to win. Lihatlah: puli. juraga juragan. ****. juri n. juri. jury. juru b*asa cmpd n. juru bahasa. spokesman (a position in the native system of self-governance).

mojilo vn. penglihatan juling. cross-eyed.

jina n. musang biasa. common palm civet. Paradoxurus hermaphroditus Schreber.

jingga mejingga vn. warna antara merah dan kuning. orange-brown.

jipa n. jipang, bipang. puffed rice cake. jipu n. layar topang. jib, staysail. jiwa n. jiwa. soul, spirit. joara sahabat karib, sahabat kental. close, intimate friend. Lihatlah: andea, ɓela, wali.

pejoara vi. bersahabat karib. be close friends.

jodo n. jodoh. potential marriage partner, mate. joge n. joget. k.o. modern dance resembling disco dancing. Ɗeeɗeno, tolako mo'onto joge? Sebentar biar kita pergi menonton joget. How about in a little while let's go watch the dancing? — vi. menjoget. dance this kind of dance. Jogia pn. Yogyakarta. Jogyakarta. jojo %%. menyembur (air, darah, dsb) dng keras dan cepat. spurt, squirt out forcefully (water, blood, etc.). jojo1 vt [-'o]. menyudu (spt bebek), ****. dabble (as ducks), dip the head down and strain food with the bill. Bebe ɗa mojojo emeka. Bebek menyudu ****. The ducks are dabbling in the wastewater. jonso Bentuk lain: jonson. n. ****, sm motor tempel. Johnson, a kind of outboard boat motor. joremba n. capung, belalang patong. dragonfly. jori garis yg agak panjang, biasanya dibuat di tanah. a somewhat long line, usually made on the ground.

joro tejoro vn. terlanjur, ****. projecting, sticking out, gone past the edge or boundary. Lihatlah: telau [lau]. kajoro-joro %%. terlanjur. sticking out. juara n. ****. class rank (in school). Ipo'awa juara? **** Has he gotten his class ranking? jujulako vt [-ø]. mendorong. push, push over.

jule mojule vn. manja. pampered, spoiled.

julu vi. maju, bertambah, naik. move forward,

K - k ka 48

conj. 1) dan. and. 2) ****, bukan main! in initial

position, introducing an exclamatory sentence,

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



kabuɗu how, what ... ! Ka ana gogi hako a'ai! Bukan main ini anak-anak! What a gaggle of noisy children! Kai moɗara upongkaa! Sedikit sekali kau makan! How little you eat!

kaa pengkaanako vi. hati-hati, berjaga-jaga. watch out, be on one's guard. Pengkaanako, ɓaraako upo'awa sijaraa. Hati-hati jangan sampai dapat musibah. Be careful lest you encounter disaster. pekaa-kaahi vt [-o]. memperhatikan dgn teliti, melihat dengan saksama. pay close attention to, look over closely. kaa1 vt [-ho]. makan. eat. Lihatlah: laambe'u, solokea, untolo. kinaa n. makanan. that which is eaten, food. kangkaa n. lauk-pauk. sidedish. kaa-kaa laro clause_idiom. makan hati, iri hati. eat one's heart out, be extremely jealous. Kukaa-kaa larongku. Saya makan hatiku. I ate my heart out. kaaka n. kakak. older sibling (male or female). Lihatlah: kaka-1. pengkaaka lebih tua. be older, be the elder. Isee engka'o karuu, ɗaaho mengkaakano. Jangan angkat kaki, ada yang lebih tua. Don't put your feet up on your chair, your elders are here. kaano n. ****. tinea pedis, athlete's foot; other foot lesion. kaano sandali **** abrasion from sandal strap kaano wunga ngkaru **** athlete's foot Ilembahimo mikaano? **** Have you had athlete's foot long? kaaru Bentuk lain: karu. n. pengaduk dr kayu (mirip dayung kecil). wooden stir paddle. kaaru ikiɗi cmpd n. pengaduk kecil, panjangnya kira-kira 50 cm. a wooden stir paddle about 20 inches long. kaaru ikiɗi ɓo pogeruako kinaa pengaduk kecil untuk mengaduk nasi (yg sedang direbus) a small stir paddle for stirring rice that's being cooked) kaaru owose cmpd n. pengaduk kecil, panjangnya kira-kira 100 cm. a wooden stir paddle about 40 inches long. ka'asi %%. kasihan. what a shame! Ai maka ka'asi, kaɗimo tokototoro mpena itonia a'ai. Wah kasihan, kita duduk-duduk saja, tanpa makanan atau minuman. Oh what a shame, we've just been sitting around without anything to eat or drink. Lihatlah: d*e'ela. kaɓa vt [-'o]. menendang. kick, strike with side or heel of the foot. kangkaɓa n. ****. ****. kaɓaku Lihatlah: ɓaku-1. kab*angkara n. sm tumbuhan, bunganya besar, warnanya unggul. k.o. plant with large, purple 10/4/2013


kabarasa n. sri kaya, buah nona. sweetsop. Annona squamosa L. Lihatlah: sirikaea.

kaɓe n. 1) ciduk, gayung dr tempurung kelapa. ladle made from a coconut shell. 2) sendok besar, termasuk centong, sendok sup, dan sendok sayur. any of various serving spoons including ladles and rice scoopers. kaɓe ngkeu wooden rice spoon Lihatlah: kaaru, sude. kaɓe-kaɓeno mui nph. tulang tungging, tulang tongkeng. tailbone, coccyx. kaɓeloki n. perhiasan. decorations. kaɓengka n. sunat. circumcision. kaɓengka'a n. sunatan massal. the circumcision ceremony. kaɓensi n. serban. turban. kaɓetahi n. 1) tempat masuk dan berkumpulnya ikan di sero. entry and middle pens of a wier trap. 2) pejabat yg berpengaruh besar dl pemerintah. officials who have powerful, influential postions in government. Lihatlah: ɓala, bunu'o. kaɓi n. jari tangan tidak lurus. a crooked finger. kabilanga %%. seakan-akan, hampir dapat. as if, as though, almost able to. Nai lembahi a'iko, iteleumo guruɗa owose a'iso, io kaweno kabilanga i'olumio kampo a'iso. Tidak lama kemudian, datanglah burung garuda yang besar itu yang sayapnya seakan-akan dapat menaungi (seluruh) kampung itu. Not long afterwards, the garuda-bird came, his wing almost as if overshadowing the (entire) village. Ndokoramo lumolonsopi ana hako a'iso, kabilanga ndoleu'inda. **** They kept jumping up toward those children, they were almost able to reach them. kaɓoɓoro n. sm belalang. k.o. large, green grasshopper which can fly. Lihatlah: booba, kocumba. kaɓokola Bentuk lain: ɓoko. n. lengan (bagian atas), pangkal lengan. upper arm. kaɓombone n. pohon buni dan buahnya. bignay tree and its fruit, also known as the currant tree and Chinese laurel. Antidesma bunius (L.) Spreng. kaɓoo Asal: cf PWMP *beRet 'belt'. n. ikat pinggang. waistband, belt. Lihatlah: sulepe. kaɓosei n. pikatan, daya tarik, iming-imingan. fishing lure. pekaɓosei vi. memancing dengan pikatan. fish using a lure. kabu1 vi. tersesak napas, berbunyi menciut-ciut. wheeze, be breathless or short-winded. kabu2 kacu dipakai pd leher (spt Pramuka). kerchief worn around the neck (as in the Scouts). kabuɗu n. sayuran dibuat dr labu, bulir jagung kecil

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




dan bayam. vegetable sidedish made from fresh squash, baby corn and amaranth. Lihatlah: aru-aru. kabumbu1 n. tanah yang tidak rata. uneven ground. kabumbu2 n. sm ikan. dusky surgeonfish. Acanthurus nigrofuscus Forss. kaburi n. takdir, nasib. fate. kaburuha n. gulungan, kumparan (??). roll of fishing line. kaca n. kaca. glass. kaca mata cmpd n. kaca mata. eye glasses. Lihatlah: mata tonde [tonde]. kacanggore n. 1) kacang goreng. roasted peanuts. 2) kacang tanah (pd umumnya). peanut (in general). Arachis hypogaea L. Searti: rapo-rapo. kaci1 n. kain kaci, kain katun putih. white cotton cloth. Lihatlah: walu. kaci2 n. perangkap dr rotan, untuk menangkap ayam di hutan. trap for catching wild chickens, made of rattan, wooden stakes, and string. kaciɗaki Bentuk lain: kacindaki. n. linggis. digging bar. kacindaki Lihatlah: kaciɗaki. kacingke n. gabel, bagian yg berbentuk segitiga terletak di bawah ujung perabung. gable, triangular section of wall at the end of a building below the roofline. kacu Lihatlah: pokacu. kacumburi vt [-%]. mengakhiri. end, bring to an end, close. kacumpu n. puntung rokok. cigarette butt. kacune n. suban, serpih (pd kulit). splinter (in the skin). kaɗaɗi n. binatang. animal, beast. kaɗaka n. sm perangkap kepiting. k.o. trap for catching crabs. kaɗampo Bentuk lain: ɗampo. n. sagu bakar, ubi kayu bakar, sj makanan dr ubi kayu atau sagu yg dilepeskan di atas kuali tanpa air atau minyak. flat, round cake made from pressed sago or cassava and dry-fried in a wok pan. Lihatlah: sinole. pekaɗampo vi. membuat sagu atau ubi kayu bakar. make this kind of cake. kaɗea n. daun pacar kuku. the leaf of the henna plant. Lawsonia inermis L. Lihatlah: patirangka. pekaɗea vi. memakai daun pacar kuku untuk mewarnai kuku. use henna leaves to dye the fingernails. kadera n. kursi. chair. Lihatlah: kurusii, totoroka [toro1]. kade-kadera n. tempat duduk spt balai-balai. place for sitting, such as a sitting platform. 50

kaɗi %%. hanya, kecuali. only, just, except. Kaɗipo ingkomiu moweweu. Hanya engkau membuat. Just you do it (not me). Teuraa io Sulutani indaɗe kaɗi ndopesili-silimbu i tompa-tompa mia. Tiba Sultan di sana, mereka hanya berselimut-selimut di pinggir-pinggir keramaian. When the Sulan and those wth him arrived there, they just slipped into the edges of crowd. Ɗa'a kara-karajaa i Ereke, kaɗimo mo'upu jambu. Tidak ada pekerjaan di Ereke, kecuali memetik jambu. There's no work in Ereke, except picking cashews. kaɗipo %%. baru. just, as soon as. Kaɗipo inipua iteleu. Baru kemarin dulu dia datang. He came just two days ago. Kaɗipo ndoronge suarangku ndopematelakomo. Baru mendengar suaraku lalu mereka mati. No sooner had they heard my voice than they fell down dead. kaɗiɗi n. sm serangga, badannya agak merah. k.o. insect with a reddish body. kaɗoa-ɗoa n. batang bambu untuk mengail. bamboo fishing pole. kadondo n. kedondong. Spanish plum, also known as hog plum and golden apple. Spondias dulcis Sol. ex Parkinson. kaɗu 1) n. kantung, karung. bag, sack. 2) ****. tie up in a bag. kaɗua n. ****. that which is carried wrapped in a sarong. kaɗuma n. kandungan, rahim. womb. kaɗu-kaɗu n. saku (baju, celana, dsb). pocket (of pants, shirts, etc.). kaɗuɗu vt [-o]. menjemput atau menyambut (tamu) dgn serius. welcome or receive (a visitor) in a formal manner. kae1 n. kain. cloth, fabric. kae2 vi. berkurang. decrease, become less. I'ontoho ika ninaano a'iso, ikaemo. Ikan yang disimpannya itu dilihatnya sudah berkurang. He looked at the fish he had stored away, there were less than before. ka'ea Lihatlah: maka ea [maka]. ka'eta n. lipstik. lipstick. ka'ete Lihatlah: maka ete [maka]. kagonta n. pengocok. beater. kahawa Kegunaan: kuno. archaic. n. kopi. coffee. Koffea spp. Lihatlah: kopi.

kahi mokahi vn. kasar, kesat. rough.

kaho n. kasau. rafters, boards which slope from the ridge of the roof to the eves, to which the roof is attached. kaho ntama cmpd n. kasau utama yg paling

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




depan and belakang. main rafters at front and back of a house. kaholeo n. ikan kecil yg dikeringkan bulat tanpa garam. small fish that have been dried whole without salt. Lihatlah: kawole, topa. kahongi n. bisul di ujung bibir. abcess, boil at the corner of the mouth. kahu vn. cukup, komplet. enough, complete. sakahuno secukupnya as necessary, as needed Doimai, nai kahu sewano. Uang kami tidak cukup ongkosnya. We didn't have enough money for the fare. Kahuno picu laela, ndowungkahio. Setelah cukup tujuh laela Tulukadar, dibuka. When seven years were finished, they opened it. Ikahumo alono gandu a'ai, ikombenamo olisono. Jagung ini sudah cukup waktunya, bijinya mengkilap. This corn was on the stalk long enough, its kernels are lustrous. tekahu cukup. sufficient. nai tekahu kurang lacking, insufficient pakahu vt [-'o]. mencukupkan. make sufficient. kalapasia n. ****. name given to the death commemoration feasts which are held on the evening of the third, seventh, fortieth, hundredth and one hundred twentieth nights after a person has died. kangkahu'a tolu alo **** ceremonial meal held the third evening after a person has been buried kangkahu'a picu alo **** ceremonial meal held the seventh evening after a person has been buried kalngkahu'a pato pulu alo **** ceremonial meal held the fortieth evening after a person has been buried kangkahu'a sa'ecu alo **** ceremonial meal held the one hundreth evening after a person has been buried kalngkahu'a sa'ecu rua pulu alo **** ceremonial meal held the one hundred twentieth evening after a person has been buried A'ai, io kangkahu'anomo tolu alono mia mate ai? **** Is this the third night ceremonial meal of this dead person? Lihatlah: kalapasia [lapasi], pe'alo'a [alo]. kahubu n. gundukan, busut. mound, small heap or pile. kai vt [-'o]. 1) mengait. hook, catch on a hook. 2) menusuk buah-buahan ke bawah dng tongkat berkait. harvest fruit using a barbed pole. mongkai jambu menusuk buah jambu ke bawah dng tongkat berkait harvest cashew apples using a barbed pole Lihatlah: repi, suɗu. kaipako vt [-ø]. menggantungkan pd kait, paku, dsb. hang on a hook, nail, etc. kangkai n. tongkat dengan kait, dipakai untuk tusuk buah-buahan ke bawah. long pole with a 10/4/2013

barb or hook on the end, used for harvesting fruit. kokai vt [-'o]. *****. *****. Tokokai'opo kato te'alaio. ***** We fished around for it, and we snagged it. pekai n. palang rumah bagian atas. tie beam, transverse beam connecting the feet of the main rafters at the level of the eaves. pekai vi. terkait. hooked, caught (as a string between two pieces of wood). pekai-kai ****. ****. mekai-kai sa'ulu jalanjalan sendiri go around alone tekai vn. terkait. hooked, caught on a hook. -kai prn. orang pertama jamak kasus akusatif. first person plural accusative. kaiɓi vt [-o]. mencuri, mengambil tanpa kentara. take away secretly, steal.

kaimpo pekaimpo vi.

berkemas, beres-beres. pack, prepare, set in order. kainci n. sisa tanaman kembili yg tumbuh kembali (untuk ditanam lagi). a harvested yam that has sprouted and will be planted in the current garden. Lihatlah: rondoma. kaindea n. kebun pohon. orchard. kaindea'i vt [-o]. menanami. plant (a field). To'arimo kumaindea'io witamai. Kami sudah menanami lokasi kami. We've already planted our plot. kaindea'ako vt [-no]. menanamkan. plant (trees). Hapamo ɓeto kaindea'akono pombulaanto a'ai? Apa yang kita tanamkan di kebun kita di sini? What are we going to plant this garden of ours with? pekaindea vi. berkebun pohon. plant, tend, keep an orchard. ka'ipua n. sm paku. k.o. fern. kajadia n. kejadian. event, happening. kajoli kajolino kampo **** **** kaka1 n. istilah untuk memanggil kakak (jarang dipakai; kalau kakak dipanggil, biasanya pakai namanya saja). term of address for one's elder siblings (rarely used; siblings usually call each other by name). Lihatlah: kaaka. kaka2 n. sm ikan. six-banded angelfish. Pomacanthus navarchus Cuvier. kakato n. sm ikan. sailfin tang. Zebrasoma scopas Cuvier. kaki kud*a n. daun kaki kuda. Asiatic pennywort. Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. kakiu n. gagak sulawesi. piping crow. Corvus typicus. Lihatlah: tongkaa.

kaku pekaku vi. berusaha. attempt, make an effot to.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



kamangka Ana hako a'iso ndopekaku ɓo ɓumasiako ɓangkeno. Kedua anak itu berusaha akan membuang bangkainya. The children atempted to throw out his corpse.

kala mengko-mengkokala vn.

kadang-kadang. sometimes, occasionally. kalab*inci Lihatlah: kalamonci. kalabu n. sauh. rope and anchor. kalambe n. pedang pendek. short sword. Lihatlah: taa, ta'owu. kalamonci Bentuk lain: kalab*inci, kolomonci. n. sm semut yang besar dan hitam, gigitnya ****. species of large black ant with painful sting. kalancue n. lokan. marsh clam, a kind of large, edible clam living in muddy areas. Polymesoda expansa Mousson. kalapea panggangan, tempat membakar (ikan, dsb) yg terbuat dr besi. iron grill for cooking over a fire. kalapenda n. kerang simping. windowpane oyster. Placuna placenta L. kalapiti n. sandal, lapik kaki. sandal. kalaromi n. cawat, kain pinggang. loincloth. kalasi n. kelas. class, grade in school. kale'e-le'e n. sm siput laut. k.o. marine univalve mollusk. kaleke n. sm ikan. diagonal-banded sweetlips. Plectorhinchus lineatus L. kalempi n. ****. pad, protective covering. kalempino ɓahu nph. ****. shoulder pad (as when carrying wood). kalempino kuro nph. lekar. hotpad for cookpot. kalempino lima nph. kaos tangan. gloves. kalempino rapa nph. ****. head covering, hat. kalimbungo n. kelapa muda. young coconut, unripe coconut. Lihatlah: samesisiluno [sisilu], wangkara. kalite-lite n. sm ketam. k.o. crab with two distinctive brown-black patches on its back. kalo vt [-'o]. mencampurkan. mix. Ɓiono manu kampo tokalo'o te golano roani. Kita mencampurkan telur ayam kampung dengan madu. We mix the egg from the village chicken with honey. To'ariako, tokalo'akonomo te ni'ino te ɓawano. Setelah itu, kami mencampurkannya dengan kelapanya dan bawangnya. After that, we mix it with the coconut and onions. pokalo-kalo Bentuk lain: kalo-kalo. vi. mencampuradukkan, bercampur-campur. mixed together (of various kinds). pembulu kalo-kalo sayuran yang bercampur-campur mixed vegetables 52

kangkalo n. campuran. mixture. kangkalono lapa-lapa ****te ɓawano**** campuran lapalapa lapa-lapa filling kangkalono ika **** **** pongkalo'ako n. sesuatu untuk dicampurkan. something which is added to a mixture. Io lumba, topepeho laano ɓo pongkalo'ako parende. **** Medicinal cardamom, we crush the stem for adding to boiled fish. tepokalo vn. ****. somewhat mixed, with the original ingredietents partially retaining their identity. Searti: tepokamau. kaloba n. Pangium edule Reinw. 1) pohon kepayang. the kepayang tree. 2) biji dr pohon ini, disebut biji kepayang atau keluak. the nut produced by this tree, the so-called kluwak nut or Indonesian black nut. kalobu vi. terbalik (tt sampan kecil). capsized (of small boats). kaloe tempat menyimpan periuk ****. device for hanging cookpots away from vermin. kalo-kalo n. sm kue. k.o. fried cookie made from rice flour with palm or white sugar, formed from a square shape with two opposite corners folded toward the middle. kalolowu n. sm tumbuhan. k.o. plant. Lihatlah: towo'a. kalo'u-lo'u n. ****. an immature fruit of the coconut palm, particulalry one which is fistsized or smaller. Lihatlah: ngkalomba. kalua n. keluang, kalong. fruit bat, flying fox. Lihatlah: mori. kaluara vi. ke luar, pergi ke luar. go out, go outside, exit. kalumba vt [-'o]. mengejari, berburu dng maksud menangkap. chase, chase down with intent to catch. Lihatlah: laha. pengkalumba vi. mengikuti dng cepat. follow quickly. kalumera n. kudis-kudis parah. scabies with secondary infection. kalumpa n. pohon kepuh, juga disebut pohon kelumpang. wild Indian almond tree. Sterculia foetida L. kalumpi n. tutup insang (operkulum). gill cover of fishes (operculum). kamali n. istana. palace. kamalo n. cat. paint. — vt [-%]. mengecat. paint. koli-koli kinamalo koli-koli yang bercat a dugout canoe which has been painted kamangi n. kemangi. lemon basil. Ocimum x citriodorum Vis. Lihatlah: ruku-ruku, tulasi. kamangka vt [-'o]. merebus sampai masak (pisang).

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




boil until soft (bananas). Lihatlah: korai. — n. pisang direbus, juga disebut fv{punci kamangka} atau punci kinamangka. boiled bananas, also called punci kamangka or punci kinamangka. Lihatlah: sanggara, senga-senga. kamara n. kamar. room.

kamau papokamau vt [-'o]. mencampurkan sampai rata. mix until homogenous. campur betul. mixed homogenously. Searti: tepokalo. kamba1 n. bengkak. swelling, abcess. — vn. membengkak, bergembung. swollen. Ikamba matangku. Mata saya membengkak. My eyes are swollen. Ikambamo kompono. Perutnya sudah bengkak. His belly is swollen.

tepokamau vn.

kamba-kamba kamba ate cmpd n. ****. swelling of the liver?? hepatitis??

kamba2 n. bunga. flower. kamba manuru cmpd n. melati. jasmine plant and its flower. Jasminum grandiflorum L.

kamba patani cmpd n. kembang pukul empat. the four o'clock plant and its flower, also called marvel-of-Peru and beauty-of-the-night. Mirabilis jalapa L. kamba-kamba ɗawa Bentuk lain: kamba ɗawa. cmpd n. sj tumbuhan. k.o. plant. kamba3 n. pohon kelor dan daunnya. ben-oil tree, also known as the drumstick tree or horseradish tree. Moringa oleifera Lamk. pembuluno kamba sayuran daun kelor ben-oil tree leaves cooked as a vegetable kambala n. ikan terbang. flyingfish. Cypselurus spp. kambalu n. ****. usually, grated young corn mixed with onions, palm sugar and other ingredients, wrapped and boiled in the husk; sometimeas also made from sticky rice. kambalu gandu **** k.o. corn tamale kambalu lewe wiu beras ketang **** sticky rice wrapped and cooked in lewe wiu leaves pekambalu vi. ****. prepare kambalu. kambalu'a cmpd n. beras ketang ****. the place (and time) when kambalu is prepared. kambalu'a lewe wiu **** in some villages, a traditional festival marked by the preparation of sticky-rice kambalu kambari n. benang yg halus. fine thread. Lihatlah: ɓana. kambaridua n. kamar di kapal. cabin of a boat. kambe vt [-'o]. memanggil dengan tangan. call, beckon with the hand (fingers pointed downward). kambe oleo cmpd n. sm ketam. fiddler crabs, 10/4/2013

much found along sandy and rocky seashores. Uca spp. kambero n. kipas. fan. — vt [-'o]. mengipas. fan. kambe-kambero vt [-'o]. mengipas. fan. pekambero vi. mengipas. fan, use a fan. kamboɓone n. sm pohon. kind of bush. kambo-kambowa n. katuk (tumbuhan dan daunnya). sweetleaf bush, also known as star gooseberry. Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr. kambolaga n. sj ikan. banded archerfish. Toxotes jaculatrix Pallas. kambolu1 n. kolam ikan. fishpond. kambolu2 n. sj ikan. milkfish. Chanos chanos Forssk. kambose vt [-'o]. ****, melepaskan biji jagung dr tongkolnya. shell corn, remove corn kernels from the cob. gandu a'ai, ɓei kinambose. Jagung ini untuk di****. This corn is to be shelled. — n. biji jagung muda yg direbus. hominy, food dish made of boiled young corn kernels. Lihatlah: kapusu, ntotoɓo. kambo-kambose n. buah jambu mete yg masih ada di pohon, kacangnya sudah diambil. a cashew apple which has been left hanging on the tree, after the seed has been taken. kambose kapusu cmpd n. ****. kambose made with lime. kambose ngkolapa cmpd n. ****. kambose made without lime. kamboseno gandu mongura nph. ****. kambose made with fresh corn. kamboseno gandu mocu'a nph. ****. kambose made with dried corn. kamburi n. mangkuk yg berisi beras dan uang, dibawa sama pengantin laki-laki waktu kawin. bowl with rice and money, brought with the groom's party to the bride's house. kameo-meo n. sm tumbuhan. k.o. plant. kamo n. bisul pd bagian antara kedua pantat. abcess, boil between the buttocks. kamonsi n. kulur, keluih, ketimbul. seeded breadfruit, breadnut. Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg. Lihatlah: kula1. kamonso n. sj cacing kacang. k.o. sipunculid worm, also called a peanut worm, living burrowed in sand, its body is tan colored, about 4 inches long, and edible. Sipuncula. kampa1 n. kampak, sm alat untuk memanjat dan memotong cabang yg tinggi (msl daun palem). hatchet, k.o. small axe used when climbing and cutting off high-up branches (for example, palm leaves). Lihatlah: b*bali-b*ali, pali.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




kampa2 ****. ****. kampano wamba **** string for holding a door open or shut kampai vt [-o]. menghalangi. hinder, hamper. tekampa vi. terhalang, tertahan. hindered, hampered, held up. kampalusi n. jagung ditumbuk baru dimasak. k.o. traditional food dish made from dried corn kernels which have been slightly pounded then cooked with coconut milk and cowpeas. pekampalusi vi. memasak |jagung yg sudah ditumbuk. prepare a dish made from pounded corn. kampeeta Lihatlah: pee. kampeha Lihatlah: ka'umpeha. kampiha n. jurang, karang yang terjal *****. steep slope or cliff. kampo1 n. kampung. village. kampo2 n. penutup pintu. door. — vt [-'o]. menutup. close, shut. Kampo'o ɓalo-ɓalo. Tutup jendela. Close the window. Lihatlah: wamba. kampolea n. halangan. hinderance, impediment. Ke nai ɗa'a kampolea... Kalau tidak ada halangan... If there are no impediments... Wula opicu ɓeto leu saluwu-luwukai kei ɗa'a kampolea. Kami datang semua bulan Juli kalau taidak ada halangan. All of us will come in July if nothing gets in the way. kampuga n. ijuk, serabut hitam pd pohon enau. ijuk fiber, black fibers from the trunk of the sugar palm.

kana pokana sama. same, alike, like. Ɗa'a pokanano. Tidak ada yang sama. There is none like it, its equal does not exist. Kimbohu pokana te buaea, ako kimbohu ondau ikino. **** The monitor lizard is like the corocodile, except the monitor has a long tail. Ompole megiu pune, pokanamo ka'owoseno. **** There are many kinds of |fv[pune}-birds, all about the same in size. Imoiko larondo miano ngKolensusu, hinapo kupo'awa pokanano i Amerika. **** The Kulisusu people have good hearts; I've not encountered people like them in America. Saluwuo miano đunia topokana-kana i matano Kumawasano. Semua orang di dunia **** All the people of the earth are the same in the sight of the Almighty. kanawuci n. penyedap rasa. flavor enhancer, MSG (monosodium glutimate).

kancihule pekancihule vi. sering pergi pulang. go back and forth, come and go regularly.

kandaga n. sm ikan. k.o. scad or trevally, possibly 54

the oxeye scad (Selar boops Cuvier). Lihatlah: mangkela. kandala n. bular (di mata). cataract (of the eye).

kandi makandi berahi. strong affection.

kandie-ndie kandie-ndie mata cmpd n. manik mata. pupil of the eye.

kandili-ndili n. sm udang kecil di kali-kali. k.o. small, freshwater shrimp.

kandoo-ndoongi n. kunang-kunang. firefly. kangkapu n. tali sepatu. shoestring. kangko n. kangkung. kangkong, water spinach. Ipomea aquatica Forsskal.

kangkolo n. lembah di tanah datar, depresi. depression in the earth, sinkhole; an area surrounded by mountians on all sides.

kani'i-ni'i kani'i-ni'ino puru nph.

meniran. herbe au chagrin, hurricane weed. Phyllanthus amarus Schum.& Thonn.

kanini kokanini vi. berintik-rintik (sebelum mulai hujan betul). the first splattering of raindrops (before a rain really begins). kani-kanini vi. ****. just a few drops of rain here and there. kaninsi n. jari kelingking (tangan atau kaki). pinky finger, pinky toe. Lihatlah: oloi. kansaa'i n. ****. a connecting piece which distributes tensile force from its middle to its ends. kansaa'ino embere pegangan ember the handle of a bucket kansaa'ino patowala tali kekang layang-layang the bridle of a kite kansaa'ino kantaɗu **** the crosswise brace on a scoop for drawing water, to which the drawrope is attached — vt [-%]. memasangkan **** (pd ember, layang-layang, dsb). supply (a bucket, kite, etc.) with such a piece. kansee n. sm siput. k.o. univalve mollusk, a nerite? kansia n. barang bekas. something worn-out; remnant, rags, clothing. kansiano sala bekas celana worn-out pants kansiano kurusii bekas kursi worn-out chair Alao kansiamiu. Bawahlah pakaianmu. Take your (clean, dry) laundry. kansoɓe n. barang yg rusak, msl panci yg berlobang, mobil atau kursi yg rusak, dsb. a thing which is broken, such as a skillet with a hole in the bottom, a broken down automobile, a broken chair, etc. kansone n. bintul, timbil, ketimbis, bisul kecil pd tepi pelupuk mata. sty in the eye.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




kansonga n. sm infeksi hidung. k.o. long-lasting infection of the nasal pasageways. kokansonga %%. ****. have this type of nasal infection. kansoree n. tajuk haluan. bowsprit. kansoso n. sm siput laut. k.o. long, slender univalve mollusk, possibly an auger shell. kantaburi n. bendul, balok kayu dasar dinding. transverse wall-bearing beam (at the front and back of the house at floor level). kantaɗu n. timba atau perkakas lain untuk menyauk air dr dl sumur. bucket, scoop or other container for drawing water. Lihatlah: tambu, ula.

kantenge kokantenge vi. ****. ****.

kantewa n. ambin, kain gendongan, kain dukung. sling, a cloth slung over the shoulder for carrying a child. kantori n. kantor. office. ka'oho n. jeratan untuk menangkap burung, rusa dan babi. a noose trap for snaring animals such as birds, deer and pigs. Kea a'ai ipina'i mongkaa ɓakeno lawue, kai kona i ka'oho. **** This parrot flew down to eat yard-long beans, and it was caught in a noose trap. Lihatlah: kasosongko. peka'oho vi. memasang jeratan. set a noose trap. kao-kao %%. sepertinya. it seems that, it is as if. Kao-kaomo woino ipokana te woiu. Sepertinya mukanya sama dengan mukamu. His face seems to be the same as yours. kapa1 n. kapas. cotton. Gossypium spp. kapa jawa cmpd n. kapok. kapok tree, white silk cotton tree. Ceiba pentandra L. kapa tuli cmpd vn. nakal, bandel. disobedient, stubborn.

kapa2 mokapa vn. tebal. thick (of flat objects such as boards, paper, a book, etc.). Lihatlah: melaɓa [laɓa]. kokapa %%. membelulang. calloused, leathery (of skin). Ikokapa pele limano. **** His palms are leathery. kapala n. kapal. ship. Lihatlah: ɓangka. kapala lumolaa cmpd n. pesawat terbang. airplane. kapala petetea cmpd n. pesawat tempur. fighter airplane. kapalano bara-bara nph. kapal barang. cargo ship. kapali-pali n. sm kerang bercangkang ganda. kind of winged oyster with prominent hinge teeth. kapandenga vi. menyebut-nyebut kemaluan. ****.

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mokape vn. lumpuh, pincang. paralyzed.

kapera n. ludah dari memakan pinang. spittle produced when chewing a betel quid.

pekapera vi. 1) berludah dari memakan pinang. expel betel spittle from one's mouth. 2) terutama perempuan: berludah **** (tanda jengkel). particuarly of women: spit through the teeth with the lips drawn tight (a sign of being irritated or annoyed). pekapera'a n. peludahan. spittoon. kapita n. kapten, panglima. captain, commander. kapitano lipu perangkat yg menguasai atau mementau para bobato official who has charge over and monitors the bobato) kapitano suluđađu perangkat yg memimpin laskar adat di keraton the official traditionally in charge of troops in the kraton kapita lau cmpd n. dahulu panglima tinggi angkatan laut pada kesultanan. commander of the fleet in the former sultanate. kapo1 n. kuku (kucing), cakar (biawak, dsb), kaki (kepiting, dsb), ; ****. claw (of cat, lizard, etc); leg (of crab), the claw-like operculum of certain univalve mollusks. Lihatlah: asi-1.

kapo2 tekapo vn. capai. reached, arrived at. kapoi vt [-o]. 1) mencapai. reach.

2) dapat, sanggup. be able to. Ke ungkuɗepo mongura, saluwu-luwuo kukapoio. Kalau saya masih muda, saya masih sanggup bekerja. When I was still young, I could do anything.. kaponu-ponu n. sm kumbang. k.o. beetle. kapoo-poonda n. sm rumput. k.o. sedge with small white 'tufty' inflorescences.

kapu kapu punci cmpd n. sm pohon. k.o. tree with reddish-green fruit in cluster, seedy inside, black seeds covered with whitish sour pulp. kapunto n. ****. covering. kapuntono sanggara adonan pisang goreng batter for fried bananas kapuntono karu kaus kaki socks kapupunci n. sj pohon. k.o. tree with an edible red fruit. kapuri n. udang. shrimp. kakapuri n. udang-udang kecil. very small shrimp, krill. kapusu n. jagung tua disimpan dng kapur baru dicuci baru direbus. hominy, food dish made of boiled mature corn kernels which have first been soaked with mineral quicklime. Lihatlah: kambose. pekapusu vi. membikin jagung direbus dng kapur. prepare boiled corn that has been soaked with lime.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




karaa-raha mainan. toy, plaything. karabebe n. cocor bebek (sj tumbuhan). the air


pekare n. cakar. claw.

plant, also known as the life plant and miracle leaf. Kalanchoe spp. karaɗa n. tombak bermata besi. spear with a metal tip. Searti: pandanga.

kari1 n. sikat gigi. toothbrush.


karinda n. keranjang jinjing. carry basket. Lihatlah:

pongkarai vi. berburu-buru. hurry. Hapai kami pongkarai? Kenapa kamu berburu-buru? Why are you in such a hurry? Kulakomo. - Isee mipongkarai. Saya pergi sekarang. - Jangan buru-buru. I'm going now. - Don't be in such a hurry. Ipongkarai ɓansule i Kandari rounomo ɓei pe'uji. Dia berburu-buru pulang ke Kendari karena beruji. He hurried back to Kendari because he has exams. karaja vi. bekerja. work. Iɓintani kampo ɓei lako kumaraja i kota. Dia meninggalkan kampung untuk pergi bekerja di kota. I left the village to go work in the city. Imo'iliako ɓo tumambani tamano kumaraja i pombulaa. Ia ining membantu ayahnya bekerja di kebun. He longed to help his father work the garden. karajaa n. pekerjaan, usaha. effort, work, job, occupation. Laode Panuinta karajaano io lumako montemba rusa. La-Ode Panuinta pekerjaannya adalah berburu rusa. As for Laode Panuinta, his job was to go shoot deer. Mbalo a'iso iko'ihiako pakea moiko hasilino karajaano ana ncina a'iso. Bambu itu berisikan pakaian yang sangat antik sebagai hasil usaha anak perempuan itu. That bamboo case was filled with nice clothes, the results of that girl's work. karakaji n. gergaji. saw. — vt [-'o]. menggergaji. saw. karakajino labu gergaji besi hacksaw kara-kara n. tulang rusuk. rib, rib bone. karambau n. kerbau. domestic watter buffalo, carabao. Bubalus bubalis L. karanda n. kandang. pen. karandano manu kandang ayam chicken pen karandano bebe kandang itik duck pen karano conj. karena. because. Lihatlah: rouno. karasi n. **** dibuat dr tepung beras, disaring baru digoreng. k.o. crunchy, brittle pastry made from rice flour and water. karau vt [-'o]. menggaruk. scrape. Lihatlah: kaua. kare vt [-ho]. mencakar. scrape. Samololano weano, tokarehomo io olito. Sesudah padam bara api, kita **** kayu sisanya api. When the coals had died down, we scraped aside the leftover pieces of charred wood.. kangkare n. ****. a pronged stick, used as an 56

pekari vi. menyikat gigi. brush one's teeth.

kari2 vn. rata dengan permukaan. level with the surface of. ɓaki, ɓalase, humbu, kompiu, langka-2.

karopo n. kerupuk, keropok, keripik, terutama kerupuk udang. chips, especially the light, puffy crackers known as shrimp chips or shrimp puffs. karopono uwingkeu keripik ubi kayu cassava chips, prepared by thinly slicing cassava tubers and frying karu n. kaki. foot. kokaru vi. berkaki, punya kaki. footed, having feet. bungku ngkaru cmpd n. kura-kura kaki. instep of the foot. cina ngkaru cmpd n. ibu jari kaki. big toe. pele ngkaru cmpd n. tapak kaki. sole of the foot. wungano karu nph. jari kaki. toes. karu'i n. kayu kecil penguat pagar kebun. small pieces of wood or bamboo pounded vertically into the ground, used to hold in place the horizontal pieces of a garden fence. karu-karu mansi cmpd n. sm tumbuhan. kind of plant with small leaves, entire, serrate, the petioles and flower stems red, and very small white flowers. karuma Lihatlah: kuruma2. kasaka Lihatlah: saka-3. kasapi Bentuk lain: kosapi. n. kecapi yg berdawai dua. two-stringed boat-lute. Lihatlah: gambosu. pekasapi vi. memetik kecapi. play (by plucking) the two-stringed boat-lute. kasesembi n. sengkelit, tali yg diikatkan pd kedua belah kaki untuk memudahkan memanjat. a rope or strap tied from one ankle to the other to make it easier to climb a (palm) tree. pekasesembi vi. memakai sengkelit. use such a climbing strap. kasitela n. ubi jalar. sweet potato. Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lamk. kaso songko n. permainan porok. a kind of game resembling quoits, played by kicking coconut shells backward at a target. pekaso songko vi. main porok. play quoits. kasoka n. bisul di tempat asal kuku. abcess, boil on the side or base of the nail. kokasoka %%. berbisul macam ini. have this kind of boil. kasombu n. bisul di kaki, telapak kaki. abcess or boil on the foot, sole of the foot.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




kasoro n. kasur. mattress. Lihatlah: kolambu, pantasa, polangu, tambea. kasosongko n. ****. a noose trap for snaring chickens. Lihatlah: kaoho. kasumba n. pewarna makanan. food coloring. kata vt [-'o]. mengunyah tidak halus lagi. chew. kataɓa n. geladak perahu. deck of a ship. katamba n. sm_ikan. k.o. fish, probably a kind of emperor fish. katamba lɓamalimbu n. sm ikan. blacknape large-eye bream. Gymnocranius spp. katamba laundu n. sm ikan. k.o. fish. katamba longkua cmpd n. sm ikan. longfin emperor. katampo Bentuk lain: sanggara katampo. n. pisang yg di**** adonan baru digoreng. bananas fried with a coating of cassava. katancuu %%. ****. ****. katangka n. ****. a set of gifts (jewelry, clothing, etc.) sent by a man to to his fianc軦. mowawa katangka membawa ***** dng maksud ini to bring gifts of jewelry, clothing, etc. for this purpose kataranga n. keterangan. explanation. Sai poronge kataranga a'iso, ɓawu a'iso ipecukanamo ɗuka. Mendengar keterangan itu, babi itu menanya lagi. When he heard that explanation, the pig questioned him again. kateko n. sulap, sunglap. juggling. pekateko vi. menyulap, main sunglap. juggle. katepi n. ngiru, penapis beras. winnowing basket. Lihatlah: tapisako. katinti n. 1) ketinting, sm motor kapal yang poros panjang. kind of low-horsepower, inboard boat motor with a long propeller shaft. 2) ketinting, sm perahu yang memakai motor seperti ini. a small boat powered with this kind of motor.

kato mokato vn. gatal. itch, be itchy.

katoa n. loyang, sering dibuat dr plastik. large basin, usually of plastic.

kato-katoa n. loyang kecil. a small bowl or basin of the same design.

kato-kato n. tongtong, kentongan, untuk ********. slit drum, slit gong, used for drawing the attention of a village. Lihatlah: kandii-ndii [ndii]. katongke Lihatlah: tongke-2. katumbara n. ketumbar. coriander seed. Coriandrum sativum L. kau %%. terseah kita, sembarang saja. whateveryou-want. kau ɓaju baju terserah kita whatever kind of clothes doi, ɓaju, kau sala, kau bura uang, baju, celana sembarang saja, bedak 10/4/2013

sembarang saja money, clothes, whatever kind of pants, whatever kind of powder kaua n. kukur kelapa. coconut scraper, consisting of a long heavy block of wood with a metal scraper projecting from one end. — vt [-'o]. memarut, menggarut, terutama menggarut isinya kelapa dr tempurungnya. scrape, scratch, especially to scrape coconut meat out of the shell. pekaua vi. menggaruk. scratch (an itch). kau-kaua1 n. tulang dada. bone at solar plexis. kau-kaua2 n. sm kerang bercangkang ganda. thorny oyster. Spondylus spp. kauli n. kayu penyanggah lantai sampan. boards used as flooring on a sampan. ka'umpeha Bentuk lain: ngka'umpeha, kampeha. intrg. bagaimana. how. Ngka'umpehamiumo? Bagaimana engkau? Apakah tidak baik? How our you doing? Is something wrong? Ngka'umpehanomo gandunto i pombulaanto arua? Bagaimana jagung kita di kebun kita di sana? How is our corn getting on in our garden down there? Ngka'umpehanomo, toluhoo. Topo'alapo kinaa ɓeto ponahu. Bagaimana? Kita lapar. - Kita ambil nasi dan kita memasak. How now? We're hungry. - Let's get some rice and cook. Ka'umpehano taeno? - Ɓeto po'onto merereno. Apa katanya? - Kami akan mononton yang bersunat. What did he say? - We're going to watch the ones being circumcised. Kampehanomo sala a'iso? Bagaimana celana itu? What's up with the shorts? Kampehanomo manu-manu a'iko? Bagaimana ayam itu? What's up with those chickens? ka'unda n. udang karang. lobster. Lihatlah: kolo'ura. ka'upi Lihatlah: upi. kausu Kegunaan: archaic. n. sepatu. shoe. Lihatlah: sapatu. kauwei n. bumbu masakan ikan (terutama ikan bakar). spice condiment served along with cooked (particularly grilled) fish. kawali n. kuali. frying pan, wok. kawali labu kuali besi iron wok kawali ntomba kuali tanah liat earthenware wok kawasa vi. kuasa. powerful, mighty. Kumawasano Yang Mahakuasa. the Almighty. Ana a'iso iniatiako saɓaramo hapa-hapa mino'iliakono i Kumawasano. Anak itu meniatkan segala apa saja yang diinginkannya kepada Yang Mahakuasa. That child prayed to the Almighty for all of whatever she desired. kawe1 n. sayap. wing. ngkawe-ngkawe n. sirip dada ikan. pectoral fins

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



keni pengkeɗu-ngkeɗu vi. berbelok-belok. weave

of a fish.


from side to side, move forward aimlessly.

kawei vt [-o]. menggali sesuatu dng tangan atau tempurung. dig s.th. using ones hands or a coconut shell. pekawei vi. menggali dng tangan atau tempurung. dig using ones hands or a coconut shell. Lihatlah: keke2. kawe'e-we'e n. bunga bakung, bunga tembaga suasa. beach lily, crinum lily. Crinum spp. kawi vi. kawin, berlaki, berbini. marry. La Ode Panuinta, ipecukanamo andino mentee ɓei ehe kumawi te B*alamancugi. La Ode Panuinta menanya kepada adiknya, apakah ia setuju kawin dengan Balamancugi? La Ode Panuinta asked his younger sister if perhaps she wanted to marry with Balamancugi. pakawi vt [-'o]. mengawinkan. marry, marry (a man and woman) together. Inai-inai tumambo'o kapiino anano, ɓei pakawi'inda te anano a'iso. Barang siapa yang dapat menyembuhkan penyakit anaknya, ia akan mengawinkannya dengan anaknya tersebut. Whoever cured his daughter's sickness, he would marry them with that daughter of his. kawi'a n. pesta perkawinan. marriage ceremony. sangkawi n. calon suami isteri. the engaged couple. kawoi-woi Bentuk lain: woi-woi. n. sm siput laut. k.o. univalve mollusk. kawole n. ikan asin, ikan besar yang dibelah baru digarami lalu dikeringkan. dried fish, fish that has been split and preserved with salt. Lihatlah: kaholeo, topa.

kawowo pekawowo vi. bersiu. whistle.

kawule n. sm burung. k.o. bird, possibly a raptor, the brahminy kite?

ke conj. kalau. if. kea n. burung betet-kelapa punggung-biru. bluebacked parrot, also known as the azure-rumped parrot. Tanygnathus sumatranus Raffles. Lihatlah: kuluri, mansi, tuli-tuli. kea-kea n. sm burung. k.o. bird. kea bula =kea ngkotandu. kea ngkotandu cmpd n. burung kakatua-kecil jambul-kuning. yellow-crested cockatoo. Cacatua sulphurea. kea ntandu = kea ngkotandu. = kea ngkotandu. keɓo n. kumbang sagu. red palm weevil. Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliver. kecewa vn. kecewa. disappointed.

keɗu mangkeɗu vn. bengkok. crooked. 58

kee mokee vn. tertahan di kerongkongan (tt makanan). caught in the throat (said of food which doesn't go down). keha n. sm kerang di kali-kali, cangkang gandanya putih dan kecil. k.o. small, white-shelled, freshwater clam; the shell is light-colored and concentrically ringed. keke1 n. 1) ketiak, kelek. armpit. 2) jarak lengan, dari ketiak ke ujung jari. an arm's length, from armpit to fingertip. keke2 vt [-o]. menggali (memakai alat spt linggis). dig (using an instrument such as a handspike). Lihatlah: ɓalo, kawei [kawe2]. pekeke vi. menggali secara ini. dig in this fashion. keke3 n. sm kerang bercangkang ganda. k.o. bivalve, the shell brownish with a white umbo.

keke4 kokeke-keke vi. tertawa lepas. laugh out loud. Lihatlah: koheke-heke [heke].

kela n. labu. squash, pumpkin. Curcurbita spp. leweno kela daun labu (dipakai sebagai sayuran) pumpkin leaves (used as a vegetable) Lihatlah: konduru, taria. kela malimbu cmpd n. labu yg berbentuk bundar. a squash with a spherical shape. kela marempe cmpd n. labu yg pendek dan gemuk bentuknya. a squash with a squat shape. kela ondau cmpd n. kela yg panjang bentuknya. a squash with a long, straight shape. kela ule cmpd n. kela yg berbentuk panjang dan peot. a squash with a long, bent shape. kela wata cmpd n. labu yg panjang, ****. a long squash which is fat on one end. kema %%. kiri. left (side), left (hand). Lihatlah: moiri [iri]. kempa1 n. keong besar. conch.

kempa2 mokempa vn. pincang. lame.

kempa3 n. jingkat, pincang-pincangan. k.o. children's game similar to hopscotch.

mokempa vn. berjalan pincang. walk with a limp. pekempa vi. main jingkat. play hopscotch.

kengke n. genggeng. the pearly nautilus. Nautilus pompilius L.

keni vt [-'o]. memegang. grasp, hold onto. pongkeni'ano ni'i ***** a strip of coconut husk which is lifted from the coconut to provide a handle keni'a n. pekerjaan. work. Lihatlah: karajaa. pengkeni vr. memegang. grasp each other, hold onto each other. pengkeni lima jabatan tangan

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



kire handshake Lihatlah: kaɗuɗu.

to shine after a rain. Ikiɗemo oleo. Matahari bersinar sekali lagi. The sun has come out again.

pakeni vt [-'o]. menggadaikan. pawn.

keo n. suara ayam kalah (saat diadu). sound made by a defeated rooster (in cockfighting). keono manu **** **** Lihatlah: kete, kote-2, koo-2. kokeo vi. bersuara ****. make this kind of sound. kokeo-keo vi. bersuara ****. make this kind of sound. kepi vt [-'o]. mengepit. carry under one's arm. kera vn. pekat. thick (of liquids), concentrated. mokera vn. rasanya belum masak. taste underripe. kera-kera1 %%. kira-kira. approximately. kera-kera2 n. sm burung. k.o. bird. kere vn. kalah (pd permainan gasing). defeated, knocked out (in playing tops). keru vt [-'o]. ****. scrape out (as young coconut from the shell with a spoon). kerusi vt [-o]. ****. scrape the surface of (as the surface of a coconut shell).

kiha mengkiha vn. tidak pasrah, masih melawan lagi. still ready to fight, still have fight left in oneself.

kii-kii kokii-kii vi. berteriak spt ****. scream in the manner of excited young girls.

kikihi vt [-o]. mengelap. wipe. mongkikihi ɓoro **** wipe away mucus, wipe a runny nose

pekikihi vi. mengelap dirinya. wipe oneself.

bertelur. sound of a hen that is going to lay an egg. Lihatlah: kokeo [keo], kokote [kote-2], pongkoo-koo [koo-2]. keto n. sm semut hitam dan kecil. species of small black ant. koketo %%. bersemut macam ini. infested with this kind of ant. keu n. kayu. wood. keu mpekeu cmpd n. kayu api, kayu bakar. firewood. kewa n. kepiting. k.o. large, edible crab, possibly the mangrove crab (Scylla seratta).

pekikihi woino mengelap mukanya wipe one's face pongkikihi ɗopi cmpd n. khataman, upacara selesai menamatkan Alquran. ceremony in which candidates, about ten years old, are certified as being able to recite the Qur'an. kikii vt [-o]. menggigit. bite. Ikikiio ule i karuno Tua. Tua digigit ular di kakinya. A snake bit Tua on his leg. Lihatlah: kuku. pongkikii'a n. gigitan. bite, biting place. pongkikii'ano pepi gigitan nyamuk mosquito bite kila n. kilat. lightning. kili-kili vt [-'o]. main gelitik. tickle s.o. in fun. kimbohu n. biawak. common water monitor lizard. Varanus salvator. Lihatlah: kolela, simpo, toke. kimbo-kimbohu n. balok bumbungan. main ridge beam, running the length of the peak of a house. Lihatlah: pobumbu. kimomo n. pucuk. flower bud. kimporo vi. menangis keras. cry hard. kinampopo n. sm tumbuhan. k.o. plant with square, hollow stems, large, opposite, cordate leaves and bright red flowers. kinipulu n. dahulu pemangku adat di Kulisusu. second-highest official in the Kulisusu traditional system of native governance, who was especially charged with settling conflicts. kintaɗi vt [-%]. menggantung sehelai sarong yg dicucu di antara dua potong keu, supaya ****. hang a washed sarong between two pieces of wood, so that it dried flat. kipa n. baling-baling (?). propeller (?).



kesa mokesa vn. cantik. beautiful, handsome. kakesa n. kecantikan. beauty. pekakesa vt [-'o]. menghiasi. apply make-up, beautify. Nahinamo ipekakesa'o wutono, rounomo hiina i'ehe ɓendo pakawi'o te kapten a'iso. Dia tidak lagi menghiasi dirinya, karena ia tidak mau dikawinkan dengan kapten itu. She no longer made herself up, because she didn't want to be married to that captain.

kete pongkete-kete vi. suara ayam betina yg akan

makiɗa vn. 1) pintar sekali, jago. extremely


smart, at the top of one's class. makiɗa monahu pintar memasak good at cooking makiɗa gumau pintar berbicara good at speaking makiɗa moweweu ɓangka pintar membuat perahu good at making boats 2) berpengetahuan ilmu gaib. having knowledge about hidden things. vi. tt matahari, bersinar setelah hujan. of the sun,


pakipo vt [-'o]. menutup. close.

kira2 n. kemaluan laki-laki. penis. Searti: ɗa'u, d*ongke, lahu.

kire1 n. kening, alis mata. eyebrow. — vt [-'o]. memberi isyarat dengan alis matanya. signal (someone) with one's eyebrows. kire2 vt [-'o]. menggosok, mengasah. rub, whet. pongkire'a n. tempat gosok, asahan mata parang (pisau, dsb). the place or part which is rubbed

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



ko'iri or whetted; the grind (bevel) of a blade.

kiri mengkiri vn. sangsi, keragu-raguan. doubtful, in doubt.

kiru-kiru1 n. sm burung. k.o. bird. kiru-kiru2 n. sm ikan. spotted scat. Scatophagus argus L.

kiu1 n. sm burung. k.o. bird. kiu2 n. baunya ikan yg ****. a certain kind of unpleasant fishy smell.

kokiu vi. ****. have a certain fishy smell. Ika ngkokiu, io malalea, io mombi, io haunga te io ɓaura. Ikan yang biasanya berbau, adalah **** Fish which (often) smell, are the smudgefoot spinefoot, damselfish, surgeonfish, and trevallies. -ko prn. orang kedua tunggal kasus akusatif. second person singular accusative. koa n. burung hantu. k.o. owl, said to have a short tail. koa-koaɗiu n. sm burung. k.o. bird. koba-koba n. kupu-kupu. butterfly. koɓo ****. ****. mokoɓo vn. segan, enggan, tidak mau ikut. reluctant, unwilling to follow. kobu1 vt [-'o]. mencuci mulut, menyimpan air dl mulut beberapa saat kemudian dibuang (tidak ditelan). rinse one's mouth, hold water in the mouth for a time before spitting it out (the water is not swallowed). Lihatlah: pelonu [lonu]. kobu-kobu vt [-'o]. menyimpan dan mendesir air dl mulut. swish water around in one's mouth.

kobu2 mongkobu-kobu %%.

****. ****. Damo mongkobu-kobu. (Jagung) sudah mulai berisi. (Corn) is starting to fruit. kobue n. kacang bali, juga disebut kacang gude atau kacang kayu. pigeon pea. Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. kobue mpali cmpd n. kecipir. winged bean. Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC. koburu n. kubur. grave, burial plot. koburu ngkotaɗe kubur yg terletak di tepi karang terjal **** a grave located near the edge of a cliff — vt [-'o]. menguburkan. bury, inter. pekoburu vi. berkubur, dikuburkan. have a grave, be buried. Ipe'oliwi kei mate, ipekoburu i horino cinano. Dia menyarankan kalau mati, dia dikuburkan di smping ibunya. He said that if he died, he should be buried beside his mother. koco vt [-'o]. mengocok (kartu). shuffle (cards). kocu vt [-o]. memetik, memanen (padi dsb.). pick, harvest (rice, etc.). mongkocuhako io pota memanen dng ani-ani harvest using a rice 60

harvest knife I'awa'inda mia indaɗe mongkocu komba. Dia mendapat orang sementara memetik daun sirih. He came across some people picking betel leaves. pongkocu'a n. tempat memanen padi. a field where rice is being harvested. Tohule i pongkocu'a. Kita pergi ke tempat memanen padi. We're going to where rice is being harvested. kangkocu n. ****. ****. kocumba n. belalang. k.o.grasshopper, smaller than a kaɓoɓoro. Lihatlah: booba, kaɓoɓoro, tongkuno kamba [tongku]. kocupa n. ketupat, beras yg direbus dl anyaman pucuk daun kelapa. rice dumpling made from rice packed in a woven palm-leaf pouch and boiled. kocupa ɓakenakau kecupat yg berbentuk **** rice dumpling packet with a **** kocupa ɓawa kecupat yg berbentuk bawang (bentuk biasa) rice dumpling packet with a bulbous shape (the usual shape) kocupa ɓio ketupat yg berbentuk kecil rice dumpling packet of very small size kocupa langole ketupat yg berbentuk panjang langsing rice dumpling packet with a long, slender shape kocupa mpali ketupat yg tipis berbentuk persegi rice dumpling packet with a flattish square shape kocupa mpuhu ketupat yg berbentuk intan rice dumpling packet with a diamond (octohedral) shape koda n. foto. photograph. koɗi vt [-'o]. menjentik. flick with the finger. Lihatlah: cindi3. kangkoɗi n. giliran menjentik. turn (at flicking). kangkoɗi Wa Nela giliran Wa Nela Nela's turn (in playing marbles) koɗo-koɗo n. sm ikan. k.o.fish. koɗu n. sm ikan. Philippine butterflyfish. Chaetodon adiergastos Seale. koi vt [-ho]. mengikis. scrape off (as a corn cob with a knife). Tokoiho'akono poɗa ɗongkulono gandu mongura. Kami mengikis tongkol jagung muda. We scrape the corn cob with a knife. koicu1 n. sm ketam kecil. k.o. small crab. koicu2 n. ikan sembilang. white-lipped eel-catfish. Paraplotosus albilabris Valenciennes. ko'i-ko'iwa n. ****. k.o. basket fern. Drynaria spp. koila n. penyu hijau. green sea turtle. Chelonia mydas L. 1758. Lihatlah: ponu.

ko'iri peko'iri vi. bercukur, mencukur. shave. Mi'ari meko'iri, korea. Mentee ɗoloma. Sudah bercukur, berdarah. Mungkin gelap. You cut

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yourself when you shaved. Perhaps it was too dark (to see what you were doing). peko'iria n. upacara pencukuran rambut. hair cutting ceremony. kangko'iri n. cukur, pisau cukur. razor. koiwa %%. ****. ****. koja vi. berbicara secara bebas. talk freely and easily, converse lightheartedly. Indaɗepo kumoja. Mereka masih berbicara. They are still conversing. Lihatlah: cula-cula. koja-koja %%. berbicara secara bebas. talk freely and easily about various subjects. koka n. siput bea. k.o. cowry. Cypraea spp. kokaɓi n. mata kail, pancing. fishhook. kokaɓino sumowo k.o. multipronged ripping hook for impaling squid kokansi n. alat permainan dulu, terbuat dari bambu. ****. pekokansi vi. ****. play this kind of instrument. koki n. koki, juru masak di kapal. cook (on a boat). koko1 n. burung kangkareng sulawesi. sulawesi dwarf hornbill. Penelopides exarhatus.


kolo3 pekolo ncuu cmpd vi. ****. sit on one's knees. tengkolo vn. ****. sunken in, having a concavity.

koloɓinci n. 1) bajing. squirrel. Sciuridae. 2) kelinci. rabbit. Orvotolacus cuniculus L.

koloka n. kepinding, kutu busuk. bedbug. Cimex spp.

mokoko vn. susut. shrunken, decrreased.

kokombe n. sm kerang bercangkang ganda. k.o. small marine clam living in sandy areas. kokombu n. tiang perahu. mast. kokondolito vi. membeningkan kepala, menggoncang-goncang kepala (msl setelah dipukul keras). clear one's senses, shake one's head clear (for example after being hit hard). kokooɗe n. kutu air. k.o. beetle, adults about 1 cm long, very hard (resists crushing); when disturbed it closes up its legs and stops; tan when young, turning dark when an adult. kokoru %%. ****. ****. kokose n. sm ikan. k.o. fish,, a rockcod? Epinephelus spp. Lihatlah: sinu. kokose molompo n. sm ikan. k.o. fish. kola n. pisang atau keladi dimasak dng gula merah, santan dan nasi atau terigu, kolak pisang, kolak keladi. bananas or taro cooked with palm sugar, coconut milk and rice or flour, banana compote, taro compote. Lihatlah: palubutu. kolambu n. ****. ****. kolambu pocuri'a alas tilam, seperai dan sarung bantal bed clothes, sheets and pillowcases kolela n. sm kadal. k.o. large, green lizard, about the same size as the toke; sometimes found in coconut trees. Lihatlah: kimbohu, simpo, toke. koli-koli n. sampan. dugout (canoe). koli-koli pekaɓosei sampan tanpa layar a dugout canoe without a sail koli-koli pekabua sampan untuk memancing, biasanya dipasangi layar a dugout 10/4/2013

canoe for fishing, usually supplied with a sail koli-koli pinangawa'i sampan yang dipasangi layar a dugout canoe supplied with a sail kolintei vt [-o]. menghiraukan. heed, pay attention to. kolo1 vt [-'o]. memotong (msl kayu besar dgn parang), ****. cut down (as a tree with a machete), cut around, score (as the base of an ear of corn in order to remove a husk). kolo-kolo vt [-'o]. memotong-motong. cut, score several times. mongkolo-kolo towu **** score a piece of (peeled) sugarcane and break it into short lengths kangkolo n. alat untuk ******. cutter, an instrument used to kolo with. kolo2 n. sendal dibuat dr kayu. sandal made of wood.

kokoloka %%. punya kutu busuk, penuh kutu busuk. having bedbugs, infested with bedbugs.

koloki n. lubang kecil (msl pd batu, atau lantai rumah panggung). small hole (as in a rock, or the floor of a stilt house). kolomonci Lihatlah: kalamonci. kolompinga n. sm kerang kecil bercangkang ganda, tempatnya di akar pohon bakau. k.o. thin-shelled irregular bivalve mollusk which grows clustered (five or six together) on the roots of mangrove trees; possibly a species of wing oyster, but the 'wing' is not prominent. Lihatlah: cira, talawa. kolopua n. kura-kura sawah. Southeast Asian box turtle. Cuora amboinensis sub. amboinensis Daudin. kolosua n. sj tumbuhan. k.o. plant with a useful fiber used in plaiting mats and baskets. kolo'umba n. pong-pongan. hermit crab. Paguroidea. kolo'ura n. udang karang hijau. the painted spiny lobster. Panulirus versicolor Latreille. Lihatlah: ka'unda. kolowa n. teluk. bay. kolowe n. sj pohon. k.o. tree. kolumpe vt [-o]. lupa. forget. tekolumpe vn. terlupa. forgotten accidentally.

kolungku kolungkuno cuu nph. tempurung lutut. kneecap. Lihatlah: bula-bulaluno cuu.

komba n. sirih. betel, betel pepper. Piper betle L. komba-komba n. sm tumbuhan. k.o. plant, much

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growing as a weedy bush in abandoned areas.

kombo %%. ****. ****. kombuno n. pohon serdang daun bulat (sj palem). footstool palm, also known as the roundleaf fan palm. Saribus rotundifolius (Lam.) Blume. kantaɗu kombuno timba yg terbuat dari daun palem serdang an bucket made from the leaf of the footstool palm leweno kombuno daun pohon serdang (msl dipakai sebagai payung) leaf of the footstool palm (e.g. used as a rain shield / umbrella) -komiu prn. orang kedua jamak kasus akusatif. second person plural accusative.

komo kokomo-komo %%. tersenyum, tidak kelihatan gigi. smile without letting one's teeth show, grin. Lihatlah: tengingia [ngingia], kongiri-ngiri [ngiri], kongoi-ngoi [ngoi]. komondaa n. komandan. commander. komongko n. sm ketam. k.o. crab, similar to the koniki, spotted. kompa1 n. ular laut, ikan belut. sea snake, eel. kompa2 n. kompor, pompa. kerosene burner (for cooking), pump. kompania n. sm_tarian. k.o. welcome dance performed by men. Lihatlah: balumpa, lense, ngibi, pangaru, pomaani, wele. kompiu n. sm kerangjang. k.o. basket. kompiuno laga sarang semut rangrang weaver ants' nest Lihatlah: ɓaki, ɓalase, humbu, karinda, langka-2. kompo n. 1) usus, isi perut. intestines, stomach, guts. 2) *****. the seed compartment of pumpkins and other fruit. komponi vt [-o]. mengeluarkan isi perut. gut, remove the guts of. kompo-kompo b*acu cmpd n. ****. species of inedible sea cucumber, the limp, contractible body growing up to a meter in length. ?? Euapta godeffroyi. kompo-kompono wici nph. otot betis. the calf muscle. komporo n. kompor. kerosene burner. kona vt [-o]. kena, terkena, mengenai; menang. reach, make contact, hit; win. konao curupano waho terkena setetes hujan hit by a raindrop ika kona i jare ikan yang terkena jaring insang fish caught in a gillnet Ika a'iso, konano ɓala La Bura i Tanduno. Ikan itu ialah yang terkena dalam sero La Bura di Tanjung. Those fish are what were caught in La Bura's trap at the Cape.. pokona %%. betul, benar. true, correct. Ipokonamo. Betul.**** It's true. tekona vn. benar, betul. true, correct, fitting. 62

konde n. anai-anai. termite. kondi n. sm kumbang besar. k.o. large beetle. kondinga n. kueh dadar. bright green crepe rolled with sweet filling. Lihatlah: d*ad*ara. kundur. Chinese winter melon. Benincasa hispida (Thunberg ex Murray) Cogniaux. Lihatlah: kela, taria. kongi ****. ****. kongi leweno **** toothedleaved kongkai n. tangkai. stalk. sakongkai io pae satu tangkai padi one stalk of rice Lihatlah: mokungku. kongkue n. sm tumbuhan. k.o. bush with distinctive zig-zag twigs, leaves compound, leaflets alternate, 16-18 on a petiole, the plant said not to have flowers. koniki n. sm ketam. k.o. marine crab, claws are of equal size. kono %%. ****. ****. Buton Utara: Lipu Tinadea Kono Sara. Buton Utara: kampung yang dibangun oleh pegawai sara. **** konse n. lukut (sm tumbuhan ganggang, bentuknya spt ****). hydroclathrus (k.o. seaweed growing in net-like structures). Hydroclathrus spp. konta n. gelegar utama. floor beam, beams that are perpendicular to and support the floor joists. Lihatlah: wulohi. konta vt [-'o]. 1) mengkontak (secara tidak bisa terlepas). contact, make firm contact with something (so that it cannot get loose). 2) merekam. record. kontawu n. sm pohon bakau. k.o. tree growing in mangrove forests, the breathing roots shallowly kneed, the round yellow fruit, which can be as large as a pomelo, is sometimes found floating in the sea. Lihatlah: taku. konuai n. kelemayar. millipede. konuai memea cmpd n. ****. k.o. reddish millipede. konuai sorume cmpd n. ****. k.o. yellow and black millipede. konuai waranga cmpd n. ****. k.o. black millipede. konuku n. kuku jari. toenail, fingernail. kunukui Bentuk lain: konukui. vt [-o]. mencubit di antara kuku ibu jari dan kuku jari telunjuk (msl kutu). nip, pinch between the forefinger and thumb (e.g. lice). Lihatlah: cindohi. koo1 vt [-'o]. mengikat. tie up (as a chicken, crab), lash. mongkoo patowala mengikat kerangka layang-layang tie the frame pieces of a kite together — n. ikat (sebagai ukuran barang-barang). something (or a set of things) which have been

konduru n.

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tied up. Sahapa sakoo tameamiu? Berapa satu ikat ketam matah merahmu? How much for one bundle of your red-eyed crabs? Lihatlah: olu. kangkoo n. pengikat, benang dsb untuk mengikat. string etc. used for tying. Tamea a'ai da'a kangkoono. Ketam mata merah ini ntidak ada pengikatnya. This red-eyed crab isn't tied up (doesn't have a tie-string). tekoo vn. terikat. tied up, engrossed.

koo2 pongkoo-koo vi. suara ayam betina yg akan bertelur. sound of a hen that is going to lay an egg. Lihatlah: kokote, pongkete-kete [kete]. kooki n. sm kumbang. k.o. beetle. kopasarano n. ****. ****. kopi1 n. kopi. coffee. Koffea spp. Lihatlah: kahawa. kopi2 vi. ****. close up, draw inward, fold (as a chicken its wings, or sensitive fern its leaves). Ɗa kumopi manuno. **** His rooster has folded (given up the fight with another cock). — vt [-'o]. ****. close up, fold inward. Kopi'o limau. **** Close your hand. pakopi vt [-'o]. ****. close, cause to close or fold inward. Pakopi'o bađau. Draw your arms and legs inward. kopo vt [-'o]. menggenggam. take in one's hand, grasp, clutch. Ɓio a'iso icia'akonomo, kai kopo'o ɓio a'iso. Telur itu diberikannya, lalu digenggamnya telur itu. He gave that egg to her, and she took it in her hand.

kopu pengkopu vi. saling memeluk. embrace each other.

kopui vt [-o]. memeluk. embrace. pekakopui vr. saling berpelukan. embrace each other.

pekopu-kopui vi. ****. wrap one's arms in front of oneself.

kopuru vt [-'o]. mengikat. tie, bind (as a piece of rattan around a whisk broom). kopuruakono ue **** **** kangkopuru n. tali rotan (atau lain) yg dipakai ****. rattan (or other) cord for binding. kora vi. mengadakan (suatu kegiatan) terus, sibuk dgn, sedang. work at, keep at, be busy at, be occupied with. kumora mongkaa sibuk makan be busy eating kumora kumekeo sibuk menggalinya work at digging it kumora umo'ai berteriak-teriak keep yelling kumora memee dalam keadaan berketakutan occupied by fear mokora vn. 1) kuat, kokoh, keras, bisa. strong, tight, hard. mokora monsoso kuat merokok smoke a lot, be a heavy smoker Apuangku ndomocu'amo, ako indaɗepo mokora. 10/4/2013

Nenekku sudah tua tetapi masih kuat. My grandparents are old, but they're still strong. Imokora ngalu? Apakah angin keras? Was the wind strong? Isee ulako, mokora ea laewo. Jangan pergi, ada ombak besar. Don't go, the seas are too rough. 2) melakukan sesuatu secara keras. do something to a strong degree. mangka mokora menganis keras cry hard mokora mondo'u sering atau banyak minum drinking a lot or often tekora vn. kejang (otot). cramped, cramped up (as a muscle). korai vt [-'o]. merebus masih mentah (pisang). partially boil (bananas). Lihatlah: kamangka. — n. pisang direbus setengah masak, juga disbut punci korai atau punci kinorai. half-boiled bananas, also called punci korai or punci kinorai. korapu n. ikan kerapu. hexagon rockcod. Epinephelus macrospilos Bleeker. kori n. kurap. ringworm, tinea. kokori vi. berkurap. having ringworm, infected with ringworm. koriti %%. keriting. curly. Lihatlah: rangki. koro n. jalan binatang (babi, rusa, anoa, dsb). animal trail (of pig, deer, anoa, etc.). koroi n. sm burung. k.o. bird. koroka n. daun kelapa yang mati, dipakai sebagai **** atau suluh. dried coconut palm leaves used for kindling or as a torch. korokote n. sj ikan. k.o. fish. korou1 n. kerongkongan. throat. Lihatlah: goro-goro. korou2 %%. barangkali. perhaps. Korou hinamo ipeɓala. Mungkin dia tidak lagi bersero. Perhaps he doesn't operate a fish trap anymore. Hiina minto'orio korou. Mungkin engkau tidak tahu. Perhaps you didn't know it. Manu-manu hapa a'iso? - Io tomi korou. Burung apa itu? Burung **** mungkin. What bird was that? - A **** perhaps. Punci hapa a'ai? - Punci honta. - Punci lure korou. **** What kind of banana is this? - A honta banana. - A lure banana perhaps. Mimpoonepo mongkaa korou. **** **** Leumiu lumapasino korou hiina nompocuɗuiakokomiu. **** On your last visit, **** koru n. kerkak, bunyi saat mengunyah makanan mengal. crunch, the sound of eating crunchy food. kokoru vi. mengerkahi sambil makan. make a crunching sound while eating. kokoru-koru %%. mengerkahi sambil makan. make crunching sounds while eating.

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kosambi n.

pohon kesambi. gum-lac Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken. kosapi Lihatlah: kasapi.


kosi tekosi vn. tercecer. scattered about.

kosu n. kaus. socks. kota n. kota. city. kote1 vt [-ho]. melurus. straighten. kokotesi vt [-o]. jalan lurus. take the shortest, most direct route to somewhere. Tokokotesiomo ri'ai. - Iseemo, tolobo-loboomo ri'asoa. Mari, kita jalan lurus. - Jangan. Kita jalan potong di sana. Let's go here, it's the shortest way. - No, let's take a detour over that way. Lihatlah: lobo-lobo [lobo]. pengkote-kote vi. berjalan lurus. walk straight. mongkote vn. lurus. straight.

kote2 kote-kote kokok

ayam. cluck of chicken. kote-koteno manu suara ayam yg akan bertelur the cluck of a chicken before it lays an egg Lihatlah: pongkete-kete [kete], pongkoo-koo [koo-2]. kokote vi. berkokok (ayam betina yg akan bertelur). cluck (as a hen which is going to lay an egg). koto vt [-'o]. menggigit (ular laut). bite (as of sea snake). Lihatlah: cucu. ko'uleko %%. ****. ****. kowala n. pohon enau, pohon aren. sugar palm, aren, areng or arenga palm. Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merrill. kowara n. sj pohon. k.o. tree. kowasi n. sm ikan. k.o. fish with large scales and black stripes on its back. Terapon spp. kowo1 vt [-'o]. mencekungkan. bend up at the edges, make concave. mangkowo vn. agak cekung. concave, bending up at the edges. piri mangkowo piring yang cekung sedikit a plate with high edges

kowo2 mokowo vn.




horuono Waode Sirinakamba. Ternyata suara itu adalah bunyi tenunan Wa Ode Sirinakamba. In reality that voice was the sound of Waode Sirinakamba's loom. kuani vt [-o]. memberitahu, menyampaikan. inform, tell. Ndoɓansule mongkuani i tamano te alasano kinuani'akono. Mereka pulang menyampaikan pada ayahnya dengan keterangan sesuai alasan yang dikemukakannya. They returned and informed her father with the reason which she had informed them. Mingkuanio ungkuɗe ilembahimo kusikorio. Katakanlah kepadanya saya sudah lama menunggu. You all tell her, I have already been waiting for her a long time. Ndopongkuani i tamano, taeno "Kua'iko imondopo karajaano ka ɓei leu." Mereka menyampaikan kepada ayahnya "Nanti selesai pekerjaannya baru ia akan datang." They informed to her father, saying "It's like this, when her work is finished then she will come." kuɓa n. perkedel ikan. seasoned fish-meat patty, fish meat pounded with spices, cooked and then wrapped in banana leaves in the shape of flattened triangles. Lihatlah: ɓajabu, tumpi-tumpi. kucu n. kutu, baik kutu kepala (kutu manusia) biar kutu anjing. head louse, flea (of dogs, people, etc.).

kuɗi mokuɗi vn. kerdil. dwarfish, stunted.

kuɗu n. pantat. buttocks, bottom. kuɗuno ni'i bagian dasar kelapa bottom end of a coconut Imorutamo kuɗuno salano. Sudah hancur pantatnya celananya. The seat of his pants were ruined. Lihatlah: puri. kuɗu-kuɗu n. sm ikan. k.o. cowfish. Lactoria spp. kue n. kue. cake, cookies. pekue vi. membikin kue. make cakes or cookies, bake.

kue kompa kue manu-manu cmpd n. sj kue yg bertokoh


burung. k.o. butter cookie shaped like a bird.

kowunse n. pecahan yg serabut. separated fibers (from hitting or pounding).

kue owose cmpd n. ****. ****. kue palu cmpd n. **** dibuat dr beras ketan dan

ku- prn. orang pertama tunggal kasus nominatif. first person singular nominative.

kua mokua vn. rajin. industrious.

kuaia n. sm burung. k.o. bird, probably a raptor. kua'iko adv. ternyata. in reality. Miina i Ɓone, kami leu ri'ai. - Kua'iko. Dari Bone, engkau datang sini. - Ya, betul. From Bone you came here. Yes, that's right. Suara a'iso kua'iko io unino 64


kelapa parut. a special pastry of the Wolio region, made from sticky rice and grated coconut and pressed into various shapes in the palm of one's hand. n. kuskus beruang. large Sulawesi (bear) cuscus. Ailurops ursinus Temminck. Lihatlah: tongali.

kui mokui vn. keras. hard, crunchy.

kuita1 n. buritan. stern.

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kuita2 n. sm ikan gurita yg bisa dimakan. k.o. edible

kuli n. kulit. skin (of animals), bark, rind. kulino keu

octopus. Searti: imbu, suɗa, totopu. kuku1 vt [-o]. menggigit separuh atau sedikit (msl kue), mengunggis. bite off a bit (as with a piece of cake), nibble. Lihatlah: kikii. pekuku vi. menggigit, mengunggis. take small bites, nibble.

kulit kayu tree bark kulino ɓake kulit buah rind, peel kulino pae **** **** kulisi vt [-o]. menguliti dengan jari, mengupas (spt pisang, kacang tanah, kacang lainnya). peel with the fingers, remove the skin or pod of (as bananas, peanuts, beans). Lihatlah: ɗeɗehi, lulasi, owihi, wura. kulino mata nph. kelopak mata. eyelid. kulihi vt [-o]. kasih tidur anak, kasih bobo, membobokkan (tt anak kecil). put to bed, put to sleep (of young children). kuli'uwi n. sm ikan. peacock sole. Pardachirus pavoninus Lacep<e`>de. kulopu n. ****. pieces of (torn) cotton fabric, such as is used in the soropu treatment. kulou n. kopra. copra, dried coconut meat. pekulou membikin kopra. prepare copra. pekulou'a n. tempat membikin (mengeringkan) kopra. place for making (drying) copra. kulu-kulu n. sel penjara. prison cell. kululi n. peti dianyam dr rotan atau bambu untuk menyimpan pakaian. case woven from rattan or bamboo for storing clothes. Lihatlah: mbalo, soronga, toɓa. kuluri n. burung perkici dora. ornate lorikeet. Trichoglossus ornatus L. Lihatlah: kea, mansi, tuli-tuli. kumala n. sj ****. k.o. ****. kumalu n. santan dr mengunyat kelapa yg dibakar, untuk **** rambut. k.o. coconut liquid for making the hair shine, produced in the mouth by chewing baked coconut meat. pekumalu vi. mengeluarkan santan dr mulut dan memakainya untuk rambut. produce coconut liquid in the mouth and apply it to the hair. kumba n. paru-paru. lungs. kumbi n. infeksi pd kulitnya (msl ****). skin lesion, sore or infection on the skin (as an infected bug bite). Mau kumbi lembahi, ipomoni **** **** Even though it's an old skin eruption, he still wants medicine put on it. kokumbi berinfeksi pd kulit. have such a lesion or infection. Iperapisako, ikokumbimo engeno. **** He threw himself down, he skinned his nose. kumbi-kumbi n. ruam, kudis-kudis. rash, skin eruption. kumbi ɗawa cmpd n. sm kudis yg menahun (tahunan baru sembuh). k.o. long-lasting skin disease (years before it heals). kumii n. sm ikan. leatherjacket. Lihatlah: goo-goo, bubuu.

kuku2 pekuku vi. menahan diri, mengunci diri dari halhal yg tidak bagus. govern oneself, restrain oneself from doing what is wrong. Lihatlah: petoto [toto-3].

kuku3 tekuku vn. terkumpul (untuk upacara, perkawinan, dsb). assembled, gathered (especially for a formal purpose).

kukucu mengkukucu ulet, tekun, rajin, giat. diligent, persevering, industrious. Bentuk lain: mekukucu. kukusi vt [-o]. menggosok-gosokkan. rub together in one's hands. mongkukusi cinotapi menggosok-gosokkan cucian rub washed clothes in one's hands kula1 n. sukun. breadfruit (seedless). Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg. Lihatlah: kamonsi, nangka, teo.

kula2 kulaci vt [-o]. memanasi. heat, make hot. mokula vn. panas. hot. kampomokula n. alat memanaskan. heater. kampomokulano kinaa **** rice cooker

kula3 n. ****. ****. kulano kela **** **** — vi. keluar dan punya buah (khusus labu). ****. Ikulamo. Sudah berbuah. Starting to fruit. kulaci vt [-%]. memanaskan kembali makanan yg sudah dingin. reheat leftovers. — n. makanan dingin yg dipanaskan kembali. leftovers that have been rheated. kulamba n. kacang cina, kacang lanjaran, kratok. lima bean. Phaseolus lunatus L. kulambu n. kelambu. bed curtain, mosquito net. Lihatlah: wocucu. kularu n. kulit tipis sekali (testa) yg melingkungi biji kacang tanah. papery skin (testa) surrounding a peanut. kule1 n. ****. k.o. natural sponge.

kule2 mokule vn. lelah, capai. tired, worn out. mokule kumarajaa capai bekerja exhuasted from working

kulepe tekulepe vn. ****. stub one's toes, so that the toes get bent under the foot. Lihatlah: tebusu. 10/4/2013


Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




tekukumpa vn. kaku (bergerak, berbicara). stiff, jerky, nonfluid of motion or speech. kuna-kuna n. kacang hijau. mung bean. Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek. Lihatlah: lawue. kunci n. kunci. lock.

kuncu tekuncu tertidur (biar dng sengaja atau tidak). fall asleep for a moment (whether intentionally or not). kundaro n. kunyit. turmeric. Curcuma longa L. kundaroi vt [-o]. mengkunyiti. apply tumeric to. kundo n. 1) awan. cloud. kundo mohalo awan hitam a dark cloud, raincloud 2) **** pd kulitnya. age spot on the skin.

kundu mokundu vn. tumpul, majal. blunt, dull. Lihatlah: mo/tongka.

kungku Lihatlah: mokungku. kungkurio kungkurio moijo cmpd n. sm burung. fierybrowed myna. Enodes erythrophris.

kungkurio mokuni cmpd n. burung kepudang kuduk-hitam. black-naped oriole. Oriolus chinensis. kuni n. kunyit. turmeric. Curcuma longa L. mokuni vn. kuning. yellow. kunu n. kunut, sm doa khusus. k.o. special prayer. kunukui Lihatlah: konuku. kuou n. burung hantu. k.o. owl, said to have a long tail.

kupa kupa-kupano ndoke nph. sm tumbuhan. k.o. plant with a large, round, brown fruit.

kupo mokupo mengigau, bangun berbicara tanpa sadar. talk in one's sleep, awaken and talk without being aware. kura vi. kurang. lessen, decrease. Kuramo. Sudah kurang. It ended. pakura vt [-'o]. mengurangi. lessen, decrease, bring down. Pakura'opo haragaano. Kurangi dulu harganya. Can you bring the price down? Cumpeno, pato pulu. Ngkaa-ngkaa'ai, ndopakura'omo, kaɗimo tolu pulu ka olima riwu. Dulu empat puluh (ribu rupiah). Sekarang sudah dikurangi, cuma tiga puluh lima ribu. At first it was forty (thousand rupiah). Now they've lowered it, it's only thirty-five thousand. kurangi vt [-o]. mengurangi. lessen, decrease, bring down. Mimolompo eamo. Taɓeano mingkurangiomo kaɓeamiu. Bapak terlalu gemuk. Harus kurangi berat badan. (pembicaraan dokter) You are too fat. You need to reduce your weight. (doctor speaking) 66

Kura'ani n. Qur'an, Alquran. the Qur'an. kura-kura n. burung pergam hijau. green imperial pigeon. Ducula aenea L. Bentuk lain: rakura.

kurame n. kaki ketam. walking legs of a crab. Lihatlah: asi.

kurapu n. sm_ikan, ikan kerapu. k.o. fish. kuri pengkuri vi. melap dubur setelah berak, msl dgn kain, daun, kertas, dsb (tetapi tidak pakai air). wipe one's bottom after defecating, such as with a cloth, leaf, paper, etc. (but not use water). kuro n. periuk. pot, cookpot. kuro ɗandanga dandang rice steamer kuro labu periuk besi iron cookpot kuro ntomba periuk tembikar earthenware cookpot kuro rici periuk tembaga bronze cookpot kurub*ani korban (terutama binatang, biasanya kambing, yg dikorbankan pd Idul Adha). sacrificial animal (especially an animal, usually a goat, offered on the morning of Eid ul-Adha). kuruma Bentuk lain: karuma. n. kurma. dates (fruits of the date palm). kuruma1 n. keranjang tempat ayam bertelur. nesting basket for a chicken. kurusii n. kursi. chair. Lihatlah: kadera, totoroka [toro1]. kusi n. suara, gaduh, riuh. noise, vocalization. Ɗa'amo kusi. Dia diam saja. (msl anak yang sakit) She's very subdued. (for example a sick child) kokusi vi. ribut, bersuara, berbicara. be noisy, make sounds, talk. Hiina tokokusi. Kami diam. we kept silent. Hiina iɗa'a kumokusino. Tidak ada yang bersuara. No one made a sound. Isee kokusi-kusi. Jangan ribut sedikitpun. Don't make a sound. kuso vt [-'o]. meramas sambil memeras. squeeze with the hand (as coconut gratings with water to make santan), press and squeeze. kusolako vt [-ø]. menyimpan kain atau pakaian sembarang sehingga kumal. store cloth or clothing in any old manner so that it becomes rumpled. kusoli vt [-o]. ****. continually mix or sqeeze with the hand, knead, massage with a kneading motion. mongkusoli cinotapi **** squeeze and swish washed garments around (in a tub of water) mokuso vn. kumal. rumpled.

kusolako tekusolako vi. jatuh di muka kepala. fall on the front of one's head.

kuta n. kutang, beha, B.H. brassiere, bra. kuta-kuta n. baju kutang, baju kotong. shirt or top

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



lae without sleeves.

L - l La laa1 laa2

gelar laki-laki yg bukan bangsawan. title for a male not of the noble class. Lihatlah: Laode. n. kali, sunggai. stream, river. Laano Kioko Kali Kioko Kioko River n. 1) batang (tumbuhan, pohon, hidung), tusuk (tangga), ruas (bambu, gelagah, dsb). trunk (of tree), stem (of certain plants), bridge (of nose), rails (of ladder), internode (of bamboo, cane, etc.). laano kalolowu **** stem of a costus plant laa mpunci batang pohon pisang trunk (pseudostem) of a banana plant laano enge batang hidung bridge of the nose laano esa pegangan tangga rails of a ladder Lumba, laano ɓo kauwei. **** ****, its stem is used for spice condiment.

laa3 laaci vt [-o]. menjarangkan, merenggangkan. thin out, space apart.

molaa vn. jarang, renggang. far apart, spaced apart, spread out in space or across time. Io cula, imolaa bukuno. **** The knobs of cula bamboo are spaced far apart. Molaamo topakeo. Jarang kita pakai. We seldom use it. Imolaa mowawano motoro. Jarang yang berkendara motor. There are seldom people driving motorcycles. mola-molaa vn. 1) pelan-pelan. slowly. Ulangio mola-molaa. Tolong mengulangi pelan-pelan. Please repeat it slowly. 2) jarang-jarang. seldom, infrequently. Mola-molaa, kato lako mo'ala api. Jarang-jarang kami pergi mengambil api. Infrequently we go and get fire. laade Lihatlah: ade. laambe'u Kegunaan: archaic. vt [-%]. makan. eat. Lihatlah: kaa1, solokea, untolo. laamoa n. udara. air, sky, firmament. laba n. laba, untung. profit.

laɓa melaɓa vn. tebal. thick. Lihatlah: mokapa [kapa2].

laɓangkura n. sm siput. k.o. univalve mollusk. Lihatlah: burungo.

laɓi n. sisa. remainder. — %%. lebih. in excess. rua ta'u ilaɓimo lebih dua tahun more than two years hopulu laɓi sepuluh lebih more than ten 10/4/2013

— vt [-'o]. lewat, melewati. pass, go past. Tolaɓi'omo pombulaando. Kita sudah lewat kebunnya. We already passed his garden. kolaɓi %%. lebih. having remainders, in excess. Ikolabi rua juta olino. Harganya lebih dua juta (rupiah) It costs more than two million (rupiah). kolaɓimo sata'u ari kumawi lebih astu tahun sudah kawin married more than one year sakolaɓino ***** ***** kalaɓia n. kelebihan, keunggulan. abundance, superiority. labu n. besi, baja. iron, steel. labu cina n. labu cina, sj labu botol yg bisa dimakan. an edible variety of bottle gourd. Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. labusa n. pelabuhan. harbor. labusia n. labu siam. chayote. Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw. lacu n. sm tumbuhan di laut. k.o. green edible marine plant. Lihatlah: sango-sango. lacu-lacu n. ****. flying ashes from a fire. ladi n. badik, sj pisau pendek yg bermata satu. k.o. small knife with sheath, having a narrow, singleedged blade. Lihatlah: lolaɓi, toɓo. laɗi-laɗi n. sm ikan. k.o. silverish fish, a bit maroontinged. laɗu n. batu ladung. weight (on fishing line). laɗuno ika batu ladung fishing weight laɗui vt [-o]. pasang gigi palsu. insert a false tooth or teeth. pelad*ui vi. memakai gigi palsu. have, use a false tooth or teeth. laɗula n. sj setan yg kadang-kadang menjelma spt anjing. k.o. evil spirit that sometimes manifests itself as a dog. lae1 %%. ucapan pd akhir bicara yg berarti ya. a tag particle used at the end of statements which bids the hearer to agree. Imoɓea lae. Berat, ya. Heavy, isn't it? Ingko'o umalao lae. Engkau yang ambil, ya. You take it, okay. lae2 corak benang sarung. design, pattern of threads in a sarong. kolae vi. bercorak. having a pattern, patterned, mottled. kolae-lae vi. bercorak. having a pattern, patterned, mottled.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




Laela n. Laylat, hari ke-27 Ramadan. Laylat ul-

lahari vt [-o]. mengejari, mengikuti. pursue,

Qadr, the 27th of Ramadan. laenga vn. wajar, pantas. real, genuine, proper. Laengano, ɓei pinesuere. Yang pantas, dipisahkan. The one which is fitting, let it be set apart. palaenga vt [-%]. menduga, mengira-ngira. presume, think, guess, estimate. Anano pinalaengando itonia ɓei matemo, itambomo. Anaknya yang diduga sudah akan mati telah sembuh. Their child whom they presumed was about to die, recovered. laengu vt [-%]. menipu, memperdayakan. trick, hoax, play a trick on. Ulaengu'akumo mbule. Hiina, kularoto'u. Kamu menipu saya lagi. Tidak, saya serius. You're tricking me again. No I'm not, I'm serious! laewo n. ombak. wave. Lihatlah: galuru. kolaewo vi. bergelombang. wavy, rough (of seas). laewo i oci nph. gelombang. breaker, breakers. cinano laewo nph. gelombang sebesar tiga gelombang biasa dan besar yg berturut-turut, bisa menenggelamkan kapal. a wave three times the size of an ordinary large wave, capable of capsizing a boat. laga n. semut rangrang. weaver ant, green tree ant. Oecophylla smaragdina. kolaga %%. berada dengan semut rangrang. having or infested with leaf-weaving ants. lagi %%. kekal. everlasting. lagu vi. menyanyi. sing. pepelagu %%. ****. ****. sumano kaku waraka, tarima'aku montariano ɓeku pepelagu maluđu **** **** kolagu-lagu vi. berlagu-lagu. sit around singing. lagu asiraaka Bentuk lain: asiraaka. cmpd n. ****. portion of the lagu maludu (Qur'anic recitation), sung in a standing position. lagu maluđu cmpd n. ****. recitation of the Qur'an, accompanied by drumming and incenseburning. laha vt [-'o]. 1) ikut. follow, hunt. Imo'iliako to'u ɓei laha'o kapten kapala a'iso kei lingka'ako. Ia ingin sekali untuk mengikut kapten kapal tersebut bila ia berangkat. He wanted very much to go with the captain of the boat when later he departed.. Keto polaha rusa i Kolensusu, io**** hopao ɗahu te pompandohakono kantobu. ***** If we hunt deer in Kulisusu, the dogs hound them and we spear them with bamboo spears. 2) menyetujui (permintaan). agree to, grant (a request). Raja ilaha'o pomonino. Rajah itu menyetujui permintaannya. The king agreed to his request. Lihatlah: nunu.

chase. molahari manu mengejari manu (supaya ditangkap) chase a chicken (in order to catch it) pekalaha vi. baku ikut, bersetuju, mengadakan persetujuan. follow each other, be agreed, make an agreement. Ndopekalahamo io raja te io Buragil. Terjadilah persetujuan antara rajah dengan Buragil. Buragil and the king made an agreement. pengkalahari vi. berkejaran, berkejar-kejaran. follow, chase after each other. Lihatlah: pengkalumba [lumba3]. kalaha-lahapa n. ikut-ikutan. always following the prevailing mood, style, etc. polaha vt [-%]. mengejar. give chase. Ɓila mompolaha Jib*ara'ili, ɓila mompolaha Ɓintausu. Kadang-kadang yang mengajar Jibrail, kadang-kadang yang mengajar Bintausu. Sometimes Gabriel give chase, sometimes Bintausu gives chase. lahiri vi. lahir. be born. Salahirino ... Sejak lahir ... Since he was born / congenital ... Anano lumahirino ndopepateo. Anaknya yang lahir, mereka mematikannya. As for her child who had been born, they killed him. lahu n. kemaluan laki-laki. penis. Searti: ɗa'u, d*ongke, kira.


lai1 polai vi. melarikan diri. flee. pekapolaisako vi. kawin lari. elope. polaisako vt [-ø]. membawa lari. flee with

lai2 laika

someone or something, abscond with, abduct. Ndo'alao soronga i wamba a'iso kando polaisako. Mereka ambil peti di muka pintu itu dan dibawah lari. They took that chest at the doorway and they fled with it. Kupolaisako wutongku. Saya melarikan diri. I got myself out of there. vt [-%]. melempari dgn batu. pelt with rocks. n. pondok di kebun rumah kecil. hut, garden shelter, small house. Lihatlah: pecimoia [cimoi], raha, wale.

lai-lai kolai-lai %%. berbeda tingginya. be of differing heights.

laiwongka n. bagian rotan yg paling ujung. the end of a rattan.

laja n. lengkuas (tumbuhan), laos (akarnya). greater galangal. Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd.

lajara Bentuk lain: ajara. n. kuda. horse. laki n. kepala kampung. head or chief, usually referring to the leader of a village. lakino agama seorang laki-laki yg memimpin bagian agama yg berkaitan dng adat budaya **** (a

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




position in the native system of self-governance), who was also known as the lakino kato'ora lakino kaɗoloma **** **** (a position in the native system of self-governance),, also known as the mansuana lakino Kolensusu pemangku adat yg tertinggi di Kulisusu the chief of Kulisusu (the highest offical in the traditional system of native governance) Lihatlah: kinipulu. laki lima cmpd n. jari tengah tangan. middle finger. Lihatlah: oloi, tonisu. laki ngkaru cmpd n. jari tengah kaki. middle toe. lako1 vi. pergi. go; go descending in evelation; go in a southerly or westerly direction. Lihatlah: hule. lako-lako vi. maju. move. lakosi vt [-o]. mengunjungi. go to, call on, visit. Ilakosiopo Guru Hamudi. Dia sedang mengunjungi Guru Hamudi. He is still off at Guru Hamudi's. kolako ngkoleu %%. pulang-pergi. go and return. ngkolako %%. ****. ****. Ompole mpo'awa mia ngkolakomiu? Banyak orang kamu dapat di jalan? Did you meet/pick up many people on the way? lako'a n. tempat pergi. destination. Maina ɓemi lako mewangu a'ai? - Nai ɗa'a lako'angku. **** Where are you off to this morning? - I'm not going anywhere. lako2 n. orang yg mati suaminya/isterinya atau bercerai. a person whose spouse has died or who is divorced. lako ncina janda, perempuan yg bercerai atau terpisa dr suaminya widow, divorc裬 divorced woman lako ntama duda, laki-laki yg bercerai atau terpisa dr istrinya widower, divorced man laku Lihatlah: jina. lala1 n. sm ikan. spinefeet with a doublebar pattern, one black bar across the eye and another across the chest, including the doublebar spinefoot Siganus doliatus Cuvier and the foxface Siganus vulpinus Schlegel & Muller. Siganus spp.

lala2 molala vn. bengkak berwarna biru. bruised and swollen. Lihatlah: moranda [randa].

lala3 kalala masakan setengah matang. half-cooked food.

lalangkumbi vn. jagung yg punya isi satu-satu, tidak rapat. describing a corn cob which has kernels only here and there, the kernels are spotty, not close up against each other. Lihatlah: tentengisi. 10/4/2013

lale n. lalat. fly. lalepe n. sm lipas yang besar. k.o. large cockroach. lalesa vn. luas, lebar. wide, broad. witano lalesa tanah luas broad, expansive (of a piece of proerty) lalonsara vn. jorok, sembrono. done in a slovenly manner. Lihatlah: sambirika. lalu ****. ****. rua oleo lumaluno dua hari yang lalu two days ago halu ta'uano lumaluno delapan tahun yang lalu eight years ago Lihatlah: lapasi. lalui vt [-o]. melweati. pass by. Kulaluio Kendari. Saya melweati Kendari. I passed through Kendari. To'ari lumaluio Wakurempa, to'awa Lantagi. Setelah lewat Wakurempa, kita mencapai Lantagi. When we had passed through Wakurempa, we came to Lantagi. telalu lalu. past, prior. ta'u tumelaluno tahun yang lalu last year Lihatlah: lapasi. Bentuk lain: lalu. lama n. sm ikan. k.o. fish, not very distinct, scales are large, with small blue speckles. lamaɗa n. ikan lemadang. common dolphinfish. Coryphaena hippurus L.

lambe pelambe vi. telanjang. naked, bare. kalambe ****. ****. ta'owu kalambe parang bekas, tidak tajam lagi an old, dull machete

lambi malambi panjang. relatively long (as a tablecloth hanging over the edge of a table).

lambiro vn. tidak pas, terlalu besar (tt baju). not fitting, too large (of clothing).

lambora n. sm ikan. k.o. fish. lambu n. ****. loose dirt, dirt which has been dug. Lihatlah: wita.

lambuloli n. sm siput laut. k.o. edible marine univalve mollusk, a bullia?

lambuso n. sm ikan. k.o. fish, elongated, dark greenish-yellow above, yellow and green mottled below. lamo vt [-ho]. menanam. bury, implant. Towunino, arimo lumamoho. Ari-arinya, sudah kami menanam. We already buried her afterbirth. lamosako vt [-ø]. ****. bury forcefully, slam an object into the ground so that it is buried. lampa vi. bertatih, bertatah (spt bayi yg belajar jalan). toddle (as a baby leraning to walk). Ariako đumoe, ɓei lampamo. Sesudah berdiri, akan bertatah. After she stands, she'll soon be toddling. Lihatlah: konano-nano [nano], konecu-necu [necu].

lampangi kalampangi n. makanan tambahan. seconds and

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



lapasi langke2 n. ikan pari. k.o. ray fish. Lihatlah: pagi,

thirds of food.

pelampangi vi.

menambah (makanan atau minuman) untuk bersendiri. add, take more (food or drink) for oneself, take seconds. Lihatlah: pe/ciwai. lampara n. ****. ****. Ndolaha-laha lamparano karuno pesala'ano Buragil. **** **** lampuia n. lempuyang (sj tumbuhan). pinecone ginger, also known as shampoo ginger. Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Roscoe ex Sm. lanci n. pertemuan antara orang tuanya ****. an initial meeting between parents to ascertain the feasability of a marriage between their children. — vi. *****. to hold such a meeting. Lihatlah: ko'uni [uni]. landa n. noda. stain. kolanda %%. bernoda. stained. Ikolandamo ɓajuno. Bajunya sudah bernoda. His shirt is stained. lando1 n. sm ikan. dothead rockcod. Cephalopholis microprion Bleeker.

lando2 ɓalando %%.

tidak setentang. off-center, unaligned. Lihatlah: ɓatoto. tepolando vn. tidak setentang. off-center, unaligned. langgora n. sj ikan. oxeye scad. Selar boops Cuvier. langi n. langit. sky, dome of the sky. Langkule i'entaa, ɗamo saguara mpalino, kai sunduho langi. Langkule tinggi, tinggal satu pegangan kampak baru dia sampai di langit. Langkule was tall; the length of one axe handle more, and he would have reached the dome of the sky. Lihatlah: laamoa. langi-langi n. kain langit-langit. cloth hung as a ceiling. Lihatlah: ɓire. langka1 vi. berjalan (bagi serangga, ketam, dsb). walk, crawl, creep (of insects, crabs, etc.). langka-langka n. sm serangga. k.o. insect, bug species. langka2 n. sj bakul besar yg dianyam dri rotan, anyamnya berlubang, dipakai pd punggung dan ambinnya pd puncak kepala, juga disebut ɓaki langka. k.o. large basket plaited from rattan with open interstices, worn on the back using a tumpline, also called a ɓaki langka. Lihatlah: ɓaki, ɓalase, humbu, karinda, kompiu. langka-langka n. sangku, tempat nasi dan ubi kayu yg dikukus. perforated bowl (colander) for serving rice and steamed cassava. Lihatlah: panombo. langke1 n. gelang kaki. anklet. Lihatlah: simbi. pelangke vi. memakai gelang kaki. wear an anklet. 70


langke3 n. saguer, minuman keras dibuat dr nira pohon enau. palm wine, wine made from the sap of the sugar palm. Lihatlah: ara2, suka. langku1 n. tukul kayu, pemukul. mallet. langku pa'o tukul pahat, kayu memukul pahat mallet used with a chisel langku2 n. anak tangga. rung (of a ladder). langkuasa n. kera besar. large monkey.

langu molangu vn. mabuk. drunk, dizzy.

lani molani vn. bersih. clean. e'e molani air bersih clean water Searti: mongkilo.

lansa vt [-ho]. memindahkan. move, scoot. Lansaho rapau. Pindahkan kepalaku (supaya di atas bantal) Scoot your head up (so that it rests on the pillow). lansa-lansa vi. pindah sedikit. move slightly. lansisi n. sm ikan. k.o. fish, a kind of cardinalfish or siphonfish?? lansu n. tanjung. cape, promontory.

lanta molanta vn. retak. cracked, having a (hairline) crack.

lanto-lanto n. sm ikan julung-julung. garfish. Hemiramphidae. Lihatlah: tendu-tendu.

lantulei n. sm ikan. k.o. fish, probably a scad. lanu n. 1) pohon gebang, juga disebut pohon ibul (sj palem). the buri or gebang palm. Corypha utan Lamk. 2) agel, agal, tali agal, sm tali dibuat dr daun pohon gebang. gebanga, leaf fiber from the gebang palm.

lao melao vn. habis lari, balik dan melawan lagi. stop running away and turn and fight again.

Laode gelar bangsawan pria. title for a nobleman. Lihatlah: La, Waode. Bentuk lain: La Ode.

lapa1 n. sekam. husk, chaff. lapa2 n. kasur. matress. lapa-lapa n. nasi dicampur santan dibungkus dl daun kelapa kemudian dikukus. packet of cooked rice (or less often cassave) wrapped in a folded coconut leaf. lapa-lapano pae **** cooked rice packet lapa-lapano owingkeu **** cooked packet of cassava Lihatlah: gogoso, luluta, mandura. lapasi vn. selesai; setelah. finished, over; after. Ilapasimo ɗaoa. Sudah selesai pasar. Market is alreadly over. Kato leu, ilapasimo peko'iria. Waktu kita tiba, sudah selesai upacara penyukuran rambut. When we arrived, the haircutting ceremony was already over.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




Ilapasimo sikolau SMA? Sudah tamat SMA? Are you done with high school? ta'u lumapasino tahun lalu, beberapa tahun yang lalu last year, some previous year tolu ta'u lumapasino tiga tahun yang lalu three years ago halu ta'uano lumapasino delapan tahun yang lalu eight years ago leumiu lumapasino kunjungan kamu yg lalu on your last visit, the last time you were here, when you were here before rua alo lapasi haroa'ano puasa dua hari setelah pembukaan bulan puasa two days after the opening of the fasting month ilapasi roraea setela selesai Idul Fitri aftet Eid-ul-Fitr Lihatlah: lalu. kalapasia n. ****. name given to the death commemoration feasts which are held on the afternoon of the third, seventh, fortieth, hundredth and one hundred twentieth days after a person has died. kalapasia tolu alo **** ceremonial meal held the third day after a person has been buried kalapasia picu alo **** ceremonial meal held the seventh day after a person has been buried kalapasia pato pulu alo **** ceremonial meal held the fortieth day after a person has been buried kalapasia sa'ecu alo **** ceremonial meal held the one hundreth day after a person has been buried kalapasia sa'ecu rua pulu alo **** ceremonial meal held the one hundred twentieth day after a person has been buried Lihatlah: kangkahu'a [kahu], pe'alo'a [alo]. lapawua Lihatlah: palapawua. lapi n. sj sarung khusus untuk pengantin perempuan. special sarong worn by a bride. polapi vn. belang, berwarna putih dan hitam. pied, black and white together. tepolapi vn. bersusun dua. two-layered. lapita n. keliman, lipatan, tempat di antara dua lapis. hem, fold, the space between two layers. lapitano empe **** the space between layers of a (double-layered) mat Dai lapitano boku. **** It's in a fold of the book, it's between two pages of the book. laporo vi. melapor. report. Ndohulemo lumaporo i Sulutani. Mereka pergi melapor kepada Sultan. They went up and reported to the Sultan. Ilaporomo i raja, ɗaaho mia ɓo mokopakulio anano. Dia melapor kepada rajah, ada orang yang akan dapat menyembuhkan anaknya. He reported to the rajah, there was a man who would be able to treat his daughter. lapu1 n. bekas kebun, kebun yg tidak sedang dikerjakan. fallow land, a garden plot which is not currently being worked. laro lapu bekas 10/4/2013

kebun yg sudah penuh **** a fallow garden plot overgrown with weeds Lihatlah: lowo. lapu2 vi. tembus krn tertusuk. perforated from being pierced or stabbed. lapu3 n. lap. rag. lapuno lima nph. lap tangan. napkin. lara n. bekas luka. scar. kolara vi. berbekas luka. having a scar, scarred. lari1 n. garas, tulang betis. shin, shinbone. lari2 n. sm ikan (ikan daun bambu? ikan talang?). talang queenfish, deep leatherskin. Scomberoides commersonnianus Lacep<e`>de. laro n. 1) dalam. inside. i laro tembeno olaro **** **** tembe = herring 2) hati. heart, character. Inao rahando inonto, ako io larondo. Bukan rumahnya yang penting, tetapi hatinya It's not the house that matters, but the person's character. kolaro vi. berlaku baik. well behaved. laro-laro vt [-%]. membayang-bayangkan. imagine. laroto'u vn. tulus, setia. honest, true. Ulaengu'akumo mbule. - Hiina, kularoto'u. Kamu menipu saya lagi. - Tidak, saya serius. You're tricking me again. - No I'm not, I'm serious! laro ngkeu cmpd n. hutan. woods, forest. ikiɗi laro clause_idiom. berpikiran yg picik, tersinggung tt hal-hal kecil. petty-minded, resentful over small things. moiko laro clause_idiom. baik hati. goodhearted. mokora laro clause_idiom. keras kepala. stubborn. molea laro clause_idiom. kecewa. disappointed. mopii laro clause_idiom. sakit hati, susah hati. feel sick at heart. Cinano imopiimo larono tei mopii, rounomo pikiri'ano anano bendo pepateomo tamano. Ibunya muli susah hati dan jatuh sakit karena memikirkan anaknya sudah akan dibunuh oleh ayahnya. Her mother became sick at heart and fell ill, because she thought that her child was going to be killed by the child's father. owose laro clause_idiom. ingin sekali. eager, keen. Owose laromiu mileu i kampomai. Kamu ingin sekali datang ke kampung kami. You are eager to come to our village. lasa1 n. tuma pakaian, kutu baju. clothes louse. lasa2 n. sepuluh ribu. ten thousand, a unit of a ten thousand. lasi n. tunas yang tumbuh di sebelah tanaman besar, misalnya tunas pisang dan tunas bambu. sucker, a sprout growing to the side of a mother plant

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



lata lau

lele such as of bananas and bamboo. Lihatlah: cumbu, cuna. n. ****. white, sandy seabed.

polauri vt [-%]. saling melewati tanpa sengaja. inadvertently pass each other on the way.

telau vn. terlanjur, terlalu. projecting, sticking out, gone past the edge or boundary. telau misikini terlalu miskin extremely poor telau ea marewu **** **** Lihatlah: tejoro [joro]. laundu Lihatlah: katamba laundu [katamba]. la'undu-undu n. bintang timur. the morning star. lausako vi. terus, langsung. directly, without any intervening activity. Ɓeku poonepo mongkaa pakulino kapii rapa, ɓeku lausako kumolelo-lelo. **** I'm going to take some aspirin and lie down directly. Aringku mebaho i E'e Ngkapala, kulausako sumoɗo. Segera sesudah saya mandi di Permandian Ngkapala, langsung saya demam. No sooner had I bathed at Ngkapala Lake, than directly I got a fever. lausu Lihatlah: lusu. lawa n. 1) pintu, lawang. gate. 2) benteng, terutama benteng tua yg dibuat dr batu yg terletak di daerah Kulisusu. fort, especially one of the anceint stone forts found in the Kulisusu area. lawa-lawa n. pintu gerbang. ceremonial entrance or archway. lawanga pintu tembus yg di sebelah. side gate. lawaci vt [-o]. ****. ****. Tolawaciomo pociano La Goi a'ai. **** **** (said when making a payment to a priest) lawani vi. menjawab. answer, reply, respond. Ilawanimo Buragil, "Isee umengkiri, apua." Buragil menjawab, "Jangan khawatir, nenek." Buragil respond, "Don't you worry, grandmother." Tamano ilawani, "Pepinda'ako karuu, ka ɗaaho karuu." Ayah menjawab, "Berpinjak dengan kakimu, engkau kan mempunyai kaki." Her father answered, "Step with your feet. You have feet, don't you?" — vt [-o]. menyahuti. answer, reply to, respond to. Nahina ipolawani gorando ana hako a'iso. Ia sedikitpun tidak menyahuti panggilan anakanak itu. Not in the least did he respond to the cries of those children. kalawani n. jawaban. answer, reply. lawara n. sm tumbuhan. k.o. vine with thorny stem and thorny compound leaves.

lawu molawu vn. gila. crazed, crazy. mia molawu orang gila a crazed person ɗahu molawu anjing gila a crazed dog lawue n. kacang panjang. yard-long bean. Vigna 72

unguiculata (L.) Walp., cv. group Sesquipedalis.

lawue memea cmpd n. kacang tunggak. common cowpea. Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., cv. group Unguiculata. lawulua n. sm ikan. k.o. fish. Lihatlah: wonci. Ld. Lihatlah: Laode.

lea molea vn. pedas, pedis (di mulut). hot, spicy, stinging (in the mouth). sangat pedis. very spicy. Imolelea'akomo larono. Ia kecewa oleh karena. He was disappointed over it. lebe1 Bentuk lain: pande lebe. n. lebai, pengetua. elder in the religous community. Lako mohalu'akita pande lebe, beto haroa. Pergi mencari lebai untuk kita, kita mau menjalankan kenduri. Go find an elder for us, we want to observe a ceremonial meal. lebe2 Bentuk lain: lebe-lebe. n. ****. food set out on a tray for a feast, which is not eaten until it has been prayed over by a *****. — vi. membawa pulang porsinya leb\e. take home a portion of the lebe. leɗo-leɗo nta'i n. sj kumbang ****. scarab, dung beetle. leɗu vi. ****. slosh. Ni'i mocu'a, ileɗu e'eno. **** The water of a ripe coconut will slosh inside. lee1 n. lalang, ilalang, alang-alang. cogon grass, blady grass, satintail. Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. lee2 n. turunan. ****. lega vt [-ho]. membalik (msl batang kayu, batu, badan orang). turn over, roll over (as a log, a stone, a person's body).

molelea vn.

lege lege-lege vt [-'o]. mengiris-iris (msl ikan sebelum dibakar). cut, score (as fish before grilling).

lego vt [-ho]. mengelindingkan, menggulingkan. roll. Lihatlah: lulu.

pekalego-lego vi. *****. roll something around in play or fun. Ndopekalegolego lemo i horo. ***** They are rolling a lime around on the floor. leko vt [-%]. menggulingkan. roll (a barrel, drum, etc.). peleko vi. berguling. roll (oneself) over. lekowi vt [-o]. bergelung, melingkari (spt ular). curl, coil around (as a snake). Lihatlah: palici [pali]. lelamo n. sm rumput laut. k.o. seagrass, the brown, broken-off, broad leaves often found litering beaches. lele n. berita. news, information. lelea %%. ****. ****.

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polele vi. memberitahu. inform. Ipolele'akono... Ia memberitahukan bahwa... He told about... kalelei n. ****. k.o. illness. lelea n. balok pd pertengahan bumbungan, pembantu kasau. purlin, horizontal beam which supports the rafters. lelei1 n. sm burung walet. swiftlet, possibly the ediblenest swiftlet (Colocallia fuciphaga). Colocallia spp. lelei2 vt [-o]. ****. inspect a garden plot.

lelo1 kolelo vi. berbaring. lie, lie down. kolelo-lelo Bentuk lain: koleelelo, kolelelo. vi. berbaring-baring. relax, lounge about in a lying position. kolelo ngkosisi ****. lie on it's side (nonhuman referent). kolelo ngkohori ****. lie on one's side (human referent). kolelo ngkombale telentang. lie supine, lie on one's back. kolelo ngko'oko tiarap. lie prone, lie on one's stomach.

lelo2 pelelo vi. bergumul. wrestle.

lemari n. lemari. cabinet. lemarino pakea nph. lemari pakaian. wardrobe. lemarino piri nph. lemari piring, juga disebut {ponaa'ano piri}. cupboard, also called a ponaa'ano piri. lemba1 n. burung raja-perling sulawesi. shortcrested myna. Basilornis celebensis. lemba2 vt [-'o]. memikul. carry on one's shoulder. kalemba n. pikulan. carry pole. kalembano tamburu owose pikulan untuk gendang besar, dipikul di antara dua orang carry pole for suspending a bass drum between two bearers lemba3 n. sm pejabat dulu, spt camat. k.o. local official with authority over several villages? lembahi vn. lama, lambat, terlambat, larut. old, late. lembahi alo larut malam, tengah malam in the wee hours of the morning, from midnight until 2 or 3 am Lembahimo alo kato pocuri. Sudah larut malam baru kami tidur. It was already late at night when we went to bed. Lembahi miteleu? Hinapo. Sudah lama tiba disini? Belum. Have you been here long? - Not yet. Ilembahimo toramiu. Sudah panjang hidupmu. You have lived long. kalembahino conj. selama. during. Kalembahino mimpo'ia ri'ai, ɗa'a umanukomiu? Selama kamu tinggal di sini, tidak ada yang mengganggu? During the time that you lived here, was there nothing that bothered you? 10/4/2013

lembale n. sm ikan. k.o. red fish, large scales and elongated tail.

lembo vi. mengalir dan merembet ke beberapa penjuru. flow and spread in various directions.

lemo n. jeruk. citrus fruit. Citrus spp. lemo ɓalongka cmpd n. jeruk sitrun. citron. Citrus medica L.

lemo kauwei = |fv {lemo lolaki}. = lemo lolaki. lemo kolomanipi cmpd n. jeruk nipis. common lime. Citrus aurantifolia (Christm. & Panzer) Swingle. lemo lolaki cmpd n. jeruk purut. leechlime. Citrus hystrix DC. lemo ncina cmpd n. jeruk manis. sweet orange. Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck. lemo ntama cmpd n. jeruk bali. pomelo, shaddock. Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr. lemo puru cmpd n. jeruk purut. ko.o. lime. Citrus spp. lemo sungka cmpd n. jeruk limun. lemon. Citrus limon (L.) Burm.f. lemo to'u = |fv {lemo lolaki}. = lemo lolaki. lempa n. ****. ****. lempano masigi **** **** lempe1 n. pinggir, samping. side. lempeno karu pinggir / tepi ?? kaku side of the foot lempeno raha halaman di sebelah rumah side yard i lempeno gua di sebelah gua at the side of the cave i lempeno masigi di sebelah mesjid beside the mosque Lihatlah: sisi. kolempe-lempe vi. ****. lying on its side (as a sick fish in the water). ngkolempe %%. berletak pd sisinya. located on its side, lying or resting on its shoulder or side. lempe2 vt [-'o]. menginjakkan. step on. lelempe vt [-'o]. menginjak-injak, sering menginjak. step on repeatedly, trample. lempi n. alas. base. pelempi vi. beralas. having a base. kalempi pengalas. base, foundation. lencu vi. berpikir. think. Ndolingka molencu miano kampo a'ai. Orang kampung sini pergi merantau. People in this village have gone to seek work abroad. — n. perhitungan. calculation, consideration. imokora lencundo **** **** (concerning village food) kalencu n. cara, perhitungan. calculation, settlement, arrangement. — vt [-'o]. memperhitungkan, mengatur. calculate, settle, arrange, set in order.

lengke malengke vn. ****. ****.

lengko lengko-lengko n. mata dadu. dice.

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polengko vi.

memarih, menjatuhkan dadu, membuang dadu. roll or throw dice. molengkono yang menjatuhkan dadu (bandar pd permainan judi dadu) one who rolls the dice (the croupier in a dice game) pelengko vi. bermain sic bo, sm permainan judi yg pakai tiga mata dadu. play a version of sic bo, a gambling game using three dice.

lengu molengu vn. kesasar. taken a wrong turn, strayed away, lost (as a person in the forest). Lihatlah: mo'isa. lensa n. lensa. lens, magnifying glass. lense n. sm tarian. k.o. scarf dance performed by girls and young women, usually in groups of two, three or four with all dancers moving in unison, with musical accompaniment on the tepe, large gong, and singing. — vi. ****. dance the scarf dance. Kua'iko Waode Ɓilahimo mina'ino lumense. Kebetulan sudah Waode Bilahi yang turun menari. In reality it was Waode Bilahi who was coming down to dance. Lihatlah: balumpa, kompania, ngibi, pangaru, pomaani, wele. lente vi. keluar. raised, sticking out. ia lumente urat yg keluar a raised vein leo vi. menyelam. dive. — vt [-'o]. menyelami. dive for. moleono kolo'ura yang menyelami udang karang laut ones diving for lobsters Leo'akita ika arua ɗai puri ntahi. Tolong selami ikan itu di dasar laut. Dive and get that fish for us that's on the sea floor. leopako vt [-ø]. menyelamkan, menyelam dgn ****. dive with s.o. riding along. Ɓawu a'iso itenamo ɓei sawi i torukuno, ɓei leopakono i puri ntahi. Babi itu menyuruhnya untuk bertengger di punggungnya, akan diselamkannya ke dasar laut. He bade him climb on his back, he was going to dive with him to the bottom of the sea. lepe n. wrang, bagian bangunan di dasar kapal (dipasang pd gading-gading secara melintang). floor timbers of a boat (attached perpendicular to the ribs). lepi n. sj pohon. kamala tree. Mallotus spp. lepintowu n. ikan layur. ribbon fish, also known as hairtail. Trichiurus savala Cuvier. leta n. kertas untuk membungkus rokok. rolling paper for hand-rolled cigarettes. leu1 vi. datang, tiba, ****, sampai. come, arrive (from the perspective of the one traveling), reach, amount to. Ɓei lembahi kami leu? Akan lama baru kamu datang lagi? Will it be long 74

before you come again? ...kaku leu i Kandari. ...kemudian saya tiba di Kendari. ...then I came to Kendari. Hiina ileumo rua minggu. **** It didn't amount to two weeks.. Ka'owoseno, hiina ileu, i'okiɗi. Besarnya tidak mencapai, kecil. Its size is not that (big), it's small. — vt [-ho]. ****. come to, stop off at, stop by. Toleuho E'e i Nunu. **** We stopped by Water-at-Banyan. Nai leuho sata'u, kaɗio sio wula labi. Belum satu tahun, cuma sembilan bulan lebih. It hasn't been one year yet, just over nine months. Mentee nomo wula ileuhomo ilako i Malaysia. Barangkali enam bulan baru dia tiba di sini dari perjalanan ke Malaysia. Maybe in six months he will come here from going to Malaysia. leusi vt [-o]. datang mengunjungi. come visit. Mia hako lumeusino La Misi-misikini ndoteuruamo, kando ɓoɓoihomo La Misi-misikini. Orang-orang yang datang mengunjungi si Miskin tiba padanya, lalu memanggilnya. A crowd coming to visit Misikini arrived down there, and they called to Misikini. lineuhako n. alasan datang. that which causes one to come. Hapa'inda lineuhakomiu? Kenapa datang? Apa alasanmu datang? What brings you here? Io lineuhakono a'iso ɓei leu mo'ala kamondono kawino. Kedatangannya adalah untuk mengambil perlengkapan perkawinannya. His reason for coming was to come get furnishings for his wedding ceremony. paleuhako vt [-ø]. mengemukakan, menyampaikan, membawakan. present, convey, bring. Ilako i rahano tamano ɓei paleuhako namu-namuno i tamano. Ia pergi ke rumah ayahnya untuk mengemukakan maksudnya kepada ayahnya. He went to her father's house to convey his intentions to her father. teleu vi. tiba, datang. come, arrive (from the perspective of one already present). Inimpia minteleu? Kapan datang? When did you get here? Ɗapo tumeleu inipua. Baru datang kemarin dulu. He just arrived the day before yesterday. Ɗaaho kapala nteleu. Ada kapal yang tiba. There's a boat that's arrived. Ndoteleumo sumikola. Mereka sudah datang dari sekolah. They've come home from school. Imopita bajuno rounomo teleu mo'ala e'e. Bajunya basah oleh karena datang mengambil air. Her clothes are wet because she just came from fethcing water. Kai teleu ana ntama, hinamo ndopokopakanio mia owoseno. Setelah (tiba) dewasa, orang tuanya tidak mampu lagi memberi makanan. When he

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




became (arrived) a young man, his parents were no longer able to feed him. teleu mbule cmpd n. oleh-oleh, juga disebut bmula. gift given upon return from travels, also called mbula. teleusi vt [-o]. mendatangi. come upon, overtake. Ipo'ia i mbui, jumaga-jaga Wangkinamboro ɓaraako iteleusi'inda. Ia tinggal di belakang menjaga jangan sampai Wangkinamboro mendatangi mererka. He stayed in back keeping watch in case Wangkinamboro should come upon them. teleuhako vt [-%]. membawakan. bring. Hapa'inda tineleuhakomiu? Apa yang kau bawakan? What are you bringing? pokonteleu vt [-ho]. mendapatkan, menyebabkan (tt doa), terakbul atau tercapai (doa, permintaan, dsb). effect, bring about, be effective (of a prayer), have (one's prayer, desire, etc.) granted or fulfilled. Đo'ano raja a'iso ipokonteleuho, ilahirimo anano io cina. Doa si rajah itu terkabul, lahirlah anaknya yaitu anak perempuan. The rajah's prayer was effective, his child was born a girl. ngkoleu %%. ****. ****. kolako ngkoleu pulang-pergi go and return

leu2 moleu vn. layu. withered.

le'uha n. telur kutu. nit, louse egg. lewe n. daun. tree leaf. malewe vn. gepeng. flat, flattend. kolewe vi. berdaun. leafed, having leaves. lewe wiu cmpd n. sm_palem. k.o. palm tree. Licuala spp.

lewi vi. penuh-penuh, terisi sampai batasnys. filled to lia1 lia2

the brim, full to the top. Lihatlah: ɓuke, lua. n. gua. cave. Lihatlah: gua.

liɗo koliɗo-liɗo %%. bergoyang-goyang, **** (sp tempurung lutut, misalnya). loose, moveable to an extent, having play to it (as one's kneecap, for example).

lige malige vn. ****. ****.

ligisi vt [-o]. memisahkan kapas dengan bijinya. separate cotton seeds from the fibers, gin cotton.

ligo n. ikan teri. Indian anchovy of large size. Stolephorus indicus Hasselt. Lihatlah: lure, wina. lihe vt [-o]. melihati sesuatu di sebelah. look at something to the side. pelihe vi. melihat ke sebelah, memalingkan kepala sambil melihat. look to the side, turn one's head and look. Pelihepo. Lihat ke sini. Take a look over here. Pelihepo i mbui. Lihat dulu ke belakang. Look in back of you. pelilihe vi. melihat ke kiri, ke kanan, ke depan, ke belakang. look around, turn one's head in all directions. kolihe-lihe %%. melihat-lihat ke kiri-kanan. look around on both sides.

lihi1 molihi vn. gembira, senang. happy, glad.

telia vn. tergelincir. slipped. telia oleo matahari tergelincir, matahari miring early afternoon, about 1 or 2 p.m., when the sun has passed the zenith meanta telia oleo besok mata hari tergelincir tomorrow early afternoon Toleuho Kampo Entaa jamu orua ntelia oleo. Kita mencapai Kampo Entaa jam dua siang. We reached kampo Entaa at two in the afternoon. Iteliamo wula. Bulan sudah tergelincir. The moon has passed the zenith. Lihatlah: ɓele. liɓonu n. sm tumbuhan. k.o. plant, the leaves alternate, lanceolate, smooth, the leaf veins on the underside raised and very prominent. Ficus spp. libu1 vt [-%]. mengelilingi, mengeroyok. surround, gang up on, attack from all sides. 10/4/2013

— vi. berkumpul. ****. Sando totoro ndolibumo saluwu'inda ... Setelah mereka duduk berkumpul ... Whn they were all seated in a circle ... ɓalibu-libu Bentuk lain: ɓalibu. vi. berkumpulkumpul. gather round. Lihatlah: ɓariso-riso [riso]. pokosalibu vi. berkumpul. gather together. Searti: riso. libu2 n. ****. ****. Ngkaangkaa'ai, rua libu pombulaangku, ngkana te mia umolowa. **** ****

lihi2 pelihi vi. menidurkan bayi sambil dipeluk-peluk. hold a child until he or she falls asleep.

like molike vn. 1) gelisah. nervous. 2) mengigau. talk in one's sleep. Kumolike itonia malo. Saya mengigau tadi malam. I was talking in my sleep last night. lili vi. berjalan. walk. Meantapo kaku leu lumili mpendua. Besok saya datang berjalan lagi. Tomorrow I will come around again. Lihatlah: bulili. kolili-lili Bentuk lain: kolilili. vi. berjalan-jalan. walk around, go around. mokolili vn. berputar-putar, pusing, terputar mata. spun around, dizzy, have one's eyes spinning

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locu molingaa vn. terang, siang, besok. bright, clear,

inside one's head.

lima n. tangan. hand. kolima vi. bertangan, punya tangan. handed, having hands.

cina lima cmpd n. ibu jari tangan. thumb. laki lima cmpd n. jari tengah tangan. middle finger.

pele lima cmpd n. telapak tangan. palm (of the hand).

wungano lima nph. jari tangan. fingers.

lima- bound num. lima. five. Lihatlah: olima. limba vi. 1) pergi keluar. go outside, go out and about. Ɓeku limba. Saya akan keluar I'm going out. Io manu-manu curio, kadio ngkiniwia kai limba mohohalu kinaa. Burung curio pergi keluar mencari makanan hanya kalau sore. The curio-bird only goes out in the evening seeking food. Ngkangka'ai indaɗemo i laro katorungku; hiina imembali ndolimba ke io ana raja hinapo itambo. Mereka sudah berada dalam penjara; mereka tidak bisa keluar kalau puteri raja belum sembuh. Presently they are in prison; they can't go free as long as the king's daughter is not healed. 2) menyeberang. cross over. Kei ɗa'a kampolea, ɓeku limba i Wita Memea mo'ala kowala te lanu. Kalau tidak ada halangan, saya akan meyeberang ke Wita Memea mengambil aren dengan agel. If there aren't any hinderances, I'm going to cross over to Wita Memea (island) to collect sugar palm and gebanga. pekalimba-limba vi. sering keluar masuk. go in and out frequently. limbakole vi. dihidupkan kembali, sudah meninggal dan hidup lagi. be resurrected, be dead and come alive again. limbo1 n. tempat domisili (hewan). pen, stall (for domesticated animal). limbo2 n. satu rumpun keluarga. ********. limboko n. sm ikan. any of various threadfinbreams. Nemipterus spp.

limbu malimbu vn. bulat, berbentuk bola atau silinder. round, spherical, cylindrical. Lihatlah: ɓoɓoto.

limburi vt [-o]. membikin bulatan, seperti *****. make a ball, as when forming a ball of dough in the hand. limpa vt [-'o]. melangkahi, absen, tidak menghadiri. skip, be absent from, not attend. limpagi vt [-o]. melangkahi. step over.

limpu molimpu vi. pingsan. unconscious.

lingaa kulinga'o **** stay awake until light the next morning 76

late morning. molingaano mewangu pagi terang the bright part of the morning lingka vi. berjalan, pergi. walk, go, start off, depart. Ilingkamo ana ngkokopimiu? Sudah berjalan anak bungsumu? Is your youngest child walking yet? — vt [-ho]. memindahkan dari satu wadah ke wadah lain. move from one container or location to another. Lingkaho i toe. Pindahlah ke luar. Move it outside. kolingka-lingka vi. jalan-jalan. go around, walk around. palingka vt [-ho]. memaksa pergi, mengusir. make leave or depart, expel. pelingka vi. tekolingka vn. dapat berjalan. able to walk. Hinamo itekolingka. Dia tidak bisa berjalan lagi. He can long longer walk.

lingkeɗe pelingkeɗe vi.

berjingkat, berjingkat-jingkat. stand or walk on tiptoes. lingkoni vt [-o]. menyepul, memcuci sedikit (khusus piring). rinse lightly (of dirty dishes). Lihatlah: cumburi.

lino molino vn. jernih. clear.

lino-lino n. ubur-ubur. jellyfish. Lihatlah: sage. lipu n. negara. country. kolipu %%. ****. ****. Ndomate i kolipuno. Dia mati di kampung orang lain. He died in a foreign country.

liwa maliwa vn. cepat, misalnya orang. fast, said of people. Maliwa umari mongkaa. Anda cepat selesai makan. You've eaten so little (you've eaten so quickly)! Searti: magaa. pekamaliwa vi. ****. race one another on foot. loɓa-loɓa n. sm ikan. common ponyfish. Leiognathus equulus Forss. lobo vt [-'o]. melubangi. make a hole in. molobo ni'i melubangi buah kelapa make a hole in the shell of a coconut lobo-lobo vt [-'o]. memotong jalan, mengambil jalan memutar. take a route other than the most direct way, detour. Tolobo-lobo'omo sala. Mari kita jalan potong saja. Let's cut over to a different way. Lihatlah: kokotesi [kote-1]. loɓo vt [-'o]. ****. ****. locu n. patuh. broken piece. molocu vn. terpatah. broken in two. Molocuno limano. Limanya terpatah. His arm is broken. Lihatlah: molopo [lopo]. locuki vt [-o]. mematahkan. break, break in two

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




(as an ear of corn).

pu'uno ɓo horo, lolono ɓo pembulu, io leweno ɓo kabokeno. Pohon gebang, batangnya untuk lantai, puncaknya untuk sayuran, dan daunnya untuk tali. The trunk of the gebang palm can be made into flooring, its crown into a vegetable, and its leaves into a string. Searti: wawo.

locuwuku n. 1) sm rumput. k.o. grass, spreading by


runners and difficult to eradicate. 2) sj tumbuhan. blue porterweed, also known as blue snakeweed, Indian snakeweed, Jamaica vervain and nettle-leaved vervain. Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) Vahl. vi. mengeluarkan kepala di pintu atau jendela. poke one's head out the door or a window.


lolo2 pelolo vi. istirahat. rest.

lolo3 telolo vi. tidak kelihatan. obscured, not visible.

pelogo vi. berlomba. compete.

lohe vt [-o]. menggantungkan. hang. Ndopolohemo sawundo i sampano ɓo pebue'ando. Mereka menggantungkan sarung mereka di cabang sebagai ****. They hung their sarongs on a branch as a hammock. lohe'ako vt [-ø]. menggantungkan. hang. pelohe vi. bergantung. hang, let oneself hang or dangle (as from a branch, holding onto it with one's hands). Lihatlah: peɓahe [ɓahe]. polohea n. tempat mengantung sesuatu. structure for hanging s.th. on. poloheano ganda tempat mengantung gendang place for hanging a drum lo'ia n. 1) jahe. ginger. Zingiber officinale Roscoe. 2) jahe merah. red ginger. Zingiber officinale Roscoe var. rubrum.

loku moloku vn. ****. ****.

lola1 n. lola, sm siput laut. trochus (univalve mollusk), including the commercial trochus (Trochus niloticus L.) and the motttled top (Trochus maculatus L.). Trochus spp. lola-lola n. sm siput laut bentuknya seperti lola. k.o. univalve resembling a trochus. lola2 vi. terbang. fly (with wings). lolawako Bentuk lain: lola'ako. vi. ****. fly straight and far, whiz by (with wings). pengkalola-lola vi. berterbangan. fly about, fly every which way.

lola3 molola vn. sudah mulai memadam. burn down, on the verge of burning out (of fire).

lolaɓi n. badik, sj pisau pendek yg bermata dua-dua. k.o. small dagger with sheath, having a narrow, double-edged blade. Lihatlah: ladi, toɓo. lolae n. tali pusat. umbilical cord. lolaki n. bangsawan, turunan kesultanan yg dipanggil La Ode atau Wa Ode. nobility, descendants of the sultanate aristocracy who may take the title La Ode or Wa Ode. Lihatlah: ata, maradika. loliki vt [-o]. mengorek, mencungkil. pick, pick out. lolo1 n. puncak, daun muda. tip, top part, peak, crown, young leaves. i lolono keu di puncak pohon kayu at the top of the tree Io lanu, 10/4/2013

lolu vn. bodoh. stupid. Lihatlah: koɓongo-ɓongo. lomba lombangi vt [-o]. melubangi. make a hole in, perforate.

lombasako vt [-ø]. mengeluarkan. expel, get out. moɓea molombasako pogau ri'ai susah mengeluarkan bahasa Kulisusu difficult to speak the Kulisusu language molomba vn. berlubang. perforated, having a hole, hollow throughout its length. kalomba Bentuk lain: kalombaha. n. lubang, lobang. hole. kalombahano enge lubang hidung nostril usu kalombaha masuk lobang (msl kelereng saat main kelereng) go into the hole (as a marble, when playing marbles) lombu n. ****. dirt. Lihatlah: raki, rana, wiga. kolombu kotor. dirty.

lomo molomo vn. tenggelam (khusus orang). drown (of persons).

lompa n. sm ikan. k.o. fish. Lihatlah: lompa-lompa. lompa-lompa n. sm ikan. ruby snapper. Etelis carbunculus Cuvier. Lihatlah: lompa.

lompo molompo gemuk. fat (of people).

lonce n. 1) genta. bell. 2) arloji. (wrist)watch. londe n. sm perahu layar yg laju, badannya dua. k.o. small, double-hulled, fast sailing boat. Lihatlah: ɓangka, boti. londo1 n. pembatas. boundary marker. Ɗaaho londono. Ada batas-batasnya. It's been set out, its boundaries have been established. londo2 vt [-ho]. mengalas. ****. tekalondo %%. **** pakai alat bantu. ****. kalondo n. bantalan perahu. boat rest, horzontal log or support on which a boat is rested when put into shore.

londu polondu n. batu ladung. weight, sinker.

longgo telonggo vn. ****. ****.

longka vn. terbuka dr lengketannya. peeled off, removed (from being adhered).

longkaci vt [-o]. membuka sesuatu yg terlengket.

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peel off something glued or stuck.

longkiɗa n. sm pohon yg isi batangnya kuning. k.o. tree with yellow wood.

longko1 vn. berluka hangus, berluka kena bakar. suffering from or having a burn. Ilongko karungku. Kaki saya berluka kena bakar. My foot has a burn. longko2 vt [-'o]. melepaskan (seperti isinya kelapa dgn memukul tempurungnya). loosen (as coconut meat by striking the outside of the shell). longko3 vn. luntur. faded. Lihatlah: bali-2, ɓante. longkoi n. sm kerang laut. k.o. conch. Strombus spp. Lihatlah: wengkure. longole n. lengan. arm (from shoulder to wrist). lonsio n. burung pipit. k.o. bird. lonso vi. melompat. jump, spring. lolonso vi. melompat-lompat. jump up and down. lonto vi. terapung. float. polonto n. 1) rakit. raft. 2) pengapung (msl untuk ****). float (as for a gill net).

lonu1 molonu vn. lancar. fluent.

lonu2 pelonu vi. berkumur-kumur. gargle. Lihatlah: kobu-1.

loo peloo vi. berhenti. stop. Hiina ipeloo mesaka'i meɓaguli. Dia tidak berhenti main kelereng. He didn't stop playing marbles. Cipo, peloomai kato lako kolili-lili i raha. **** **** peloo-loo vi. istirahat. rest. Peloo-loopo. Istirahat dulu. Take a rest. lopi vt [-ho]. melipat. fold. telupi vn. terlipat ****. folded in half. Lihatlah: telupi [lupi].

lopo orang. broken of its own accord, without anyone trampling on it. Lihatlah: molocu [locu].

lore molore vn. licin. slippery. Moi-moiko, pesalanga imolore! Hati-hati, tempat berjalan licin! Watch out, the pathway is slippery! n. sj pohon. k.o. tree.

molori halus, rata, mulus. smooth, even, flawless. Iwarakamo kumokori, imolorimo ɗuka kulino. Dia sembuh dari kurap, kulitnya sudah halus lagi. He is healed from ringworm, his skin is smooth again. losaki vt [-o]. 1) memahamkan, menerangkan kpd. explain to (s.o.), make (s.o.) understand. 2) terasa rasanya. sense, taste, smell (in an 78

lowu molowu vn. di rawa atau tempat becek, menginjak pd tempat yg dalam sehingga kaki masuk lumpur (sampai paha). in a swamp or muddy location, mis-step into a hole so that one's leg is submerged (as far as the thigh). LSM n. LSM, lembaga swadaya masyarakat. NGO, non-governmental organization. lua vi. melimpah keluar, meluap (tt cair). overflow, overflowing (of liquids). — vt [-%]. melimpahkan, mengeluarkan. shower, cause to overflow. Sacuunano i lia Wangkinamboro, mia ompole ndoluahakonomo wacu, kai mate. Begitu jatuh Wangkinamboro, orang banyak menimbuninya dengan batu, sehingga mati. When Wangkinamboro fell into the cave, the crowd showered him with rocks, and he died.

lube pelube vr. bersetubuh (manusia). couple, have sex (humans). Lihatlah: pe/teɗe. n. nanah dr penyakit telinga. pus from an ear infection. Lihatlah: gege. kolue %%. bernanah (khusus tt telinga). pussy (of the ear). luede n. ****. k.o. forest plant. luhoo vi. lapar. hungry. kaluhoo n. kelaparan, rasa lapar. hunger. lula vt [-ho]. mengangkat atau mengumpulkan sesuatu yg merambat, menggulung (permadani), mengupas (seperai dr tempat tidur). lift up or gather up something which is spread out, roll up (a rug), strip (sheets from a bed). molula kasitela mengupas tumbuhan ubi jalar gather up sweet potato vines


molopo vn. terpatah sendiri, tanpa ditapakkan

lore lori

involuntary sense). saling mengerti, bersepakat. understand each other, see eye to eye. nai pekalosaki tidak baku mengerti they don't see eye to eye loso ****. ****. Losoko! **** Serves you right! losua n. ruas jari tangan. segment of the fingers, internode. lowi n. tempat yg dalam di sungai. deep place in a river. lowo n. 1) areal, tempat berkebun. acreage, place for gardening. Lihatlah: lapu-1. 2) satu kelompok petani. *******. lowonga n. lapangan. field. lowongano karajaa lapangan kerja field of employment

pekalosaki vi.

lulasi telulasi vn. terkupas. peeled. Lihatlah: ɗeɗesi, kulisi [kuli], owihi, wura.

lule vt [-'o]. mengorek lubang telinga. clean the ears,

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



maalingu clean the ear channel.

Lihatlah: kantaɗe-ntaɗe [taɗe].

lulo n. sm tarian. k.o. circle dance. lulu1 vt [-ho]. menggulung. roll up. Lihatlah: lego. lulu2 pelulu vi. berlari. run.

luluta1 n. nasi lemang. sticky rice roasted in bamboo tubes. Lihatlah: gogoso, lapa-lapa, mandura.

luluta2 n. lemak. fat. koluluta vi. gemuk. fatty.

lumba1 molumba vn. cepat pertumbuhannya. growiing up fast, maturing quickly, big for one's age.

lumba2 n. sm jahe yg tumbuh di hutan. k.o. wild cardamom. Amomum spp.

lumba3 pengkalumba vi. berlomba, berkejaran. compete, race, chase.

lumba-lumba n.

ikan lumba-lumba. dolphin, porpoise, killer whale. lumbangi vt [-o]. melubangi. perforate, make a hole in (a coconut, for example). lumbe n. sm pohon bakau dengan akar tunjang. k.o. mangrove tree species with stilt roots. Rhizophora spp. Lihatlah: haka lengka. lumbu vi. 1) tergigit (nyamuk). bitten (by a mosquito), have a bugbite. 2) naik darah, marah. get hot, get angry. lumbu-lumbu vi. tergigit banyak kali. bugbitten several times. lumu n. 1) sm lumut laut. k.o. seaweed with very fine, light green leaves. Lihatlah: garangga, lelamo. 2) jamur, lumut. mold, mildew. kolumu vi. berjamur, melapuk. moldy, mildewed.

lu'o molu'o vn. lemas. limp.

lupe n.

sm ikan. many-spotted sweetlips. Plectorhinchus chaetodontoides Lacep磥. lupi vt [-%]. melipat pd ujungnya. fold at the corner. telupi vn. terlipat pd ujungnya. folded at the corner. Lihatlah: telopi [lopi]. lupu vn. hangus. scorched. Lihatlah: ɓokoto. lurambata n. batu yg dipasang pd kaki ayam sambungan yg lebih besar dp lawanan supaya ****. stone weight attached to the foot of a fighting cock which is larger than his opponent, to make the contest more even. lure n. ikan teri. Indian anchovy of small size. Stolephorus indicus Hasselt. Lihatlah: ligo, wina.

luri teluri vn. berguling. roll, rolled away. Mainamo iteluri ɓaguli a'iso? Di mana beguling kelerang itu? Where did that marble roll off to? lusu Bentuk lain: lausu. n. sm ikan. k.o. fish. luu Asal: PAN *luSeq. n. air mata. tears (from crying). koluu vi. berlinang air mata. tear, have tears, be teary-eyed. Ikoluu matano. Berlinang air matanya. His eyes were tearing.

luwi peluwi vi. berlangir, mencuci rambut (secara tradisionil, dgn memakai santan). wash one's hair (traditionally, by using santan). peluwiako sampo mencuci rambut dengan sampo wash one's hair with shampoo peluwiako ni'i mencuci rambut dengan santan wash one's hair with santan Lihatlah: pesampo.

luncu moluncu vn.

loyo. weak, lethargic. soɗo moluncu deman loyo fever with weakness lungku vt [-'o]. melengkungkan. bend into an arc or bow-shape. kalungku-lungku n. bagian kerangka layanglayang yg melintang dan berbentuk lengkungan. the arched, crosswise spar of a kite frame.

luwu saluwu semua. all. saluwu-luwu semua, sama sekali. all, completely. Saluwu-luwuo iɗa'amo wukungku. Sama sekali saya tidak bertenaga lagi. I completely have no more energy.

M - m [m] nfx. <m>. maa

maalingu %%. sembarang, terserah, apa saja;

pomaa vi. menguap. yawn.

maa2 n. para. group, collective plural. maa saragenti para penjabat kampung village officials (as a group) 10/4/2013

tergantung. whatever, whatsoever, any, everything; depending on. maalingu ika (jenis) ikan sembarang, ikan apa saja any (kind of) fish, any fish whatsoever maalingu ɗumaano apa saja yang ada whatever there is, whatever is

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there Maalingumo ingkomiu. Terserah engkau. It's up to you. I'amala'ako maalingu tino'orino. Dia mengamalkan apa saja diketahui. He puts into practice everything he knows Kei teleu tamano Jonatan, topoweweu kato pongkaa, maalingumo ɗumaano. Kalau datang Bapak Jonatan, kami membikin kemudian makan, apa saja yang ada. If Jonathan's father comes, we prepare and eat whatever is on hand. Maalingumo lingka'ano kapala. Apa saja jadwal kapal, tergantung jadwal kapal. Whatever the boat schedule, it depends on the boat schedule. ma'ana makna, arti. meaning. koma'ana berarti. mean, imply. Igodemo ikoma'ana iowose gobeno. Gendut perutnya artinya perutnya adalah besar. He is potbellied means he has a big belly. Kei ɓaliako waranaano ɓana memea a'ai membali mobula, koma'ana kumatemo. Kalau seandainya benang merah ini sudah berubah menjadi warna putih berarti saya sudah mati. If the color of this red thread should change becoming white, it means that I am dead.

maangka maa-maangka cepat-cepat.

speedily. maa-maangka ete tidak terlalu cepat, tidak terlalu lama not too fast, not too slow ma'apu vi. memaafi. forgive. ma'apuako vt [-%]. memaafi. forgive, extend forgiveness toward. Koma'apuakokomiu. Saya memaafi kalian. I forgive you. pekama'apu vi. saling memaafi. forgive one another. pekama'apuako saling memaafkan. forgive each other concerning. maasi Lihatlah: asi. mad*u n. madu. honey. maea vn. malu, merasa malu. shy, timid, ashamed. maeati n. mayat. corpse. mai %%. mari. come hither, move in a direction towards the speaker. -mai prn. orang pertama jamak kasus genitif. first person plural genitive. maiasa n. batu nisan. tombstone. maiđani n. tempat yang tidak ada pohonnya, hanya ada rumput. an area covered only by grass and without trees, a grassy field, slope or plain. maina intrg. di mana. where? maka 1) conj. maka. then, thereupon, as a result, consequently. Kaɗimo ugora'aka'aku, maka ɓeku leu. Hanya memanggil saya, pasti saya akan datang. Just call out to me, thereupon I'll come. Kei tamboako, maka ɓei membalimo 80

mia rahau. Bila ia sembuh, maka ia akan menjadi isterimu. If she should recover, then she will become your wife. 2) sedangkan, tetapi. whereas, but. Hapai i lipu a'ai hiina irame, maka kuporonge cula-cula kua'iko lipu a'ai io lipu rumame? Mengapakah di negeri ini tidak ramai, sedangkan saya mendengar berita negara ini adalah negara yang ramai? Why isn't this country bustling, whereas I've heard tales that this land is a bustling country? Ku'arimo mecukanaako io pakuli a'iko i ɗawongku, maka hinapo iɗa'a leleno. Saya sudah bertanya tentang obat itu kepada ipar saya, tetapi belum ada berita. I already asked my brother-in-law about that medicine, but there has not yet been any news. maka ea Bentuk lain: ka'ea. excl. sesuatu yg dianggap besar. ****. Ii, maka ea! ***** (kata seru heran) Oh dear! Oh my! (exclamation of surprise) maka eako **** (kalau banyak orang) **** = (if many people) ka'ea matano **** **** (said of a baby looking at an adult) open one's eyes wide (?) maka ete Bentuk lain: ka'ete. excl. sesuatu yg dianggap kecil. ****. Imembali ka'ete. ***** Of course it's possible! Of course you can! maka eteako **** (kalau banyak orang) **** = (if many people) ka'ete matano yang kita anggap lucu **** a'ai maka Bentuk lain: ai maka; eh maka; maka. excl. wah! expression of surprise or excessive degree, sometimes with overtones of frustration: boy! A'iso maka! **** Aargh! (having difficulty getting a wire to attach) Ai samaka! **** Ugh! (playing ping-pong) A'iso maka mia a'iso! Ipohapai? **** - **** Can you believe that person?! - What did they do? Ai maka kaluhoongku! Wah, saya lapar sekali! Boy, am I hungry! Maka ilembahi kupocuri! Alangkah lamanya saya tidur! How long I've slept! Boy, have I slept long! Ai maka ka'asi, kaɗimo tokototoro mpena itonia a'ai. Wah kasihan, kita duduk-duduk saja, tanpa makanan atau minuman. Oh what a shame, we've just been sitting around without anything to eat or drink. Impia milako? - Meanta. - Ai maliwa! Kpan pergi? - Besok. - Wah, cepat! When do you leave? - Tomorrow. - Boy, that's fast! ki'ia maka Bentuk lain: ke'ea maka. excl. ****. ****. malalea n. sm ikan bahaya. smudgespot spinefoot. Siganus canaliculatus Park. Lihatlah: mangawa. Malau n. Melayu. Malay. pogau Malau bahasa

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




Melayu the Malay language

malaya n. sj tarian, dipinjamkan dr Malaysia. k.o. dance, imported from Malaysia.

male momale vn. lelah, capai. tired, worn out. kamomale n. kelelahan. lethargy, tiredness (as a sickness).

malimua vn. tenang dan indah (tt suara, wajah). calm and nice (of voice, countenance).

mancuu vn. dengan sengaja. do purposefully, act intentionally. Ndomancuu ndoleu ɓumoɓoi'aku. Dengan sengaja mereka datang memanggil saya. They intentionally came to call me. Kumancuu ɓumansule. Saya sengaja pulang. I intentionally returned home. — n. tujuan, maksud. intention, purpose. mancui vt [-o]. ****. ****.


malino ****. ****. Kendo taɗe, kendo umeme, ɓo

mandapo n. ikat pinggang. waistband of pants,

malino ndomate cinando te tamando. **** If they stand, if they urinate (during the circumcision ceremony), it means that their father and mother will die. malo n. malam. night. Lihatlah: alo. mata malo cmpd n. malam. night, nighttime. ɗeeɗeno mata malo sebentar malam tonight meanta mata malo besok malam tomorrow night malobu n. mangkuk. bowl. Lihatlah: ɓelu. malu1 n. daun pisang yg sudah layu. a withered banana leaf.

shorts, etc. Leu kau pengkeni i mandapono salangku. Datanglah berpegang di tali pinggang celanaku. Come and hold onto the waistband of my pants. kamanda n. ikat pinggang. drawstring, the rope or string inside the waistband. te'olu ngkamanda terikat seperti ikat pinggang shoestring knot manda2 %%. bertobat, jera. repent, learned one's lesson. gaju manda gajul tobat a repentant thief pamanda vt [-'o]. mentobatkan, bikin tobat sampai tidak berbuat lagi. cause someone to forswear what they are doing. mandila n. sm ikan. Celebes sweetlips. Plectorhinchus chrysotaenia Bleeker. mandole n. sj tumbuhan yg jalar / merambat, daunnya dan buah hitamnya dimakan. k.o. vine or creeper with edible leaves and an edible black berry.

malu2 komalu-malu vi. lembek?? possibly meaning weak or ashamed.

Maluđu n. Maulud, perayaan hari lahir Muhammad pada hari ke-12 Rabiulawal. Mawlid al-Nabi, celebration of Mohammed's birthday on the 12th of Rabi ul-Awwal. mama1 n. mama, istilah informil untuk memanggil atau mengacu ibu. mom, informal term of address or reference for one's mother. Searti: ina, ibu, paapa, cina. mama2 vt [-'o]. memamah (makanan dsb). chew, masticate (food, etc.). Leweno bua malaka pakulino meke. Tomama'o, e'eno to'uɗoho. Daun jambu biji adalah obat batuk. Dikunyah, airnya ditelan. Guava leaves are a treatment for cough. We chew them and swallow the liquid. Lihatlah: panga. mamaki vt [-o]. memamah. chew, masticate, chew up. mama elo cmpd vi. gagap. stammer. Imama elomo. Dia gagap. He stammers. mambe vn. pincang (lima atau kaki). lame (of a limb). mamua n. maleo. maleo. Macrocephalon maleo. manansisi Lihatlah: ɓalongka manansisi. manca n. pencak silat. traditional unarmed martial arts. Lihatlah: pangaru. mancilo n. sm ikan. gold-banded jobfish. Pristipomoides multidens Day. mancu n. tiang rumah. housepost, main vertical beams of a house. 10/4/2013

mandu momandu vn. lembab. moist.

mandura n. nasi tokoh yg direbus dalam daun pisang. cylindrical packets of rice with coconut milk, wrapped and boiled in banana leaves. Lihatlah: gogoso, lapa-lapa, luluta. manea vt [-'o]. kenal, baku tahu, berakraban dng. be acqauinted with, be familiar with, be intimate with. Tomanea'indamo. Kami berakraban dengan mereka. We know them well. mangaku %%. mengaku, mengakui. admit, acknowledge. Mia owoseu hinando mangaku umehe ungkuɗe. Orang tuamu tidak mengaku setuju dengan saya. Your parents don't acknowledge wanting me (for a son-in-law). mangali Lihatlah: ɓaura mangali [ɓaura]. mangape n. musim timur. east wind season. mangawa n. sm ikan. k.o. fish, said to be dangerous. Lihatlah: malalea. Manggasa pn. Makasar. Makassar.

mangkaa mangkaano vn. ternyata, padahal. clear, evident, whereas in fact. Sa'arino wumungkahio, mangkaano kua'iko iko'ihiako pakea moiko. Setelah dibukanya, ternyata berisikan pakaian

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




yang bagus. When he opened it, it was clear that it was actually filled with nice clothes. Mangkaano Wangkinamboro a'iso imatemo. Ternyata Wangkinamboro itu sudah mati. It was clear that Wangkinamboro was dead. mangkacu vt [-o]. memaki. scold, curse. mangkela n. sm ikan. k.o. scad or trevally, silverish, with a golden stripe along its side, most likely the smooth-tailed trevally (Selaroides leptolepis Kuhl & van Hasselt). Lihatlah: kandaga. mangko n. mangkok ****. cupful, handful. mansi1 n. burung serindit. hanging parrot. Loriculus spp. Lihatlah: kea, kuluri, tuli-tuli. mansi2 n. mangsi. ink. mansuana n. 1) ****, sperti camat atau kepala desa. an honored, respected person, such as the head of a district or village. 2) pengantin. bride, groom. mansuana ntonia pengantin baru newlywed mantega n. mentega. margarine, butter. mantiri n. manteri. government official. manu n. ayam. chicken. manu-manu n. burung. bird. manu-manuno hulu ****** bugs attracted to a light at night kamanu-manu n. layang-layang, terutama yg dr daun ****. kite, particularly one made from a dry leaf of the basket fern. Lihatlah: patowala. manu-manuno ɓara nph. (sekawan) anai-anai terbang. (swarm of) flying termites. manusia manusia. humanity, humankind.

mapu momapu vn. dingin. cold. momapu alo dingin malam cold from the night air Ɗaaho sanggara moma-momapuno? Ada pisang goreng yang sudah dingin? Are there any fried bananas which are cool? kamapu n. ****. coolness. maradika n. orang merdeka. free citizen. Lihatlah: ata, lolaki. mara-mara n. marmar. marble rock. marawasituu n. sm tumbuhan. k.o. plant, the leaves narrow, often folded, gorwing from a clump in the ground; the root is said to have a similar fragrance to lo'ia (sense 1). marica n. merica. black pepper. Piper nigrum L. marika vt [-ho]. jijik, benci, membenci. loath, hate, be mad at. Hapai kai marika'aku? Kenapa dia benci kepada saya? Why does he hate me? Kaɗimo momarika mia walino inaɗe a'iso. Dia hanya membenci temannya. He only gets mad at his friends. memarika vn. suka membenci. hateful. masigi n. mesjid. mosque. 82

masina n. mesin. machine. masinano potokopi mesin fotokopi photocopy machine

mata1 n. mata. eye. mata bubu cmpd n. ****. bubbling springs. mata bulonto n. sm siput laut. k.o. edible marine univalve mollusk, possibly a turban shell.

mata mobula cmpd n. ****. white of the eye. mata morawu cmpd n. sm kerang bercangkang ganda. k.o. oblongish, edible marine clam, the edges of the shell scalloped, the largest growing to the size of a small table. Lihatlah: tongki-tongki. mata ntahi cmpd n. keramat di tahi di mana ada banyak ikan besar, ikannya tidak bisa diambil. sacred spot in the ocean full of large fish, so big that they cannot be taken. mata tonde cmpd n. kacamata. eyeglasses. matano e'e nph. mata air, sumber air. spring of water. mata ika n. bisul di jari kaki, mata ikan. abcess, boil on the toe. Lihatlah: kasoka. matano oleo nph. matahari. sun. kandie-ndie mata cmpd n. manik mata. pupil of the eye. olisono mata nph. bola mata. eyeball. mata2 n. mata, daun (pisau, dsb.). blade (of knife, etc.). ta'owu pato mata empat mata parang four machetes matano hatamu mata ketam blade for a carpenter's plane matano seu jarum needle matano boro **** drill bit mata3 n. ****. bead, jewel, precious stone. matano ɗupa **** cubes of ****, used as incense komata vi. bermata. having jewels, bejeweled. matai vt [-o]. *****. bejewel, set with jewels, precious stones, etc.

mata4 momata vn. mentah, belum masak, belum matang. underripe. Lihatlah: meɓangka [ɓangka-2], mentab*alo [tab*alo]. mata5 n. kali, tempo, waktu. time. samata %%. satu kali, sekali, lain kali. one time, once. samatapo cuma satu kali only once, only one time Pempiamo mileu i Palu? - Kaɗipo samata. Sudah berapa kali kamu pergi ke Palu? - Baru satu kali. How many times have you been to Palu? - Only once. samatano %%. lain kali, sekali lagi. another time, sometime, someday. samatanopo sekali lagi, kali yang berikut next time Mileupo samatano kami ontoho E'e Bula. Datang sekali lagi,dan kamu bisa melihat Air Putih. When you come once more you can see White Well. Samatanopo kaku wawao kodano. Lain kali saya bawah fotonya. Next time I'll birng the photographs.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




Mileu samatano ɗaaho io ana winawaimiu? **** The first time you came, did you bring your child? samataa %%. satu kali (pd kala lampau). once already, at some time in the past. Mi'arimo humule i Wamboule? - Samataa. Leungku a'ai hinapo kuhule. Engkau sudah pergi ke Wamboule? - Satu kali. Kunjungan ini saya belum pergi. Have you already been to Wamboule? - Once. But I haven't been yet on this trip. Mi'arimo humule i Torombia? Hinapo. Kaɗi leungku samataano kakuhule. Engkau sudah ke Torombia? - Belum. Hanya waktu saya datang ldulu saya ke sana. Have you already been to Torombia? - Not yet. Only on a previous visit did I go. samata-mataano sekaligus. all at once, all at one time. nsamata vn. sekaligus, secara cepat. all at once, quickly. Hela nsamata'o. Tariklah sekaligus. Pull it off all at once, take it off all in one pull. I'engkaho nsamata kai cunanio i tahi. Secara cepat ia mengangkatnya dan membuangnya ke laut. All at once he lifted him and dropped him into the sea. mata malo cmpd n. malam. night, nighttime. ɗeeɗeno mata malo sebentar malam tonight meanta mata malo besok malam tomorrow night mate vn. mati. dead. Lihatlah: pepate. matea n. tempat kematian. house or place where someone has died. pematelako vi. mati habis. (many people, animals) die at once, die in rapid succession. mau %%. walaupun, -pun. even, not even. Mau lako ncina, ke ɗapo mokora wukundo, ndopo'ala pombulaa. Biar janda, kalau masih kuat tulangnya, mereka mendapat kebun. Even widows, if they are still strong (lit. if their bones are still strong), they have a garden. Ikano inaa'o i pobumbuno raha, te hina icia'inda mau saɗe'ete ɓo ana awono. Ikannya disimpannya diatas bumbungan rumah, dan ia tidak memberi sedikitpun pada anak tirinya. He stored his fish in the ridge of the house, and didn't give any, not even a little bit, to his stepchildren. Topeɗawu moi-moiko; keto posala'ako mau salocu seu, ɓeto pekapopatemo. Harus dibagi dengan adil; kalau sudah berbeda walaupun sepatah jarum kita akn baku bunuh. We must divide carefully; if later we differ by even half a needle, we will kill each other. — conj. namun, sekalipun. even, even though, 10/4/2013

although. Tamano hinapo iponsarunako to'u-to'u potae anano ndopepateo, mau ipo'ontomo rea te koburuno anano. Ayahnya belum yakin benar bahwa anaknya sudah dibunuh, sekalipun ia telah melihat darah dan kuburan anaknya itu. Her father wasn't truly sure that his child had been killed, even though he saw blood and his child's grave. Ku'ehe-eheo andiu a'iko, maupo ungkuɗe a'ai ɓeku kawimo. Saya mencintai adikmu, walaupun saya ini sudah akan dikawinkan. I love your sister, even though I am about to get married. mauma n. 1) ****. respectful term of address for an older man. 2) bapak?? father?? Ɗahopo maumamiu? Masih ada bapakmu? Is your father still alive? mbakukuwi n. sm ulat. k.o. caterpillar. mbakuutu vi. murung. hang one's head, lower one's head so that the chin approaches the chest. mbala vt [-'o]. merimbas kayu. trim and smoothen wood. Io nangka, to poɗoho kato mbala'o. To'arimo mbala'o, to loɓo'omo. **** The jackfruit tree, we cut it down and we trim and smoothen it. After that, we ****. Lihatlah: bala. pekambala-mbala vi. ****. fiddle around trimming off small bits of wood. pombala n. orang yg merimbat kayu. person who trims and smoothens wood.

mbale kombale-mbale vi. menelentang. lie supine, lie on one's back.

ngkombale vn. telentang. lying supine, lying on its back.

mbali %%. sebelah, seberang. side, across from. Kacindaki, tampuno imentaso sambali, sambali imalewe. Ujung linggis tajam di satu sebelah dan gepeng di sebelah lawan. A crowbar's ends are pointed on one side and flat on the other. Sambali ndo'otolu, sambali ndo'orua. sebelah ini tiga orang, sebelah itu dua orang. Three on one side, two on the other side. Lihatlah: sa/wo'a. mbali-mbali %%. kedua belah, kedua pihak. on both sides. Lakomo kando pengkeni i longoleno mbali-mbali. Mereka pergi berpegang pada lengan kedua sebelah. They came and grasped his arms on both sides. Wa Eti te La Mamet, keo ingkai, sahinaa mbali-mbali, da'a mia nsuere. Eti dan Mamet keluarga kami dua-duanya, tidak ada orang lain. Eti and Mamet are related to us on both sides, there is no outsider. mbalo1 n. perian, tempat air bambu. bamboo for

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




carrying or storing water. Lihatlah: kululi, soronga, toɓa. mbalola %%. ****. with a strong, back and forth swinging motion. wajo mbalola **** stride while strongly swinging one's arms bue mbalola *** swing wildly back and forth (of s.th. tethered from above)


cyprinoides Broussonet. Lihatlah: mbula-2.

mbule %%. lagi. again. Minteleumo mbule. Kamu sudah datang lagi. You've come again. Ileupo mbule. Nanti dia datang lagi. Later he will come again. I mainamo mbule lingka'amiu itonia? Di mana lagi tempat perginya tadi? Where else did you go just then?


pembaso karu mencuci kaki. wash one's feet,

pembuni vi. bersembunyi jauh. run away and

have one's feet washed. mbele-mbele n. ikan napoleon. k.o. fish, similar in appearance to the curingkuleo.

mburu1 n. sm ikan. sergeant major fish. Abudefduf



kombena %%. mengkilap. gleaming, lustrous (as mother-of-pearl, or a stainless steel bowl). Ikahumo alono gandu a'ai, ikombenamo olisono. Jagung ini sudah cukup waktunya, bijinya mengkilap. This corn is ripe, its kernels are lustrous. Ke ɗa sumaɓa wula, ɓei kombena tahi. Kalau bulan terbit, laut akan mengkilap. When the moon rises, the sea will gleam. Lihatlah: kompiɗu, kompila. mbioka vn. ****. infertile.

mbite mombite vn. tidak bagus warnanya. sickly or bad in coloration.

mbole Lihatlah: wole. mbolonga n. lembah. ravine, gorge, valley. mboru-mboru Lihatlah: ɓoru. mbui n. belakang. back, behind, at the rear, usually preceded by preposition i. ciuno e'e, i mbui rahando Dulii ****, di belakang rumahnya Dulii to the east of the well, behind Dulii's house Maina Walia? I mbui. Di mana Walia? Di belakang. Where is Walia? In back. Bapa ɗapo i mbui. Bapak masih ada di belakang. Father is still in back (he's on his way here). Ilakomo rope mbui samaliwa. Ia pergi ke belakang (rumah) sebentar saja. He's gone to the back (of the house) for just a bit. perimbui vi. di belakang. go in back, be in back, go behind, follow. kapala merimbui kapal di belakang the boat in back mbula1 n. oleh-oleh, juga disebut teleu mbule. gift given upon return from travels, also called teleu mbule.

mbula2 pembula vi. membuka mata. open one's eyes. Sintereno ikowara'ea, iɗakiho matanto topembula. Senternya terang sekali, merusakkan mata kalau kita ****. His flashlight is very bright, it ruins our eyes to look at it. mbula3 Lihatlah: pombula. mbula-mbula n. sm ikan. oxeye herring. Megalops 84

hide. Lihatlah: ndao, wuwuni. vaigiensis Quoy & Gaimard.

komburu-mburu vi. komat-kamit. mumble.

mea memea vn. merah. red. Io ɓalongka manansisi, imemea, io woci ngeeno. Ketimun, kalau sudah merah, disebut 'woci'. Cucumbers, when they turn brownish, are called 'woci'. meanta n. besok. tomorrow. ngkomeantano n. saat menjelang fajar, subuh sekali sebelum terbit matahari. in the early hours of the morning before light, until about 5 am. meanta ngkomeantano besok sebelum terbit matahari tomorrow before light ipua ngkomeantano lusa sebelum terbit matahari before light two days from now sameantano n. besok lagi. tomorrow or so, in the next day or two, in the next few days.

mee memee vn. takut. afraid. memeetako vt [-no].

takut. afraid of. memeetakono Hastina Hasina takut (tt kamera) Hastina is afraid of it (the camera) meha n. 1) sebagian, beberapa. a portion, a part, some. Kukolumpeomo sameha. Saya sudah lupa sebagian. I've forgotten some of it. 2) kadang-kadang. sometimes. Sameha kuponsoso, sameha hiina. Kadang-kadang saya merokok, kadang-kadang tidak. Sometimes I smoke, sometimes I don't. Sitti Maria sameha icia'o hapa-hapa pinaraluuno La Misi-misikini. Sitti Maria kadang-kadang memberinya segala apa yang dibutuhkan oleh si Miskin. Sitti Maria sometimes gave Miskin whatever he needed. meja n. meja. table. meja mpongkaaha cmpd n. meja makan. dining table. meja pekamposisu cmpd n. meja tulis. desk.

meke pemeke vi. batuk, berbatuk. cough. komeke %%. batuk, sakit batuk. have a cough. komeke-meke berbatuk-batuk. have an ongoing

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



mina metere linulu cmpd n. ****. retractible tape




pemelu vi. muntah. vomit, throw up spittle. pemeluako vi. muntah isi perut. vomit, throw up, empty the contents of one's stomach. membale n. sm ikan. spiny squirrelfish. Sargocentron spiniferum Forss. membali vn. 1) menjadi. become. Ngkaangkaa’ai kumembalimo raja i lipu a'ai. **** Presently I am king of this region. Kei tamboako, maka ɓei membalimo mia rahau. Bila ia sembuh, maka ia akan menjadi isterimu. If she should recover, then she will become your wife. 2) boleh, bisa. able, can. Imembali kulako lumahakomiu? Bolehkah saya ikut kalian? Can I come follow you? Seu a'ai imembali iculungikita. Jarum ini bisa menolong kita. This needle can help us. Peɓaho'a i Mata Ntahi i'olaro. Nai membali ana-ana. Tempat permandian di Mata Ntahi itu dalam. Tidak bisa anak kecil (berenang disana). The swimming hole at Mata Ntahi is deep. Young children aren't able (to swim there). I Amerika ɗaaho ɗuka punci, ako hiina imembali tosanggara'o. Ada juga pisang di Amerika, tetapi tidak bisa kita menggorengnya. There are bananas in America too, but they're not the frying kind. Isali membali. Dia segera bisa. He can do (it) quickly. 3) adalah. be (in the sense of belonging to a certain class). Tolingka molencu, mau tomembali cina. Kita pergi merantau, biar kita adalah perempuan. We go seek work abroad, even those of us who are women. Lihatlah: jadi. pamembali vt [-'o, -o]. 1) memperbolehkan. allow. 2) menjadikan. make into. Itena'omo cinano ɓei ponseuhakono sawuno pamembalio sala te ɓaju. Ia menyuruh ibunya untuk menjahitkan sarungnya menjadikan celana dan baju. He told his mother to sew his sarong for him making it into pants and a shirt. Ipamembalio pakeano tamano. Ia menjadikan pakaian untuk bapaknya. She made it into clothes for her father. Lihatlah: ɓali. mendeu vn. menolak. unwilling. mentee %%. barangkali. maybe, perhaps. meo n. kucing. domestic cat. Felis catus. komeo-meo vn. mengeong. miaow, mew. merende vn. cepat. quickly. meri Kegunaan: kuno. archaic. vn. takut. afraid. Lihatlah: memee [mee]. mesiu Bentuk lain: misiu. vn. manis. sweet. metere n. meter, ukiran meter. meter, meter stick. metere ngkeu cmpd n. ukiran meter dibuat dr kayu. wooden meter stick. 10/4/2013

metereno kae nph. ****. tailor's tape measure.

mewangu Lihatlah: wangu. mi- prn. orang kedua jamak kasus nominatif. second person plural nominative.

mia n. orang. person, people. miano kampo penduduk kampung inhabitants of a village Ɗaaho miano? - Lako i pada ... ando Wa Hadu. Ada orangnya? - Keluar ... ke rumahnya Wa Hadu. Is anyone home? - They went out to Wa Hadu's house. Oo miano! - Oo, mimpoone! Hai! (penyapaan mendekati rumah) - Oh, naik ke rumah! Hello! (approaching a house) - Come on in! kamia-mia n. 1) bayang-bayang. shadow. 2) ****. image, picture, drawing. samia-mia %%. sendirian (selalu diikuti oleh kata ganti posesif). by one's self, alone (always followed by a possessive pronoun). Ileu samia-maino. Dia datang sendirian. He came by himself, he came alone. Ɗapo samia-miangku. Saya masih sendirian (belum kawin). I'm still single (not married). mia mocu'a cmpd n. orang tua. parent, parents. mia mpuu cmpd n. orang pertama, orang dulu. original people, people of long ago. mia ngkoraha cmpd n. orang yang sudah kawin. a married person (lit. a person with a house). mia nsuere cmpd n. orang asing, orang yang bukan keluarga. stranger, foreigner, someone with whom one shares no family ties. mia owose cmpd n. orang tua. parents. mia owoseno bapangku orang tuanya bapakku my father's parents, my paternal grandparents mia raha cmpd n. suami, isteri. spouse; husband or wife. Ɗaaho mia rahangku. Saya sudah kawin (***** ada isteriku/suamiku). I am married (lit., my spouse exists). mie-mie n. tangkasi, singapuar. tarsier. Tarsius spp. mii n. mie. noodles. Songkolo, ihino, io ika te miino. Songkolo has fish and noodles inside. mina1 n. minyak. cooking oil, usually from coconut. minano ni'i minyak kelapa coconut oil — vt [-%]. membikin minyak dr. make oil out of. mia momina orang membikin minyak people making oil minaki vt [-o]. meminyaki. oil, grease. kaminaki n. alat meminyaki. brush for oiling. kaminakino pakakasa **** untuk perkakas tukang kayu oil brush for carpenter's tools mina cinumesi cmpd n. sm minyak yg harum, ****. k.o. fragrant oil used as a condiment. minagasi cmpd n. minyak tanah. kerosene.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




minaa2 n. asal. orrigin. Minaangku Buton. Asal saya dari Buton. I am from Buton (lit. My origin is Buton). Minaamiupo i Ereke? Asalmu baru dari Ereke? Did you just come from Ereke? minagasi Lihatlah: mina. minai prep. dari, sejak. from, be from, since. Minai maina? Dari mana? Where are you from? Tominai Kendari. **** We've come from Kendari. Pia oleomo umopii? - Minai pato oleoano. Sudah berapa hari kamu sakit? - Sejak empat hari yang lalu. How many days have you been sick? - Since four days ago. Lihatlah: pina'i. minggu n. minggu. week. Mingka'ili pn. malaikat Mikail, malaikat yg bertugas menurunkan rezeki. the archangel Michael. mingku n. gerak, laku, tingkah, sikap. movement, action, behaviour, demeanor. Ngkanamo a'iso mingkundo Sitti Maria te La Misi-misikini a'iso te kapten, kabilanga indaɗe umanu-anuo. Demikianlah sikap antara Sitti Maria dan si Miskin itu kepada kapten tersebut, yang seolah-olah mereka sedang mengolokoloknya. And it kept on like that, Sitti Maria and Misikini's behavior in front of the captain, as if they were mocking him. komingku vi. bergerak, bergoyang. move, sway. pakomingku vt [-'o]. menggerakkan. move, set in motion. pemingku n. perbuatan. deed. misikini Bentuk lain: mosikini. vn. miskin. poor. misiu Lihatlah: mesiu. -miu prn. orang kedua jamak kasus genitif. second person plural genitive. -mo sfx. penanda aspek kompletif. completive aspect marker; already. Kumewohimo. Saya sudah kenyang. I am full now. moa vn. kosong. empty, hollow. Lihatlah: mo'apa [apa], molomba [lomba]. moana Lihatlah: ana2. mobulaha n. ****. grassy seabed. modala n. modal. financial capital.

evaluating alternatives). Moiko kupokacu'akono tawa kunaa'akono? Moikomo minaa'akono ri'ai, rounomo ɓei leu. Lebih baik saya kirimkan kepadanya, atau saya simpan untuk dia? - Lebih baik simpan disini saja, karena nanti dia akan datang. Would it be better to send it to him, or leave it for him? - It's best that you just leave it here for him, because he will be coming. moi-moiko %%. 1) hati-hati. take care, be careful. Moi-moiko, ɓara mincuuna. Hati-hati, barangkali nanti jatuh engkau. Be careful, lest you fall. 2) baik-baik. carefully, well. Alaomo pae a'ai kau naa'o moi-moiko, isee uɓasiako. Ambillah beras ini dan simpanlah baik-baik, jangan engkau buang. Take this rice and store it well, don't throw it away. popoiko vt [-ho]. memperbaiki. repair, revise. Pi'alo'ano, pengkaɓaho-ɓaho'a i E'e Ngkapala hinapo imoiko. Ngkangka'ai ndo'arimo mopoikoho. Dulu, tempat berenang di E'e Ngkapala belum bagus. Sekarang sudah mereka perbaiki. In the past, the swimming hole at E'e Ngkapala wasn't nice. But now they've fixed it up. moiri Lihatlah: iri. moji n. modin, juru azan. muezzin, one who delivers the call to prayer. mokana n. **** saat bersembahyang. a long dress with head cover, worn by a woman when praying ritually. moko prep. sampai. until. moko ngkaa-ngkaa'ai sampai sekarang until today, until now mokole n. raja. king, ruler. Lihatlah: raja. mokungku n. ikatan padi yg kecil, terdiri atas kirakira sepuluh tangkai. a small bundle of rice, consisting of about ten stalks. Lihatlah: iu, kongkai. mole vn. tidak mempan untuk obat. invulnerable to medication.

molo1 kamolo n. lubang di tanah yg digali manusia,


seperti untuk WC. large, manmade hole in the ground, as for a latrine.

pengkamogo-mogo suka macet, suka mogok (mesinnya). tending to stall or not work properly (said of machines). moiko vn. 1) baik. good. Imoiko larondo. Mereka baik hati. They are good-hearted. Ungkuɗe a'ai kuleu moiko, ɗaaho tujuangku moiko. Saya ini datang dengan maksud yang baik. Me here, I have come friendly, I have good intentions. Ɗa'a samoikono te sahinaaakono. **** Things are not the best between him and his sibling. 2) lebih biak (dl pertimbangan alternatif). better, best (in 86

molo2 pemolo vi. memanggil dr kejauhan (di kebun atau di hutan). call from a distance (in the garden or in the forest). molulu n. bintang puyuh, bintang kartika. the Pleiades. mombi n. sm ikan. staghorn damsel. Amblyglyphidodon curacao Bloch. monde n. sm burung. k.o. bird. mondo vn. lengkap, sempurna, selesai. complete,

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finished, over, stopped. Hinapo imondo disertasingku. Disertasi saya belum lengkap. My dissertation is not yet finished. Nai lembahi a'iko kapala wineweuno imondomo. Tidak lama kemudian kapal yang dibuatnya itu selesai Not long after that the boat he was building was finished. raha mondo saluwuo ihino moiko to'uno rumah yang lengkap dengan segala isinya mewah-mewah a house complete with every kind of nicety kamondo n. perlengkapan. furnishings, finishings. raha te kamondono rumah serta perlengkapannya a house with its furnishings kamondono kawi'ano perlengkapan perkawinan furnishings for a wedding celebration mongiwa n. ikan hiu. shark. mongiwa ngkawalea cmpd n. ikan pare kekeh. white-spotted shovelnose ray. Rhynchobatus djiddensis Forss. mongupa n. manggis. mangosteen. Garcinia mangostana L.

moni pomoni vt [-o]. meminta. request. Ipomoni colo. Dia meminta korek api. He asked for matches. Ipomoni ɓei pondo'u. Dia minta meminum. She asked to drink. mo'orio saya tidak tahu (jawaban yg terdiri atas satu kata, ****). I don't know (one word response to a question indicating that one doesn't know the answer). Lihatlah: to'ori. Bentuk lain: orio. mori n. kelelawar. a small, insect-eating bat. Lihatlah: kalua. moru vn. ranum, terlalu masak sehingga ****. overipe to the point of turning mushy. mosiraha n. tetangga akrab, orang yang tidak keluarga, tetapi sering ada di rumah. close neighbor, a person who is unrelated but is often at one's house. Saluwu'inda mosiraha hakongku. Mereka semua tetangga akrab saya. They are all my close neighbors. motoro n. motor, sepeda motor. motorcylce. mpalele vt [-%]. melilitkan. roll up, wind, coil. pempalele vi. lilit, melilit (msl ular). roll up, coil up (e.g. as snake). tempalele %%. terlilit. rolled up. mpalo ****. ****. terabu mpalo peloloi sudah terpisah kepala leher dengan badan the head and neck have separated from the body

mpare mompare vn. berbau kencing. smell like urine, reek of urine.


mpece mompece vn. pesek. flat, squat. enge mompece hidung pesek flat nose Lihatlah: mondepe [ndepe]. mpena %%. kosong. empty. kototoro mpena duduk kosong (yaitu tanpa makanan atau minuman) sit around empty (viz. without eating or drinking anything) Ai maka ka'asi kaɗimo tokototoro mpena itonia a'ai. Kasihan, **** Oh what a shame, we didn't have anything to eat or drink just then. mpeo-mpeo n. sm burung. k.o. bird.

mpiɗu kompiɗu %%. berkilat-kilat. shiny. Lihatlah: kombena, kompila.

mpila kompila %%. bercahaya. bright, shiny, reflective, radiant. Lihatlah: kompiɗu.

mpila-mpila n. sm ikan. bigeye (fish). Priacanthus spp.

mpiru %%. kedip mata. eyeblink. pempiru vi. mengedip mata. blink. sampiru %%. sekejap mata. in the blink of an eye. kompiru-mpiru %%. mengedip-ngedipkan mata. blink the eyes several times.

mpolo tempolo vn. ****. fall because one's flooring or support gives way. Karuno kurusii itempolo i kalombaha. **** The leg of the chair fell through a crack in the floor. mpuno n. kumpulan (monyet). troop (of monkeys). muana Lihatlah: ana2.

muɗa momuɗa vn. murah, mudah, gampang. cheap, inexpensive, easy, simple.

mui1 n. tulang punggung. backbone. Lihatlah: sora ntoruku [sora].

mui-mui n. dubur. anus. Lihatlah: buli-buli, puri. kaɓe-kaɓeno mui nph. tulang tungging, tulang tongkeng. tailbone, sacrum.

mui2 komui-mui %%.

mengunyah-ngunyah. Lihatlah: komundo-mundo.


mundo komundo-mundo %%.

mengunyah-ngunyah. chew. Lihatlah: komui-mui (mui-2). munta vt [-'o]. mengunyah. chew. Imopii ngisino, marasai ipomunta. Dia sakit gigi, susah dia mengunyah. He has a toothache, it's difficult for him to chew. Lihatlah: kata. komunta-munta vi. berdecap-decap, terkecapkecap. smack one's lips.

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N - n naa1


penaa vi. bernafas. breathe, have breath. — n. jiwa. breath, spirit, soul. naa2 vt [-'o]. menyimpan, taruh. put, place, set, store. naa-naa %%. ****. ****. naa-naa larono te menaruh dendam kepada hold a grudge against ponaa'a n. tempat simpan sesuatu. the place where something is set or stored. ponaa'ano piri tempat simpan piring place for storing dishes, a cupboard ponaa'ano boku rak buku bookshelf ponaa'ano guli **** the ***** of a boat, against which the rudder rests nabi n. nabi. prophet. nahu vt [-o]. memasak, merebus. cook by boiling, cook in a pot with water. ponahua n. pemasakan. cooking. alono ponahua malam pacar, malam sebelum penikahan **** (harf malam pemasakan) the evening prior to a wedding and the events associated with that night (lit. night of cooking) naina n. *****. respectiful term of address for an older woman. 2) ibu. mother. nami rasa. taste. Kana'umpehano namino? Bagaimana rasanya? How does it taste? pokanamo namino sama rasanya taste the same penami vt [-'o]. merasai, mencicipi. feel, taste. Tabea ɓemi pompenamipo tembelu, rounomo imewalo. Silahkan **** Please have a taste of shipworms, because they are delicious. namisi vt [-o]. menyadari, menjadi sadar bahwa. feel, realize, become aware of. Iponamisi mewalo? **** **** (when eating something??) Sauri pengkaanakono Buragil i'alaomo manu-manu kincah a'iso, nahina inamisio mau saɗe'ete komondaando ɓawu hako a'iso. Dengan sikap hati-hati Buragil ambil burung Kincah itu, tanpa disadari sedikitpun oleh komandan babi itu. Buragil very carefully lifted off that Kincah bird, not even a bit did the commander of those pigs feel it. Ɓawu a'iso iponamisi ngangano i'uhukio matano seu. Babi itu menyadari bahwa mulutnya ditusuktusuk oleh mata jarum. Those pigs realized their mouths were pierced with needles. Imolihimo rounomo iponamisino ɓei toramo. Ia gembira karena ia merasa sudah akan hidup. He was happy because he felt that he was going to live. konami %%. terasa. feel, taste. Sakonamino kasiuno. Seterasanya manisnya. Its sweetness is middling. 88

namu-namu %%. bermaksud, berencana. intend, decide, plan. Wangkinamboro a'iso i'amara, te inamu-namu ɓei kaa'inda. Wangkinamboro itu marah dan ia bermaksud akan memakan mereka. Wangkinamboro was mad, and he decided to eat them. — n. maksud, rencana, angan-angan. idea, thought, notion, intention, plan. nana n. nanah. pus. konana vi. bernanah. pussy, infected. kaɓela ngkonana luka bernanah an infected wound nana ɗea cmpd n. nanah dan darah bercampur. pus with blood, bloody pus. nanasi n. nanas, nenas. pineapple. Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. nandoa n. ****. cutting board. Lihatlah: petandoha [tandoha]. nane n. kawat besi. metal wire. nangi vi. berenang. swim. nangia n. tempat berenang. place where one swims. Kando pina'i ɓo nangiando a'iso hiina ite'onto lipu. Mereka turun di tempat berenangnya itu, tidak kelihatan gunung. And they went down to their place for swimming, and land was not visible. nangka n. nangka. jackfruit. Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk. Lihatlah: kula1, teo. nangki vi. menjalar (baunya). spread (of aroma, odor). Inangki limano. Limanya berbau, baunya menjalar ke limanya. His hands stink, the smell has spread to his hands. nangkisi vt [-o]. menjalari. spread onto. Inangkisikomiu kiuno ika. Kamu dijalari baunya ikan. The fish smell has spread onto you. nangku n. binatang makan rumput. grass-eating animals. — vt [-'o]. makan sesuatu tanpa memakai tangan (spt hewan). eat s.th. without using hands (as animal). penangku vi. makan tanpo memakai tangan. eat with using the hands, eat with one's face.

nano konano-nano mau jalan, tetapi belum tahan betul (tt bayi). take shaky steps, take one's first steps (said of babies). Lihatlah: lampa, konecu-necu [necu]. napa n. utara. north. narakaa %%. neraka. misfortune.


Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




menciu vn.

trampil. skilled, good craftsmanship. Lihatlah: kapande [pande].


ncua kancuancua n.

****. ****. kancua-ncua kampani **** the Dutch ?? pekancua vi. mendayung sampan sendirian. paddle a sampan by oneself. pekancua-ncua vi. berak di atas batang kayu atau batu besar. defecate from on top of a log or large rock. ncue n. bilangan pd tangga rumah. classifier for counting steps. sancue satu tingkat tangga one step ncuili n. sm burung. k.o. bird. ncuma vt [-'o]. menolak (perahu) dengan galah, menggalahkan. propel (a boat) using a pole, punt. ncuma-ncuma vt [-'o]. menolak (perahu) dengan galah, menggalahkan. propel (a boat) using a pole, punt. — n. galah untuk menolak perahu. punting pole. ncuruki n. kiton, sm hewan lunak primitif. chiton, a k.o. primitive mollusk. Acanthopleura spp. ndai vt [-ho]. menyirat, mengikat. tie two things together. Tondaiho ni'i. Kita menyirat kelapa itu. We tied the coconuts together. — n. pasangan, jodoh. pair, match, mate. pondai-ndai %%. ****. reach, connect with, be one with. wacu toko pondai-ndai langi batu yang menjulang tinggi sampai di langit rock tower that reaches the sky

ndao pendao vn. bersembunyi (di belakang sesuatu). hide, conceal oneself behind something. Lihatlah: mbuni. ndengu-ndengu n. bonang, yaitu bonang yg terdiri atas tiga buah gong pencon kecil di atas **** kayu. gong chime, specifically a set of three shallow high-pitched bossed gongs that rest on a wooden frame. Lihatlah: ndoo, tawa-tawa. ndepe vt [-'o]. meratakan, memaparkan, menggiling. flatten, press flat, roll (dough). mandepe vn. rata-rata, ceper, tidak berjeluk. flattened, shallow (of plates). piri mandepe piring ceper shallow saucer or plate enge mandepe hidung pesek flat nose

ndii kandii-ndii n. ****. ****. Lihatlah: kato-kato.

ndo- prn. orang ketiga jamak kasus nominatif. third person plural nominative.

-ndo prn. orang ketiga jamak kasus genitif. thrid person plural genitive.

ndoke n. monyet hitam Sulawesi Tenggara. booted macaque. Macaca ochreata brunnescens. 10/4/2013

ndola pendola vi. ****. stay up until late at night. pendola'a ****. ****. Kumokocundu, pendola'angku. **** I'm drowsy from my staying up late last night. ndoma n. sm ikan. military seapike. Sphyraena qinie Klunz. Lihatlah: cumumbu, sangkeɗa. ndoo1 vn. botak, gundul. bald, baldheaded. Lihatlah: hindoo. ndoo2 n. gong bergantung yg besar. suspended bass gong, a hanging bossed gong of large size. Lihatlah: tawa-tawa, ndengu-ndengu. ndoo-ndoolonga cmpd n. suara besar, seperti gong. raise one's voices loud, like a gong. ndo'u vt [-o]. minum. drink. Pondo'u'akono e'e. Minumkan air. (dlm kesulitan ****) Drink some water. (to aid in swallowing) mokokondo'u vn. haus. thirsty. ndino'u n. air minum. drinking water. ndundi n. sm kecoak. large cockroach. nduu n. gebukan, bunyi gedebuk. thump, the sound of a bump or thump. konduu-nduu vi. bergebuk-gebukan. go around making bumping, thumping sounds.

necu konecu-necu mau jalan, tetapi belum tahan betul (tt bayi). take shaky steps, take one's first steps (said of babies). Lihatlah: lampa, konano-nano [nano]. nee vi. kembali ke bentuk dulunya dng mendadak (spt gelang rambut elastik atau gelang karet yg dikencangkan). spring back into shape (as an elastic hair band or rubber band that had been stretched out). Lihatlah: wosi. nee-nee vt [-'o]. merentang sesuatu yg elastik. stretch out s.o. which is elastic. peneeri vn. bergerak. stretch. A'ikopo kai peneeri poɗeamo kai wangu. Disitu baru ia bergerak, sudah sadar, langsung bangun. With that, he stretched awake and got up. negara n. negara. nation, national. nene Asal: PMP *niniq 'a plant, Donax cannaeformis'. n. sm tumbuhan. a plant of the arrowroot family. Donax canniformis (G. Forster) K. Schumann. nenensu vt [-ho]. menggoncangkan, kasih goyang (msl pohon supaya buahnya jatuh). shake (for example a tree so that its fruit falls down). penenensu vi. goyang. shake, wobble. tanenensu %%. tak tegak berdirinya (msl sambil melintasi lantai yg goyang sedikit). be unsteady on one's feet (for example crossing a wobbly floor). Lihatlah: sarerempa.

neno moneno vn.


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berbisul-bisul, 89


ngenge berbintik-bintik pd kulit, msl dng jerawat, ruam, cacar air, dsb. having the skin spotted with infections or sores as with acne, a rash, chicken pox, etc.

nenu monenu vn. goyang. wobbly.

neru n. air mani. semen. nete vi. meniti. cross over using a plank or bamboo bridge.

nete'a n. titian, tempat bertitian. small bridge, plank or bamboo for crossing over on.

neua n. lebah lokal Sulawesi. Sulawesi honey bee. Apis nigrocincta Smith.

ngai-ngai n. sm serangga, ****. k.o. insect, named after the sound it produces.

ngaji vi vt [-o]. mengaji. recite from the Qur'an. — n. pengajian. ceremonial recitation.

ngale kangale-ngale %%. melakukan secara pelanpelan dan tekun. do something in a slow and diligent manner. ngalu n. angin. wind. kongalu %%. berangin. breezy, windy. kongalu-ngalu %%. berangin. windy, breezy. Ke hinai kongalu-ngalu, ɓei merara. Kalau tidak berangin, akan bersinar panas. If it weren't breezy, it would be blazing hot. pecingalu-ngalu vi. tiup-tiup angin segar. gently breezy. ngamba n. kusta. leprosy.


tondo ngapi. **** We whitewash the fence with lime. ngara vt [-'o]. melihat sesuatu di atas, menengadahi. look up at. Ngara'o ɓicu'o! Lihatlah bintang! Look at the stars! — vi. berhenti, menyerahkan diri. resign oneself, give up. Kungaramo, hinamo kutewali'akono! Saya pasrah, saya tidak sanggup lagi! I give up, I can't do this anymore! ngara-ngara vt [-'o]. melihat-lihat ke atas, memandang sesuatu di atas. stare up at, observe st.h. up above. pengara vi. melihat ke atas, menengadah. look upwards, gaze upwards. kongara-ngara vi. melihat-lihat ke atas. stare upwards.

ngare mongare vn.

malas. lazy. Ndopentaamo, ndomongaremo lumako. Mereke berhenti, mereka capai pergi. They stopped, they were tired of walking.

ngaru kongaru-ngaru vi.

menggeram (tt babi); menggerutu. grunt (as of pigs); grumble, complain. Hapa'indamo ukongaru-ngaru'ako? Kenapa kamu sedang menggerutu? What are you grumbling about?

ngasa mangasa vn. bosan, rasa dibosani. bored, tired

manganca vn. terlalu tajam (rasanya). sharp, biting (of taste). Io poo maca, imanganca. Mangga bacang, terlalu tajam rasanya. Horse mangos have a biting taste. nganga n. mulut (bagian dalam). interior mouth area. sanganga n. kata. word. Kuto'orimo sanganga-sanganga pogau ngKulisusu. Saya sudah tahu beberapa kata bahasa Kulisusu. I already know a few words of Kulisusu. nganga oraha cmpd n. lekuk dada. substernal notch (depression just below the sternum).

nganto monganto vn. mudah diputus (tt tangkai, cabang, dsb). easily breakable (of stems, branches, etc.).

ngao-ngao n. bunyi dengung layang-layang yg dipasangi alat berbunyi. buzzing sound made by a kite with a noisemaker attached. kangao-ngao n. alat berbunyi, berbentuk busur, yg dipasang pd layang-layang. bow-shaped noisemaker attatched to kites. ngapa n. tepi pantai, pelabuhan, tempat simpan sampan. a cove, sandy stretch, or other place 90

along the coast where small boats are beached.

ngapi n. kapur. lime, whitewash. Tojampu'ako

of, lazy about. Isee mangasa leu i Ereke. Jangan bosan datang ke Eereke. Don't be lazy about coming to Ereke.

ngawu mangawu vn. agak padat tetapi halus. rather solid and dense, but also delecate.

ngee n. nama. name. — vt [-ho]. menyebut. name, mention. Hinapo kungeeho. Saya belum menyebutnya. I haven't mentioned it yet. ngee-ngee vt [-ho]. menyebut-nyebut. keep mentioning. Hapai kau pongee-ngee a'iko, a'iko apuntomo i Wolio? Kenapa engkau menyebut-nyebut itu, itulah tuhan kita di Wolio? Whay do you keep saying that, that that is our Wolio lord? kangee-ngee n. julukan. nickname. ngineehako Bentuk lain: ngineahako. vn. bernama. be named.

ngenge mongenge vn. bercacat (msl parang yg jatuh dan cacat pd sebagian kecil matanya). deformed, dented (for a example a machete which falls and

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




its blade becomes dented). Lihatlah: mongero [ngero]. ngengeo n. mimisan, darah keluar dr hidung. blood from the nose.

ngere kongere-ngere vi. terbuka lebar (spt luka). (split) wide open (as a wound).

ngero mongero vn. **** (spt mata parang), bersela, ompong, celah (gigi). chinked (as of a machete blade), gapped, missing (teeth). ngibi n. sm_tarian. k.o. shuffle dance performed by girls and young women often in groups of three, the middle dancer with fluid motions and the two outer dancers performing a shuffle dance in mirror-image to each other. — vi. ****. dance the shuffle dance. Lihatlah: balumpa, kompania, lense, pangaru, pomaani, wele. ngili-ngili n. pelipis. temple (of body).

ngilu mongilu vn. asam, kecut. sour.


tamano. Hidungnya seperti ibunya tetapi bibirnya seperti ayahnya. Her nose is like her mother's but her lips are like her father's. ngkani n. sj botol tinggi dari zaman Belanda, terbuat dr belanga. k.o. tall stoneware bottle from the Dutch colonial era. ngkara n. langkah. stride. pengkara vi. ****. stretch feet wide, back to front. ondau ngkara clause_idiom. berlangkah yang panjang. take long strides, have a long stride. I'ondau ngkaramiu. Langkahmu panjang. You take long strides. ompuɗu ngkara clause_idiom. berlangkah yang pendek. take short strides, have a short stride. I'ompuɗu ngkaramiu. Langkahmu pendek. You take short steps. ngka'umpeha Lihatlah: ka'umpeha. ngkawota n. kacang mete yg masih hijau, berisi tetapi belum masak. a green cashew seed, having a nut inside but not yet ripe.

ngkeɗo mongkeɗo vn. pincang, timpang. lame, walk with

tengingia vi. senyum kelihatan gigit. show one's teeth in a smile. Lihatlah: kokomo-komo [komo], kongiri-ngiri [ngiri], tengoi [ngoi]. ngira n. gusi, daging gigi. gums of mouth.


a limp.

kongkeɗo-ngkeɗo vi. berjalan pincang. limp along, walk with a limp.

ngkee n. rengek. the sound of whimpering. kongkee %%. menangis, merengek. whimper,

kongiri-ngiri %%. tersenyum kelihatan gigi. grin, smile so that one's teeth show. Lihatlah: kokomo-komo [komo], tengingia [ngingia], tengoi [ngoi]. ngisi n. gigi. tooth. ngisi molea cmpd n. lipan bara. poinsonous centipede (so named because of its painful bite). ngkaa-ngkaa n. sm burung. k.o. large bird. ngkaa-ngkaa'ai Bentuk lain: ngkangka'ai. n. sekarang. now, at present. ngkabula n. sm siput laut. k.o. edible marine univalve mollusk. ngkahaho vt [-%]. berbisik-bisik. whisper. pengkahaho vi. berbisik-bisik. whisper. La Mimi ipengkahaho te La Jaa. **** Mimi is whispering to Jaa. pengka-pengkahaho vi. berbisik-bisik. whisper. mengka-mengkahaho **** ****


pengkere vi. ****. stretch feet wide from side to side. Lihatlah: pengkara. dng pahanya terbuka (sambil berdiri, duduk, berjongkok, dsb). with the thighs open (while standing, sitting, squating, etc.). ngkiɗa-ngkiɗa n. 1) persimpangan, perempatan jalan, simpang empat. crossroads, intersection. 2) tapak-tapak. sea star, starfish. ngkiɗa-ngkiɗa memea cmpd n. tapak-tapak bertanduk. horned sea star. Protoreaster nodosus. ngkiɗa-ngkiɗa mo'uso cmpd n. tapak-tapak lingkia biru. blue linckia starfish. Linckia laevigata.

kongkere-ngkere vi.

ngkii pengkii vi. menaikkan sarung atau celana sampai

mokongkalama vn. geli. amused, tickled.

ngkalomba n. ****. an immature fruit of the coconut palm, larger than a kalo'u-lo'u but smaller than a cipaka. Lihatlah: cipaka, kalo'u-lo'u. ngkana %%. sebagaimana, seperti. like, as. Engeno ngkanao cinano, ako wiwi huuno ngkanao 10/4/2013



di paha agar tidak basah pd saat jalan di kali atau laut. roll up sarong or pants legs as far as the thigh so they don't get wet when walking in a stream or the ocean.

ngkila mongkila vn. ****. shiny.

ngkilo vt [-'o]. membersihkan. clean.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




mongkilo vn. bersih. clean. e'e mongkilo air bersih clean water Ke hiina imongkilo sampa raja, iwu'ohio mbendua. Kalau sauhnya tidak bersih, dia mencucinya sekali lagi. If the anchor is not clean, he washes it off again. Searti: molani. ngkiniwia n. sore, petang hari. evening. ipua ngkiniwia lusa sore in the evening two days from now sangkiniwiano %%. pas sore, sore menjelang malam, pada waktu terbenam matahari, biasanya jam enamlah. right at sunset or shortly thereafter, evening with night approaching, around 6 pm or shortly thereafter. Sangkiniwiano ndopereremo. **** They are about to commence the circumcision ceremony at sundown. ngkolu vn. keriting. curly, kinky. ngkolu wuu keriting rambut kinky-haired wuu ngkumolu rambut keriting kinky, frizzy hair Lihatlah: rangki. ngkolu-ngkolu n. sisanya skap tangan. wood shavings, curls of wood. Lihatlah: rob*a. ngkoo-ngkoo n. 1) sj keong. horned helmet conch (k.o. large marine univalve). Cassis cornuta L. 2) sangka, sangkakala, terompet yg dibuat dr kulit keong besar. conch-shell trumpet, a trumpet made from conch or other large shell. -ngku Bentuk lain: -ku (the variant -ku occurs when the consonant of the preceding syllable is prenasalized). prn. orang pertama tunggal kasus genitif. first person singular genitive. torompuku parangku my short sword ngkulai vi. tinggi sekali. exceedingly tall. ni'i ngkulai pohon kelapa yg sudah tua dan tinggi sekali, dan tidak produktif lagi an old, very tall coconut palm that is no longer productive

ngkule mongkule vn. lemah, lembek. weak.

ngkuli-ngkuli n. sm siput laut. cerith (a k.o. edible marine gastropod). Cerithium spp. Lihatlah: kuli.

ngkuru tengkungkuru vn. kisut (tt kain, muka orang, kulitnya kembili yg tua, dsb). wrinkled (of cloth, person's face, skin of old yam, etc.). ngkuru-ngkuru n. alat penangkap ikan kecil. k.o. net or trap for catching small fish.


hint of a smile.

ngoro kongoro-ngoro vi.

1) berdengkur. 2) menguak. bleat, croak, moo.


nguɗa monguɗa vn. mudah, gampang. easy. Lihatlah: motopu [topu2].

ngule-ngule n. lengan (bagaian bawah), pergelangan tangan. forearm, wrist.

nguli n. taring. tusk. ngulia n.

babi babyrussa.




ngunsu pengunsu vi. mengendus. sniff. tengunsu-ngunsu vn. ****. sniff.

ngura mongura vn. muda. young, not yet mature.

ngure kongure-ngure %%. terurai (rambut). hanging loosely (of hair).

nia mania vn. lembat. slow.

niati meniati. wish, hope for. nigi-nigi n. kelapa parut. fresh-grated coconut. ni'i [ni'i] n. pohon kelapa dan buahnya. coconut


palm and its fruit. Cocos nucifera L. ni'i mocu'a kelapa tua ripe coconut, the water inside sloshes ni'i mpate'o a dark-skinned, old coconut, good for making oil n. tali nilon, tali pancing dr nilon. nylon rope, nylon fishing line.

ninci koninci-ninci %%.

hujan pelan-pelan, hujan gerimis. spitting rain, drizzling. ningko vt [-ho]. membuat benang dari kapas. spin a thread from cotton fibers. nini n. agas. sand fly. Lihatlah: pepi. nipa n. pohon nipah. mangrove palm. Nypa fruticans Wurmb.

nipi monipi vn. tipis. thin (of flat objects such as boards, paper, etc.). Imonipi wiwi huuno. Bibirnya tipis. She has thin lips. nisipu n. Nisful Syakban, hari ke-15 Syakban. Nisful Sha'ban, the 15th of Sha'ban.

niu moniu vn. berat (manusia, misalnya). heavy (said of people). Lihatlah: mo/ɓea.

kongoi-ngoi senyum ****. smile with the

njala-njala vi. pulang pokok (tidak beruntung dan

corners of the ips slightly raised. tersenyum. smile. Lihatlah: kokomo-komo [komo], tengingia [ngingia], kongiri-ngiri [ngiri].

tidak rugi), seri, impas. break even (not make a profit or loss), equal, even, square, paid off. Ukona? - Hiina, njala-njala. Apakah kamu untung? - Tidak, seri saja Did you make

tengoi vi.


tengongoi vi. menyunggingkan senyum. give a

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




anything? - No, I broke even. prn. orang ketiga tunggal kasus genitif. third person singular genitive. ??no name white Pacific atys. Atys naucum L. ??no name subulate auger. Terebra subulata L. ??no name ****. lipstick tree. ??no name kue jagung goreng. corn fritters. ??no name flamboyan, merak. flamboyant tree. Delonix regia Bojer. ??no name bunga kertas. bougainvillia. Bougainvillea glabra. ??no name pohon kuping tikus, pohon patah tulang. Indian tree spurge, pencil tree, pencil cactus, milk bush. Euphorbia tirucalli L. ??no name kaktus prickly pear. prickly pear cactus. Opuntia spp. nohi vt [-o]. ****. strip (for example to strip a palm leaflet leaving only the rib). Ponohiakono ue ɓo kangkopuruno sambure. **** Strip some rattan to make a whisk broom tie. Ponohiakono poɗa, isee ta'owu. **** dengan pisau, jangan pakai parang. Strip it off with a knife, don't use a machete. Lihatlah: puruhi. nohu n. lesung. mortar. nohu labu sj lesung kecil terbuat dr besi k.o. small mortar and pestle made from cast iron


noko monoko vn. nyenyak (tt tidur). sound, fast (of sleep).

nomo- bound num. enam. six. Lihatlah: onoo. nona1 monona vn. betul, benar. true. Imolaa monona. Jarang betul. It is truly rare / seldom seen / very uncommon. Hii monona. **** **** kamonona n. kebenaran. truth, veracity. samononahano adv. sebenarnya. in truth, in fact. Ana hako a'iso ndolawanimo: Samononahano, io ingkaimo a'ai anamiu. Anak-anak itu menjawab: Sebenarnya sudah kami inilah anakmu. Those children replied: In truth we are your children. nona2 n. kayu bekas pembakaran di kebun. charred wood remaining after burning a garden plot. Lihatlah: inoto, olito, ongona. nonaampusa %%. merasa lelah dan kotor. feel tired and dirty. nonawa n. lingkungan. neighborhood. nonawamai lingkungan kami our neighborhood nopu n. ikan batu, ikan yg tinggal diam berbentuk batu, duri di punggungnya dapat menginjeksikan bisu yg mematikan. stonefish. Synanceichthys verrucosa. nopuno wita nph. kalajenking. scorpion.

nosa 10/4/2013

monosa vn. terlalu lembek. soft.

noto monoto vn. 1) teduh, tenang, tidak ada angin. calm, windless. 2) diam, tidak ada suara. silent. Hapai ka ndomonoto saluwu'inda? Mengapa semua mereka diam? Why are they all silent? nsere-nsere n. sirip perut dan sirip dubur ikan. pelvic and anal fins of a fish. nsinga n. jarak (tinggi) ekor ikan, dari ujung sisik ke ujung sisik, terutama ikan hiu dan ikan besar lainnya. vertical length of a fish tail, measured from tip of upper tail lobe to tip of lower tail lobe, especially of sharks and other large fish. mansinga vn. lebar. wide, sticking out. ɓiri mansinga telinga lebar ears that stick out

nsoo konsoo-nsoo berubah-ubah, turun naik. fluctuate, go up and down. Ikonsoo-nsoo ngalu. Angin berubah-ubah. The wind is unsteady. Ikonsoo-nsoo ropeno. Haluan kapal turun naik. The boat's bow is going up and down. ntaa vt [-'o]. menugguh. await. montaa oto menungguh mobil wait for an auto Tontaa'o rusa. Kita menunggu rusa. Let's wait for the deer. ntaa-ntaa vt [-'o]. menungguh. await. Ntaa-ntaa'omo. Tungguh dia. Wait for him. pentaa vi. 1) berhenti. stop, finish, come to an end. 2) berlibur (dari sekolah dsb.). be on holiday (from school, etc.). Ndopentaamo tabea tanggali hoalu wula otolu. Mereka berlibur sampai tanggal delapan bulan tiga. They're off from school until the eighth of March. papentaa vt [-ho]. membuat jadi berhenti. halt, bring to a stop. nta'ano %%. hanya. only, just. Nta'ano saluwu'indamo. Hanya ini semuanya. Just these are all of them. ntamate n. tomat. tomato. Lycopersicon esculentum Miller.

ntanda kontanda-ntanda vi. berjongkok. squat, sit around squating. Lihatlah: kohongko-hongko [hongko], toro-1. ntanga-ntanga n. jarak (tumbuhan). castor oil plant. Ricinus communis L. ntanga-ntanga jawa cmpd n. sm tumbuhan. k.o. plant. ntanga-ntanga keu cmpd n. jarak. jatropha, physic nut, purging nut. Jatropha curcas L. ntapi n. lapis. layer. kulambu picu ntapi kelambu yang tebalnya tujuh lapis seven-layered bed curtain Lihatlah: tapi.

ntaso Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




montaso vn. tajam. sharp.

ntauɓa-uɓa n. sm siput laut. k.o. top shell. -nto Bentuk lain: -to (the variant -to occurs when the consonant of the preceding syllable is prenasalized). prn. orang pertama jamak kasus genitif (kolektif). first person plural genitive (collective). ntomba %%. tanah liat. earthenware. kawali ntomba cmpd n. kuali tanah liat. earthenware pan. kuro ntomba cmpd n. kuali tanah liat. earthenware cookpot. ntonia baru. new, recent. anu ntonia barang baru new things, new stuff ɓalaki ntonia ikan **** yg masih baru a freshly caught mackerel ntotoɓo n. jagung rebus. boiled ears of corn, corn-

on-the-cob. Lihatlah: kambose. — vt [-'o]. menjadikan jagung rebus. make into boiled ears of corn. Mongurano, tontotoɓo'o. Yang muda, kita menjadikan jagung rebus. The young ears we boiled. nuncuri vt [-o]. menyusul dan menangkap. track down and find. Lihatlah: nunu. nunu1 n. pohon beringin. banyan tree. Ficus benyamina. nunu2 vt [-o]. menyusul. follow (in hope of catching up with), set out after. Lihatlah: laha, nuncuri. pekanunu vr. baku ikut, baku cocok, bersetuju. follow each other, be compatible with each other, be agreed. Lihatlah: pekalaha [laha]. nunu nsala cmpd vt_[-'o]. menyusul ****. trace someone's steps.

O - o -o

Bentuk lain: -ho ; -'o (the form is lexically determined by the verb stem to which the pronoun attaches). prn. orang ketiga tunggal kasus akusatif. third person singular accusative. oboro n. obor. torch made from a piece of bamboo, one end of which has been filled with kerosene and plugged with a cloth. oci n. air laut yg dangkal; meti, air surut. shallow ocean water; ebb, low tide. laewo i oci gelombang breakers pina'i oci air turun low tide umpa i oci **** disembark into shallow water Lihatlah: pasi. ka'ocia n. *****. the strip of land which becomes exposed at low tide. mo'oci vn. surut tahi. at ebb, at low tide. Hinapo imo'oci. Belum surut tahi. It's not yet low tide. pongoci n. siput. snail. — vi. ****. hunt for seafood along the shore and in shallow ocean water. oco vt [-'o]. membujuk. persuade. oco-oco vt [-'o]. membujuk-bujuk. ****. ocu vi. berkentut. fart. ocuwe n. tengkal tangan (dari ujung ibu jari sampai ujung jari kelingking). handspan (from tip of thumb to tip of pinky). ocu-ocuwe n. ulat jengkal. inchworm. ocuwe nsisu cmpd n. jengkal tangan (dari ujung ibu jari sampai ujung jari telunjuk). handspan (from tip of thumb to tip of index finger). Ode gelar yg dipakai oleh anggota bangsawan. title used by members of the noble class. Lihatlah: 94

Laode, Waode.

oeo n. sj tumbuhan yg naik merambat di pohon. k.o. vine with cordate leaves. n. sepeda motor ****, ojek. motorcyle used to carry one or two paying passengers. pe'oje vi. ****. travel on a motorcycle (as a paying passenger). okiɗi Lihatlah: ikiɗi.


oko ko'oko-oko vi. meniarap. lie prone, lie on one's stomach.

ngko'oko terletak posisi tiarap. lying in a prone position.

tepo'oko vi. jatuh tiarap. fall flat on one's front.

okowi vt [-o]. mengeram. brood. okuɗa vn. dekat. close, nearby. okuɗa pato pulu kira-kira empat puluh close to forty okuɗa sata'u hampir satu tahun close to one year Entaano, okuɗamo kana ungkuɗe. Tingginya hampir sama saya. He's almost as tall as I am. okuɗahi vt [-o]. mendekati. approach. ola vt [-'o]. mengolah. prepare, process. olai vn. jauh. far, distant. ɓaolai %%. berjauhan. be far apart. olaro vn. dalam. deep. Ee riai olaro. Sumur di sini dalam. The well here is deep. ka'olaro n. dalam, kedalaman. depth. Ee a'iso, ka'owoseno rua hektar, ka'olarono lima ropa. Air itu, luasnya dua hektar, dalamnya lima depa. That pond, its expanse is two hectares, its depth five fathoms.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




oleo n. hari, matahari. day, sun. oleo a'ai nph. hari ini. today. entaa oleo %%. tinggi matahari (kira-kira jam 9 pagi). midmorning (about 9 o'clock). entaamo oleo **** it's already midmorning ntonga oleo %%. siang. midday. ompuɗu oleo, ompuɗuno oleo %%. sore. late afternoon, time close to sunset. matano oleo nph. matahari. sun, disc of the sun. sa'oleo'o adv. sepanjang hari. all day long, the entire day. oli n. harga. price. — vt [-o]. membeli. buy. Ompole inolimu. Banyak pembelianmu. You bought alot. Po'oli momuɗa, i'asoo mohalimo. Dia membeli murah, dijual mahal. He bought it low, and sold it high. olia vn. tenang, baik. peaceful, good. olima num. lima. five. Lihatlah: lima-. oliso n. biji, benih. seed, grain. sa'oliso pae satu biji beras a grain of rice olisono puri nph. kelentit. clitoris. Searti: para. olito n. puntung kayu, sisanya api masak, sisa-sisa kecil kayu yg terbakar. charred sticks, small pieces of charred wood leftover from a cooking fire. Lihatlah: ongona. oliwi vt [-ho]. menasehati. advise. pe'oliwi vt [-ho]. menasehati, mengusulkan. advise, suggest. Ipe'oliwiho andino lako i Madura ɓei lako mepakuli. Adiknya menasehatinya pergi ke Madura supaya diobati. His younger brother advised him to go to Madura so that he could go get treated. — vi. memberi saranan, mengusul, memesan. give advice, make a suggestion. — n. nasehat, saran, usul, permohonan. advice, suggestion, request. Pe'oliwino kaakau, ɓou ɓansulepo i Kolensusu. Saran kakakmu kamu pulang ke Kulisusu. Your brother requests you to return to Kulisusu. pine'oliwi n. ****. request, specifically a requested item. Ke hiina imoɓeamiu, ɗumaa ɓo pine'oliwingku. Io hapa ɓo pine'oliwimiu? **** If it's not too much of a burden for you, I have a request - What is it (the item) that you want?

olo1 oloci vt [-o]. kasih batas pd, membataskan, melokalisasi (msl lokalisasi pd kebun sebelum dibakar). set the boundary of, restrict to a certain area (for example, locating the bounds of a garden before burning). pe'olo vi. membagi, terutama membagi kebun dng kasih batas. divide, especially dividing a garden 10/4/2013

plot by making a boundary line. Lihatlah: ɓage.

olota batasan. border, boundary. i olota di batasan, di antara on the border, between Raha nsikola ipo'ia i olotano Lantagi te Wakurempa. Raha sekolah terletak pada batasan di antara Lantagi dengan Wakurempa. The schoolhouse lies on the border between Lantagi and Wakurempa. Pia ta'u olotando ana ngkaaka te ana ngko'orua? Berapa tahun perbedaannya antara anak pertama dan anak kedua? How many years apart are your first and second children? olo2 vn. berhenti berbuah semusim. stop fruiting for a season. I'olo ni'i. Sudah berhenti berbuah pohon kelapa semusim. The coconut tree has stopped fruiting for now. oloi n. jari manis (tangan atau kaki). ring finger, fourth toe. Lihatlah: kaninsi, laki lima [laki]. olomo vt [-ho]. menelan. swallow. Lihatlah: udo. oloncuɗuo n. halaman. yard, premises. Mewangu mewangu, oloncuɗuo a'iso isinambore. Tiaptiap pagi halaman itu disapu. Every morning this yard is swept. oloso n. pohon kedondong kecil dan daunnya. ambarella tree, its leaves and its olive-sized fruits. Spondias mombin L. olota Lihatlah: olo-1. olowa vi. beristeri lebih dari seorang, berpoligami. have more than one wife, have multiple wives. mia umolowa orang beristeri lebih dari seorang a person with more than one wife Mia ri'ai, pande olowa. Orang sini suka poligami. People here like to have more than one wife.

olu1 mo'olu vn. mendung, mau hujan. cloudy, overcast, wanting to rain. Imo'olupo oleo kami ɓansule i Rombo. ***** Later when the sky is overcast, you all can return to Rombo. oluha n. tempat yg teduh. shady spot. olumi vt [-o]. menaungi. overshadow. pe'olu vi. istirahat, singgah sebentar di tempat berteduh. rest, take a respite in a sheltered spot. Tope'olupo i tontono keu. Mari kita istirahat di bawah pohon. Let's stop and rest under the tree. pe'olua n. tempat istirahat yg teduh. a shady spot for resting. olu2 vt [-'o]. mengikat. tie. Lihatlah: koo. te'olu vn. terikat. tied, knotted. te'olu mpusu terikat dua kali knotted twice te'olu ngkamanda terikat seperti tali sepatu knotted in a shoestring knot ombawo Lihatlah: umbawo. ombo Inombo. Diperam. Ripened.


Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




omo-omo vt [-ho]. mengisap-isap. suck on (as a piece of candy). ompo n. sm sero kecil ****. a kind of small wier trap especially for catching small fish when the tide goes out. Lihatlah: ɓala. ompole vn. banyak. many. ompoleha %%. ****. ****. Keto peko'iri ri'ai Kampo Entaa, ɓo ramehano, kei ɗumaa acarano ompolehano mia. **** **** ompuɗu vn. pendek, rendah. short in length or height. onda1 n. sisik (ikan, ular, kaki ayam, dsb.). scales (of fish, snake, chicken's foot, etc.). ondapi vt [-o]. menyisiki. scale, remove the scales of. onda2 n. ****. centipede or millipede. ondau vn. panjang. long. onde-onde n. kue kelepon. k.o. ball-shaped pastry made from rice flour dough with a sweet filling, boiled then rolled in grated coconut. ondo n. gadung, ubi gadung, ubi arak. bitter yam. Dioscorea hispida Dennst. Pakulino keto molangu'ako ondo topondo'u e'eno winolano pae. Obatnya kalau kita mabuk dengan ubi gadung, yaitu kita minum air bubur beras. The cure if we are sick from bitter yam is we drink the liquid from rice porridge. ondu n. embun. dew. ongona n. kayu terbakar yg besar (sisanya api). large pieces of charred wood (leftover from a fire). laro ongona pohon yg sudah lama jatuh atau ditebang an old, fallen over or cut down tree with its branches Lihatlah: olito, rawasa. onicu n. setan. evil spirit. ko'onicu %%. memeliki setan, memelihara setan. harboring or possessed by an evil spirit. onini vt [-o]. menghilangkan (noda), melepaskan (baju), membersihkan (piring dsb). remove (a stain), take off (clothes), clear away (dishes etc). te'onini vn. terhilang, bisa dihilangkan. removed, removable. Kei aruho ɓajunto kolanda, hiina ite'onini. Kalau baju kamu terkena bernoda (airnya jambu monyet), tidak bisa dihilangkan. If it (cashew apple juice) makes contact with your clothes staining them, it can't be removed. onoo num. enam. six. Lihatlah: nomo-. onto vt [-ho]. melihat, menonton. look, see. Lihatlah: wulaci. onto-onto vt [-ho]. melihat-lihat, memadang. look at, observe. pa'onto pa'onto-onto wutono memperkenalkan dirinya introduce oneself, make oneself known te'onto vi. kelihatan. seen, visible. Kando pina'i ɓo nangiando a'iso hiina ite'onto lipu. Mereka 96

turun di tempat berenangnya itu, tidak kelihatan gunung. And they went down to their place for swimming, and land was not visible. Lembahi te'onto. Sudah lama tidak kelihatan. Long time no see. po'ontoha n. tempat menonton, tontonan, tempat keramaian. festivities, show, performance. I po'ontoha toɓa'awamo ɗuka. Di tempat keramaian kita ketemu lagi. We'll see you at the festivities. onua n. anoa pegunungan. mountan anoa. Bubalus (Anoa) quarelsi. oo1 excl. kata seruang untuk menegur kenalan, hai!, o! call word to get a friend's attention, hey!, usually followed by the person's name or some other term of address. Oo saɓangka! Io hapa ɓo lako? Hai teman! Mau ke mana? Hey friend! Where are you going? Lihatlah: he. oo2 Searti: uu-2. o'ombu n. sembung. camphor plant. Blumea spp? opa n. kembili, ubi kembili. lesser yam. Dioscorea esculenta (Lour.) Burkill. opa kambewaha cmpd n. ubi kembili yg bundar-bundar. a lesser yam tuber that is squat and roundish. opa loli cmpd n. ubi kembili yg panjang dan agak langsing. a lesser yam tuber that is long and somewhat slender. opa nsuli cmpd n. ubi kembili yg panjang dan besar. a lesser yam tuber that is long and stout. opaa num. empat. four. Lihatlah: pato-. opia num. berapa. how many. Opia io ana buamiu? Berapa muridmu? How many pupils do you have? Opiamo umuruno? Sudah berapa umurnya? How old is he? Lihatlah: pia. opicu num. tujuh. seven. Lihatlah: picu. opopo n. kotoran. dirt, contaminant. usu opopo masuk kotoran, dikotorkan (****) (for example, the cause of meat not developing normally inside a coconut) ora %%. to'oramo **** **** oraha n. dada. chest (of the body). Searti: wawo nsusu [wawo]. nganga oraha cmpd n. lekuk dada. substernal notch (depression just below the sternum). orawa n. sm pohon. kind of tree, the wood of which is used for boat planks. orima vn. disayangkan. regretted. Tei orima kai moɗaki. Disayangkan sampai rusak. It was regretted until it was ruined. orimani vt [-o]. menghematkan. economize, be thrifty with. orio Lihatlah: mo'orio. oriu n. tiang lantai bawah. floor support post, short

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




posts which support only the floor beams of a house. Lihatlah: mancu. orua num. dua. two. Lihatlah: rua-. orusu vt [-'o]. urus. arrange.

osi me'osi vn. sering. often. me'osi mondo'u sering minum drinks often Lihatlah: mempisi [pisi], mencundu [cundu]. osio num. sembilan. nine. Lihatlah: sio-. osole n. enjelai, juga disebut jelai atau jali. Job's tears. Coix lacryma-jobi L. Searti: ɗale. oto n. mobil, oto. car, automobile. oto mpelogo oto balapan race car otolu num. tiga. three. Lihatlah: tolu-. ou n. depan, muka, luar. front, before, preceding, outside, usually preceded by the preposition i. i ou **** **** peri'ou vi. di depan, pertama, dulu. go in front, be in front, go first, precede, ahead. mia mperi'ou orang dulu people living in earlier times, ancestors Inggomiu mperi'ou. ****

Please, you go first. Kinaa mperi'ou, te gandu. Nasi dulu, (kemudian) gandu. Rice first, corn (later). Oto meri'ou, minaa i Bonegunu; oto ngko'orua, minaa i Ereke. Mobil pertama dari Bonegunu; yang kedua dari Ereke. The car in front came from Bonegunu; the second one from Ereke. Mihulemo peri'ou i rahano raja, aripo kaku hule. Pergilah dulu ke rumah raja, nanti saya akan menyusul. You all go ahead to the king's house, I'll come later. owihi vt [-o]. mengupas dng pisau (spt mangga). peel with a knife (as a mango). Io poo maca, to'owihio kato kaaho. Mangga bacang, kita mengupas lalu makan. The horse mango, we peel it then we eat it. Lihatlah: ɗeɗehi, kulisi [kuli], lulasi, wura. owingkeu Lihatlah: uwi ngkeu [uwi]. owola n. sm pohon. k.o. tree, the wood is used for fence posts and boat ****. owose vn. besar. big, large, great, thick (of rope). owu vi. ****. clear forest to make a garden plot.

P - p pa'a1 n. paha. thigh. cundu mpa'a cmpd n. bagian paha ****. part of the thigh immediately above the knee.

pa'a2 setandan kelapa dng buahnya. a fruiting stalk of the coconut palm with its fruit. Awao ni'i sapa'ao. Ambillah kelapa, seluruh tandannya. Fetch the coconuts, bring an entire stalk. paala n. pala. nutmeg. Myristica fragrans Houtt. paapa n. sang ibu, istilah sangat formil untuk memanggil ibu. very formal term of address for one's mother. Lihatlah: ina, ibu, mama-1, cina. paata n. sm rumput. k.o. grass. paɓale n. **** supaya keras rambut. hair gel. Lihatlah: gulu-gulu, wiwiki. pacinci n. sm burung. k.o. bird. pacingara %%. kurang seimbang dengan lawannya. be incomensurate with one's opponent, be the underdog. Toɗulambata, rounomo ipacingara. Kita menyambung ayam, hanya yang kecil dengan taji, oleh karena dia tidak seimbang dengan lawannya. We'll fight cocks, only the smaller with a spur, because he is mismatched to his opponent paɗa1 n. bawah, bagain bawah. under part, underneath part. paɗa ato teritisan, tempat di bawah ujung atap di sekeliling rumah roof 10/4/2013

overhang, area between the ouside wall of a house and the eaves Searti: tonto-1. paɗa2 vt [-'o]. memadamkan. put out, blow out, extinguish. mompaɗa hulu memadamkan lampu blow out a lamp paɗaka1 vt [-o]. menendang betis. kick s.o. on their achilles tendon. Lihatlah: semba. kampaɗaka n. tendangan pd urat keting. a kick to the achilles tendon. paɗaka2 1) pangkal (pohon). base, bole (of a tree). Lihatlah: rapi. 2) tunggul, bekas tebang (pohon besar). stump (of a large tree). paɗamalala n. serei, daun serei. lemon grass. Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf. pađamara n. cempor, pelita minyak tanah yg dibuat dr kaleng bekas diberikan sumbu. small kerosene lamp consisting of a tin can and a wick. Lihatlah: hulu. pađamara guara pelita, lampu minyak kelapa. k.o. tradtional oil lamp. paɗangkaho cmpd n. piece of wood or bamboo attached to the tail end of the rafters and running the length of the eaves. Lihatlah: kaho. paɗangkuku n. padang rumput, rumputnya tidak terlalu tinggi. grassy field, the grass of which is short.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




paɗa-paɗa %%. sama-sama. equal. paɗa-paɗa indaɗe sama-sama mereka they are equals paɗewaka n. tongkang, sm perahu layar tradisional yg agak besar, digunakan pada zaman dahulu untuk pengangkutan barang antara pulau. k.o. traditional, large cargo ship formerly used in inter-island trade. Lihatlah: ɓangka, boti. paɗoko n. lap tangan. hand_towel. paɗurako vt [-ø]. makan (kata kasar). eat (used in a course sense), stuff or cram food into one's mouth. pae n. padi, beras. field rice, husked rice. pae ɗaga beras dagang commercial rice pae memea = pae pulu memea = pae pulu memea pae mongkunimo padi yang sudah kuning rice ready to be harvested (lit. rice already yellow) pae ngkowulu mata gabah rice which has been stripped off the stalk, but not yet husked pae pulu beras pulut, ketan glutinous rice, sticky rice pae pulu bula ketan putih white glutinous rice pae pulu halo ketan hitam black glutinous rice pae pulu memea ketan merah red glutinous rice pae tanta sm padi tanpa tugi panjang pd buliran k.o. rice without prominent awns on the spikelet pae to'u beras kampung padi ladang (harf: beras betul) rice grown in dry fields in village areas (lit. true rice) Lihatlah: alansara, wangkuđa. pagi1 n. ikan pari. k.o. ray fish, black on top, the underside white. Lihatlah: langke, wara-wara. pagi bua cmpd n. sm ikan pari. k.o. ray with a long tail (like the pagi buri). pagi buri cmpd n. sm ikan pari. leopard whipray. Himantura undulata Bleeker. pagi lombu cmpd n. sm ikan pari. k.o. ray. pagi2 n. kikir. file. pago n. bekas penggorengnya. sooty pieces (for example, of fish skin when the fish has been grilled). pahamu %%. setiap yg dilakukan, tdk ada yg salah. behave properly, always do what is right.

pa'i mopa'i vn. pahit. bitter.

paiasa n. cermin. mirror. pepaiasa vi. memakai cermin. use a mirror, look in a mirror.

pepaiasa'i vt [-'o]. menjadikan cermin. make into a mirror, use as a mirror. Pi'alo'ano, wacu a'ai ikombena. Io mia inimpia ndopepaiasa'io. **** This rock used to be shiny. People long ago used it as a mirror. pajali vi. selalu menang. always win. Lihatlah: pompotalo [talo]. pajara n. fajar. dawn. 98

paka1 n. ****. seabed of medium depth. paka2 vt [-ho]. memberi makanan. feed. pakani vt [-o]. menjamin seseorang. guarantee someone.

pakakasa n. perkakas. tools, implements. pake vt [-'o, -o]. memakai. use, wear. — vi. berpakaian. get dressed.

pakea n. pakaian. clothing. pakeaci vt [-o]. memakaikan. dress someone. tampu'uno pinakeaci **** beginning of getting dressed

pakiaci pepakiaci vi. ****. dress up, wear splendid clothes (as for a wedding).

pakobo %%. tidak membuka mulut, bertutup mulut. keep one's mouth shut, be close-lipped.

paku1 n. pakis, sayur paku. vegetable fern. Diplazium esculentum (Retz.) Sw.

paku2 vt [-'o]. ****. bend over, bend to the side. tepaku vn. condong, miring. bent over, leaning, inclinded to one side.

pakuli n. obat. medicine. palapawua Bentuk lain: lapawua. n. debu-debu (msl dari mobil yg lewat). dust (as from a passing car). palele n. k.o. fig tree. Ficus spp. pali1 n. kampak, kapak. axe. Lihatlah: b*ali-b*ali, kampa. pali2 n. ****. k.o. red, blistery disease, affecting the nape of the neck, hands and trunk (tonga) among other body parts; possibly shingles or measles. kopali %%. melepuh. affected by this disease.

pali3 palici vt [-o]. melingkar. coil around. Wola ipalicio ule. Ular melingkar tikus The snake coiled itself around the rat. Lihatlah: lekowi [leko]. mampali vn. terputar-putar, berliku-liku, berbelok-belok (dl perjalanan); kesusahan, kesukaran (berbicara). go around, proceed indirectly, circumlocute (in travel); have difficulty finding the right words (in speaking). tempali vi. terbelok. turned. Totempali'ako, tolaha-laha'omo laewo. Nanti kita terbelok, kita akan memburu-buru ombak. Once we have turned, we'll be chasing the waves.

pali4 palinga n. giliran. turn, play. palingangku giliranku my turn (to play, go, etc.)

palola n. terung. eggplant. Solanum melongena L. palu n. palu. hammer. Lihatlah: kampepe [pepe], langku. — vt [-'o]. memalu. hammer. Lihatlah: pepe.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




palu iki clause_idiom. ****. have knotted tail (congenital deformity in many Indonesian cats). paluɓaga n. bisul di pipi. abcess, boil on the cheek. Lihatlah: seua. palubutu n. ****. banana compote, k.o. saucy, sweet banana dish. Lihatlah: kola. palu-palu1 n. sm ikan. k.o. cardinalfish, very darkish. palu-palu2 n. palu-paluno cundu nph. otot silang leher. muscles in the nape of the neck. pama n. turbinaria (sm rumput laut). turbinaria (k.o. seaweed). Turbinaria spp. pamaura n. umpan. bait. kolo'umba ɓo pamaurano ika pong-pongan untuk umpan hermit crabs for fish bait sanduno pomaura i gai **** "for catching fish which are attracted to light" pambolaa n. plafon, langit-langit rumah. ceiling. pamula n. tali untuk memasang taji pd kaki ayam sambungan. string used to attach a gaff (artificial spur) to a fighting cock's leg. Lihatlah: taji. pamuru vi. beramuk, mengamuk. go berserk, run amuck. panad*a n. kue panada. k.o. fried bread with a spiced fish and/or noodle filling, having a puffy half-moon shape with a fluted seam along the crimped outer edge. panamba n. tudung saji. large cover which is placed over food. panda n. pandan wangi. fragrant pandan, fragrant screwpine. Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb. pandanga n. tombak dng mata besi. spear with a metal tip. Searti: karaɗa. pandangi vt [-o]. mengharapkan. hope for. — n. yg diharapkan. that which is hoped for. pande n. tukang, perajin, juru, ahli. expert, craftsman, someone skilled at a particular task. pande amara tukang marah a person who frequently angers pande ɓala orang yang pintar menangkap ikan dng sero someone skilled at catching fish in a wier trap pande ɓaca = pande lebe = pande lebe pande b*anguna ahli bangunan, arsitek architect, skilled builder pande bobo tukang marah a person who frequently angers pande ewa **** **** pande gara **** **** pande gau juru bicara**** speaker, spokesperson, someone competent at speaking; a person who mediates a marriage proposal pande ukiri tukang kayu carpenter pande lagu penyanyi singer pande mpekabua = pande ntahi pande mpohoru orang yg pintar menenun someone skilled at weaving cloth pande mpombulaa = pande ura = pande ura 10/4/2013

pande mpomoni pengemis beggar pande mponahu tukang masak chef, cook pande nahu = pande mponahu = pande mponahu pande nseu penjahit, tukang jahit seamster, seamstress, tailor pande ntahi nelayan, orang yang pintar mencari ikan fisherman, someone skilled at catching fish pande pogambara pelukis, juru gambar artist, illustrator pande ura tukang kebun, orang yang pintar nenanam farmer, gardener, someone skilled at planting and raising crops kapande vi. trampil. skilled, competent. Lihatlah: menciu [nciu]. kapande-pandea vi. ****. skilled at many tasks, be a jack-of-all-trades. pandita n. racun. poison. Lihatlah: ɓisa, racu. pando vt [-ho]. menombak. spear. Maina rusa pinandomiu itonia? Mana kijang baru tadi ditombak? Where is the deer you just speared? pando-pandono oleo nph. sinar mata hari yg masuk rumah atau tempat naungan lain. shafts of sunlight which penetrate into a house or other shaded area. pandola n. sm kerang bercangkang ganda. k.o. bivalve mollusk.

pane mopane vn. hangat. lukewarm.

panga vt [-ho]. memamah, terutama pinang. chew, masticate, especially betel quid. Hapa pinangamiu? Apa sedang kamu mamah? What are you chewing? Searti: mama. pompangana n. ****. container where betel chewing paraphenalia is kept. pangaawa n. layar. sail. pangaawa owose layar belakang main sail Lihatlah: jipu. pangaawa'i vt [-o]. memasangi layar. supply with a sail. koli-koli pinangaawa'i sampan yang dipasangi layar a dugout canoe supplied with a sail pangamea n. sm kerang laut. k.o. cone (marine mollusk) with characteristic orangish-red coloring on the inside of the aperature. Conus spp. panganta vi. bosan. bored. panga-panga n. sj ikan. k.o. fish, possibly a seaperch? pangaru n. sm tarian pencak memakai pisau atau parang, ****. k.o. mimed combat dance using machetes, daggers, bare hands, etc. usually performed by two men (uncommonly two women), with musical accompaniment on drum (pasala) and bass gong (ndoo). — vi. bermain pencak dgn pisau. dance the mined combat dance. Lihatlah: balumpa,

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




kompania, lense, manca, ngibi, pomaani, wele. pangembulu n. minyak untuk menggosok badan. oil for massaging. pangisi n. ****. fishing spear with a single barbed point. Lihatlah: kan/cika, sarampa-2, sosapa. pangka vi. menangis (anak). cry, fuss (as children). pangka kogara-gara menangis dengan suara keras cry with a loud voice pangka ko'aro-aro menangis dengan suara besar cry with a loud voice Hapai kai pangka? Kenapa dia menangis? Why is he crying? Lihatlah: ao, aro, ere, kimporo. pangko n. udang lipan, juga disebut udang mentadak atau udang ronggeng. k.o. mantis shrimp. Stomatopoda. pangu n. ****. ****. panguno pae **** a rice stalk with the grains stripped off panjara n. uang panjar. cash advance. pomoni panjara minta uang panjar ask for a cash advance panombo n. sangku, tempat nasi dan ubi kayu yg dikukus. colander used for serving rice and steamed cassava. Lihatlah: langka-langka [langka2]. panse tanah hitam di laut. black, somewhat clayey soil in the ocean. pansiko n. ****. eves, the overhanging portion of a roof. pansura n. saluran air pd cucuran atap, talang. gutter, rain gutter along the eves of a house. pantasa n. ranjang, tempat tidur. bed with a wooden or iron frame. Lihatlah: kasoro. pantasi %%. pantas. fitting, suitable, acceptable. pante n. ember. bucket. pantila n. karang gigi. tartar (on the teeth). kopantila %%. berkarang gigi. have tartar on the teeth. panto n. ****. decorative hairpiece. Lihatlah: popungu. pantoga n. kipas laut. sea fan. %%. panu n. sm penyakit, spt baiki. k.o. skin disease, similar to baiki. pa'o n. pahat. chisel. papa1 vt [-ho]. memapan. supply with planks, add planking to. bodi pinapa perahu kecil yg **** a k.o. small boat with one or two strakes of planks atop a dugout bottom kampapa n. papan untuk ****. strake, a side plank running the length of a small boat and forming the upper part of the hull. kampapa i mbui **** plank which forms the (square) stern of a boat Lihatlah: sarempa. papa2 n. pinggir. edge. Topewita i papa ntahi. Kita 100

berjalan di pinggir laut. We walked along the seashore. Lihatlah: wiwi. papaku n. sm ikan. yellowmargin triggerfish. Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus Ruppell. Lihatlah: pogo. papalele n. orang yg membeli sesuatu dng maksud menjual lagi pd harga yg lebih mahal, orang yg mengadu untung. someone who buys low with the hope of reselling later at a higher price, reseller, speculator. papasa n. pepasan, papasan. ivy gourd, also known as scarlet gourd or scarlet-fruited gourd. Coccinia grandis (L.) J. Voigt. para1 n. jamak kolektif, para. collective plural. para ɓose tukang dari sampan rowers of a boat para mata manik-manik beads (of a necklace, etc.) para2 n. 1) tumbung (bakal tumbuhan pada buah kelapa). haustorium (the round seed bud or 'apple' which forms inside a germinating coconut). 2) kelentit, itil. clitoris. parabola n. parabola (untuk menangkap siaran TV). satellite dish (for TV reception). paracaea vi. percaya. believe. paraka n. sj setan yg kadang-kadang menjelma spt kucing. k.o. evil spirit that sometimes manifests itself as a cat. parakisa vt [-'o]. memeriksa. inspect, look over. Iteleumo Wangkinamboro kai parakisa'o rahano. Datanglah Wangkinamboro, kemudian ia periksa rumahnya. Wangkinamboro arrived, and he looked around his house. Searti: pisilaa. paraluu1 vi. perlu, ada keperluan. need, be in need. Kuparaluu te ingkomiu. Saya ada keperluan dengan kalian. I have a favor to ask of you. pakea pinaraluuno mia pakean yang diperlukan oleh seseorang clothing which is needed by people paraluu2 vi. ****. religious ceremony in which trays of set-aside food are prayed over. Tohule maraluu i Haji te ɗulano topowawa rai lebemai io La Tunde. Kita membawa talang ****haroa**** di rumahnya La Tunde. We are taking trays to our elder La Tunde for him to pray over the food. parambaku Lihatlah: baku. parangi n. pantangan. prohibition. para-para n. tempat pengeringan (untuk kelapa, kopra, jala, dsb). outdoor drying rack (for coconuts, copra, nets, etc.). parape n. ikan yg digoreng, terus dikasih bumbu dr lombak, tomat, santan, dsb. fried fish served with a spicy coating / topping made from crushed tomatos, chile peppers, coconut milk, etc.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




parasili n. ucapan cemuhan. belittling comments,

pasala n. gendang ibu, sm gendong gamelan selaput

ridicule, jeers. pare vt [-ho]. menggulung (tali dsb) berbentuk lingkaran. roll, coil up (a rope, etc.). — n. gulung, gulungan. roll, coil. sapare nene segulung **** a roll of **** fiber leta sapare segulung kertas rokok one roll of cigarette wrapper Lihatlah: buru. parende n. ikan direbus *****. boiled fish in a clear broth. parendeno katapai ikan yg dipanggang baru direbus soup made from roasted fish — vt [-%]. membikin ikan direbus dr. make boiled fish out of. Ika, kei kokiu, ipinarende. Ikan, kalau ****, dibikin ikan direbus. Fish, if it's smelly, is made into boiled fish dish.. parenta Lihatlah: parinta. parewa n. peralatan. equipment, tools. paria Bentuk lain: taria. n. peria. bitter gourd, bitter cucumber, bitter melon. Momordica charantia L. paria ule cmpd n. ketola ular, petola ular, pare ular, pare belut. snake gourd. Trichosanthes cucumerina L. Lihatlah: kela, konduru. parigi n. jalan raya. main road. parika n. dukun. shaman. parikano ɓala dukun sero shaman for a wier trap parikano ompo dukun sero kecil shaman for a small wier trap parikano pombulaa dukun kebun shaman for a garden plot parinta Bentuk lain: parenta. n. saranan dr pemerintah, perintah, pemerintah. offical announcement, order, command, rule, government. Ndolako moronge parenta. Mereka pergi mendengar saranan pemerintah. They went to listen to official announcements. — vt [-'o]. memerintahkan. order, command. pari-pari n. kain pengikat sanggul. cloth for tying a hair bun. paro %%. ****. ****. parumpa n. bajak_laut. pirate. pasa1 n. taruhan, petaruh. wager, bet.

dua yg secara tradisionil terbuat dr kayu kemiri dan kulit rusa. k.o. double-membrane gamelan drum traditionally made of candlenut wood and deerskin. pasali n. sedekah pd acara adat perkawinan, sunatan, dsb. payment for performance of a ceremonial function. — vt [-'o]. memberi sedekah. pay someone for such services. Ndopinasali lumaguno maluđu. Yang berlagu maulud diberi sedekah. The ones who sing at Mawlid are given a payment. pasari n. sj ikan. a kind of fish, the oriental searobin. Dactyloptaenia orientalis Cuvier. pasele n. jagung yg sedang berbuah. corn which is in flower. pasi n. karang. reef. pasi ɓoneo **** shallow ocean water which has a sandy (rather than coral) bottom pasi'ea karang yg luas daerahnya a reef of very broad expanse, consisting of sand and coral Lihatlah: oci, wiwira. pasisi n. rambut yg ber**** di depan telinga. sidelock, the tuft of hair that hangs just in front of the ears. Lihatlah: pempe. paso n. paku. nail. — vt [-o]. memaku. nail. paso ikiɗi cmpd n. peniti. straight pin. Lihatlah: patod*o. paso-paso n. cangkir. spur. pasoa vn. setengah tuli. hard of hearing, partially deaf. pasole vn. gagah. pasoso vn. sudah jera. been taught a lesson, learned one's lesson. Lihatlah: toba. pastaka*** n. ****. small frying pan. pastakano dadara **** untuk bikin kue dadar gulung small frying pan for making dadara in pastakano mandura cetakan dari bambu untuk membuat nasi tokoh cylindrical mold made from bamboo, for making mandura rice packets pata vn. kebagian. be allotted, receive (one's share). Ndopatamo. Mereka sudah kebagian. They have already received their share. — vt [-'o]. ****. ****. pate n. pengumban, tali umban, katapel. slingshot. patirangga n. ****. k.o. low-growing plant with a showy purplish-pink or flower, corolla entire, the lower lip prominently 2-lobed. patirangka n. inai, pacar kuku. henna, camphire; the leaves, from which a red dye is obtained, are called kadea. Lawsonia inermis L. Lihatlah: kad*ea. pato- bound num. empat. four. Lihatlah: opaa. patodo vi. mengencangkan ototnya, mengerahkan

pasa2 tepasa vn. roboh. collapsed, caved in, fallen down (as of a house). Tepasamo rahando. Rumah mereka roboh. Their house is fallen in. pasalako vt [-ø]. menjatuhkan dari bahu. let fall from shoulder height. Kupasalako keu. Saya kasi jatuh kaju dari bahu. I let the wood fall from off my shoulder. pasa3 n. pasang. pair. pasa4 vt [-ho]. memasang. install, set up, put on. mompasa baju memasang baju put on clothes mompasa parabola memasang parabola install a satellite dish 10/4/2013

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dng puncak tenaganya. tighten one's muscles, strain with all of one's strength. patoɗo n. peniti (mesti ada kancingnya). safety pin, brooch (must have a catch for securing the point). Lihatlah: soma. patola n. 1) petola segi, juga disebut ketola segi, oyong, gambas. angled loofah, also known as ridged loofah, Chinese okra and elephant okra. Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxburgh. 2) petola manis, juga disebut ketola manis, petola buntal, blustru, belustru. smooth loofah. Luffa aegyptiaca P.Miller. patongko n. corong. funnel. Lihatlah: kasonso [sonso]. patowage n. sj setan yg tinggal di hutan yg bisa terbang,,menjelma spt gadis cantik yg panjang rambutnya. k.o. evil spirit of forests that sometimes manifests itself as a beautiful woman with long hair and having the ability to fly. patowala n. layang-layang. kite. pepatowala vi. main layang-layang. play with a kite, go kite-flying. patuju vi. setuju. accept, find acceptable. Ndotarima'omo, rounomo kaakano ipatuju te B*alamancugi. Balamancugi diterima karena kakaknya setuju padanya. They received Balamancugi, because her older brother found him acceptable. Ndopajutuako... Mereka setuju bahwa... The agreeed that... patuju'a n. yg dipilih atau disetujui. that which is chosen or agreed upon. Manu maina patuju'au? Ayam yang mana kau pilih (kamu bertaruh ayam yang mana)? Which rooster did you agree on (wager on)? pau1 vt [-o]. menjahit atap. sew roofing thatch. Io nene, imembali ɓo pompauako ɓa'o. Tumbuhan nene dipakai untuk menjahit atap. The nene plant is used for sewing roofing thatch. paura n. ****. when making roofing thatch, the slat over which leaves are folded. anano paura **** a slat running parallel to the paura on the underside of a section of roofing thatch, and to which the leaves are sewn kampau n. ****. tool for sewing roofing thatch. Searti: wane. pau2 n. payung. umbrella, parasol. pa'u vt [-o]. menuang. pour. pa'usako Bentuk lain: pausako. vt [-ø]. menuangkan. pour out, dump out, empty out. pe- pfx. 1) middle voice marker; perform an activity so that the action is reflected back on oneself. 2) use, have or own something; supply oneself with something; use as something. 102

pea n. loteng. attic, space underneath the roof. pealumaɓe n. bumbungan lonteng. front and back eves?

pecumbu n. tiang kuda-kuda. king post. peɗe vt [-ho]. menampar. slap with the flat of the hand. Lihatlah: tape.

peɗe-peɗe vt [-ho]. membanting-banting. slap several times (as clothing, to remove dirt).

tepeɗe vn. tertampar, terjepit, terpesek. slapped, squished, flattened.

pee vi. kencang, rapat, ketat. taut, tight, firmly attached. Lihatlah: saka.

papee vt [-'o]. mengencangi. tighten, make fast. kampeeta %%. tersumbat (spt hidung). narrowed, clogged, stopped up (as of the nose).

peha mopeha vn. roboh. broken up, broken apart (as a boat on a reef).

peinsi vi. berkeluh kesah, mengeluh. sigh. peka vt [-'o, -o]. memasang (api). set, light (a fire). Lihatlah: saki.

pekai Lihatlah: kai. pekaimpo vt [-ho]. menyimpan di tempat yg aman. store in a safe location. Ke napo i'ehe pumakeo, kaɗipo topekaimpohakono. Kalau dia belum mau memakainya, simpankan saja di tempat yang aman. If she doesn't want to wear it yet, put it away in a safe place for her. pele n. tapak, telapak. palm, sole. pele lima cmpd n. telapak tangan. palm of the hand. pele ndoke cmpd n. sm kerang bercangkang ganda. k.o. large marine mussel, similar to japijapi. pele ngkaru cmpd n. telapak kaki. sole of the foot. pelesi n. stoples. stoppered glass jar for storing food. pembeu vt [-o]. menumbuk. pound. pembulu n. sayuran. greens, vegetables, a vegetable dish. pembulu kalo-kalo sayuran yang dicampur-campur mixed vegetables Leweno kamba a'ai ɓo pembulu. Daun kelor ini untuk sayuran. These horseradish tree leaves are for vegetables. Kai motahamo kambalu, toponsaɗimo, kato pongkaa'ako te ikano te pembuluno. Sesudah kambalu masak, kita *****, kemudian kita makannya dengan ikannya dan sayurannya. When the kambalu is cooked, we put it on a plate and we eat it with its fish and its vegetables. — vt [-%]. menjadikan sayuran. make into a vegetable dish, use as a vegetable. Lampuia, io lolono pinembulu. |Daun muda lampuia dijadikan sayuran. Lampuia tops are made into

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



piɗi peri2


pembulu to'u cmpd n. bayam merah. k.o. amaranth with a red inflorescence. Amaranthus spp. Lihatlah: bogoro. pemeala n. kayu untuk bikin rumah. wood for building a house. pempe n. godek, cambang. sideburns. Lihatlah: jangku, pasisi. pena n. pena. pen (for writing). Lihatlah: polopena.

pense tepense vn. ****. ****. enge tepense hidung peset flat nose

pentana vt [-o]. makan hanya satu jenis (hanya nasi, hanya ikan, hanya sayur, dsb). eat of only one kind of food (only rice, only fish, only vegetables, etc.). pepate Bentuk lain: popate. vt [-o]. membunuh. kill. mompepate api memadamkan api extinguish a fire pepe vt [-ho]. memukul. strike (with one's hand, or an instrument such as a hammer or a thrown rock). Pepeho paso a'iko! Pukul paku itu! Strike that nail! Io lumba, topepeho laano ɓo pongkalo'ako parende. **** Medicinal cardamom, we crush the stem for adding to boiled fish. kampepe n. tukul, pemukul. mallet. kampepe ngkeu tukul kayu wooden mallet pepeku vt [-o]. memukul. hit. Lihatlah: cumbuki [cumbu-2]. pepi n. nyamuk yang sedang besarnya. medium-size mosquito. Lihatlah: nini, buroto. pepoko'ako n. modal. means, ability, money, capital. pepoko'ako ɓo para'aso modal untuk membeli barang money for buying things pera n. perak. silver. perangka n. sm kerang bercangkang ganda. k.o. cockle. pere1 vn. rusak dan hancur (tt buah). smashed and ruined (of fruits). mopere vn. terlalu masak. overripe.

pere2 pekapere vi. *. trill one's lips (without vibrating the vocal chords).

peri1 n. 1) bambu kuning, bambu ampel. common bamboo. Bambusa vulgaris Schrader ex Wendland. 2) sm bambu. k.o. bamboo. Lihatlah: cula, culambacu, suraɓi, tari. peri moijo cmpd n. common bamboo with green culms. Bambusa vulgaris Schrader ex Wendland (cy group green culm). peri mokuni cmpd n. bambu kuning. common bamboo with yellow culms. Bambusa vulgaris Schrader ex Wendland (cv group yellow culm). 10/4/2013

peri-peri hati-hati, pelan-pelan. be careful, take it slow.

peri'ou Lihatlah: ou. pernaa vn. pernah. ever. Pernaamo milako i Jakarta? Sudah pernah ke Jakarta? Have you ever been to Jakarta? Hinapo kupernaa lumako i Jakarta. Saya belum pernah pergi ke Jakarta. I have never been to Jakarta. Lihatlah: ari. peropa n. sm pohon bakau dengan akar paku. k.o. mangrove tree species with spike roots. Sonneratia caseolaris. petena n. ****. bedding and bedclothes brought by a man to the home of his fianc石hortly before the marrige is to take place. mowawa petena membawa kasur, ranjang, seperai, dsb dng maksud ini to bring bedding and bedclothes for this purpose Lihatlah: kansiwi [siwi], katangka. pia bound num. berapa. how many. Pia alono ɓemi lako? - Pato alono. Berapa hari lagi baru kamu pergi? Empat hari. How many days until you go? Four days. Lihatlah: opia. pempia %%. berapa kali. how many times. Pempiamo milako i Palu? - Penduamo. Sudah berapa kali kamu pergi ke Palu? - Sudah dua kali. How many times have you been to Palu? Twice already. pi'alo'ano Lihatlah: alo. piara vt [-%]. mempelihara. tend, raise. Kei ri'ai, sađia topompiara gandu, rounomo mau pi'alo'ano io gandu a'ai io kinaanto. Kalau di sini, kita selalu memelihara jagung, karena walaupun lama, jagung ini menjadi makanan kita. As for here, we always raise corn, because even if a long time, this corn is our food (viz. corn keeps well). pompiara'a n. kandang, tempat memelihara binatang. pen or other structure used for tending animals. pompiara'a lola dibangun di laut, tempat memelihara siput trokus pen which is built in the ocean and used for raising trochus pompiara'ano kaɗaɗi kebun binatang zoo ana piara cmpd n. anak pungut. adopted child. picu bound num. tujuh. seven. Lihatlah: opicu.

pid*alo tepid*alo vn. dng tidak sengaja, menginjak di


mana tidak ada tempat menempatan kaki. accidentally step off of something, misstep where there is no place to land one's foot (e.g. off a curb). n. busur, panah ikan. bow (weapon); speargun. — vt [-'o]. memanah. shoot (an arrow, or spear

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



pinoli from a speargun).

pepiɗi vi. memakai panah, mencari (ikan, dsb) dng memakai panah. hunt using a bow or speargun; go bow-hunting, go spearfishing. anano piɗi nph. anak_panah. arrow.

piɗi2 piɗiki vt [-o]. memancari. spurt, squirt out on. Piɗikio La Jona e'eno ni'i. Jona dipancari air kelapa. The coconut water squirted out on Jona. tepiɗi vi. 1) dng tidak sadar, tahi keluar. without intention, have one's poop squirt out. 2) menceret. have runny stools, have diarrhea. tepipiɗi vn. menceret beberapa kali. suffer from diarrhea. Lihatlah: tarapere. piɗole vt [-'o]. mengindis sampai mati. squish dead. pihi vt [-o]. memijat, memijat, mengurut. massage. pepihi vi. pijat, berurut. get a massage, massage one's self.

pii mopii vn. sakit, merasa sakit. sick, hurt, in pain. mopii oleo sakit mata hari sunsick, sick from being in the sun too long mopii rapa pusing, sakit kepala have a headache mopii soɗo sakit panas feverish mopii-pii vn. sakit. sick. Hiina totetaɗe, tomopii-pii. Kami tidak bisa berdiri, karena kami sakit. We're not able to stand, we're sick. mopiiha n. ****. ****. Kaɗimo ugogiri'akono ihingku a'ai i maina-maina ɓatotoano mopiihano, maka ɓei tambo. Gosokkanlah daging ini persis di mana saja badanya yang sakit, pasti ia akan sembuh. Just rub this piece of my flesh precisely wherever there is sickness, thereupon she will recover. kapii n. penyakit. pain, sickness. kapii ncia sakit perut stomach ache kapii gola penyakit gula diabetes kapii mata manu penyakit ayan/kejang-kejang, epilepsi epilepsy kapii meke sakit batuk cough, respiratory tract infection kapii tonga **** **** kapii-pii wuku **** joint pain kokapiita ****. ****. pi'i vt [-o]. mengepang, menjalin (rambut). braid (hair). pepi'i vi. mengepang. braid (one's own hair). — n. kepang rambut, jalinan rambut. hairbraid. pi'ito basah setengah (msl dr hujan atau keringat). partially wet (as from rain or sweat). pijo vi. memancar. spout, spray. piko vt [-'o]. melekukkan. dent. tepiko vn. peok, peot. dented. pikulu n. pikul, ukuran berat kira-kira 62 kilo. picul, a measure of wieght equivalent to approximately 136 pounds. Kai polemba'ako'inda ɓaku, 104

sapikulu. Kemudian ia memikul bekal untuk mereka, satu pikul. Then he took a picul of provisions for them on his shoulder. pile'i vt [-o]. memilih, ****. choose, select, sort through (as grains of rice after pounding). pimpi n. tebing, misalnya ****. cliff or steep incline, as along a rocky coastline or the edge of a sinkhole. pimpo n. pingpong. ping-pong. pina'i vi. menurun. descend (as from a tree, house, motor vehicle, boat etc.). pina'itako vt [-ø]. menurunkan. bring down, take down. Hiina pina'itako a'ai? Nahi bisa diturunkan ini? Can this not be taken down (into the hold of the boat)? papina'i vt [-o]. mengambil (ke bawah). take down. Papina'io *****, toɓolosio batereino. Ambillah jam, kita mengganti baterainya. Take down the clock, we'll change it's battery. pina'i oci cmpd vi. air surut, air turun. low tide. pincara n. rakit. raft. pinda1 vi. menginjak. take a step, tread. pepinda'a n. tempat menginjak. place for stepping, foothold. pininda n. jejak, bekas tapak kaki. footstep, footprint. pindai vt [-o]. menginjak, menginjakkan. step on, tread upon, trample. mompindai pae menginjak padi thresh rice with the feet Ri'asoa cumpeno kupindai bente. Itulah pertama kali saya menginjak di benteng. That's the first time I've walked (the walls of) the fort. pipindai vt [-o]. menginjak, menggosok dgn kaki. step on, rub with one's foot. pempinda vi. memeras dgn kaki. press one's foot down. kapinda n. sm sandal yang dulu dibuat dari batang kelapa. k.o. native sandal formerly made by hand from coconut ?***? Lihatlah: sandali. pinda2 vi. pindah, pergi tinggal di tempat lain. move, go reside in another place. pindai vt [-o]. berpindah ****. move into, begin residing in. mompindai raha **** move into a house, move or change houses pompindaia perpindahan. the activity of moving into a new place. pompindaia raha **** changing houses, specifcally refering to when a groom moves into his bride's house pinda3 n. ikan yg direbus dng garamnya banyak dan airnya sedikit. fish parboiled in salty water.

pinoli pinoli cina cmpd n. bibi. aunt. pinoli tama cmpd n. paman. uncle. pinoli tama i wuto paman, yaitu saudara laki-laki dari ibu

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atau bapak uncle, specifically the brother of one's parent pinoli tama ntopisa paman yg sepupu satu kali dari ibu atau bapak uncle, specifically a male first cousin of one's parent pinoli tama mpendua paman yg sepupu dua kali dari ibu atau bapak uncle, specifically a male second cousin of one's parent pinoli tama mpentolu paman yg sepupu tiga kali dari ibu atau bapak uncle, specifically a male third cousin of one's parent pinoli ana cmpd n. kemenakan. niece, nephew. pinsi vt [-o]. mencubit, memijit. pinch, press between the fingers, squeeze, massage. pio1 n. ciap. cheep. piono manu ciapnya anak ayam cheep of a chick kopio-pio vi. menciap-ciap. cheep, go around cheeping. ana mpio cmpd n. anak ayam. chick, baby chicken. pio2 vt [-'o]. memeras. squeeze, wring liquid out of. mompio ni'i memeras kelapa wring milk out of coconut grounds mompio cinotapi memeras cucian wring out the wash mompio kansia memeras pakaian wring out clothing piori vt [-o]. memerasi. squeeze onto. Laano kalolowu togigio kato piorio matanto. Kita memarut batang **** kemudian memerasi matanya (sebagai obat mata) We grate the costus stem and squeeze the liquid onto a person's eye.(as an eye medication) piola n. rebab. k.o. stringed (?) musical instrument. pipi Lihatlah: pipikore. pipici vt [-o]. menyirami. sprinkle. pipikore Bentuk lain: pipi. n. sm burung. k.o. bird. pipitako vt [-ø]. *****. strike with both forearms?? Lakomo kando pengkeni i longoleno mbali-mbali, kai pipitako'inda. ***** They came and they grasped onto his forearms on each side, and he *****. piri n. piring. plate. pisaa vi. berak, membuang air besar. defecate. Lihatlah: tarapere. marampisaa vn. menceret. have diarrhoea. pisangepe n. ****. dried, fried bananas. Lihatlah: senga-senga.

pisi mempisi vn. sering. often. Mempisimo ileu. Dia sering datang. He comes often. Lihatlah: mencundu [cundu-3], me'osi [osi]. pisilaa vt [-'o]. memeriksa. inspect, view carefully. Kulako misilaa*ako'inda pombulaando. Say pergi memeriksa kebun untuk mereka. I'm going to inspect their garden for them. Searti: parakisa. 10/4/2013

pepisilaa *****. look around?? Ndopepisilaa po'ontohando. Mereka melihat di kiri-kanan. They looked around at their surroundings. pisi-pisi n. guci, tempayan dengan mulut kecil. earthen water vessel with a small mouth. Lihatlah: ɓosu, gusi. pisitolo n. pistol. pistol.

pita mopita vn. basah. wet.

pitanaa vt

[-'o]. 1) mencurigai. suspect. 2) memfitnahkan. slander. po- pfx. ??? ??? -po sfx. baru, masih, nanti. incompletive marker; still, yet, later; so far (with the expectation of more in the future). Ipocuripo. Dia masih tidur. He's still asleep. Anamai onoopo. Anak kami baru enam. We have six children so far (lit. Our children are six so far). Meantapo kaku leu lumili mpendua. Nanti besok saya akan datang sekali lagi. Later tomorrow, I'll come stopping by again. To'aripo mongkaa kato lingka. Kita makan dulu baru pergi. We'll eat first, then we'll go. Isee mihule i La'ea. Langkumbepo kato hule. Jangan pergi ke La'ea. Nanti Langkumbe baru kita pergi. Don't go to La'ea now. Wait until Langkumbe and then we'll all go (lit. Langkumbe first, and then we'll go). Impia mirongeo? - Kapalapo kaku rongeo. Kapan mendengar itu? - Saya sudah di kapal baru mendengar. When did you hear about it? - I was on the boat before I heard about it. Lihatlah: -mo. poasa n. puasa. fast, fasting. poasa'a n. pembukaan puasa, perayaan hari pertama Ramadan. opening of the fast, celebration of the first day Ramadan. pobumbu n. 1) bumbungan rumah. ridge, peak of roof. 2) kayu kecil di atas balok bumbungan. secondary (upper) ridge beam, over which the last (uppermost) section of roofing thatch is folded. Lihatlah: kimbo-kimbohu [kimbohu]. pociba'ako vn. kebetulan; ternyata. coincidentally, by chance; turn out that, become evident that, evidently. Wakutuuno ilahiri anano, ipociba'ako io cina. Di saat anaknya dilahirkan, kebetulan adalah anak perempuan. When his child was born, it turned out to be a girl. pocubu n. pakis haji. k.o. tree; the fruit is round, approx 2" to 2-1/2" in diameter, containing four large seeds. Cycas rumphii Miq. pocuɗui vt [-o]. mengajar. teach. Pocuɗui'akupo io hapa ngeeno manu-manu a'ai, mentee minto'orio. Ajarkan saya nama-nama buring ini, barangkali kamu tahu namanya. Teach me the

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




names of these birds, perhaps you know them. Mileuako samatano, mimpecuɗuiako meweweu roti. Kalau engkau datang lagi, **** Should you come again, **** pekapocuɗui vi. saling mengajar. teach each other. poɗa n. pisau dapur. kitchen knife. poɗarasi vi. kumat, parah. relapse, fall seriously ill. poɗea Lihatlah: ɗea. poɗi n. ****. an imagined source of mysterious forest sounds. polai te poɗi-poɗino lari takut sekali, lari tidak kembali lagi (oleh karena bunyi-bunyi hutan) flee in great terror, flee without looking back (from frightening sounds in the forest) poɗo vt [-ho]. menebang. fell (trees). poɗoi vt [-o]. menebang. fell (trees). pepoɗo vi. menebang pohon. fell trees, perform the action of felling. poɗongkea n. ****. the root base of a tree which shows above the soil. pogo n. sm ikan. triggerfish. Lihatlah: papaku. poiko Lihatlah: moiko. pojolugoɗe vi. baku campur (nasi, ikan, manusia). ****. pokacu n. kiriman. package. — vt [-'o]. mengirim. send. pompokacua n. tempat mengirim. place for sending things. pompokacua sura kantor pos post office pokoloha n. batu asah. whetstone. pokono %%. pokoknya, pendeknya. basically, in short, in brief. Pokono io hapa-hapa pinomonino kaɗimo ikopo'o ɓiono a'iso kai niati. Pendeknya, apa saja yang dimintanya cukup ia menggenggam telur itu dan berniat. In short, whatever she wanted, she just clutched onto that egg of hers and prayed. pokoroso n. sm tumbuhan. k.o. plant. polangu n. bantal. pillow. Lihatlah: kasoro, tambea. pole vt [-o]. memotong (kayu kecil). cut (small pieces of wood). — n. sebatang, separuh. a piece, a part. sapole suraɓi sebatang bambu toi a piece of slender bamboo Topewita sapole sala. Kami berjalan separuh jalannya. We walked part of the way. polisi n. polisi. police, policeman, policewoman. polo %%. ****. ****. Ɗaasisi kai laha'aku, polo ɓo walingku. Biarkan dia ikut saya, buat kawanku. Just let him follow me, he'll be my companion. polohako %%. untung. fortunately. Polohako, hina i'aru'ako, hina ijumpaliako. Untunglah, dia tidak menyentuh, dia tidak menabrak (kami). Fortunately he didn't make contact, he didn't 106

collide (with us). Polohako, daho koda a'iso. Untunglah ada foto itu. Fortunately there was that photo. pololi1 n. cawak pipi, lesung pipi. dimple on the cheek. pololi2 n. pohon pasang. spike oak, chestnut oak. Lithocarpus spp. polopa n. pelepah. entire stalk (sheath, petiole and rachis) of a palm frond or banana leaf. polopano ni'i pelepah daun kelapa stalk of coconut palm frond polopano punci pelepah daun pisang stalk of banana leaf polopena Bentuk lain: pena. n. bolpoin. ballpoint pen. Lihatlah: pena. polu n. tungku. a fireplace of three stones. polulu n. lumbung padi, lumbung beras. k.o. round rice storage silo with plaited bamboo walls, set on a roofed platform.

polumu polumu sambali cmpd n. ****. outrigger, a canoe with an outrigger on one side. Searti: jarangka. pomaani n. tarian silat, **** dimainkan sendiri *** tangan kiri memegang penangkis dengan pucu kelapa, tangan kanan memegang pedang. k.o. mimed warfare dance performed by men individually, with musical accompaniment on drum (pasala) and large gong (ndoo). — vi. ****. dance the mime warfare dance. Lihatlah: balumpa, kompania, lense, ngibi, pangaru, lewe. pomaura Lihatlah: pamaura. pombalia n. mayat. corpse. Ipombaliamo. Dia sudah meninggal. He's passed away. pombalo vi. membalas (dendam). repay, take revenge. Pombalomo! Balas mi! Come on, fight back! Ndopombalohaka'aku. **** They took revenge on me. pombiwi n. bubur sagu, papeda. sago porridge. Searti: goɗe. pombula vt [-o]. menanam, menugal benih. plant, place seeds or plants in holes in the ground. Lihatlah: pombulo. kapombula n. tumbuhan ladang. garden crops, garden vegetation. pombulaa n. ladang, tempat menanam. garden. Hapai ka nau tondo'o pombulaau? ***** Why haven't you fenced in your garden? Lihatlah: bula 'tanam' 'plant'. pombulo n. bibit. seedling. pomea vt [-'o]. membayar. pay. — n. pembayaran. payment, cost, rate. Imomuɗa pomeano talipoo i Wuna. Pembayaran telpon murah di Muna. Telephone

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




rates are cheap in Muna.

pompa n. pompa. pump. poN- pfx. verbal prefix indicating that the verb is transitive and the object is indefinite.

ponda Bentuk lain: tole ponda. cmpd n. sm pandan. thatch screwpine. Pandanus tectorius Parkinson. pondasi n. fondasi. foundation, stand, platform, rest. pondasino masina tempat **** small platform on the floor of a boat on which the boat's motor sits pongasi n. air tapai (terutama dari beras atau ubi kayu). wine (especially from fermentied rice or cassava). Lihatlah: winuke. pae pongasi cmpd n. beras yg menapai, tapai dr beras. fermented rice. owingkeu pongasi cmpd n. ubi kayu yg menapai, tapai dr ubi kayu. fermented cassava. pongoli n. sm ikan. five-banded wrasse. Hemigymnus fasciatus Bloch. poniana n. mertua. parent-in-law. ponta vt [-'o]. memasang. ****. ponu n. penyu berpunggung belulang, katung. leatherback turtle. Dermochelys coriacea Vandelli 1761. Lihatlah: koila. poo n. mangga. mango. Mangifera spp. poo kalancue cmpd n. sj mangga, buahnya agak kecil. k.o. small-fruited mango. poo maca cmpd n. embacang, mangga embacang. bachang, horse mango. Mangifera odorata Griffith. poo manalagi cmpd n. sj mango, buahnya agak besar. k.o. mango with a large fruit. poo taipa cmpd n. sj mangga. k.o. mango. poo watanta cmpd n. sj mangga rajah asam. k.o. very sour mango. poone vi. naik, memanjat. climb, ascend, come up; mount, ride, go or travel by means of. Ilako moone cengke. Dia pergi memanjat (yaitu, memetik) cengkeh. He went to climb (viz. pick) cloves. Poone i raha! Naik ke rumah! Come on up to the house! Ndopoonemo i wita kando hule. Mereka naik ke darat baru pergi. They went ashore and headed out. Topoone i oto minai kampo Ɓone. Kami naik mobil dari kampung Bone. We came by car from Bone village. Keto poone i ɓangka, olai ea; keto poone kapala lumolaa, mohali ea. Kalau kita naik kapal, terlalu jauh; kalau kita naik pesawat, terlalu mahal. It's too far for us to go by boat; it's too expensive for us to go by plane. poonetako vt [-ø]. kasi naik. bring or escort up. Mimpoonetako ri'ai! Kasi dia naik di sini! Bring him up here! 10/4/2013

popalute vi. melawan tidak pakai taji (ayam sabung). fight without using an added spur (of cocks). Lihatlah: ɓoke, perumpa [rumpa]. popate Lihatlah: pepate. popoka n. badannya tinggal di rumah, kepala leher dengan hatinya terbang pd tengah malam, berbunyi 'poo! poo!', mencari ****. k.o. evil spirit able to leave its body at home and fly around at night (head, neck and trunk organs only), calling out 'poo! poo!' in its search for ****. Lihatlah: gara. popolo n. mahar, mas kawin. brideprice. Lihatlah: ɓoka-1. popungu n. ****. headdress. Lihatlah: panto. pora vt [-ho]. mengintip kpd. peep out at. pempora vi. mengintip, melihat-lihat secara rahasia. peep around, look around on the sly. Ana hako a'iso ndopempora i laro raha a'iso, inaio miano raha a'iso. Anak-anak itu mengintip ke dalam rumah itu, siapakah orangnya rumah itu. The children peeped into the house, who might be the person of the house. pora-pora vt [-ho]. mengintai. spy on, observe surreptitiously. pore vn. rapat, padat. close, tight, compact. poriwanga vi. merayakan, mengadakan perayaan. celebrate, put on a celebration. poriwangano e'e i Rombo **** the feast celebrating the opening of the well at Rombo poriwangai vt [-o]. merayakan, memperingati. celebrate, commemorate.

poro1 moporo vn. pedih, rasa sakit (msl mata krn kena asap, luka kena garam, dsb). stinging, painful (as of smoke in the eyes, salt in a wound, etc.). moporo ate rasa panas dlm perut heartburn poro2 vt [-%]. masak. boil. Pomporo'akita e'e. Tolong masak air. Please boil some water. porumpi vi. kikir, sekakar. stingy. poso %%. meninggal dunia. pass away. Iposomo. Dia sudah meninggal dunia. He has passed away.

poso'ulu teposo'ulu vi. jath ke depan. fall hedfirst.

pota n. ani-ani. knife for cutting rice plants. — vt [-%]. memotong tangkai padi dng ani-ani. cut stalks of rice using a rice harvest knife. potaɗo vi. berjanji. promise. poto Bentuk lain: foto. n. 1) foto. photograph. 2) kamera, fototustel. camera. Aripo kato ponsaru potondo mia ri'ai. Nanti kita meminjam kameranya orang sini. Later we'll borrow a camera from someone here. Lihatlah: koda. potolo n. potlot, pensil. pencil.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




pu'ai vt [-o]. menjemur. dry in the sun. Sai ari umoninio ɓajuno, lausako mu'aio. Setelah membuka bajunya, langsung dia menjemurnya. After taking off his jacket, directly he dried it in the sun. pompu'aia n. penjemuran. drying rack. kampu'aia n. tali jemuran, penjemuran. clothesline. pepu'ai vi. menjemur, mengeringkan dng panas matahari. dry in the sun.

puɗu kopuɗu-puɗu %%. berdenyut, berdebar. throb, beat.

tepuɗu vi. terlepas. come loose.

pud*ua n. pondasi, pangkal. foundation, base. pud*uano ni'i pangkalnya pohon kelapa base of the coconut tree puha n. sumpitan. blowgun. puhe n. 1) pusat (bagian badan). navel, belly button. lolaeno puhe tali pusat umbilical cord 2) ****. limber hole, a drain hole near the bottom of a boat. puheu n. sarang anai-anai yg di atas tanah. aboveground termite nest. puhu n. jantung pisang. banana blossom. puilo n. tahi yg keras, sulit dikeluarkan. hard stool which is difficult to expel.

puji pempepuji n. kebanggaan. something to be proud of or proud about. Imembali pempepujino. Sudah menjadi kebanggaan. It become something to be proud about. pulele vt [-ho]. memilin, memutar, memintal. wind, twine, twist (together). puli1 vn. sama kuat, bermain seri. equivalent in strength, play to a draw, neither able to win. Lihatlah: jupu.

puli2 mopuli vn. kemasukan kotoran pd mata. get dirt in the eye.

pulo n. pulau. island. puloo n. sm lebah yg kecil berwarna hitam yg bekoloni di pohon kelapa dng membuat lubang. k.o. small, black stingless bee living in colonies and making a kind of harvestable honey. Meliponini. pulu1 n. getah, air pohon. sap, gum. pulu2 n. puluh. ten, a unit of ten. punahi vt [-o]. mengusap. stroke. puna-punahi vt [-o]. mengusap. stroke (as a cat's fur). punci n. pisang. banana. Musa spp. punci ɓangka cmpd n. pisang tanduk. k.o. very long cooking banana, the horn banana. 108

punci ɓangka-ɓangka = |punci ɓangka. = punci ɓangka.

punci ɓega cmpd n. sm pisang besar yg ****. k.o. medium size cooking banana, usually eaten fried, can also be eaten raw. punci ɓeke-ɓeke cmpd n. sm pisang. k.o. banana. punci buru = |punci manu-manu. = punci manu-manu. punci dewaka cmpd n. sm pisang besar yg ****. k.o. cooking banana. punci honta cmpd n. sm pisang ****. k.o. dessert banana. punci kacinga cmpd n. sm pisang ****, pisang ambon. k.o. dessert banana. punci kamangka cmpd n. pisang rebus. boiled bananas. punci kinamangka = |punci kamangka. = punci kamangka. punci kinorai cmpd n. pisang setengah rebus. half-boiled bananas. punci korai = |punci kinorai. = punci kinorai. punci laja = |punci silaja. = punci silaja. punci lure cmpd n. sm pisang yg bisa dimakan tanpa dimasak. k.o. dessert banana, the fruit somewhat fat with a reddish skin. punci maɗu cmpd n. sm pisang ****. k.o. eating banana. punci manu-manu cmpd n. sm pisang ****. k.o. finger banana. punci manuru cmpd n. sm pisang kecil yg ****. k.o. small frying banana. punci saburo cmpd n. sm pisang ****. k.o. eating banana which is still light green when ripe. punci silaja cmpd n. sm pisang ****. k.o. cooking banana. punci silayar cmpd n. sm pisang ****. k.o. finger banana, small, the skin pale yellow. punci susu cmpd n. sm pisang ****. k.o. dessert banana, similar to punci honta but smaller. punci ɗawa cmpd n. papaya. papaya. Carica papaya L. pune n. sm burung, punay. k.o. bird. pune ata cmpd n. sm burung. k.o. bird. pune papua cmpd n. burung uncal ambon. slender-billed cuckoo-dove. Macropygia amboinensis. pune tali cmpd n. sm burung. k.o. bird. punsu vt [-ho]. menimbun, mengumpul. pile, pile up. — n. timbun, gundukan. clump, small heap. Sahapa salamiu? - Rua riwu sapunsu. Berapa salak itu? - Dua ribu satu kelompok. How much is your sankeskin fruit? - Two thousand for one clump. Searti: tombu.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




punto vt [-'o]. ****. ****. Io heano kasitela,

penyu a place where sea turtles were released

topunto'o aiko. Topunto'akono tarigu katoholeo. **** The sweet potato slices, we coated those. We coated them with flour and fried them. pura vi. habis, punah. be finished up, extinct. Ɗaaho saaɗe kampo, io miano kabilanga ndopuramo. Ada sebuah kampung yang penduduknya sudah hampir punah. There is one village, whose people are almost all extinct. — vt [-ho]. menghabiskan. finish up, use up. Ipinuramo. Sudah habis. It's finished up already. Tokolingka-lingka ompole pompura doi. Kita jalan-jalan habiskan banyak uang. Our travelling about uses up lots of money. papura vt [-ho]. menghabiskan. finish off. kampuraha %%. terakhir. final. alono Jumaa kampurahano malam Jumat terakhir the final Friday night pure n. semak, tumbuhan semak-semak. brush, underbrush, undergrowth. puri n. 1) lubang dubur, liang sanggama. anus or vagina (in both cases referring to the orifice itself). Lihatlah: buli-buli, kuɗu. 2) dasar. bottom. puri ntahi dasar laut bottom of the sea purino ni'i bagian dasar kelapa bottom end of a coconut purino opa bagain dasar ubi kembili bottem end of a lesser yam Lihatlah: tampu. puro vn. mopuro vn. hancur, remuk. smashed, pulverized. puru1 n. burung tekukur biasa. spotted dove. Spilopelia chinensis Scopoli. puru2 n. sejenis penyakit cacar. k.o. pox. puru3 vt [-'o]. mengambil dng ujung jari. take with the fingertips. Pompuru kue! Ambillah kue! Have a cookie! puruhi vt [-o]. ****. strip (as leaves from a twig, or spikelets from a head of grain). Lihatlah: nohi. pusalako vt [-ø]. melepaskan. loose, set free, release, exhale (breath). Io ponu, konano ɓalangku kaku pompusalako ri'ai. Ponyu itu hasil seroku, kemudian saya melepaskannya di sini. The sea turtles, they were caught in my trap, and I set them loose here. Pusalako penaau mola-molaa. Lepaskan nafas pelanpelan. Breathe out slowly. pompusalako'a n. tempat melepaskan sesuatu. place where something is set free. pompusalako'ano ponu tempat melepaskan

tepusa vn. terlepas (msl ikan dr mata kail sebelum


di****). lost (e.g. a fish which comes free from a line before it can be landed). pusi vn. pusing, dalam keadaan pusing. confused, troubled, in a troubled state. pusu1 n. 1) pucuk bunga. flower bud. 2) buah yg belum matang dan maish kecil. small, immature fruit, a developing fruit which has not yet reached its mature size. Lihatlah: meɓangka [ɓangka-2].

pusu2 mopusu vn. buta. blind. Imopusu matano. Matanya buta. He is blind (lit. his eyes are blind). wawa mopusu pintu gerbang yg buntu deadlocked gate, gate which cannot be exited pepusu vi. memejamkan mata. close or shut one's eyes. putara vt [-'o]. memutar (piringan, lempeng jam, tombol penjetel radio, TV, dsb). turn (a dial), wind (a watch), turn on (radio, TV, etc.). Hiina ndoputara'o TV keto leu. Mereka tidak putar TV kalau kita datang. They won't turn on the TV if we come. pute'a n. sm burung merpati hutan, berwarna putih, burung pergam putih? k.o. white bird, the white imperial pigeon (Ducula luctuosa)?

puu puu-puu vt [-'o]. meniupi. blow on (e.g. hot food). kapuu-puu n. 1) tiup-tiupan dibuat dari daun kelapa. toy whistle made from a coconut leaf. 2) sumpritan. any whistle, including those of commercial manufacture. pu'u n. 1) pohon, rumpun (bambu). tree, tree trunk, stand (of bamboo). sapu'u suraɓi satu rumpun bambu toi a stand of suraɓi-bamboo 2) pokok, dasar. base, bottom, foundation. pu'uno esa dasar tangga base of a ladder pu'u nkonuku pokoknya kuku base of the fingernail or toenail pu'uno pae padinya beras stalk of rice pu'uno we'u lekuk tenggorokan hollow of the throat, hollow of the neck (the depression centered just above the breastbone, and technically known as the clavicular notch) pepu'u vi. mulai. begin, start, commence. tampu'u vt [-ho]. memulai. begin, start.

pu'uci pepu'uci vt [-o]. ****. pick through, sort through (as grains of unhusked rice from husked rice).

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




R - r raba n. serat dr pelepah (batang) pisang. fiber from

rajaki n. ketibaan dr Tuhan, rejeki. gift from God,

the leaf sheaths (pseudotrunk) of a banana plant.

raka vt [-'o]. bekerja bersama, bekerja sebagai

raɓe raɓekako vt [-ø]. memutus. break off.

rabu vt [-'o]. mencabut (msl tumbuhan dr tanah). pull out (as plants from the ground). Inaio tinenano ɓo rumabuo kowala asoa? Siapa disuruh mencabut pohon enau itu? Who was ordered to pull up that sugar palm? Lihatlah: bubu2. perabuki vi. mencabuti. pull out (grass, weeds). rabuta n. tali besar dan pintal. rope. racu n. racun. poison. racuno wola racun tikus rat poison Lihatlah: ɓisa, pandita.

raea roraea vi.

merayakan. celebrate. Leumo, tolako'ako rumoraea. **** **** raeati n. rakyat. people, the general populace, the governed. rage-rage n. sm ikan. ornate threadfin-bream. Nemipterus hexodon (Quoy & Gaimard). ragu vi. ragu, beragu. hesitate, be uncertain, have doubts. Sai onto a'iso, ipepu'umo rumagu. Ketika melihat itu, dia mulai beragu. When she saw that, she began to have doubts. raha n. rumah, tempat tinggal. house, residence. rahano bulalaa jaring labah-labah spider web koraha vi. berumah (yaitu, sudah kawin). having a house, thus by implication: married. mia ngkoraha orang yang sudah kawin married person karaha-raha n. mainan rumah kecil. doll house. pekaraaraha main-main. play around. pekaraha-raha vi. ****. play with toys, play around. Searti: peboi. rahi1 %%. menuba ikan di kali. poison fish in a stream. Kulako rumahi. **** **** rahi2 ****. ****. rahiako vt [-no]. mengira, mencurigai, menuduh. guess, suspect, accuse. Irahiakonomo raja a'iso io La Misi-misikini. Dia mengira raja itu adalah si Miskin. She suspected that that king was La Misi-misikini. rai prep. terhadap, ke arah. to, toward. rai ciu ke arah timur toward the east ra'i n. dahi. forehead. rai-rai n. ****. k.o. sandbur, leaves about 8" long. raja n. raja. king, rajah. Lihatlah: mokole. Rajabu n. Rajab, bulan ketujuh tahun Hijriah. Rajab, the seventh month of the Islamic calendar. 110

blessing. teman/tulang punggung. cooperate, work together with as a friend/****. Irakakita. Dia bekerja bersama kita. He worked together with us. rakaa n. rakaat. series of bows and prostrations during prayer. Lihatlah: sambahea.

rake porake vi. mendaki. climb uphill, ascend uphill.

raki n. daki. fine dirt on the skin. rakino rapa ketombe, sindap dandruff Lihatlah: lombu, palapawua, rana, wiga. koraki vn. berdaki. dirty, covered with fine dirt. rako vt [-'o]. menangkap. catch. morako ika menangkap ikan catch fish terako vn. mencapai, tiba. reach, arrive. Terako E'e i Nunu, tosabumo. Kalau kita tiba di Ee i Nunu (tempat permandian), kita terjun. When we get to E'e i Nunu (a swimming hole), we'll jump in.

raku moraku vn. agak kabur. somewhat hazy or blurred.

rakura Lihatlah: kura-kura. ramba vi. menjalar, merambat. spread, creep. rambanga vt [-'o]. beriring, berlayar bersama (khusus perahu atau kapal). accompany, sail together with (of boats or ships). ramba-ramba n. sm kerang bercangkang ganda. k.o. bivalve, striations very faint. rambe1 vn. lemah krn capai, kehabisan tenaga. exhausted, weak from exertion.

rambe2 marambe vn. panjang dan lebar (seperti atap nipa). broad, long and wide (as a thatched roof).

rambea n. udang siput. some kind of marine animal. rambi vt [-ho]. 1) memukul. knock, hit against, beat. morambi ganda memukul gendang beat a drum 2) memetik (alat-alat musik yg berdawai). play or strum (a stringed instrument). karambi n. ****. stick, mallet, beater (for drum, gong). rambu n. bulu atau serat yg halus. fine hairs or fibers. rambuta n. rambutan. rambutan. Nephelium lappaceum L. rame vi. ramai. festive, bustle. rameha %%. ****. ****. Keto peko'iri ri'ai

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




Kampo Entaa, ɓo ramehano, kei ɗumaa acarano ompolehano mia. **** **** rampa1 n. 1) bijan, wijen. sesame. Sesamum spp. 2) bumbu terbuat dr kacang atau wijen. spice made from beans or sesame seeds. rampa2 conj. ****. ****. Rampano katelau misikini / mia owoseu, sahinaahakou / hiina ndomangaku umehe ungkuɗe. Karena terlalu miskin / orang tuamu, saudaramu / tidak setuju dengan saya. Because I am so poor / your parents, your siblings / they don't acknowledge wanting me.

rampe terampe vn. terdampar. run aground, aground.

rampu1 morampu vn. berwarna tua, campuran merah tua, coklat dan hitam. darkish, dark reddish brown or black. rampu2 n. makanan yg debakar dl tanah ******. food prepared by pit-baking, food wrapped in banana leaves, then buried with hot rocks and allowed to cook overnight. rampu gogoso sj bunkusan untuk dibakar dl tanah, terisi **** food packet for pit-baking containing cassava rampu kalempe sj bunkusan untuk dibakar dl tanah, terisi ubi kayu dan ubi jalar dng gula merah food packet for pit-baking that contains cassava and sweet potatoes with palm sugar rampuno kela sj bunkusan untuk dibakar dl tanah, yg terbuat dr labu terisi beras dng gula merah food packet for pit-bking consisting of a pumpkin filled with rice with palm sugar rampuno kuro sj bunkusan untuk dibakar dl tanah, terisi **** food packet for pit-baking consisting of a pot filled with rice rampuno sinongko sj bunkusan untuk dibakar dl tanah, terisi ubi kayu dan ubi jalar dng gula merah food packet for pit-baking that contains cassava and sweet potatoes with palm sugar rampuno songko = rampuno sinongko = rampuno sinongko rampu'a n. *******. outdoor baking pit, the place (and time) of burying food packets with heated rocks and allowing it to cook overnight. rampu'ano limbo *** satu rumpun keluarga **** rampu'ano lipu ***** semua **** celebrated by an entire village rampu'ano lowo *** satu kelompok tani ****** Ɓo rampu'ando mia dai oleono Arabaa; ɓo uwe'ando rampundo, oleono Hamisi mewangu. ********* The time for people to bury food packets with hot rocks is Wednesday; for removing the cooked packets is Thursday morning. 10/4/2013

rana n. lumpur. mud. Lihatlah: lombu, reko, wiga. korana %%. berlumpur. muddy, coated or splattered with mud. Lihatlah: mo/rene.

ranca %%. mengentakkan kaki. stomp one's foot. Lihatlah: pekacundo [cundo].

roranca %%. mengentakkan kaki beberapi kali. stomp one's foot several times.

randa moranda vn. luka memar, luka lebam. bruised. Lihatlah: molala [lala2].

randaa n. anak perempuan yg sudah sampai umur untuk kawin, pemudi, remaja, gadis (yang belum punya suami). young woman who has reached marriageable age, female adolescent (who has not yet married). randaa lembahi **** an unmarried older woman, an old maid Lihatlah: ana ntama [ana]. randue n. ikan botana kasur. blue-lined surgeonfish. Acanthurus lineatus L.

rangau marangau vn. tidak enak didengar. irritating to the ears.

rangi morangi vn. asam sedikit; antara busuk dan tidak. slightly sour; slightly tainted, off (of food). Lihatlah: mongilu. rangki vi. keriting. curly. Lihatlah: koriti. rangki wuu clause_idiom. keriting rambut. curlyhaired.

ransa1 moransa vn. deras (hujan). heavy (of rain). moransa waho hujan deras heavy rain

ransa2 vt [-ho]. menyepak. kick. Lihatlah: sepa. ranta n. 1) rantang. set of stacked containers with handle, for transporting food. 2) ****. an individual container which can be so stacked, sometimes also used as a unit of measure. Perangkamiu, sahapa saranta? **** How much are your cockleshells, for one container? Lihatlah: ganta.

ra'o mora'o vn. parau. hoarse.

rapa1 n. kepala, bagian di atas. head, top part. rapano ɓongkela top of the hip, just above the hipbone rapano ika kepala ikan fish head rapano mancu ***** tiang top of a housepost rapano ni'i ***** the top of a coconut (where the sprout issues forth) rapano opa bagian atas ubi kembili the top end of a lesser yam rapano puasa permulaan puasa beginning of the fast rapano ta'u pesta panen tradisionil k.o. traditional harvest celebration held yearly Nai misiu keo rapano punci ɗawa, kaɗio tongano te tampuno. Bagain atas buah papaya tidak

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




manis, cuma bagian tengah dan bagian bawah. The top part of a papaya isn't sweet, only its middle and bottom end. korapa vi. berkepala, punya kepala. headed, having a head or heads. songko rapa cmpd n. tengkorak, tempurung kepala. skull. rapa2 %%. rapat. close, dense, without space inbetween. terapa vi. ****. flat up against. Io ɓawuhako humohalu'o a'iso ndoterapamo i tondo a'iso. Babi-babi yang mencarinya tibalah mereka di pagar itu. The pigs chasing him met flat up with the fence. rapi1 n. dapur. kitchen. rapi2 n. tempat tumbuhnya ****. place where the stem of a non-woody plant issues from the ground, stem base. rapino opa tempat tumbuhnya kembili stem base of a lesser yam plant Lihatlah: paɗaka. rapia n. kembar. twin. — vi. 1) kembar, berkembar. be twins, be an exact match, be identical. 2) tidak dapat dipisahkan. inseparable. Ingkomiu mirapia te boku. Kamu tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan buku. You and your book are inseparable. rapisako vt [-ø]. menjatuhkan. drop, let fall, throw down. terapisako vn. terjatuh. dropped, fallen, as a child who slips and falls from a tree. perapisako vi. menjatuhkan diri. throw oneself down, as a child having a tantrum. Laewo iperapisako i pimpi. Ombak **** di tebing. The waves crash against the cliff. rapo vt [-'o]. memegang dua benda secara bersamaan. bring or hold two things together. rapo-rapo n. 1) kacang tanah. peanut, groundnut. Arachis hypogaea L. Lihatlah: kacanggore. 2) kunci rumah. house key. rara1 vn. tembus cahaya, tembus pandang. translucent, sheer.

rara2 merara vn.

1) panas, bersinar panas. hot, radiating heat. Imerara oleo. Panas mata hari. It's hot today. Imerara ɓa'o see. Panas atap seng. The galvanized roof is hot. 2) merasa panas, kepanasan. feel hot. Mimerara? Tope'olupo. Apakah engkau kepanasan? Mari kita istirahat di tempat berteduh. Do you feel hot? Let's stop in the shade. Kumopii rapa. Ungkuɗe ɗuka kumerara. Saya sakit kepala. Saya juga merasa panas. I have a headache. I also feel hot. Lihatlah: soɗo. karara ****. ****. karara i laro panas dalam 112

****a k.o. sickness

raro vi. meraba-raba. grope, feel about. raro-raro vt [-%]. mengkhayal. imagine. dream about.

raropi vt [-o]. meraba, mengelusi, membelai. touch, feel, caress, stroke.

rasa n. 1) serabut dari seludang daun kelapa. he burlap-like material growing on the leaf sheaths of coconut fronds. 2) ****. k.o. porous wrapper used when squeezing liquid out of grated cassava. Kantongono ka'upi, ngeeno io rasa. **** The wrapper for pressed cassava is called 'rasa'.

rasai marasai vn. susah, sulit, sukar. difficult. Ke nahina topotaɗo, marasai. Kalu kita tidak berjanji, sukar. If we don't make a promise, it will be difficult. rase n. karat, tahi besi. rust. rasi n. rasi, zodiak. star constellation. ra'u Asal: PAN *daqu 'a tree: Dracontomelum edule'. n. pohon rau (atau pohon rawa) dan buahnya. the New Guinea walnut tree and its furit. Dracontomelon dao (Blanco) Merr. & Rolfe. rawasa n. pohon yg baru ditebang, masih hidup daunnya. a newly felled tree, the leaves of which are still green. rawe n. rawai, tali pancing yg panjang dan diikati beberapa buah kail. long line, a fishing line with multiple hooks spaced out along its length. perawe vi. memancing pakai rawai. fish using a long line.

rawe1 korawe-rawe %%. berkibar. flutter.

rawu morawu vn. kabur, gelap sedikit. hazy, dusky, somewhat dark. Sabucuno mora-morawumo, ndopoonemo kando hule. Setelah gelap-gelap sedikit, mereka naik ke darat baru pergi. When it was a little dark, they went ashore and headed out. 2) kabur mata. having hazy or ocluded eyesight. Ungkuɗe kumorawumo. Saya sudah kabur mata. As for me, I have bad vision. rawuso n. kabur pagi-pagi. foggy, early morning haze. rawuso Lihatlah: rawu. r.b. Lihatlah: rombenga. rea n. darah. blood. korea vi. berdarah. bloody. Imoɓela korea. Ia berluka berdarah. He has a bloody wound. sarea-rea vn. ****. bloody all over.

recu marecu vn. kacau. disordered.

reɗe vi. mendidih. boil. Lihatlah: wocu.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




moreɗe vn. masak setengah matang. partially

prodding them) Lihatlah: kai, suɗu.

repisi vt [-o]. menendang betis. kick s.o. on the

cooked, precooked. kareɗe n. mata air panas. hot springs.

calves. Lihatlah: semba.


karepisi n. tendangan pd betis. a kick to the calf of

peredi vi. sm permainan anak-anak, *****. k.o.


children's game played in teams, with two sticks, one serving as a bat with which to hit the other. vi. pecah (tt bunyi suara). discordant (of voices). Lihatlah: toree.

the leg.

rere1 n. dinding. wall. rerei vt [-o]. membuat dinding. supply with a wall. pererei vi. membuat dinding. make a wall. rere ɗopi cmpd n. dinding papan kayu. plank



reka-reka vt

[-'o]. memikir-pikir sesuatu, menghitung-hitung dgn penuh pertimbangan. think through, weigh everything carefully. Lihatlah: awa-awa [awa]. reko n. kotoran, air keruh. mud, dirt, contamination. koreko %%. kotor. dirty, contaminated (as a glass of water with things floating in it). moreko vn. keruh, kotor. muddy, dirty. tahi moreko tasik keruh muddy seabed rembe n. bulu badan, bulu roma. body hair. korembe-rembe %%. berbulu-bulu. hairy, with waving hairs (said about certain corals, for example).

rere jalaja cmpd n. dinding bilik, dinding anyaman bambu. wall made of flattened plaited bamboo.

rere2 perere vi. mengkhitan. be circumcised, undergo the rites and ceremonies associated with circumcision. Lihatlah: isilamu, kaɓengka. pererea ****. the two-day circumcision ceremony and the place where it is held.

rere3 tererempako vi. jalan terbuyung-buyung, jalan sempoyongan. stagger, walk with faltering steps. Kaɗimo ndotererempako. **** They just walked with faltering steps.

rempe marempe vn. lontok, pendek dan gemuk. squat, short and fat. renda n. kain renda. lace. rende vi. getar. tremble. rendengi vt [-o]. ****. tap quickly. korende-rende vi. goyang-goyang. swing, dangle. korende-rende karu bergoyang-goyang kaki tremble a foot or both feet, regarded as impolite and a sign that one is angry rendu n. gempa bumi. earthquake. korendu vi. sedang gempa bumi. be earthquaking.

rene morene vn. becek. muddy. Lihatlah: đene.

renga vt [-'o]. ****. spread (further) apart. Lihatlah:

morerembulu cmpd vn. merasa tidak enak badannya, meriang. feel unwell, feel hot and cold, experience fever and chills. rerempako Lihatlah: rere3.

rewu karewu n. kekacauan, kekacau-balauan, garagara. problem, confusion, disorder, chaos. Mau poone langi, io karewu ɓei awako. Biar naik ke langit, kekacauan akan menemukan kamu. Even going up to the sky, confusion will find you. marewu vn. ****. troubled, bothered, having problems. Isee utelau ea marewu. **** Don't bother yourself so much, take it easy.




ria-ria vt [-ho]. memisahkan. separate.

rengka'a n. acara pindah rumah. ceremony performed when moving houses.

rengke morengke vn. cepat rusak, tidak tahan. cheap, cheaply made, not long lasting. matangka [tangka]. rengko-rengko n. barang-barang. things. rengku %%. gemetar. tremble.


rense morense vn. ****. pushed down?? pamorense vt [-ho]. ****. ****.

repi vt [-'o]. ****. swat, hit from the side. morepi poo **** knock down mangoes with a long pole, by hitting them on the side (not poking or 10/4/2013


ri'ai loc_adv. disini, kata penunjuk yg menyatakan tempat yg dekat dng pembicara. here, a locative adverb indicating a location in the vicinity of the speaker. Lihatlah: a'ai, ri'iko. ri'araa loc_adv. disana di atas, kata penunjuk yg menyatakan tempat yg jauh dan lebih tinggi dr pembicara. way up there, a locative adverb indicating a location far away from the speaker in an upward direction. Lihatlah: araa, ri'ita. ri'ario loc_adv. disitu di bawah, kata penunjuk yg menyatakan tempat yg sedikit jauh dan menurun dr pembicara. down there, a locative adverb indicating a location mid-distant from the speaker in an downward direction. Lihatlah:

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




ario, ri'arua.

tinggi dr pembicara. up there, a locative adverb indicating a location mid-distant from the speaker in an upward direction. Lihatlah: a'ita, ri'araa.

ri'arua loc_adv. disana di bawah, kata penunjuk yg menyatakan tempat yg jauh dan menurun dr pembicara. way down there, a locative adverb indicating a location far away from the speaker in an downward direction. Lihatlah: arua, ri'ario. ri'asoa loc_adv. disitu, kata penunjuk yg menyatakan tempat yg jauh dr pembicara dan tingginya rata. way over there, a locative adverb indicating a location far away from the speaker in a level direction. Lihatlah: asoa, ri'iso. rici n. tembaga. bronze, brass.

rinta1 pekarinta vt [-'o]. ****. ****.

rinta2 n. genggong, kecapi mulut, terbuat dr pelepah riri risi risingi vt [-o]. mencepatkan, mempercepatkan.


quicken, speed up.

maricu vn. ricu. quarrelsome.


morisi vn. rapat, cepat. close, compact, fast.

riso vt [-ho]. mengumpulkan. gather, collect.

riɗi-riɗi vt [-ho]. mencincang, memotong-motong kecil. cut or chop finely, dice. meriɗi vn. halus, jendal-jendul. fine, finely bumpy. Io hama, io kumbi-kumbi meriɗi. **** adalah ruam yg halus. ****, is a rash with fine bumps. Imeriɗi burino. **** The print is very fine. Soroaki imeriɗi riuno. **** The ***** has short, small spines. Gandu a'ai imreriɗi, hinapo ikahu alono. Jagung ini jendal-jendul, belum cukup waktunya. This corn has small kernels, it wasn't ready yet. riga vt [-ho]. membelah (kayu). split (wood). moriga keu membelah kayu split wood — n. bilah (kata bilangan papan kayu). piece, board (classifier for long, narrow pieces of wood). sariga sebilah a piece riga-riga vt [-ho]. ****. make small splits, split short lengths (of wood, peeled sugarcane, etc.). rigi n. gerigi. rough spots, bumps, serrations. ɗa rigino ada geriginya it has bumps (as tree bark, a zipper) korigi %%. tidak halus, tidak rata, bergerigi. rough, bumpy, serrated. toro rigi clause_idiom. berdiri bulu kudung. with one's hairs standing on end. Itoro rigingku. Berdiri bulu kudungku. My hairs stood on end. ri'iko loc_adv. disitu, kata penunjuk yg menyatakan tempat yg agak mendekat dng pembicara. there, a locative adverb indicating a location nearby the speaker. Lihatlah: a'iko, ri'ai. ri'iso loc_adv. disitu, kata penunjuk yg menyatakan tempat yg sedikit jauh dr pembicara dan tingginya rata. over there, a locative adverb indicating a location mid-distant from the speaker in a level direction. Lihatlah: a'iso, ri'asoa. ri'ita loc_adv. disitu di atas, kata penunjuk yg menyatakan tempat yg sedikit jauh dan lebih 114

pohon aren. jew's-harp, made from sugar palm frond, and played with the mouth. vi. rasa nyeri di badan pd tempat tertentu. feel pain in the body at certain places.

ɓariso Bentuk lain: wariso. vi. berkumpul. gather together, assemble.

ɓariso-riso Bentuk

lain: wari-wariso. vi. berkumpul. gather together, assemble. Lihatlah: ɓalibu-libu [libu-1]. teriso vn. terkumpul. assembled, gathered. riu n. duri. thorn. koriu vi. berduri. having thorns, thorned, thorny. teriu vi. berluka garutan. scratched. mengkariu-riu vn. ****. describing corn kernels which have begun to form on the cob.

riwanga poriwanga vi. main gaelan, main gong dng gendang bersama. play gamelan music (drum and gong ensemble). poriwanga e'e triannual commenoration of when a well was dug riwu1 n. ribu. thousand, a unit of a thousand. riwu2 n. angin ribut, badai. strong wind, storm. koriwu vi. berbadai, sedang angin ribut. stormy, blustery. roani n. lebah hutan, lebah tualang. giant honey bee. Apis (Megapis) dorsata Fabricius. Roani mohalo, neua okidi mokuni. Lebah tualang hitam, lebah Sulawesi kecil dan kuning. The giant honeybee is black, the Sulawesi honeybee is small and yellow. rob*a n. tahi gergaji, sisa-sisa kayu, serpihan kayu. sawdust, small wood chips. Lihatlah: ngkolu-ngkolu. robe-robe n. pakaian lama yg sudah robek. old, torn clothes. roɓo vi. roboh, terjatuh. collapse, fall down. robu n. rebung. young bamboo shoot.

robu robuki vt [-o]. memecahkan. break, crack, shatter. morobuki ɓio memecahkan telur crack an egg

roda vt [-'o]. menghidupkan sepeda motor. kick-start a motorcycle.

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poroda vi. naik bersepeda. ride a motorcycle.

rondoma n. sisa tanaman ubi jalar yg tumbuh

roɗa vt [-ho]. mencapai, mendapat, menejar. reach, encounter, catch up with. Penduamo kulako i rahando, ako hiina kuroɗa'inda. Sudah dua kali saya pergi ke rumahnya, tetapi tidak kudapat dia. Twice now I've gone to his house, but I haven't found him in. Rusa i Kolensusu, tolaha'akono ɗahu, kai hopao momale'ako molai, toroɗahomo kato pandohakono kantobu. Rusa di Kulisusu, kita berburuh dengan anjing, digonggong setelah capai lari, kita capainya, kemudian kita tombaknya dengan seligi. We chase deer in Kulisusu with dogs and they hound it until it's tired from running, we catch up to it and we spear it with bamboo spears. roɗami vt [-o]. ****. ****. teroɗa vi. **** riki. ****. Indaɗe, ɗamo mongkarai ɓaraako hiina ndoteroɗa. Mereka sedang berburu-buru, jangan sampai tidak ****riki. They are hurrying lest they get **** (left behind??) Hinamo kuteroɗa. Jadi, kuɓansule mpendua. Tidak riki (mobil) lagi. Jadi, saya pulang lagi. **** Therefore I will come back a second time. roɗuku n. kencur. aromatic ginger, also known as sand ginger. Kaempferia galanga L. roe n. kembang papaya jantan. the flower stalks of male papaya trees, used as a vegetable. roe-roe n. ranting yg paling ujung. tip of a branch, twig. roga n. lendir, dahak dr paru-paru. mucus, phlegm from the lungs. Lihatlah: ɓoro. rokoma %%. kelihatan tetapi tutup awan, temaram (khusus tt bulan). visible but obscured by clouds, darkened (said only on the moon). roko-roko n. sm kue. k.o. cone-shaped pastry wrapped in a banana leaf. rolu n. rol (film kamera). roll (of camera film). rombenga Bentuk lain: r.b. n. rombengan, pakaian yg sudah lama. spt dibawa dr Singapura dan dijual di pasar. second-hand clothing, such as is imported from Singapore and sold at local markets. rombo vt [-ho]. mengumpulkan. gather, stack into heaps. Iporombomo koroka. Dia mengumpulkan daun kelapa yang mati. He gathered dried palm leaves. rompio n. sm pakis. k.o. fern. rompo n. ****. a floating bamboo platform with small hut, used for night-fishing in deep water.

kembali (untuk ditanam lagi). a harvested sweet potato that has sprouted (and will be planted in the current garden). Lihatlah: kainci. n. burung pipit. rice-bird.

rone ronga

peronga %%.

bersama, serentak. together, altogether, all at once. Meanta mewangu io Lydia, ɓei pepakiaci ri'asoa peronga te kumawino. Besok pagi, Lydia akan **** di sana bersama yg akan kawin. Tomorrow morning Lydia is going to get dressed up over there along with those getting married. Ndolako mperonga. Mereka pergi bersama. They went together. lonso mperonga lompat secara serentak jump all at once, suddenly jump peronga-ronga %%. bersama-sama. together. Ndolako mperonga-ronga. Mereka pergi bersama-sama. They went together. ronge vt [-o]. mendengar. hear. Mimporongemo imate? Sudah mendengar dia mati? Have you heard that he died? perorongei vt [-o]. memperhatikan, mencoba mendengar (bunyi atau suara yg tak terang). pay attention to, attempt to listen to (an indistinct sound or voice). Nai pomperoronge gauno tamano. **** He didn't listen attentively to his father's advice. Ana hako itonia sađia ndoperorongeio Wangkinamboro ɗamongkaa. Anak itu senantiasa tetap memperhatikan (bunyi redam) Wangkinamboro sedang makan Those children listened fixedly to (the faint sound of) Wangkinamboro eating.

rongko rongkoha n. puncak (keramaian). main part, height (of festivities).

rongo n. tali menjunjung. strap, especially a headstrap or tumpline (for carrying). rongono sandali **** sandal sandal strap — vt [-'o]. menjunjung dengan tali. carry on the back using a tumpline around the forehead. porongo'a n. roo1 n. rok. skirt. roo2 vt [-'o]. memasukkan tangan ke dalam (lubang, karung, dsb). insert the hand into, reach into with the hand (as a hole, a bag, etc.).

ro'o moro'o vn. melebih dari rakus. greedy, eating


rompu rompu ncuu cmpd vi. **** (kelainan yg dibawa lahir). with knees together (congenital defect). 10/4/2013


anything, even what other people would throw away. Lihatlah: moɗoko, mosibu, moso'o. n. depa. fathom, the distance from finger tip to finger tip of one's outstreached arms. n. haluan. bow (of boat). — vi. menuju. advance, head toward.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




Ipo'ontomo saɓoto kapala, kabilanga ɗamo rope i inaɗe. Ia melihat sebuah kapal yang seolah-olah sedang menuju kepadanya. He saw a boat, as if it were advancing towards him. Ɓe mimporope i maina itonia ai? Anda mau ke mana tadi? Where were you going jus then? rinope n. yg telah ditujui, tujuan. where one was headed, destination. Sando teusoa i laro ngkeu rinope'inda a'iso, ndopohalumo bua malaka. Setelah mereka itu tiba pada hutan yang telah ditujui itu mereka terus mencari jambu biji. When they arrived at the forest they were headed toward, they sought guavas. perirope vi. berada, duduk di haluan. be, sit in the bow. ropea n. yg sedang ditujui, tujuan. where one is heading, destination.

ropu moropu habis, amblas, punah. come to an end, disappear, vanish, become extinct.

roraea roraea'a n. Idul Fitri, Lebaran, perayaan akhiran bulan puasa. Eid-ul-Fitr, celebration of the end of the month of fasting. roro n. bunyi air terjun atau tiris. the sound of water cascading or draining. kororo-roro vi. terjun, tiris (tt air). cascading, rushing, gurgling (of water). roti n. roti. bread. peroti vi. membikin roti. make bread.

rou rouno conj. oleh karena, alasannya. because. Aripo. Rouno ɗa'a wakutuu. Nanti. Karena tidak ada waktu. Later. Because there's not time now. Anamai hiina ilako, rouno ɗapo mocuri. Anak kami tidak ikut, karena dia masih tidur. Our son didn't go, because he was still sleeping.

ro'u pero'u vi. mencuci muka. wash one's face. Hiina ipeɓaho, kaɗi ipero'u. Dia tidak mandi, dia cuci muka saja. He didn't bathe, he only washed his face. rowa vt [-ho]. memukul sampai jatuh (msl batu yg disusun-susun menjadi pagar). knock down (as stones which have been piled to make a fence). Irowaho io ɓawu. Dipukul babi sehingga jatuh. Pigs knocked it down. morowa vn. jatuh (msl batu dr pagar batu). knocked down, knocked over (e.g. rocks from a rock wall). rua- bound num. dua. two. Lihatlah: orua. ruɓi n. pecahan kecil (terutama tt kaca). a small crack or fissure (especially of glass). koruɓi vi. pecah, mempunyai pecahan kecil. 116

cracked, having a small crack. Lihatlah: mocumbi [cumbi].

rubu morubu vn. hancur. shattered. rubuki vt [-o]. menghancurkan. shatter.

rugi marugi vn. rugi. suffer harm or loss, sell, trade, etc. at a loss.

parugi-rugi vt [-'o]. merugikan. damage, harm, set back, set at a loss.

ruku-ruku n. ****. k.o. mint. Lihatlah: tulasi. ruma n. air mulut sungai yg sementara mengalir turun menuju ke laut. water / current in an estuary flowing toward the sea. Lihatlah: buso. ruma-ruma n. sm_ikan. long-jawed mackerel. Rastrelliger kanagurta Cuvier. rumbia n. pohon rumbia. true sago palm. Metroxylon sagu Rottb. rumbo vt [-ho]. menepuk. tap. Lihatlah: ɗeku, ganda, toki. rumbo-rumbo vt [-ho]. menepuk. tap on. perumbo-rumbo vi. menepuk. tap one's fingers.

rumbu morumbu vn. ****. ****. Io sure nsa'o, morumbu. **** The rainbow runner isn't a good eating fish, it's **** rumpa Asal: PBT *rumpaQ 'collide, hit against' fr PMP *rumpak 'thud, strike against'. perumpa vi. 1) baku main judi; menyabung ayam, tidak pakai taji. bet or wager against each other; fight cocks, without using spurs. manu perumpa ayam sabungan fighting cock Tolakomo merumpa. Kami pergi menyabung ayam. We're going to fight cocks. Kumancuu numaa'o manu a'iko i karanda iseeako iperumpa te sa'uluno asoa. Dengan sengaja saya simpan ayam itu dalam kandang, agar supaya tidak berkelahi dengan yang lain di sana. I put this rooster in the pen on purpose, so that it wouldn't fight with the other one over there. Lihatlah: ɓoke, ɗulambata, popalute.

rumpi morumpi %%. kikir, sekakar, tidak mau membeli atau membayar, belit. stingy, not willing to buy or pay, underhanded (in financial transactions). rundu n. guntur, guruh. thunder. Lihatlah: guntu. runduɓote n. sj ikan. dogtooth tuna. Gymnosarda unicolor R ll. rungke n. bunyi krn bersentuhan. sound, noise of two or more things making contact. Tabea irungke paala kai moiko. Bagus palanya hanya kalau berbunyi. Only if a nutmeg shell rattles is it good. Searti: uni. — vt [-ho]. membunyikan. cause (something) to

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




make a noise. morungke lengko **** to rattle dice around karungke-rungke n. mainan yg kalau digoyanggoyang berbunyi. noisemaker, a rattle or other toy for making noise. korungke vi. berbunyi. sound, sound out. Sabucuno ɗamo umengka pajara, ikorungkemo io ɓongka manu. Kemudian, sudah pajar naik, sudah berbunyi kokok ayam. Just then as the dawn was approaching, the cock's crow sounded out.

a basket).

ruru3 vi. bergotong-royong membantu. cooperate, work together. Ndoruruhakono. Mereka menggotong memberikan bantuan They worked together to give aid.

ruruɗu teruruɗu vi. mau tertawa tetapi tetap tahan. hold in a laugh, keep oneself from laughing.

rurui vt [-o]. ****. swarm over (as of ants or flies).

rungkoko morungkoko vn. hamil, menjadi hamil. pregnant,


be in a pregnant state. karungkoko n. kehamilan. pregnancy.


Naa'o pokacumiu i tondo ɓara iruruio humeo. **** Put your package on the fence, lest ants get all over it. n. rusa, jonga, kijang. deer, specifically the Javan rusa, the only deer encountered in the Kulisusu area. Rusa timorensis Blainville.


morungku vn. kurang gairah atau gesit kerja. lack enthusiasm or agility for a task. rura'o vi. sapu rata, habis semuanya. sweep clean, finish off all. ruru1 vi. ****. go, run (said of engines, etc.). Hiina iruru otomai. Tidak berbunyi mobil kami. Our car won't start. ruru2 vt [-'o]. memungut. collect, gather, pick up. Kulako moruru tora-torano kinaa ɓinasiakondo. Saya pergi memungut sisa-sisa makanan yang mereka buang. I'm going to collect leftovers of food which they've thrown out. ruruki vt [-o]. mengumpulkan. collect, gather in large numbers or quantities (as ears of corn into

morusu vn. kurus. thin, skrawny.

ruta moruta vn. rusak, hancur. ruined, destroyed. Imorutamo kuɗuno salano. Sudah hancur pantatnya celananya. The seat of his pants were ruined. ruto n. sm ikan. tricolor parrotfish. Scarus tricolor Bleeker. ruu vt [-'o]. mengancam, menggertakkan. threaten, intimidate. ruu-ruu vt [-'o]. mengancam-ancam. threaten, constitute a threat to. moruu-ruu mia mengancam-ancam orang constitutes a threat to people

S - s sa-

Bentuk lain: ho- (*****) (the variant ho- is used preceding the stem pulu 'ten'). bound num. 1) se-, satu. one. 2) when, since (expressing temporality), as (expressing a condition which precurses an outcome). Sai kaea, hinamo ito'orio larono. Mentang-mentang dia kaya, dia menjadi sombong (harf: tidak tahu lagi dalamnya). When he was rich, he became haughty (lit. he no longer knew his heart). Sando koɓongo-ɓongo, ndotape'indamo. **** So they are stupid, so they slapped them. saa vt [-'o]. mengusir. chase away. saari vt [-o]. mengusir. chase away, expel. saaɗe Bentuk lain: osaɗe (*****) (the variant osade occurs following ka 'and' in numbers such as 11, 21, 31, etc.). num. satu, ****. one, used in 10/4/2013

counting referential objects (one house, two houses, etc.). Lihatlah: iisa, sa-. pasaaɗe %%. ****. ****. Santaongano, kando pasaaɗe. **** **** saaɗe'ako vt [-ø]. bersetuju, mengakurkan, semufakat untuk. agree, be in agreement concerning. Ndosaaɗe'akomo ndopalingka'o anando. Mereka semufakat untuk anak dikasi jalan. They agreed that they would send him away. Ka'umpehano sahinaa hako, tosaaɗe'akomo Bene ɓo apunto? Bagaimana, saudara-saudara, kita satukan saja suara kita pada Bene untuk raja kita? How is it, brothers, are we agreed that Bene will be our king? sinaaɗe'ako n. persetujuan dari banyak orang. agreement, particularly among many people.

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kasaaɗe'a n.

****. ****. Buton Utara: kasaaɗe'anto ɓo saluwukita, saluwukita ɓo kasaaɗe'anto. **** ****

saangki saangkinomo sedang.

even. Saangkinomo tantarahako i lipu a'ai hinamo ndopokopepateo. Sedang tentara-tentara negeri ini sudah tidak sanggup membunuhnya. Even all the soldiers of this country weren't able to kill it. saasa1 n. bunga karang yg bercabang. kinds of branching corals. Lihatlah: bulugo.

saasa2 saasa mperonga cmpd vi. sama-sama. walk in step.

saawa vi. berkesempatan. have_opportunity. Kemi nsaawa, tohule lumili i Membuku. Kalau ada kesempatan, kami pergi jalan-jalan ke Membuku. If you have the opportunity, we'll go visit Membuku. Hinapo kusaawa mo'oli. Saya belum ada kesempatan beli. I haven't had a chance to buy any. kasaawa'a n. kesempatan. opportunity. Maalingumo kasaawa'amiu. Tergantung kesempatan Bapak. It's up to you, it depends on your schedule. saɓa vi. datang, muncul; terbit (tt matahari, bulan). come, show up, appear; rise (of sun, moon). Hiina isaɓa. Dia tidak datang. He didn't show up. saɓa oleo matahari terbit sunrise Ɗasumaɓa oleo. Ketika matahari terbit. The sun is rising. Ke ɗa sumaɓa wula, ɓei kombena tahi. Kalau bulan terbit, laut akan mengkilap. When the moon rises, the sea will gleam. sababu n. sebab. reason, cause. Ɗaaho sababuno. Ada sebabnya. There are reasons. Io hapa sababuno mia hako a'ai kando mopii? Apa sebabnya orang-orang ini sakit? What is the reason these people are sick? sabandara n. perangkat yg tugasnya menyimpulkan persoalan di bagian laut. official traditionally in charge of maritime affairs. saɓangka Lihatlah: ɓangka-1. saɓara1 %% vn. segala, sembarang, apa saja, di mana saja, sembarangan. all, every, everthing, everywhere, at random. Ipomoni kinaa, iɗumaamo saɓara giuno kinaa mewalo. Ia memohon makanan, maka jadilah segala macam makanan yang lezat. He asked for food, and there (magically) appeared every kind of delicious food. Ana a'iso iniatiako saɓaramo hapa-hapa mino'iliakono i Kumawasano. Anak itu meniatkan segala apa saja yang diinginkannya kepada Yang Mahakuasa. That child prayed to the Almighty for all of whatever 118

she desired. Ikonangi-nangi saɓaramo mohalu kasalamati'ano. Ia berenang sembarangan mencari keselamatannya. He swam around everywhere looking for a way to save himself. sabara2 vn. sabar. patient. Kaɗi usabara, ɓeku lako mohalu'akoko kinaa. Bersabarlah, saya akan pergi mencarikan engkau makanan. Just be patient, I'm going out to look for some food for you. saɓe n. sabit. sickle. saɓi n. taji ayam jantan. (natural) spur of a cock. Lihatlah: taji. sabu vi. terjun; mendarat. jump down; land. Terako E'e i Nunu, tosabumo. Kalau kita tiba di Ee i Nunu (tempat permandian), kita terjun. When we get to E'e i Nunu (a swimming hole), we'll jump in. pesaburako vi. menjatuhkan diri. drop down, jump down (on purpose). tesaburako %%. jatuh (tidak sengaja). fall, plunge. sabu'a n. tempat terjun, tempat mendarat. landing place, landing site. sabu'ano kapala lumola bandara, lapangan airport, airfield sabucu Lihatlah: bucu. sabucuno Lihatlah: bucu. saburo n. demam panas tinggi. high fever. saɗaka ****. ****. sadara vn. sadar, insaf. become aware, realize. sad*aria n. rompi. vest. saɗe'ete Lihatlah: ɗe'ete. saɗi vt [-o]. menghidangkan, menyediakan, menyuguhkan (tt makanan, minuman, dsb). set on plate, set in a serving bowl, ready (food, drink, etc.) to be served. monsaɗi tala simpan di talam set out on a tray Ariako tonahuomo motahaako, to'uwe'omo, toponsaɗimo, kato pongkaa'ako. ***** After we cook it until its done, we take it out, we put some on a plate and we eat it. ponsaɗi'a n. ****. ****. ponsaɗi'ano rolu tempat rol (film kamera) container for a roll (of camera film) tesaɗi vn. terhidang. served. sađia vi. tetap siap. prepare (for action). Nai lembahi a'iko, iteleumo guruda owose a'iso, io kaweno kabilanga i'olumio kampo a'iso. Buragil isađiamo ri'asoa. Tidak lama kemudian datanglah burung garuda yang besar itu, sayapnya seakan-akan dapat menaungi kampung itu. Buragil tetap siap disana. Not long after that, that large garuda bird arrived, its wings nearly overshadowing the village. Buragil prepared himself for action.

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sala — %%. senantiasa, selalu, tetap, sering. always, constantly, often. Sađia kupehawakikomiu. Saya selalu mengingat kalain. I always remember you. Bara-bara a'iso, sađia ndocia ɗuka te ngineahako Wanae. Barang-barang itu, sering diberikan juga kepada yand disebut Wanae. Those goods, they always also gave some to the one called Wanae. Topowawa karinda, ponsađianto pongoci. **** We bring a basket, our **** for hunting shellfish.


sahinaa i wuto nph. saudara ****. true sibling, blood sibling. Mau inao sahinaanto i wuto, mau miano luara, kato moiko te mia a'iko io sahinaantomo ɗuka. **** Even if not our blood siblings, even if a person from outside, if we get along well with that person they are our family too. sai n. sm ikan. k.o. fish. sajada n. sajadah, tikar sembahyang. prayer mat.

saka1 posaka vi. berbentur, bertabrakan, baku menabrak.

pesa'e vi. berkelahi (tt binatang spt kucing, anjing). fight (of animals, such as cats, dogs). saeɗano sedikit perbedaannya. differing slightly. sage ubur-ubur. jellyfish, said to grow as large as a stool. Lihatlah: lino-lino. sage ɓana cmpd n. ****. k.o. spaghetti worm, a marine worm of the family Terebellidae. sago n. bunyi, suara. noise. ompole sago banyak suara much noise mansago vn. ribut, gaduh. noisy. mia mansago orang ribut noisy people Isee mansago! Jangan ribut! Quiet down! saha vi. pasrah. submitting, resigned. Isahamo. Sudah pasrah (ayam sabung, tidak melawan lagi). He submits already (a cock that won't fight anymore). sahinaa n. saudara, sanak. sibling, cousins, family, relatives, kinsmen; people who can trace lineage back to one father and mother. Sahinaano Buragil ndo'onoono ndolaha'o kangkuanino tamando. Enam orang saudara Buragil mengikuti anjuran ayahnya. Buragil's brothers and sisters, those other six of them followed their father's instruction. sansahinaa n. *****. household, a nuclear family but often including parents and unmarried siblings of the nuclear couple. Miano Konawe a'iso, ndoleu ndopinda i Kulisusu sansa-sansahinaa'inda. Orang Konawe itu datang pindah di Kulisusu sekeluarga. Those Konawe people they came, they moved to Kulisusu household by household. pesahinaa vi. *****. accepted as one of the family;. Indaɗe io sahinaangku, ndopesahinaa'aka'aku. Mereka keluarga saya, mereka berkeluarga dengan saya. They are my family, they are family with me. pesahi-sahinaa vi. berhubungan keluarga (tt orang banyak). be related (of many people). Ndopesahi-sahinaa i laro kampo a'ai. Di dalam kampong ini, masih hugungan keluarga semua. They are all related to one another in this village. 10/4/2013

collide, crash, run into each other.

teposaka vi. bertabrakan. collide.

saka2 vn. pas, rapat, tanpa kelonggarannya. close, tight, without space inbetween. Lihatlah: pee.

pasaka vt [-'o]. merapatkan, kasih rapat supaya tidak ada kelonggaran antarannya. tighten up, bring together so that there are no spaces in between.

saka3 kasaka n. pertunjukan. performance. pesaka'i vi. bermain, bermain-main. play, play around, joke around. mesaka'i lumonso bermain melompat, **** play a jumping game, play jump rope mesaka'i meɓaguli bermain kelereng play marbles Isee milako i sala mesaka'i. Jangan bermain-main di jalan. Don't go playing in the street. Kaɗimo ndopesaka'i. Mereka main-main saja. They're just playing around. Mentee, mbule upesakai iko? Mungkin kamu main-main lagi. Maybe you're just playing around / joking again. sakacundu n. ****. ****. Lihatlah: pobumbu. sakaɗoro n. pelantak (untuk senapan bambu). plunger (for popgun). sakara %%. cinta kasih, berahi, gatal, gasang. love, strong affection, lustful desire. sakara bebe cmpd n. k.o. plant. saki vt [-'o]. memasang (api). ignite, light (a fire). Lihatlah: peka, cunu. saki'i vt [-o]. menular, menjangkiti. infect s.o. (with a disease). Ɓendo saario, ɓaraako isaki'i'inda korino. Mereka akan usir, nanti dijangkiti kurapnya. They were going to expel him, lest he infect them with his ringworm. sakulako vt [-ø]. melempar ****. toss underhand. Sakulako wukuno ola-olai. Lempar tulangnya agak jauh. Throw the bones out a bit far. pekansakulako vi. melemparkan (tali pancing). cast (a fishing line). sala1 n. jalan. road. pesala vi. berjalan. travel on, go by way of. pesala i wita berjalan di atas tanah go by land pesala i tahi berjalan di laut go by sea pesala i parigi

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




berjalan di jalan raya go by way of the main road Ɓemi mpesala i Kandari kemi ɓansule? **** Will you return home by way of Kendari? pesalanga n. tempat berjalan, jalanan. pathway, course. pesalangano konde jalanan anai-anai termite trail Ri'ai pesalanga. Disinilah tempat berjalan. Here's the pathway. Ɓawu a'iso, nai to'orio pesalangano. Babi itu, tidak diketahui jalanannya He didn't know which way those pigs went. pesalangano asno masina **** slanting hole in the bottom of a boat through which the propeller shaft passes sala2 n. celana. pants, trousers, shorts. sala jongkoro celana pendek dng kunci shorts with a metal fastener sala kalaromi celana dalam, celana pendek bermacam-macam yg bisa dipakai di bawah sarong atau celana lain underpants and briefs, shorts which can be worn as an undergarment sala kamanda celana pendek dng tali kolor shorts with a drawstring sala mpombala celana yang sampai ke pertengahan betis, celana buntung shorts which reach to one's calves, **** sala ncina celana dalam untuk perempuan women's underwear, panties sala ondau celana panjang long pants sala3 n. pohon salak dan buahnya. salak palm and its fruit, sometimes called snake fruit or snakeskin fruit. Salacca zalacca (Gaertner) Voss.

sala4 posala vi. berbeda. different. olai posalano jauh berbeda very different, far different

pinosalaako n. perbedaan. point of difference. Pinosala'akono, i ri'ai ompole sahinaa; kei kampondo mia, daaho sahinaa, ako nando ompole. Perbedaannya, disini banyak keluarga; di kampung orang, ada keluarge, tetapi mereka tidak banyak. The difference is, here there is lots of family; in other villages, there are family members, but they aren't many. pekasalaki vi. bersalahan, berselisih, baku salahfahaman. differ, be at odds, misunderstand each other. posalaki vt [-o]. menengkari. dispute, disagree about. topomposalaki kita baku salahfahaman we have a misunderstanding (= we disagree concerning s.th.) momposalaki vn. ****. ****. ndomomposalaki mereka baku salahfahaman they have a misunderstanding (= we are at odds) salaho %%. kurang normal, berkelainan (orang, mesin). abnormal, having a disorder (person, machine). salaki Lihatlah: sala-4. salamata vn. merah muda, merah jambu. pink. 120

salamati vn. selamat. safe, saved. Ɓawu hako itonia hinamo ndotelimba ri'asoa, ah, isalamati Buragil. Babi-babi tersebut tak dapat menyeberang kesana, ah, Buragil selamat. Those pigs couldn't cross over there, ah, Buragil was safe. kasalamati'a n. keselamatan. salvation. salangka n. lekuk selangka, kedua lekuk kiri-kanan dekat (di atas) tulang selangka. clavicular notch(es), the hollows on left and right sides of the neck just above the collar bone. Salasa n. Selasa, hari Selasa. Tuesday. salata n. selatan. south. salawatu n. sumbangan. offering. salenda n. selendang. shawl. sali1 vt [-ho]. 1) menuang. pour. Lihatlah: bulusako. 2) menyaring. sieve, strain.

sali2 pesali-sali kua ****. hold one's elbow behind one's back.

sali3 vi. segera. soon, quickly. Isali lumako. Dia segera pergi. He left quickly. Sio-sionomo kato sali lumeu. Mudah-mudahan, kami segera datang. Hopefully we can come soon. Sio-sionomo kami nsali tumambo maliwa. Mudah-mudahan, kamu segera sembuh dengan cepat. Hopefully you can soon get well fast. Ɓemi nsali lumako ɓumansule. Engkau segera pulang! You're going home so soon! Kubura'o kaanongku, isali mocu'i. Saya membedaki ***** saya, supaya segera kering. I powder my athlete's foot, so that it dries quickly. sali-sali vi. segera, cepat-cepat. quickly, with speed. salingi vt [-o]. menyalin. copy. salu n. 1) pengalas belanga, terutama yang dibuat dari tanah liat khusus untuk belanga. stand or base on which a pot is rested, particularly an earthenware ring for earthenware cookpots. Searti: kalempi. 2) simpai, lingkaran penguat spt pd pegangan badik, keris, dsb. ferrule, a strengthening band such as around the handle of a dagger, kris, etc. saluɓata Bentuk lain: empe saluɓata. n. sm tikar yg dibuat dari pandan, dianyam lebar-lebar. k.o. mat coarsely plaited from pandanus leaves (using wide strips). Lihatlah: empe, salupi. salupi n. sm tikar dr pandan. mat made from screwpine leaves. Lihatlah: empe, saluɓata. sambahea n. sembahyang, salat. prayer, prayer service. — vi. bersembahyang. say prayers. sambali Lihatlah: mbali. sambalo n. ****. kind of food dish made with

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sambela n. sm ketam. k.o. crab, larger than the koicu.

sambi vt [-ho]. mendera, memukul. whip, lash, hit. sambio vt [-ho]. memercikkan (dgn tangan, gelas, timbang, dsb). splash with water (with one's hand, a glass, a dipper, etc.). pekasambio vr. saling memercikkan. splash each other (as children playing with water). sambirika vn. jorok, sembrono. done in a slovenly manner. Lihatlah: lalonsara. sambo1 vt [-'o]. mencampur (beras merah dengan putih). mix (red and white rice). sambo2 vt [-'o]. menahan (pukulan). withstand, take (a punch). sambure n. sapu, biasanya terbuat dari lidi daun palem. whisk broom, traditionally made from palm leaflet ribs. sambure gie sapu yg terbuat dari lidi daun palem whisk broom of palm leaflet ribs — vt [-o]. menyapu. sweep, brush off. Tabe, kusambureo, ikowiga. Permisi, saya menyapu, ada kotoran. Excuse me, let me brush it off, it's dirty. samburei vt [-o]. menyapukan. sweep, brush away. monsamburei wiga i wawono pantasa menyapukan kotoran di atas tempat tidur sweep away dirt from on top of the matress pesambure vi. menyapu. sweep. samburoto n. sambiloto (sj tumbuhan). the green chireta plant. Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Wallich ex Nees. sampa1 n. cabang, dahan. branch, twig. Rusa i Kolensusu kaɗi picu sampa tanduno. Jonga di Kulisusu, hanya tujuh cabang tanduknya. As for the deer in Kulisusu, its antlers have at most seven points. sampa raja cmpd n. sauh yg berpengait. anchor with stock and arms. sampa2 n. kover dr pelepah palem ****. k.o. traditional storage box or chest with matching lid, plaited from gebanga with rattan reinforcement along its edges. sampalu n. buah asam, tambaring. tamarind. Tamarindus indica L. sampalu kelu-kelu buah asam yg agak panjang a somewhat long tamarind fruit sampalu kinulisi **** peeled tamarind, processed tamarind fruit as commonly sold in small packets at the market sampe1 prep. sampai. until. — conj. sampai, hingga. until. Toholeo sampe mohalo. Digoreng sampai hitam. We fry it until it is dark. Igogiri'akonomo ihino ɓawu itonia, sampe ipura saluwuo. Ia menggosokkan 10/4/2013

dengan dagin babi itu, sampai habis semuanya. I rubbed it with the pig flesh until it was all used up. sampe2 vt [-o]. menggantungkan (spt cucian pd tali jemuran). hang, hang up (as laundry over a clothesline). sampe ɓahu menggantungkan pd bahunya hang over the shoulder sampeako vt [-ø]. menggantungkan secara kurang tepat, ****. hang up in an offhand or imprecise way, throw over (so that it hangs). kosampe-sampe vi. tergantung. hanging, suspended. tesampe vn. tergantung. hung, hanging. sampe3 vi. *****. light. Hiina isampe. ***** It doesn't light (said of cigarete lighter). sampeɓaɓa n. sm_ikan. diamond trevally. Alectis indicus Rüppell. sampo sampo. shampoo. pesampo menyampo, mencuci rambut. use shampoo, wash one's hair. Lihatlah: peluwi. pesa-pesampo vi. ****. ****. sampora n. tunangan, pacaran. fianc窠one's betrothed. pesampora vi. bertunangan. engaged to be married, betrothed. — n. upacara. ceremony. sampuni vt [-o]. mengerumuni, mengeroyok. crowd around, swarm over, overwhelm. sanaa vn. senang, merasa senang. happy, content, pleased. Ndopo'iamo Buragil te io ɓangke-ɓangkele i raha a'iso, tendo sanaa. Tinggallah Buragil bersama neneknya di rumah itu, dan mereka senang. Buragil and the old woman lived in that house, and they were content. Anu a'ai sampe poɗaga a'iso hiina isanaa, ikaa-kaa larono ɗuka. Hal ini membuat pedagang itu tidak merasa senang, makan hati lagi. This thing continued until the trader was unhappy, he ate his heart out again. kasanaa kesenangan. happiness, contentment. Orua'inda mia owosendo sauri kasanaando ndo'onto anando ndoɓawali moiko. Kedua orang tua mereka sangat kesenangan melihat anak mereka berteman dengan baik. As for their two parents, their happiness was great to see their children being good friends. sanda vi. silau, bersinar terang. dazzling, shining brightly. Ɗamo sumanda oleo. Matahari silau. The sun is dazzling bright. Isandamo wula. Bulan bersinar terang. The moon is bright. — vt [-%]. menyilaukan. dazzle. Isanda'aku. Saya disilaukannya. It dazzled me. sanda mata clause_idiom. bersilau mata, tidak bisa melihat karena cayaha. have one's eyes

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




blinded by light. Isanda matangku. Mataku silau, saya tidak bisa lihat. It blinded my eyes, my eyes were blinded by light.. sandali n. sandal, sandal jepang. sandal, rubber thong. Lihatlah: kapinda [pinda]. sandara vt [-'o]. mencoba mengukir pas, tes dulu kalau bisa atau tidak; mencoba memasang (pakaian), ****. test to see if something will fit; try on (clothes), assemble (a house). mosandara raha ***** put a house together Kusandara'o kausu a'iko, ah, samoikongku. Saya mencoba memasang sepatu itu, ah, ****. I tried on those shoes, ah, they were just right for me. sandata vt [-'o]. mensiapkan, menyediakan (persenjataan, makanan). ready, make ready (weapon, food). Io ewangano isandata'omo. Dia menyiapkan persenjataannya. He readied his weapons. sandataa n. persiapan. preparations. sandataano kawi'a persiapan perkawinan preparations, supplies for a wedding sandika n. sm permainan. k.o.game. sandu n. sauk, jaring mendarat. scoop net, landing net. pesandu vi. memakai ****. fish using a scoop net. Ndolako mesandu i ompo. Mereka pergi ****. They went fishing with scoop nets near a small fishing weir. sandu-sandu n. ****. a cloth carried by the corners by two men (one in front, one in back), into which money offerings are tossed. sanggara n. pisang goreng. fried bananas. sanggara katampo pisang yg di**** adonan baru digoreng bananas fried with a batter coating — vt [-'o]. menggoreng (pisang), membuat pisang goreng dari. fry (bananas), make fried bananas out of. Lihatlah: kamangka, senga-senga. sangia n. ****. a powerful spirit of certain deceased persons / ancestors, concerning whom it is not proper to say their actual name. — %%. tempat keramat ****. a place which is made holy or sacred by the presence of such a spirit. sangka vt [-'o]. mencurigai. suspect. Searti: pitanaa. Sangkapura pn. Singapora. Singapore. sangke1 vt [-'o]. mengangkat. lift. sangke2 vt [-'o]. menyambar. swoop down and sieze. sangke moniu cmpd n. burung elang. k.o. raptor. sangkeɗa n. sm ikan. giant seapike. Sphyraena jello Cuvier. Lihatlah: cumumbu, ndoma. sangkili vt [-ho]. menggendong (anak) di pinggul. carry (a child) on one's hip. Lihatlah: ampu. 122

pepesangkili vi. minta digendong. ask to be carried.

sango pesango vi. meminta izin pergi, berpamit. ask permission to leave, say goodbye. pesango mpotaɗo berpamit dng janjian bertemu lagi take one's leave with a promise to meet again Ondo te Bene ndotaɗemo, kando ɓansule te temesango nahina. Ondo dan Bene berdiri, lalu pulang tanpa pamit. Ondo and Bene stood up and left without even saying goodbye. pekapesango'i vi. saling meminta izin pergi, bersalam-salaman. take leave of each other, say good-byes. sango-sango n. sm tumbuhan laut. k.o. seaweed.

sani mosani vn. kotor,****. dirty, covered with dust. Imosani karungku. Kaki saya kotor. My feet are dirty. sanjata n. senjata. gun, weapon. Lihatlah: sinapa. sansa vi. lewat, melanggar. go past, tresspass, transgress. Kemi lako i ɗaoa, misansa i rahamai. Ketika pergi ke pasar, engkau lewat rumah kami. Whenever you go to the market, you pass by our house. sansami vt [-o]. melewati. pass by. pekasansa-sansa vi. lalu lalang. go back and forth. santa n. santan. millk squeezed from fresh-grated coconut. santamo n. — n. *****. namesake, one who shares the same name. santaonga %%. pantas. proper, fitting. Santaongano, kando pasaaɗe. **** **** Lihatlah: laenga.

sa'o mosa'o vn. jelek. bad, ugly. mia mosa'o penjahat a bad person, a criminal Imosa'o namisingku. Saya tidak merasa baik. I'm not feeling well. sapa vt [-'o]. menutup dgn telapak tangan (msl matanya, tempurung lutut, dsb). cover with the palm of the hand (as one's eye, kneecap, etc.). sapa1 n. sm penyakit, gatal di mana-mana. k.o. disease, characterized by widespread itching. Lihatlah: kori. sapa2 kayu pewarna air minum. k.o. plant used for coloring boiled drinking water. sapati n. dahulu pejabat yg tinggi pada kesultanan di Wolio. high official in the former Wolio sultanate. sapatu n. sepatu. shoe. Lihatlah: kausu. sapi n. sapi. domestic cattle. Bos spp. sapu vt [-'o]. menadah. catch. Searti: taangi.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




Saputuu n. Sabtu, hari Sabtu. Saturday. sara n. 1) aturan yg ditetapkan sbg adat. regulations dictated by customary law. 2) pejabat pemerintah, syara, yang memerintah, pemerintah. functionaries in the traditional system of native governance, the authorities, the government. Saluwuo sara te mia i kampo a'iso ndosagaumo ɓendo ponsumbele sa'ulu wembe. Seluruh syara dan orang di kampung itu bermufakat untuk menyembelih seekor kambing. All the officials and people in that village discussed and agreed that they would slaughter a goat. saragenti n. 1) pejabat dl kampung. village officials. 2) pasukan. troops, armed forces. sarampa1 n. alergi, gatal. allergic reaction, itchiness. sarampa2 n. serampang, trisula. three-pronged fishing spear. Lihatlah: kan/cika, pangisi, sosapa. sarancio n. ketam sentada, sj ketam beracun yg dapat membunuh orang. poisonous xanthid crab, k.o. medium-sized orangish-red crab that can be fatal if eaten. Xanthidae. sarangka n. sarung (untuk parang, keris, dsb). sheath (for machete, kris, etc.). sarasi vn. sering-sering ketemu, bersama-sama, serasi. often together, working together, harmonious, compatible. sarempa 1) n. ****. bow piece, the curved piece of wood which forms the bow of a boat. 2) mal terbuat dr kawat yg keras, untuk mengukir haluan perahu supaya sama perutnya kiri-kanan. reversible template made from stiff wire, used when carving the bow of a boat, to make sure the left and right sides are symmetrical. sarere1 n. burung bubut. coucal. sarere2 n. katang-katang. beach morning glory. Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R.Br. sarerei %%. ****. ****. manu monsarerei **** a cock following a hen, showing off? sarerempa %%. tdk tegak berdirinya (msl krn berat bebannya atau mabuk). be unsteady on one's feet (e.g. from drunkenness, or under a heavy load). Lihatlah: ta/nenensu. sari ****. ****. sarino ni'i daging kelapa pada bagian permukaan coconut meat **** sariga n. Searti: riga. sari-sari vt [-'o]. mendambakan, iri hati thd milik orang lain. covet, desire what someone else has. pesari-sari %%. mendekatkan diri kpd orang (supaya diperhatikan, disayangi, menanya, dsb). edge one's way close to someone (in order to be noticed, receive favor, ask a question, etc.). 10/4/2013

saro n. sampah, kotoran, bagain yg tidak berguna. refuse, trash, unusable portion. Io kulino ue, topakeo; io sarono toɓasiako. Kulitnya rotan kita pakai; bagian yang tidak berguna (****), kita buang. The skin of the rattan we use, the unusable part (pith) we throw away. saru vt [-ho]. meminjam. borrow. monsaru ɓangka meminjam perahu borrow a boat ɓasaru-saru vi. ****. ****. Pangaru ngkomeantano ngeeno ɓumasaru-saru. **** **** pesaru-saru vi. ****. ****. posaruhako vt [-no]. meminjamkan. lend. Ponsaruhakono! Pinjamkanlah! Lend it! Maina supedamiu? - Nai ɗa'a. Kupomposaruhako. Sepedamu di mana? - Tidak ada. Saya meminjamkannya. Where is your motorcycle? It's not here. I lent it out. ponsaruha n. tempat meminjam. lending place. ponsaruha boku perpustakaan lending library sarunako vt [-ø]. harap, percaya, mempercayakan. hope, believe, rely on. sarungka n. alas, lampin, kain untuk memegang panci. base, pad, saucer (for a cup), potholder (for a pot). — vt [-ho]. menaruh (piring, dsb) di alas. place (a dish, etc.) onto a pad. sasa1 vt [-o]. mengambil semuanya, mengambil semua yg ada. take all, take everything available. A'ai, ɓakeno ngkopenduano; ɓakeno cumpeno, to'arimo sumasao. Inilah buahnya **** This is the second setting of (mango) fruits; the first setting we already stripped off the tree. Lihatlah: upu. pesasa vt [-o]. menawar. bargain, haggle. Ndopompesasa olino. Mereka sedang menawar harganya. They are bargaining over the price. sasa2 n. kapar, kaparan, sesuatu (ganggang, daun, atau kotoran lainnya) yg dibawa oleh arus kali atau kuala. flotsam (seaweed, leaves, garbage, etc.) brought along by the current in a river or estuary. sasi vt [-'o]. melarang. forbid. Kaakano isasi'o isee ipangka. Kakanya melarangnya agar ia jangan menangis. Her older brother forbid her to cry. tesasi dilarang. forbidden. Hina ndotasasi. Mereka idak bisa dilarang. They don't heed instruction (lit. they can't be forbidden). satanga %%. setengah. half, one-half. satanga ta'u setengah tahun half a year sauri vi. sangat, sekali. very, greatly, extremely. Isauri to'u ka'olarono. Dalamnya betul sangat, betul sekali dalam. It's depth is truly great, it is truly very deep. Isauri pekamaasiakondo. Mereka

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




sangat saling menyayangi. They greatly loved each other. Cinando ɗapo tora-tora tei sauri imaasiako'inda. Ibunya masih hidup dan sangat sayang kepada mereka. Their mother was still alive, and she loved them very much. Ndopo'onto buah malaka i ri'iso isauri ka'ompoleno. Mereka melihat jambu biji di sana sangat banyak. They saw that guavas there were extremely numerous. Io raja isauri kalihino, rounomo anano pinalaengando itonia ɓei matemo, itambomo. Raja sangat gembira karena anaknya yang diduga sudah akan mati telah sembuh. The king was extremely happy because his daughter, whom they thought was going to die, was well. Tama awondo isauri porumpi. Ayah tiri mereka sifatnya sangat sekakar. Their father-in-law was extremely stingy. Isauri to'u-to'u La Romu. La Romu sangat... Romu is extreme. sawala n. bisul di punggung. abcess, boil on the back. sawi1 n. 1) sawi putih. pak choi, celery cabbage. Brassica rapa L. cv. group Pak Choi. 2) caisin, sawi hijau. caisin, flowering white cabbage. Brassica rapa L. cv. group Caisin. sawi2 vi. naik. mount, ride. Minai Pilipina, maina minsawi? Naik apa dari Pilipina? What did you come on from the Philippines? — n. penumpang. passenger. sawino ɓangka kapten dan awak kapal (tdk termasuk penumpang) captain and crew of a ship (not including passengers) pekansawi vi. menumpang, ****. travel as a regular paying passenger (the opposite of chartering). sawiki vt [-o]. 1) menumpangi, menaiki. ride on, ride in, go by, board. Kapten a'iso ɓei lingkamo, isawiki kapalano. Kapten itu akan berangkat dengan meni kapalnya. The captain was about to set off, he boarded his boat. 2) menaikkan, menumpangkan. make ride. Isawikio ana i lajara. Dia menaikkan anak di atas kuda. He placed the child on a horse. sawika Bentuk lain: sawi'a. n. pengangkutan. transport. Kei ɗumaa sawi'anto, tohule kolingka-lingka i Wamboule. Kalau ada pengangkutan, kita jalan-jalan ke Wamboule. If we can find transport, we'll go up to Wamboule. sawiko %%. kemasukkan mahluk halus (sm setan atau iblis). possession by an evil supernatural being. Lihatlah: ka'usupia [usu]. sawo vt [-%]. menghargai. value. Mino'iliakonto saluwukita ɓeto pokana-kana sinawono manusia. Keinginan kita supaya kita sama-sama 124

dihargai oleh manusia. Our desire is that mankind will value all of us alike. sawo-sawo vt [-%]. membujuk. coax, persuade. Lihatlah: wuju-wuju [wuju]. sawo'a Lihatlah: wo'a. sawu1 n. 1) sarung. sarong. sawu hinoru sarong **** hand-loomed sarong 2) daun batang bamboo. culm leaf of a bamboo. pesawu vi. memakai sarung (orang); mempunyai daun batang (tt bambu). have or wear a sarong (person); have a culm leaf (of bamboo). Ɗapo ikiɗi, pesawu; ka'owoseno, basiako sawuno. Masih kecil, memakai sarung; sudah besar, sarungnya dibuang. (teka-teki, jawaban: bambu) When it is little, it wears a sarong; when it is bigger, it throws its sarong away. (riddle, answer: bamboo) sawu ɗoriɗi cmpd n. sm sarung ****. k.o. sarong worn on festive occasions. sawu kantewa cmpd n. sarung dukung. sarong used as a sling for carrying. sawu leja cmpd n. sm sarung ****. k.o. sarong worn on festive occasions. sawu ncina cmpd n. sarung perempuan. women's sarong, e.g. with a flowery or batik design. sawu ntama cmpd n. sarung laki-laki. man's sarong with a plaid design. sawuno polangu nph. sarung bantal. pillowcase. sawu2 n. daun kelopak. calyx. se'a n. sm tempayak (atau cacing?) yg tinggal di dalam pohon. k.o. grub or larva (or worm?) living inside of tree trunks. seba %%. sila. cross-legged. paseba vi. duduk sila. sit cross-legged. seɓi vt [-'o]. menangkap dng jerat simpul. catch using a noose. Io bebe a'iso, torakoo, toseɓi'o. Untuk menangkap bebek itu, kita memasang jerat simpul. To catch those ducks, we use a noose trap. kanseɓi n. jerat simpul. noose trap. see n. (atap) seng. galvanized sheet iron, usually corrogated and much used as roofing material. seewi vt [-o]. mencuri. steal. ponseewi n. pencuri. thief, robber. ɓanseewi suka mencuri. thievish, tending toward thievery.

sega mosega vn. perkasa, gagah, berani. brave, bold, fearless. mosega gumau berani berbicara speak boldly pompesega-sega vi. memberanikan diri. pump oneself up, embolden oneself. pekasega-sega vi. saling memberanikan. encourage or embolden each other. Isee

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



sego seke

siɗo pekasega-sega sabu i laa, ɗaaho te buaea. Jangan saling memberanikan terjun ke dalam kali, ada buaya. Don't encourage each other to jump into the stream, there's a crocodile. n. ayam jago. rooster, gamecock.

maseke vn. sempit. narrow, pressed. kaseke n. kesulitan. difficulty, pinch.

keu po'awaako kaseke kalau seandainya sebentar engkau mendapat kesulitan if you are ever in a pinch

seki maseki vn. 1) sempit (tt pakaian). tight-fitting (of clothes). 2) keadaan darurat. requiring emergency attention. seko n. rumput yang tinggi. tall weeds. Lihatlah: ewo. monseko vn. ditumbuhi rumput yang tinggi. overgrown with tall weeds. Imonsekomo salano tolako i koburuno. Jalan ke kuburnya sudah penuh ditumbuhi rumput yang tinggi. The trail we took to his grave was overgrown with tall weeds. selo n. sm ikan. k.o. greenish-silverish fish with a very blunt nose, the anal fin is scaled just like the body.

semba pesemba vi. main betis. play kick the calves.

semee n. semen. cement. senga-senga n. pisang dijemur dan diiris (sebelum digoreng). dried, cut up bananas (before being fried). Lihatlah: kamangka, pisangepe, sanggara.

seo mokoseo vn. merasa dingin, menggigil krn kedinginan. feel cold, shiver from coldness.

sepa vt [-'o]. menyepak, menendang. kick. Lihatlah:

pesese vi. membiasakan diri. accustom oneself, get used to. Hinami memee sumawi kapala lumola? - Hiina, rouno kupesesemo. Apakah kamu takut naik pesawat? - Tidak, karena saya sudah Are you afraid to fly in an airplane? - No, because I've gotten used to it. tesese vn. terbiasa. accustomed, adjusted, used to. Mintesesemo. Engkau sudah biasa. You've already adjusted. Hinai tesese umontokomiu, jadi memee. Dia tidak biasa melihat engkau, jadi takut. (tt anak kecil) She's not used to seeing you, therefore she's afraid. (speaking of a young child) seu n. jarum. needle. — vt [-ho]. menjahit. sew. kanseu n. pelipit, kelim. seam. seua n. bisul di muka. abcess or boil on the face, pimple. Lihatlah: paluɓaga. sewa vt [-ho]. menyewa; membayar ongkos perjalanan. rent, hire, pay fare for passage. Keo samia, tosewaho tolu riwu lima ecu sampe Kioko. Kalau satu orang, kita membayar ongkos perjalanan tiga ribu lima ratus (Rupiah) sampai Kioko. For one person, we pay three thousand five hundred (Rupiahs) as far as Kioko. — n. tarip, sewa. tarrif, fare. siasa vt [-'o]. memukul dng tinju sbg hukuman. punish by hiting with the fist. kansiasa hukuman dng memukul. a thrashing (as punishment). Lihatlah: ɓeɓe, cumbu, epi. siɓa n. ikan cakalang. skipjack tuna. Katsuwonus pelamis L. siɓa buri-buri cmpd n. ikan cakalang. mackerel tuna. Euthynnus affinis Cantor.

sibu mosibu vn. rakus. greedy. Lihatlah: moɗoko,


moro'o, moso'o.

sepalako vt [-ø]. menyepak-terjang, menyepak-

siɗa vi. sempat, berhasil, jadi. have opportunity,

kejam. kick mightily or violently, attack by kicking. Lako ri'iso kai alao Rabungkowala rapano ika a'iso kai sepalako. Pergi di sana Rabungkowala mengambil kepala ikan itu, kemudian menendangnya dengan keras. Rabungkowala went there and he took that fish head and he gave it a mighty kick. pekasepa vi. menyepak kakinya. kick one's foot outward. sere vi. saling menaksir (sudah pacaran, tetapi belum bertunangan). desire each other (already a couple, but not yet betrothed). sere'i vt [-o]. mencintai. be drawn toward, like (a person). Kusere'iko. Saya mencintai kamu. I like you.

manage to, succeed in. Ɓemi nsiɗamo lumako meanta? Apakah akan jadi kamu pergi besok? Will you be able to get off tomorrow? Minsidamo kumarajaa? Sudah jadi kita kerja? Have you been able to find work? Tohulepo pombulaa, hinamo tosiɗa, kaɗimo tolakomo mongoci. Kami pergi ke kebun, tetapi tidak jadi, kami hanya pergi mencari siput di laut. We started off for the garden but we never made it there, we ended up hunting shellfish at low tide. Nahina tosiɗa mina'i i lia mo'onto wunano lelei. Kita tidak sempat turun ke gunung melihat sarang burung walet. We never managed to go down to the cave to see swiftlet nests vt [-ho]. bisa angkat. able to lift. Hinai siɗokomiu. **** It (my motorcyle) is not able to

sese 10/4/2013


Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



sintere carry you.


siɗu vt [-o]. menyendok. spoon. kansiɗu n. sendok kecil. a small spoon, such as a teaspoon. siɗupako vt [-ø]. scoop or spoon away a (usually disgusting) object. sii vt [-%]. merokok. smoke (cigarettes). Lihatlah: soso-1. sijaraa n. musibah. disaster, calamity. sika vt [-'o]. mengusir, terutama anjing, kucing. chase away, especially a dog or cat. Sika'opo meo asoa isee iko'aro-aro. Usir kucing itu supaya tidak mengerang. Chase that cat away so that is stops wailing. Lihatlah: sio2. — excl. kata **** untuk mengusir anjing atau kucing, ****. call word for chasing away dogs and cats, shoo! Lihatlah: sio2. sikali n. penopang. brace, support. sikoɓawu n. nama lain untuk sangke moniu. alternate name for the sangke moniu. sikola n. sekolah. school. — vi. bersekolah. go to school. Hinapo isikola. Tabea, ta'u cinola-tolai ka ɓei usu sumikola. Dia belum bersekolah. Tetapi tahun depan dia akan masuk sekolah. She doesn't yet go to school. But next year she will start school. sikori vt [-o]. menunggu, menunggukan. await, wait for. pesikori vi. menunggu. wait. Kolopua a'iso isabara to'u mesikori. Kura-kura itu sabar betul menunggu. The tortoise is truly patient waiting. siku vt [-'o]. ****. push, prod with a stick. siku1 n. siku (alat tukang kayu). carpenter's square. Lihatlah: hiku. sikua n. rajungan. flower crab, also known as the blue swimmer crab. Portunus pelagicus L. sila vn. memancarkan cahaya, bersinar, menyala. give off light, glow, burn. Itonia malo isilamo hulu listrik i Rombo. **** Last night electric lights came on in Rombo. Nopepisilaa io po'ontohando io silano api, kaɗi Kolinsusu a'ai. Melihat di kiri-kanan yang ada api, hanya bahagian Kulisusu. They looked around to see who might have a fire burning, only Kulisusu here. pasila vt [-'o]. menyalakan. ignite, set fire to, light. Pasila'akita hulu. Tolong nyalakan lampu untuk kita. Please light a lamp for us. mensila vn. terang, menyala-nyala secara terang. bright, burning or glowing brightly. silaki vt [-%]. tarik keras satu kali. give a stiff pull or jerk (e.g. on a fishing line to set the hook). silepi vt [-o]. menjilat. lick. Isilepiakono elono dia menjilatnya dengan lidahnya he licked it with his 126

silewi vt [-o]. menghangatkan pakai nyala. expose s.th. to an open flame, heat or dry s.th. using an open flame. Lihatlah: cunu, tapai. silimbu vt [-o]. menyelimuti. cover with a blanket. pesili-silimbu vi. menyelimut diri,membeliti diri (msl dng sarong krn angin). cover, conceal oneself; wrap oneself (as in a sarung against the wind). kansilimbu n. selimut. blanket. silipako vt [-ø]. memasukkan. slip in. Silipako i rere. Masukkanlah (pisau) kedlm dinding. Slip (a knife) into the wall (to store it) mesilipako %%. menyelip. slip into place. siloi vt [-o]. ****. look at out of the sides of one's eyes. simbi n. gelang tangan. bracelet. simbiti vi. berani. brave, dare. Hiina ndosimbiti ɓo mepateo. Mereka tidak sampai hati untuk membunuh dia. They were't brave enough to kill her.

simpa kasimpa n. kaki kuda **** tempat pasang gendang dan gong. tripod (or similar structure) on which drums and gongs are hung. simpo n. cicak rumah. common house gecko. Lihatlah: kimbohu, kolela, toke. sinapa n. senjata api. gun, firearm. Kegunaan: archaic. Lihatlah: pisitolo, sanjata, temba.

sindalu tesindalu tergelincir (tt barang). slip, slide (of things). Lihatlah: sindarako.

sindarako tesindarako vn.

tergelincir dan jatuh (tt manusia). slip and fall down (of person), skid. Lihatlah: sindalu.

singampalo tesingampalo vn. jatuh dr tangga, tetapi kakinya terkait pd janjangnya **** tdk kena tanah. fall from a ladder, but not land on the ground becuase one's foot gets caught in the rungs. singka n. urat keting. achilles tendon.

singki masingki vn. cemburu, iri hati. jealous, envious.

singkoloɗo n. pelipatan lutut. popliteal space, hollow in back of the knee.

sino n. sm ikan. coral trout. Plectropomus leopardus Lacep<e`>de.

sinsi n. cincin. ring, finger ring. sinsu vt [-ho]. membangunkan orang tidur. awaken. Kutekocuri, da'a suminsu'aku. Saya tertidur, tidak ada yang membangunkan saya. I fell asleep, and there was no one who woke me. sintere n. senter. flashlight.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




sinu n. sm ikan. small-toothed cod. Epinephelus polyphekadion Bleeker. Lihatlah: kokose.

sio1 mosio vn. menjadi kering (mata air, sumur, dsb). run dry (spring, well, etc.). Sa'arino mondo'u, e'e a'iso imosiomo. Setelah dia meminum, sumur itu menjadi kering. As soon as she had drunk, that well ran dry. sio2 excl. ucapan untuk mengusir ayam atau burung, husy! call word for expelling chickens or birds, shoo! — vt [-ho]. mengusir (ayam, burung). shoo away (chickens, birds). Sioho manu! Usirlah ayam itu! Chase that chicken away! Lihatlah: sika. sio-3 bound num. sembilan. nine. Lihatlah: osio. sio-sio %%. mudah-mudahan. hopefully; usually followed by the perfective marker mo. sipi vt [-'o]. ****. pick up (e.g. hot stones) with a pincher / tongs made from bamboo. kansipi n. penjepit rambut. hairclip. sirikaea n. sirsak, nangka belanda. soursop. Annona muricata L. Lihatlah: kabarasa. sisi1 n. pinggir, sisi. side, edge. sisino karu pinggir / tepi ?? kaki side of the foot sisino parigi pinggir jalan raya side of the road Lihatlah: lempe. ngkosisi %%. berletak pd sisinya. located on its side, lying or resting on its side. sisi2 vt [-'o]. mengerik. scrape the meat from young coconuts. Ndo'arimo sumisi'o kalimbungo saluwuo. Mereka sudah mengerik kelapa muda semuanya. Thy've already scraped all the young coconuts out. kansisi n. alat untuk mengerik. scraper. kansisino ni'i alat untuk mengerik kelapa muda (biasanya dibuat dari sebagian sabutnya) scraper for young coconuts (usually made out of part of the husk)

sisilu mesisilu antara masak dgn kecut (khusus buah asam). between ripe and wrinkled (said only about tamarind pods). samesisiluno n. kelapa yg baru mulai berisi, isinya belum banyak. an immature fruit of the coconut palm, the flesh of which is very soft and new. Iko'ihi samesisiluno. Kelapa berisi (belum banyak). The coconut has started to form meat. Lihatlah: cipaka, kalimbungo.

sisipi pesisipi vi. memasukkan, mengganti disana-sini


(msl atap). slip in, spot-replace (as roofing thatch). vt [-'o]. menunjuk, mengajar. show, instruct. Ɓendo ponsisu'aka'aku io oje, ɓendo wawai'aku i Kioko. Mereka akan menunjukkan


saya ojek, mereka akan mengiringi saya ke Kioko. They will let me know about a charter motorcycle, they will escort me to Kioko. posisu n. ****. instruction. pekamposisu vi. belajar. instruct oneself, practice, learn. Tujuamai toleu ri'ai pekamposisu pogau ngKulisusu. Tujuan kami datang ke sini belajar bahasa Kulisusu. Our goal in coming here is to learn the Kulisusu language. sito n. udang windu. giant tiger shrimp. Penaeus monodon Fabricius.

siu1 mesiu Bentuk lain: misiu. vn. manis. sweet.

siu2 n. sudut. corner. siuno meja sudut meja corner of the table

siu-siu n. sudut sebelah dalam. inside corner.

siwi kansiwi n. large fish and large bananas, sent by a man to the home of the girl he wishes to marry. mowawa kansiwi membawa ikan dan pisang dng maksud ini to come with fish and bananas for this purpose siwolu n. sm siput laut. k.o. volute (marine univalve). Cymbiola spp? siwulu n. keturunan. offspring, descendant. soami n. ****. a cone, woven from coconut or gebang palm leaves, in which grated cassava is steamed. — vt [-o]. mengukus. steam, cook by steaming in a soami. kansoami n. ubi kayu yg dikusus. steamed cassava.

soɗa kansoɗaa n. usungan (msl untuk orang sunat atau mayat), usungan jenazah. litter (as for circumcision initiate), bier (for corpse). soɗe vi. sibuk mundar-mandir di rumah. bustle about the house. soɗo1 vi. mendemam. have a fever. mopii soɗo sakit demam feverish, sick with a fever Ungkuɗe sumoɗo. Saya berdemam. I have a fever. mansoɗo Bentuk lain: masoɗo. vn. kepanasan. hot, experiencing or suffering from heat (as in a crowded room). Lihatlah: merara [rara2]. soɗo2 vt [-ho]. menyodok, menusuk. poke. Isoɗo'aka'aku tonisuno! Dia menyodok saya dengan telunjuknya! He poked me with his finger!

soɗo3 pomposoɗo %%. merajuk. pout, sulk, mope. Ndopomposoɗo. Mereka merajuk. They are sulking around. sogo1 n. sm ikan. soldierfish.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




sogo memea cmpd

n. sm ikan. crimson soldierfish. Myripristis murdjan Forss. sogo morampu cmpd n. sm ikan. blackfin soldierfish. Myripristis adusta Bleeker. sogo rampu = |fv {sogo morampu}. = sogo morampu.

sogo2 mosogo vn. ganas, galak, liar. savage, vicious, wild.

soimbi %%. bibir sumbing. harelip, cleft palate. sola vi. merangkak, berjalan dgn pantat. crawl on one's bottom.

solar*** n. solar. diesel fuel. sole1 sinole n. sagu digoreng dan diaduk. sago fried and stirred. Lihatlah: kaɗampo.

sole2 mosole vn. terlalu masak, terlalu kuning (pisang). overripe, too yellow (of bananas). Lihatlah: motaha [taha-1], moru.

solipo mosolipo vn. tidak terarah, tidak tahu mau ke mana. directionless, without guidance.

solo n. arus (kali atau laut). current (in a stream or in the ocean). balikano solo pusaran arus backflow terlanjur. beyond bounds. Samononano, ungkuɗe hiina kulaenga'akono ɓeku membali apumiu. Mau ngkaa'arumai, mintesolomo umengka'aku. Sebenarnya saya tidak pantas untuk menjadi raja kalian. Namun demikian kalian sudah terlanjur mengangkat saya. In actuality I am not the most fitting to become your king. Even so, you went beyond bounds and choose me. solokea Kegunaan: archaic. vt [-'o]. makan. eat. Lihatlah: kaa1, laambe'u, untolo. solungku n. ikat kepala. head cloth. pesolungku vi. pakai ikat kepala. wear a head cloth. pesolu-solungku vi. ****. ****. soma n. peniti cantel. safety pin. — vt [-ho]. menyematkan. pin, pin together (with straight or safety pins). Lihatlah: patod*o, paso ikiɗi.

tesolo vn.


pesondo vi. **** acara tradisi bagi anak sulung berumur kira-kira tujuh tahun. undergo the rites of the pesondo ceremony. songi n. sudut kamar. inside corner of a room. songka vt [-'o]. mengukur. measure. pesongka vr. saling mengukur. compare, measure oneselves against each other. songko n. songkok, kopiah. fezlike cap worn by Muslims. songko toɓone **** **** songko rapa cmpd n. tengkorak, tempurung kepala. skull. songko wulu cmpd n. tempurung kelapa. coconut shell. songkolo n. ikan dan mie goreng, dibungkuskan daun pisang. fried noodles and fish, wrapped in a banana leaf. songo vi. ful, sepenuhnya. full, full up. sonso vt [-%]. menyisipkan, menempatkan sesuatu ke dalam suatu barang lain. insert, place something inside of another thing. sonsori vt [-o]. menyodok. poke, prod at. kasonso n. corong. funnel. Lihatlah: patongko. sonta n. biji hitam dari buah pohon aren. mature, black seeds of the sugar palm. soo vi. terbenam (tt matahari, bulan). set (of sun, moon). soo oleo matahari terbenam sunset Ɗasumoo oleo. Ketika matahari terbenam. The sun is setting. Lihatlah: saɓa. tesoo vn. menyelip. slip into place.

so'o moso'o vn. rakus, makan sembarang. greedy, eating anything, even what other people would throw away. Lihatlah: moɗoko, moro'o, mosibu. sora1 n. sm ikan. k.o. fish, scales medium, rather indistinct. Lihatlah: katamba. sora2 n. jajar. row, line. teposora vn. sejajar. in a row. ɓasora vn. sejajar. in a row. ɓasora te andiku sejajar dengan adikku (tt kubur) in a row with my younger sibling (speaking of gravesites) sora ntoruku cmpd n. tulang punggung. backbone. Lihatlah: mui.


pesomba vi. menyembah. worship, pay homage.

somba'opu n. cacar. smallpox. sompeɗa vn. salah makan, makanan atau air masuk ke dalam batang tenggorok. have food or water go down the wrong pipe (trachea). sonde vt [-'o]. menisap. slurp. sondi1 n. sendi. hinge. sondi2 n. batu pengalas tiang rumah. stone support for a house post. 128


soreako vt [-ø]. mengadaskan (perahu) dengan sengaja. run (a ship) aground on purpose.

tesore vn. kandas. run aground, aground.

sorei vt [-o]. menemui, menemukan. meet, come upon, find. Buragil imemee ɓaraako ɓawuhako humohaluo ndosoreio. Buragil jadi takut jangan sampai babi-babi yang mencarinya dapat menemuinya. Buragil was afraid lest the pigs chasing him come upon him.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




sori n. sm ikan cendro, badan dan mulutnya panjang.

teso'ulako vn. sambil jalan, jatuh duluan kepala

longtom. Tylosurus spp. Lihatlah: lanto-lanto. sori ai cmpd n. sm ikan gergaji. sailfish. sorinsi n. sm ikan. k.o. fish, probably a scad, silverish with black speckles on the back. soro vt [-ho]. mendorong. push. monsoro ɓangka mendorong perahu push a boat (up onto shore, or into the water) tensoro vn. terluncur. pushed, slip, slide. soroaki n. sm bulu babi yg bisa dimakan. k.o. edible sea urchin. Searti: taeo. soroɓa vi. tergores, tertusuk suban. get stratched or stabbed by a splinter. kosoroɓa vi. tergores (krn terkena suban kayu), mempuntai goresan suban. scratched (by wood), having a wood scratch. soronga n. 1) peti. wooden chest. sorongano mia mate peti mati dead man's chest, coffin Lihatlah: kululi, mbalo, toɓa. soronso n. minuman kelapa muda dan/atau buahbuahan lainnya dicampur gula merah. drink made from young coconut and/or other fruits mixed with palm sugar. — vt [-'o]. menjadikan minuman buah-buahan. make into this kind of fruit drink. Siri kaea a'ai, ɓei sinoronso. Sirsak ini untuk dijadikan minuman. This soursop is for making fruit drink. soropu n. ****. traditional treatment for a longstanding illness wherein the patient is placed in a cloth enclosure, under which a small, smoky fire of cotton fabric is built. sorora n. bintil-bintil di mulut, seriawan, infeksi gusi. sores in the mouth, cankersore, gum infection. sosapa n. tombak ikan bermata lima. five-pronged fishing spear. Lihatlah: kan/cika, pangisi, sarampa-2. soso1 vt [-'o]. 1) mengisap. suck. 2) merokok. smoke. 3) menyudu (spt itik), ****. dabble (as duck), dip the head down and strain food with the bill. soso2 vi. menyesal. feel, experience regret. Ipepu'umo isoso'akono pemingkuno tumelauno a'iso. Ia mulai menyesali perbuatannya yang kejam itu. He began to regret that deed of his which had gone too far. soso3 %%. menyusut (msl kopra). shrink (as copra), atrophy. sosolu n. bubur jagung giling. cornmeal mush, vegetable dish made of ground corn, boiled alone or sometimes mixed with squash. sosomi vt [-o]. meraut, mengerat. whittle, chip. Sosomio kai pekona. **** Whittle it down so that it fits. so'u n. ikan belut. eel.

daripada badannya. trip and fall, landing headfirst. sowo vi. atrek, mundur. back up, go in reverse. sowolo n. teripang. sea cucumber. Lihatlah: humbawi, kompo-kompo ɓacu. strongke Lihatlah: torongke. su'a vt [-ho]. menanam kembili. plant lesser yam.

so'ulako 10/4/2013

suambe kasua-suambe n. ali-ali. sling (weapon).

suara suara. voice. Wakutuuno ironge suarano inaɗe imatemo ɗuka. Ketika ia mendengar suaranya iapun mati juga. When he heard her voice, he himself also died. suawi n. perkakas tenun. loom. — vt [-o]. menyisir tenun dengan sabut kelapa. comb the threads of a loom with coconut husk.

suɓe tesuɓe vn. tersandung jari kakinya. have one's toe stubbed. Kutesuɓe i wacu. Saya tersandung jari kakiku di batu. I stubbed my toe on a rock. suɗa n. ikan gurita yg bisa dimakan. k.o. edible octopus, whitish and brown hued. Searti: imbu, kuita, totopu. suɗe n. sudip, sendok penggorengan. wok spatula. suɗe keu sudip yang tangkainya dibuat dari kayu wok spatula with a wooden handle Lihatlah: kaaru, kaɓe. suɗo vt [-ho]. menahan, menguat (seperti untuk menyangga pohon atau rumah). brace, support (e.g. to keep a tree or house from leaning). pesuɗo-suɗo Bentuk lain: (pe)suɗo-suɗo ntonga. vi. tolak pinggang. stand with arms akimbo. kansuɗo n. penahan, penguat. brace, support. suɗu vt [-ho]. menjolok dari bawah. poke, prod from below. monsuɗu punci ɗawa menjolok papaya knock down papaya fruit Lihatlah: kai, repi. kansuɗu n. tongkat untuk menjolok sesuatu. pole for knocking down (fruit, etc.). sue n. sm kerang bercangkang ganda. k.o. small, elongated marine clam living in sandy areas. suere vn. beda, lain, asing. different, other, strange, foreign. wakutuu nsuereno di saat lain another time, on another occasion mia nsuere orang lain, orang yang bukan keluarga outsider, stranger, someone who is not family pesuere vt [-ho]. membedakan. differentiate, distinguish between, divide, set apart. Pesuereho saaɗe. Pisahkanlah satu. Set one aside (from the others). Laengano, ɓei pinesuere. Yang pantas, dipisahkan. The one which is fitting, let it be set apart. suerenako vt [-ø]. memisahkan dari yg lain.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



suru divide, set apart.

(from below).

sue-suereno %%. dan lain-lainnya. and other

tesundu vn. 1) ****, terlalu tinggi,****. reaching

things, et cetera. Ɗaaho temba, kaɓeloki, soronga, lemari, meja, kurusii, te sue-suereno. Ada senjata api, perhiasan, peti, lemari, meja, kursi dan lain-lainnya. There were firearms, decorations, a trunk, cabinet, table, chairs and other things. n. tuak. palm wine. Lihatlah: ara, langke3.

to (or past) the top, too tall (to fit), extending too far in the vertical direction. 2) ****. accidentally hit the crown of one's head against something (when standing up or walking). Lihatlah: cuke, teɗaku [ɗaku], tesungku [sungku].

suka suku

sunga mansunga vn. kerut. puckered. Imansunga wiwi

mosuku vn. sempit. narrow. sala mosuku jalan sempit narrow trail sula vt [-ho]. mengerek. raise, hoist. sulaho tombi kereklah bendera hoist the flag kasula n. tiang mengerek. pole for hoisting on. kasula tombi tiang bendera flagpole

sulawa mensulawa vn. suka membantah. quarrelsome, contentious.

sule sulengi vt [-o]. mengulangi kembali. repeat again. teposule vn. terbalik. reversed.

huuno. Dia mengerut bibirnya. She puckered her lips. sungki n. sula, tongkat besi yg runcing ujungnya untuk mengupas kelapa. pointed iron stake used for husking coconuts. sungku vn. penuh sampai di batas. filled to the limit. Isungkumo ihino. Sudah penuh isinya. It's filled to the top. Isungkumo buso. Air pasang sudah penuh.. It's full high tide. tesungku vn. accidentally hit the crown of one's head (when standing up or walking). Lihatlah: tesundu {sundu].

sulepe n. ikat pinggang. belt. Lihatlah: kaɓoo. suli n. suling, seruling. flute. suli ikiɗi suling kecil


small flute, fife suli owose suling besar large flute pesuli vi. bermain suling. play the flute. sulubi n. tulang tungging. tailbone. suluđađu n. serdadu. soldier. sulutani n. sultan. sultan. sumampa n. sotong, ****. cuttlefish, any cephalopod with a rigid bone in the mantle cavity. Sepiida. sumano conj. asal, asalkan. as long as, provided that. sumano kaku waraka, tarima'aku montariano ɓeku pepelagu maluđu **** **** Mau sauri topomanea / sumano isee mimpongkeni đuđu. Biar kita kenal dengan baik / namun jangan pegang susu. Though you're well acqauinted / nevertheless don't grasp the breast. sumbele vt [-'o]. menyembelih. slaughter. Iponsumbele manu rounomo ɗaaho tamu. Dia menyembelih ayam karena ada tamu. He slaughtered a chicken, because there was a guest. Tosumbele'o wembe ɓo hala uni. **** We are going to slaughter a goat for (in fulfillment of) a vow. sumowo n. cumi-cumi. squid. Teuthida. Lihatlah: sowo. sumurumba n. ikan singa. lionfish. Pterois volitans ****. sunde vi. bengkok ke belakang. bent toward the back. sundu vt [-ho]. tiba (dari bawah). arrive at, reach

punctured, stabbed (by wood splinter, spine of fish fin, etc.). sunsu2 n. susun. layer, level. Ɗa rua sunsu. I paɗano ngeeno unale inade, taɓeano meriwawono jumadino gandu a'ai. Ada dua susun. Yang di bawah namanya unale (bulir jagung kecil), hanya yang di atas menjadi jagung seperti ini (bulir besar). There are two, one above the over. The one below is called unale (baby corn), only the one above becomes corn like this (a full ear). supeda n. sepeda. bicycle. supeda mpegolo sepeda balapan racing bike pesupeda vi. bersepeda. ride a bicycle. sura n. surat. letter. Ɗaaho suramai? Adakah surat kita? Did we get a letter? suraɓi n. 1) bambu toi, buluh toi, sembiling. k.o.slender bamboo. Schizostachyum lima (Blanco) Merrill. Lihatlah: cula, culambacu, peri, tari. 2) seligi, runcing yg dibuat dr bambu macam ini. a spear made from this bamboo by whitling a sharp point on one end. Topandohakono suraɓi. Kita menombaknya (rusa) dengan seligi. We speared it (deer) with bamboo spears. Searti: kantobu. sure n. sm ikan. rainbow runner. Elegatis bipunnulata Quoy & Gaimard.


tesunsu vn. tertusuk di telapak kaki. pricked,

suru1 pesuru vr. berkelahi. fight.

suru2 vt

[-ho]. mengikut mati bersama, mengkorbankan dirinya dgn. die together with,

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




accompany into death.

stick or stuff s.t. into a crack or crevice.

surub*ani surban. man's decorative headdress. susa vn. susah. difficult, troubling. Io hapa sinusa'akou? Apakah yang engkau susahkan? What's troubling you? sustere n. suster. nurse. susu Asal: PMP *susuq 'edible marine snail'. susu laa cmpd n. sm kerang. k.o. black-shelled auger (univalve mollusk), living in fresh-water streams.


kansusuki n. sisipan, dempul. fill material, caulking material. cumbukio kansusuki padatkan sisipan tamp down fill material (to strengthen a fence post) kansusukino ɓangka dempul untuk perahu caulking material for a boat susu3 n. susu. milk. su'u vt [-ho]. menjunjung. carry on top of one's head. su'umako vt [-ø]. menjunjung (barangnya besar). carry (a large load) on the head.

susuki vt [-o]. menyisipkan, memdempul. insert,

T - t taa1 n. pedang. sword. Lihatlah: ta'owu. taa2 kotaa-taa vi. bertetes-tetes secara pelan. drip slowly.

taangi vt [-o]. menadah. catch. Hela'o penaau ola-olaro kau taangio. Tarik nafas dalam-dalam lalu tahan nafas. Breathe in deeply and hold your breath. Searti: sapu. taangke vi. melompat dng satu kaki. hop on one foot.

taapo petaa-taapo Bentuk

lain: taa-taapo. vi. menepuk-nepuk tangan. clap the hands. taaro n. sangka, persangkaan. guess, estimation. Taarongku, ɓei leu lumahakomiu te Jon. **** I thought John would be coming with you. taɓa1 n. lemak. fat. taɓa2 vt [-'o]. memotong sesuatu rata dng tanah (memakai parang sambil agak jongkok). cut s.th. off near ground level (with a machete, usually while somewhat squatting). Lihatlah: cimpu, welisi. petaɓa vi. memotong memakai parang secara rata dng tanah. slash with a machete near ground level. tabako n. tembakau, rokok. tobacco, cigarettes. Nicotiana tabacum L. tabako leta cmpd n. rokok kertas. self-rolled cigarette. tabako pinombula cmpd n. tabako ditanam sendiri. homegrown tobacco. taɓali n. sm alat untuk bikin sampan. k.o. tool used in making a sampan. taɓaro n. 1) tepung sagu, di daerah Kulisusu dibuat dari pohon rumbia dan pohon enau. sago flour, in the Kulisusu area harvested from the true 10/4/2013

sago palm and the sugar palm. Lihatlah: rumbia. 2) tepung yg dibuat dr tumbuhan lainnya. flour or meal from certain other plant sources. Io ɓakeno kontawu, togigi'o kato pacii'o. Io taɓarono, to'alao kato pajadi'o bura, ɓei moloriako kulino woi. Kita memarut buah kontawu lalu meredakan. Tepungnya dijadikan bedak supaya kulit muka kita akan halus. We grate the kontawu fruit and let it drain. We take the meal and make it into a powder for making the skin of our faces smooth.

taɓaro mentaɓaro sudah mau masak. nearly ripe. Lihatlah: momata [mata-4], motaha [taha-1].

taɓasi vt [-o]. memotong (kayu dsb.) dengan parang. cut or chop (wood, etc.) with a machete.

tabe Lihatlah: tabea. tabea %%. kata sopan untuk minta permisi. polite word for making requests. Tabeamiu, mileupo. Ɗumaa paraluungku te ingkomiu. Permisi, tolong datang. Ada keperluan saya pada engkau. Excuse me, please come. I have need of you. Tabea ɓemi pompenamipo tembelu, rounomo imewalo. Silahkan **** Please have a taste of shipworms, because they are delicious. Tabea ɓemi leu ri'ai, ka ɓemi lako. - Hiina ileumo rua minggu. **** Please stop by, ****???? Ngisi a'iso taɓeano toɓincu'o. Gigi itu harus dicabut. This tooth needs to be pulled. Taɓeano ɓei inuhu. Dia perlu disuntil. He needs an injection. — prep. sampai, kecuali. until, except. Topentaamo tabea tanggali hoalu wula otolu. Kami berlibur sampai tanggal delapan bulan tiga. We're free (on vacation) until the eighth of

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March. — conj. kecuali, nanti kalau, hanya kalau, kalau ... tidak. only if, provided that, unless, not until, once, after, if ... not. Tabea tohala... Kalau kami tidak salah, ... Unless we're mistaken... Tabea irungke paala kai moiko Bagus palanya hanya kalau berbunyi. Only if a nutmeg (shell) rattles is it good. Tabea imonoto kato lingka. Nanti kalau laut teduh, kita pergi. Only if the sea is calm will we go. Mi'arimo mepenaa oto ɓo sawi'amiu? - Hinapo. Tabea ɗeeɗeno mata malo. Apakah kamu sudah mengurus mobil untuk pengangkutanmu? - Belum. Seventar nanti waktu (kalau) malam. Have you already arranged for a car for your transport? - Not yet. Later once it's nighttime. Ke samia-miangku boku a'ai hiina kupokomondo'o, tabea te wali hakongku. Saya sendirian tidak bisa mencapainya, kecuali kalau ada temanku. I can't finish this book by myself, but only if I have people to help me. Tolako mekaɓua kananeano tabeano poone buso. Biasanya kami pergi memancing nanti kalau air naik. We go fishing usually only if it's high tide. Hapai kai amara? - Tabeano inaɗe ɓo cumia'akono. Kenapa dia marah? - **** Why is she mad? She alone wanted to be the one to give it. Tabeano ɓendo leupo ri'ai. **** **** (said about the future possibility of Lydia coming) tabe excl. permisi; ****. excuse me; the full form tabea can also be used in this way. Tabe, tabe, tabe... Permisi, permisi, permisi... (melewati kamar yg penuh sesak). Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me... (passing through a crowded room) taɓiku-ɓiku Bentuk lain: ɓiku-ɓiku. n. sm keong. k.o. land snail, found among other places on banana leaves; the largest about the size of an egg, the shell very handsomely striped. taɓola vt [-'o]. membuat gubang, membuat takit-takit. notch, cut a notch in. — n. gubang, takik-takik pd pohon untuk tumpuan memanjat. notches made in the trunk of tree to assist in climbing. taɓolano ni'i gubang pd pohon kelapa notches in a coconut palm trunk taɓolano esano pea bugang pd tangga loteng notches in the log which serves as the stairs to the attic tabubulu n. ulat bulu. caterpillar. tabukala n. sm ikan. k.o. fish, possibly a wrasse. tabuku-buku n. sm siput laut. k.o. edible marine univalve mollusk, a vase shell? Vasum spp? tacundu n. sm ketam. k.o. crab. taɗa vt [-%]. menyangga (msl tiang rumah). support, prop up (as a house post). 132

taɗe vi. dedang berdiri. standing. kantaɗe-ntaɗe n. tiang layang-layang (bagian kerangkanya yg vertikal). the spine of a kite (the up-and-down part of the frame). Lihatlah: kalungku-lungku [lungku]. kotaɗe-taɗe vi. berdiri-diri. stand around. ngkotaɗe vn. tegak, dl posisi berdiri. upright, erect, standing. pentaɗe vi. berdiri. stand up. pentaɗehako vi. langsung berdiri. stand up quickly, spring to one's feet. pekantaɗe vi. memancing ****. fish using a line by wading out in the ocean. potaɗe vt [-o]. mendirikan, membangunkan, membentuk. erect, build, establish, form. taɗea n. tonggak. post. taɗiɗi vt [-ho]. mengasah ****. sharpen, whet (a small blade) on one side then flip and whet on the other side. Lihatlah: aha. tae vi. kata (***), biasanya diikuti pronomina genitif. say (in quote fomulas), usually followed by a genitive pronoun. Taeno La Misi-misikini, "Seuhaka'aku sawungku a'ai ɓo sala te b^aju." Kata si Miskin, "Jahitkanlah sarungku ini untuk baju dan celanaku." Said La Misikini, "Sew this sarong of mine into pants and a shirt." pekatae-tae vr. berkata-kata, saling mengatai. tell each other, scold each other. pekatae-taeako saling mengatai tentang scold each other concerning potae conj. bahwa. that (subordinator for complement clauses). Ito'orio potae io La Misi-misikini a'iso io ɓo ana moniano. Dia tahu bahwa si Miskin itu adalah calon anak menantunya. He knew that La Misikini was to become his son-in-law. Hulemo kuanio raja a'iko potae ungkuɗe ku'ehe ɓo pumakulio anano. Pergilah sampaikan pada raja itu bahwa saya bersedia untuk mengobati anaknya. Return and inform the rajah that I want to heal his daughter. ta'eko-eko n. sm siput laut. k.o. edible turban shell, the tyria delphinula. Angaria tyria Reeve. taengka-engka n. sm serangga. k.o. small, flying insect, which vibrates its body up and down when alit. taeo n. sm bulu babi, badannya kecil, tusuknya panjang. k.o. sea urchin with a small body and long, black spines. Lihatlah: soroaki. tagundu-gundu n. sm tumbuhan. k.o. small plant with opposite leaves.

taha1 motaha vn. masak. ripe, done, cooked. Ariako tonahuomo motahaako, to'uwe'omo. Sesudah

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kami memasakkannya sampai masak, kami *****nya. After we cook it until it is done, we take it out. Lihatlah: mentaɓalo [tab*alo], mosole [sole-2]. taha2 vt [-%]. meminjam. borrow. tahi n. laut. sea, ocean. petahi vi. melaut. put to sea, go by sea, travel by sea. tahi i bungku nph. Laut Banda (har. tahi di belakang). the Banda Sea (lit. the sea in back). tahi i laro nph. Teluk Koro (har. tahi di depan). the Koro Bay (lit. the sea in front). tahu n. tahu. tofu. ta'i n. tahi. feces, excrement. Lihatlah: puilo. ta'i lana cmpd n. ****. the dregs left from processing coconut oil. Searti: cii-3. taji n. taji yang dipasang pada kaki ayam sambungan. gaff, artificial spur which is attached to the foot of a fighting cock. Lihatlah: pamula, saɓi. taka vn. rapat. closely spaced, abutting. wacu taka batu yg tidak punya antaranya, batu yg baku sambung rocks with barely a crack in between, rocks which abutt one another taki vt [-'o]. pasang kain kelambu. hang mosquito netting. tako vt [-'o]. menyembunyikan. hide, conceal. Hapa'inda a'iko i limau? Hapa'inda tinakou? Apa itu di lamamu? Apa yang kamu bunyikan? What is that in your hand? What are you hiding?

taku1 takuno kuɗu nph. bokong, otot bokong. buttocks, cheeks of the buttocks.

taku2 taku leleta cmpd n. sm burung. k.o. bird. taku riri cmpd n. sm burung. k.o. bird. taku wowo cmpd n. sm burung. k.o. bird.

taku3 n. pohon maja. the calabash tree. Crescentia cujete L. taku ngkeu kulitnya buah maja yg dibuat wadah a calabash made from the fruit of this tree takubiru n. takbir. the laudation Allahu akbar 'God is great'. takule n. belimbing wuluh. cucumber tree, also known as the pickle tree, tree sorrell or bilimbi. Averrhoa bilimbi L. Lihatlah: ɓalumbi. tala n. talam. tray, usually of metal, the larger ones up to two feet in diameter. — vt [-%]. mengatur. arrange. Iseepo tinala, aripo humaroa. **** Don't set food out now, wait until after the *** has blessed the food. tala-tala n. talam yg agak kecil. tray of smaller size. 10/4/2013

— vt [-ho]. mengatur (banyak). arrange (of many items). talaga n. danau. lake. talaria n. sm_tumbuhan. stinking passion vine. Passiflora foetida L. talau vt [-'o]. mengangkat secara bergiliran sepotongsepotong jalan sehingga tiba atau disimpan sama-sama. convey part way by turns until they all end up together. talawa n. sm kerang bercangkang ganda. k.o. small, edible bivalve with an irregular-shaped shell which grows cemented to rocks and wood, especially the roots of lumbe trees in mangrove forests; the shell is whitish on the inside, light colored on the outside, growing to roughly silver-dollar size. Lihatlah: cira, kolompinga.

tale mantale vn.

terhambur, terpencar. scattered, dispersed. mantale ɓangkeno manu terhambur bankai ayam chicken parts (lit. the chicken's corpse) were scattered about Toɓe'o ngalu kai cuuna ɓakeno. Sai cuɗu i wita, mantalemo. **** The wind hit it, and its fruit dropped. When they landed, they were scattered. talipoo n. telpon. telephone, phone. Lihatlah: bel. — vt [-'o]. menelpon. ring up, call, phone up, telephone. Inindua kuteleu tumalipoo ana hakongku i Wuna. **** I arrived two days ago from telephoning my children from Muna. talo vt [-'o]. mengalahkan. defeat. Ndotalo'aku. Mereka mengalahkan saya. They defeated me. Kutalokomiu. Saya kalahkan engkau. I defeated you. motalo vn. kalah. defeated. Kumotalo. Saya kalah. I was defeated. pompotalo vi. selalu menang, selalu mengalahkan yg lain. always win, defeat all comers. Ndopompotalo. Mereka menang. They won. Lihatlah: pajali. — n. kemenangan. victory. talombo n. orang yg bertugas bulan ramadan untuk membangun-bangun orang supaya makan sahur. a person whose duty is to wake people up during the fasting month, so that they can eat before dawn. talowo n. sm udang (?) besar. k.o. large shrimp (?). tama n. laki-laki, jantan. male, boy, man. manu ntama ayam jantan rooster (lit. male chicken) 2) bapak, istilah untuk mengacu bapak. father, dad, term of reference for one's father. Lihatlah: ama-1, bapa, đaiđa, uma. tama awo cmpd n. ayah tiri. stepfather. tamano ana nph. ****. a polite circumlocution for referring to one's own or someone else's

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tamba vt [-o]. memedamkan. extinguish. tamba'ea n. tumbuhan bratawali, juga disebut putrawali. a plant: bratawali, also called borapet. Tinospora crispa (L.) Hook.f. & Thomson. tambali n. sj alat mencabut rumput, pendenk pegangannya, matanya seperti parang yg **** ujungnya. short-handled weeding spud (machete-like tool with a perpendicular tanto tip for digging out weeds). Lihatlah: ɓera, katongke [tongke-2], ta'owu. tambani vt [-o]. membantu. help. tamba'o n. gagang-bayam belang. black-winged stilt. Himantopus leucocephalus. Lihatlah: gogoo, aasu-aasu.

tambe tambea n. bantal guling. bolster, dutch wife. Lihatlah: kasoro, polangu.

tambeangako vt [-ø]. simpan pd bantalan. set on a support or resting place. Tambeangako ɓangka asoa! **** pada bantalan. Get that boat up on a stand. tambeanga n. bantalan. support, support structure. tambeangano ɓangka bantalan perahu waktu tidak dipakai support for resting a boat on when not in use tetambi vn. *****. in a position of lying on or over something. tambea Lihatlah: tambe. tambeli n. sm ikan. k.o. fish, somewhat elongated, very green. tambinau n. kupo-kupo. husk tomato, also known as groundcherry and Chinese lantern. Physalis spp. tambinau ncina **** variety with entire leaves tambinau ntama **** variety with toothed leaves tambira n. tali tiang. guy wires supporting the mast of a boat. tambo n. gaji, upah. salary, wages, payment (for services). tambo1 vi. turun (penyakitan), reda (kemarahan), sembuh, diam. subside (of anger, sickness, etc.), be well again, be recovered, be quieted down. Tambomo, iseemo upangka! Diamlah, jangan lagi menangis! Quiet down, stop crying! Minai jamu hoalu sampe jamu onoo ngkiniwia, io mia hiina itambo mekancihule. Dari jam delapan sampai jam enam sore, tidak turun orang yang pergi-pulang. From eight o'clock until six in the evening, the (number of) people coming and going never subsides. Randaano raja a'iso salemba-lembahi, satambo-tambo, tei molompomo pendua. Puteri raja itu kian 134

lama kian sembuh dan menjadi gemuk kembali. The more time that passed, the better the king's daughter became, and she was fat once more. Lihatlah: towa. — vt [-'o]. menyembuhkan. cure, heal. Ungkuɗe ɓeku tambo'o kapiino anano raja. Saya bisa menyebuhkan penyakit anak raja itu. I will cure the sickness of the king's daughter. tambosisi n. angin puyuh, angin selimbubu. whirlwind. tambu n. 1) timba. scoop, water dipper. 2) gumbang air, bak air. water vessel. tambuku n. ****. lugs, small projections from the hull body of a boat for supporting (removable) seat boards. tambuku i rope **** lugs, seat supports at the front of a boat tambuku i tonga **** lugs, seat supports at the middle of a boat tambuku i wana **** lugs, seat supports at the stern of a boat I Membuku i'awamo mia ɗapumopoiko tambukuno ɓangkano. Di Membuku, ia mememukan orang sementara memperbaiki tempat berdiri tiang layar perahunya. At Membuku, he came across a man who was mending the mast bed of his boat. tambuloko n. sm tumbuhan. k.o. plant. tambuloko mobula cmpd n. timun suri. a variety of melon with an obong shape, smooth, light yellow or cream-colored skin and light-colored flesh. tamburu n. gendang. k.o. double-membrane cylinder drum, traditionally made from ***** wood and deerskin. Lihatlah: ganda. tamburu ikiɗi cmpd n. gendang kecil, ****. snare drum, played with two sticks. tamburu owose cmpd n. gendang besar, ****. k.o. large drum with a deep tone, played with a single mallet. tamea n. sm ketam yg matanya merah. k.o. black crab with red eyes, of mangrove forests, the largest about the size of one's fist. Eriphia spp. tampa1 n. bentuk, rupa, roman. form, appearance, looks. tampa2 n. tempat. place. tampano poweweu'ano kapala tempat membuat kapal place for constructing a ship, shipyard tampano powuuhano ni'i tempat mengupas kelapa place for husking coconuts Inaio tampando a'ai? Ini tempatnya siapa? Whose land is this? tampa3 vt [-'o]. memeleh, memisah (dua orang yg berkelahi), menahan dgn batu, kayu atau tanah. separate (two adversaries), restrain, hold back with stone, wood or earth. tampa-tampa vt [-'o]. ****. ****.


Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




tampe-tampe vt

[-'o]. memercikkan (dgn tangan, tidak pakai timbang). splash with water (with one's hands, without using any kind of dipper). Lihatlah: sambio. tampene n. sm ketam. k.o. small crab of rocky coastal areas possibly an Ocypode spp. tampo vt [-'o]. menambal (kebocoran), menyumbat aliran (msl aliran darah). patch (a leak), stop the flow of (as a flow of blood). kantampoli n. tampal. patch. tampu n. ujung, penonjolan; tanjung. tip, projection; cape. tampuno kampo batasan kampung the edge of the village tampuno punci ɗawa bagain bawah buah papaya the bottom end of a papaya tampuno uwingkeu bagian bawah umbi ubi kayu the bottom (non-stem) end of a cassava tuber Toto'akitapo tampuno keu a'iko. Potonglah ujung kayu itu. Cut off the end of that piece of wood for us. Manado ɗai tampu to'uno Sulawesi. Manado terletak di ujung sekali Sulawesi. Manado is located at the extreme tip of Sulawesi. Lihatlah: puri. tampuno ɓose nph. tulang belikat. shoulderblade. tampuno đuđu nph. putung susu. nipple (of breast).

tampula tampula moriwu cmpd n. sm siput laut. k.o. marine univalve mollusk.

tampu'u Lihatlah: pu'u. tamu n. tamu. guest. tana n. tanah. earth, ground. tana lapa cmpd n. tanah lapang. field.

tanansa n. sm ikan. blenny. tanda1 n. tanda. sign, mark. tandano karu jejak, bekas tapak kaki footprint

katandai n. 1) tanda, pertandaan. something used as a sign, symbol, or remembrance. 2) alat untuk mencap ternak dsb. branding iron.

tanda2 tandai vt

[-o]. berusaha. try, attempt. Kupontandaipo. Biar saya berusaha. I want to try it. tanda-tandai vt [-o]. ****. ****.

tanda3 kotanda-tanda vi. berjongkok. squat, squatting. kotootoro kotanda-tanda duduk berjongkok sit in a squatting position petandapako vi. menjatuhkan diri pd pantatnya. fling oneself to the ground landing on the butt. petotandapako vi. menjatuhkan diri pd pantatnya beberapa kali. repeatedly fall on one's bottom. tetandapako vn. jatuh duluan pantat. fall down 10/4/2013

on one's bottom.

tandapako Lihatlah: tanda3. tandeli n. sm ikan. pastel ringwrasse. Hologymnosus doliatus Lacep<e`>de.

tando2 vt [-ho]. mengharapkan, menantikan. hope for, wait for.

tando-tando vt

[-ho]. mengharap-harapkan, mengingat-ingat, memikir-mikir. long for, think about, keep in mind.

tandoha1 petandoha n. ****. cutting board. Lihatlah: nandoa.

pompetandoha ****.

****. pompetandoha ngeeno nandoa **** the place where one cuts is called a cutting board tandu n. tanduk. horn, antler. tandu buo tanduk rusa pertama (yg tidak bercabang) spike antler of young stags tandu bulu tanduk rusa yg masih berbeludru velvet antler (of deer) tandu gaɗi tanduk rusa yg sudah tua dan keras hardened antler (of deer) kotandu vi. bertanduk. horned, having horns. Rusa i Amerika, ɗate kumotanduno ikolaɓi hopulu sampa. Jonga di Amerika, ada yang bertanduk lebih sepuluh cabang. As for American deer, there are ones with antlers in excess of ten points. tanempena vi. ****. hold one's hand out palms upward in prayer. tanga1 n. ****. stick (of smoked fish). tanga2 %%. setengah. half (past the hour). sajuta satanga satu setengah juta one and a half million Jamu sahapa miɓansule? - Jamu tangano hopulu ka orua. Kapan engkau pulang? - Jam setengah duabelas. When do you go home? - Eleven thirty. Lihatlah: mentonga [tonga]. tangara n. bagain lunas pd depan dan belakang kapal. keel pieces at bow and stern of a boat. Lihatlah: unea. tangari n. bahasa, tutur. language, speech. Tolu wula i Amerika topekamposisu tangari Indonesia. Selama tiga bulan kami belajar bahasa Indonesia di Amerika. We studied Indonesian for three months in America. tangari'i vt [-o]. caci maki. scorn, ridicule. tanggali n. tanggal. date, day of the month. tanggali opicu wula opaa tanggal tujuh bulan empat the seventh of April (lit. day seven, month four) tangi vt [-o]. menahan. hold back, restrain. Keku to'orio ɓemileu, ɓekutangiopo walingku iseepo iɓansule. Kalau saya tahu bahwa kamu mau datang, saya mau menahan dulu temanku jangan dulu dia pulang. If I had known you were

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coming (but I didn't), I would have stopped my friend from returning home. tangka vn. tetap, kekal, permanen. fixed, steadfast, permanent. — n. bagian yg tetap; hanya, cuma ini (yaitu yg tinggal tetap, yg tidak akan diserahkan). the fixed portion of; except for this, only this (viz. that which will remain fixed, that which will not be conceded). Tangkanomo kasulutani ɗai Wolio. Cuma ini, kesultanan akan tetap di Wolio. Only this, the sultanate will remain at Wolio. matangka vn. kokoh, kuat, tahan. sturdy, strong, durable. satangka %%. sama kuat. equally strong. tangkala n. sj serangga. k.o. insect, mostly black but with yellow spots on its wings. tangke n. gunung. mountain. tangki vt [-ho]. memelihara (misalnya ayam). care for, take care of (as chickens). tango n. tutup, penutup (periuk, cerek, gumbang, botol, dsb). lid, cover (of pot, kettle, water jar, bottle, etc.). gusi te tangono tempayan dengan tutupnya a water jar and its lid — vt [-%]. menanggung. cover, take responsibility. Ndotangokita pamarinta. Pemerintah menanggung kita. The government takes responsibility for us. tangowi vt [-o]. menutup. cover. Totangowio hinaako iusupio lale. Kita menutupnya jangan sampai dimasuki lalat. We cover it lest flies get into it. kantangowi n. penutup. lid, cover.

tanta motanta vn. ****. fall down unintentionally.

tantara n. serdadu. soldier. Tantara hako i lipu a'ai hinamo ndopokopepateo guruɗa a'iso. Serdadu-serdadu di negeri ini sudah tidak sanggup mematikan Garuda itu. The soldiers in this land weren't able to kill that Garuda. tantumo %%. pasti, tentu. certainly, for sure. Tantumo, hiina ɓeku kolumpekomiu. Pasti saya tidak akan lupa kalian. For sure I will not forget you. ta'o vt [-ho]. memasang (perangkap, taruhan), bertaruh. set (traps), place (a bet), wager (money). ta'owu Bentuk lain: taa'owu. n. parang. machete, usually with a straight cutting edge and a back that angles slightly upward for most ot its length then curves downward to the tip. Lihatlah: ɓera, kalambe, katongke [tongke-2], taa, tambali. tapa vt [-'o]. menepuk dgn telapak tangan (msl pd meja, paha), memukul (lalat, nyamuk). slap 136

one's hand down (as on a table, one's thigh), swat (a fly, mosquito). Lihatlah: tape. tapaa Asal: PAN *Capa 'smoke (foods)'. n. para. storage shelf above hearth. tapai vt [-o]. memanggang. cook, roast over an open flame. montapai siɓa memanggang ikan cakalang grill skipjack tuna montapai kulou mengeringkan copra memakai api (dl pengiringan) dry copra over a fire (in a kiln) Lihatlah: cunu, silewi. kantapai n. makanan yang dipanggang, msl ikan panggang. food baked over an open flame, such as grilled fish. petapai memanggang. perform the action of grilling or smoking. tapaki vt [-o]. menjawab. answer. montapaki pogau ri'ai menjawab dalam bahasa di sini answer in the local language here Searti: lawani. pekatapaki vi. berdialog, mejawab timbal-balik. dicuss, have a dialogue, answer back and forth. tape vt [-'o]. menempelengi (terutama muka). slap with the flat of the hand (especially on the cheek). Lihatlah: tapa. tapi1 vt [-ho]. baku susun. place one on top of the other, place in layers. — n. 1) lapis. layer. kulambu picu ntapi kelambu yang tebalnya tujuh lapis seven-layered bed curtain 2) umur, generasi, ****. age, generation, setting (of fruit). santapi te anamai seumur dng anak kami the same age as our child Pinoɗondo a'iso, io keu a'iso, io nunu tapino wita. Yang ditebang mereka, kayu itu, pohon beringan yang seumur dengan tanah. That which they were cutting down, that wood was a banyan tree the same age as the earth. ɓakeno ngkorua tapino buahnya **** the second setting of (mango) fruits ɓantapi-ntapi %%. berlapis-lapis, bersusunsusun. layered on each other, set or arranged in layers. papotapi-tapi vt [-ho]. bersusun-susun ****. set or arrange in layers going the same direction. tapi2 vt [-ho]. ****. ****. Moiko ndotapiho wacuno. **** **** tapisako vt [-ø]. menampi. winnow. Arimo topembeuo, totapisako. ***** After we pound it, we winnow it. Bentuk lain: tampisako (probably following Malay tampi).

tapu tapuki vt [-o]. memutuskan. break, cut, sever. motapu vn. putus. broken, cut, severed. Imotapu rongono sandalinkgu. Putus **** sandalku. My sandal strap has broken. Imotapu balono huluno motorono. Sudah putus bola lampu

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




motornya. His motorcycle's headlight bulb is out. tapuleleta n. sm burung. k.o. bird. tapunda-pundaɓata n. burung camar. gull, seagull. tara1 n. balung, jengger. cockscomb. tara2 %%. tahan. endure. tarai vt [-o]. menahan, melawan. stand, endure, take, oppose. mentara vn. abadi, tahan (terhadap kepanasan, kesakitan, pukulan, dsb). enduring, long lasting (in the face of heat, sickness, a blow, etc.). tarapalu n. terpal. tarpaulin, tarp. tarapere n. berak. defecate, poop. Totoro ɓara utarapere. Duduk supaya tidak berak (perintah kpd anak kecil yang belum ****). Sit down or you're going to poop! (command to a young child who is not yet potty-trained) Lihatlah: pisaa, tepiɗi [piɗi]. tara-taraio n. sj ikan. k.o. fish, possibly a trevally.


compete. Tolako motaro. Mari kita pergi main judi. Let's go gambling. potaro'ako vt [-%]. menarungkan. wager over. tarpal n. tarpal. tarp, tarpolene. taru n. lilin tawon lebah. beeswax. taruɗa n. sm ikan. barred garfish. Hemiramphus far Forss. Lihatlah: lanto-lanto. tasi n. tas. bag, purse. tasiako vt [-ø]. memberi. hand, pass. tasiako'aka'aku berikan saya hand it to me tasikana danau yg mengisi rekahan dl tanah. sinkhole lake, a lake or pond which forms inside a sinkhole. tasu n. tugal. dibble stick. — vt [-'o]. membuat lubang dengan tugal. make holes in the ground with a dibble stick. tasubee n. tasbih untuk menghitung ucapan pujipujian Allah. prayer beads for extolling Allah. tasuke n. cekakak. kingfisher.

tata1 motata vn. ****. come apart at the seam, split.

tata2 vt [-'o]. mencincang. chop finely. Io wawano,

montare ****. ****.

tari1 n. bambu betung. giant bamboo, rough bamboo, rough asper. Dendrocalamus asper (Schultes f.) Backer ex Heyne. Lihatlah: cula, culambacu, peri, suraɓi. tari2 vt [-%]. menganyam. weave. montari ɓala weave lats of a fishing wier trap together kantari n. ****. the fiber used in this kind of weaving. taria Lihatlah: paria. tarigu n. tepung terigu. wheat flour. Lihatlah: golupu. tarima vt [-'o]. terima. receive. Ndotarima'omo, rounomo kaakano ipatuju te B*alamancugi. Balamancugi diterima (umtuk suaminya) karena kakaknya setuju padanya. They received Balamancugi (to be her wife), because her older brother found him acceptable. taringkua-ngkua n. sm burung. k.o. bird. taripa n. kue teripang, sm kueh dibuat dr tepung ibu kayu atau tepung beras, digoreng lalu dilapisi dng gula merah. k.o. pastry, about four inches long and tapering at the ends, made from cassava or rice flour, fried, and coated with palm sugar. taripano owingkeu kue teripang yg terbuat dr ubi kayu this kind of pastry, made from cassava flour taripano tarigu kue teripang yg terbuat dr tepung beras this kind of pastry, made from rice flour

taro pekataro vi. menarung, baku tarung. compete with each other, make a wager, make a bet.

potaro vi. berjudi, menjudi perorangan. gamble, 10/4/2013

totata'o. Bawangnya, kami mencencangnya. As for the onion, we chop it finely.

tata3 tetata vn. ****. ****. tetata aɗe jatuh pd dagunya fall and hit one's chin sm ikan berwarna. vagabond butterflyfish. Chaetodon vagabundus. tatambulolo n. sm burung. k.o. bird. Lihatlah: tasuke.

tatabulili n.

tau taurako vt [-ø]. menerunkan pelan-pelan. lower slowly.

ta'u n. tahun. year. tawa Lihatlah: atawa. tawasa n. sm ikan. unicornfish, including the brown unicornfish (Naso unicornis Forss.) and the stripe-face unicornfish (Naso lituratus Bloch & Schneider). Naso spp. tawa-tawa n. gong bergantung yg sedang. suspended midddle-voice gong, a hanging bossed gong of medium size. Lihatlah: ndoo, ndengu-ndengu. tawondu-wondu n. sm siput. k.o. univalve mollusk with a pearly-white, thin shell; a kind of moon shell or bubble shell?

tawu tawunako vt [-ø]. menimbunkan, mengumpulkan. heap up, collect.

mantawu vn. tertimbun. heaped up. Ɓangkeno ana ncina a'iso imantawu i tontono esa. Bangkai anak perempuan itu tertimbun dibawah tangga. The corpse of that girl was heaped up at the bottom of the ladder.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




tawukala n. sm ikan. a large fish with prominent teeth; brown-black on top, yellowish beneath, and an orangish blotch behind and under the pectoral fin; the eye with a greenish rim, but red nearer the pupil. tawuna n. rombongan (ikan). school (of fish). satawuna koicu serombongan ikan sembilang a school of catfish tawunano tembe rombaongan ikan haring school of herring

tawu-tawu tawu-tawuno ɓiri nph. cuping. earlobe.


prep. dengan, dan, dari, daripada. with, and, with respect to, from, as, than (comparison). Tolako te ungkuɗe! Biar saya ikut juga! I want to go too! (lit. Let's go with me!) Ndopekato'ori te Wanae. They are familiar with Wanae. Io ondo, tabea te ni'ino kai sanaa mongkaa. Kalau ubi hutan, enak kalau kita makan dengan kelapa. Bitter yam is good eating if it's with coconut. To'ontoho kompa, ɓorucu te kolo'umba. Kami melihat ular laut, ****, dan pong-pongan. We saw a sea snake, a puffer and a hermit crab. I Amerika, ompole rusa, pokana te Kulisusu. Di Amerika banyak rusa, sama dengan di Kulisusu. In America there are many deer, the same as in Kulisusu. Pombulaamai i'olai, sakilo te kampo. Kebun kami jauh, satu kilo dari kampung. Our garden is far, a kilometer from the village. Entaapo ungkuɗe saɗe'ete te Jonatan. Saya lebih tinggi sedikit daripada Jonatan. I'm a little bit taller than Jonathan. Moiko poone oto te tolingka pewita. Lebih baik naik mobil daripada kita jalan kaki. It's better to ride in a vehicle than that we go by foot. — conj. dengan, dan. with, and. — %%. sangat. how (very). Teku memee! **** How scared I was! Tei moɓea! Ini sangat berat! How heavy it is! Tei mohali! Nai kura? Itu sangat mahal! Tidak kurang? How expensive! Can you come down? Tei lembahi lae kami leu. **** It's been a long time since you came here.

tea motea vn. keras. hard. Ika inolimiu, imotea

teɗe 138

ihino, imorusu te ikokiu. Ikan yang kau beli, keras isinya, kurus dan berbau. The fish you bought, its flesh is hard, it's thin, and it smells. Imotea mo'upui gandu, ɓei mopii limano. Keras mengupil jagung, limanya akan sakit. It's hard to shell corn, his hands will hurt later. Searti: motoɗo. vt [-'o]. bersetubuh (manusia). have sex with, unite with in sexual intercourse (humans).

peteɗe vr. bersetubuh (manusia). couple, have sex (humans). Lihatlah: pelube [lube].

tee1 n. teh. tea. Pondo'upo tee. Minum teh. Have some tea.

tee2 vt [-'o]. memendam, menindis, menindih. land on, come down on, hit, bury. Itee'aku ni'i. **** I was hit by a falling coconut. Karuno, itee'o ɗopi. Kakinya ketindihan papan. A plank landed on her foot. Ndo'opaa mia mateno tineeno bure wacu. Ada empat orang mati, terpendam luncuran batu. There were four people who died, who were buried under a rock slide. teeki vt [-o]. memeras. press down on. te'i vt [-ho]. muat. hold, contain. Mentee nei te'iho. Barangkali tidak muat. Maybe it won't hold it.

tela mentela vn. biasa. ordinary. Ke ɗaaho io inawano raeati hiina imentela, ndopolele i sara. Kalau rakyat mendapat sesuatu yang luar biasa, pemerintah mesti diberitahukan. If the public encounters something out of the ordinary, they must inform the authorities. temba vt [-'o]. menembak. shoot, fire a gun at. — n. senjata api. firearm. katemba-temba n. pistol-pistolan. toy pistol. tembe n. sj ikan haring. bluestripe herring. Herklotsichthys quardimaculatus R ll. tembelu n. tembelok, sm kapang yg kerangnya kecil tetapi badannya panjang seperti cacing, enak dimakan mentah. shipworm, a kind of mollusk with a small shell and elongated body, eaten raw as a delicacy. Teredinidae.

tembo motembo vn. lepuk, lapuk. rotten, decayed. Io se'a, po'iahano i keu motembo i tahi. Tempayak Se'a-grubs live in rotten wood by the ocean. temboka n. tempat sabun. soapdish. tempe n. tempe. fermented soybean cake, tempeh. tempo n. tempo. time. tempo-tempo %%. kadang-kadang. occassionally, now and then, sometimes. temulawa n. temu lawak, juga disebut temu lawas. white turmeric, also known as false turmeric or giant curcuma. Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. tena vt [-'o]. menyuruh, memerintahkan. order, command. tenda n. rak. storage shelf. tende vi. ****. hop, spring up, bounce upward. — vt [-ho]. melontarkan ke arah atas. toss or throw upwards. Tendeakitapo palu. Lontarkanlah palu ke kami. Toss up the hammer up for us. katende n. permainan seremban. game of skill

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




played by tossing and catching up to five (sometimes seven) small stones. patendepasa %%. bertaruh, menegaskan, menonjolkan diri. wager, throw out, assert, assert oneself. pekatende main seremban. play the katende game. tetende %%. ****, mempelanting. move up and down of its own accord, bounce. tendu-tendu n. sm ikan julung-julung. garfish. Hemiramphidae. Lihatlah: lanto-lanto. tentengisi vn. ****. describing a corn cob which is not full of kernels. Lihatlah: lalangkumbi. teo n. terap. marang. Artocarpus odoratissimus Blanco. Lihatlah: kula1, nangka. tepe n. gendang anak, sm gendong selaput dua yg secara tradisonil terbuat dr kayu kemiri dan kulit rusa. k.o. double-membrane cylinder drum traditionally made of candlenut wood and deerskin. tepi Lihatlah: katepi. tepocioɓo vi. terbalik. capsize, overturn. Itepocioɓoako, itondumo. Nanti terbalik, tenggelam. Should it capsize, it will sink. tepu vt [-'o]. mengetik. type. tere vt [-'o]. merobek. tear. Lihatlah: ɓere, ɓora, ciha. tete %%. sedangkan, mau, tanpa. but, except, not even, without. Ndoɓansule tete mesango nahina. Mereka pulang tanpa pamit. They went home without even taking leave. Kai lako kai engka'o torompuno Bintausu, hiina iciɗoho tete uluino. Ia pergi mengangkat parang Bintausu, sedangkan tangkainya tidak bisa angkat. He went and lifted Bintausu's short sword, he wasn't able to lift it, not even the handle.

tetea petetea n. perang. war.

tetenge vt [-'o]. mencibir bibir atas sehingga kelihatan gigi sebagian (terutama tt monyet); menolak atau mengolok-olok dgn cibiran. curl the upper lip so that the teeth are revealed (especially of monkeys); curl one's lip at s.o. in rebuff or ridicule. teuraa Bentuk lain: teeraa, teraa. vi. tiba disana di atas. arrive up there. Lihatlah: araa. teurua Bentuk lain: teerua, terua. vi. tiba disana di bawah. arrive down there. Lihatlah: arua. teusoa Bentuk lain: teesoa, tesoa. vi. tiba disana. arrive over there. Lihatlah: asoa. te'u'uhu n. sm pohon. k.o. tree, the wood is made into fence lates and also used for flooring. tewa vt [-ho]. menggendong dalam kain atau sarung. 10/4/2013

carry in a cloth sling or sarong.

kantewa n. gendongan, kain untuk menggendong. cloth used as a carry-sling.

tewali %%. berhasil. produce, yield (a crop). Isee totewali saluwukita, topengkaɓolo tumewali. Jangan kita berhasil semua, kita bergantian berhasil. Let's not produce all together, let's take turns producing. tewali'ako vt [-no]. sanggup, mendapat, mendapatkan, berhasil. be able to, effect, get, obtain, accomplish. Ana hako a'iso ndopontewali'akomo mo'upu bua malaka ompole. Anak-anak itu telah berhasil memetik jambu biji yang banyak. Those children were able to pick lots of guava. Ɗaaho ana, iko'uni ɓei tewali'akono ɓo pumakulio anamiu. Ada seorang anak, menyatakan kesanggupannya untuk mengobati anakmu. There is a youth, who says he is able to treat your daughter. Ipu'umo umehe-eheo randaa a'iso, tei pekaku ɓei tewali'akono. Ia mulai mencintai orang gadis itu, dan ia berusaha agar ia mendapatnya. He began to desire the young woman, and he began to make efforts to achieve his aims. Nai ɗa'a montewali'akono mo'oli kurub*ani. Tidak ada yang sanggup beli korban. There was no one who was able to buy a goat for the sacrifice. Tolu ta'u ku'arimo sumikola. Kuɗotoromo. Kutewali'akonomo. Sudah tiga tahun yang lalu says selesai bersekolah. Saya sudah dokter. Saya sudah berhasil. I finished school three years ago already. I'm already a doctor. I accomplished it. tewalia sebaliknya. opposite, reversed, the other way around. Tewalia. Sebaliknya. (diucapkan kpd orang yg sedang melihat foto yg terbalik) Turn it over. (said to someone looking at a picture upside down) Keo anau io tama, kao anangku io cina, topakawi'inda; tewalia ngka'ikomo ɗuka. Kalau anakmu adalah lakilaki dan anak saya perempuan, kita kawinkan mereka, demikian juga sebaliknya. If your child is a girl and my child is a boy, we will marry them, the other way around like that too.

tewe motewe vn. (air) tawar; hambar, lunak (makanan). fresh (of water); flat, tasteless, bland (of food). Punci honta ɗa'a namino, imotewe. Pisang honta tidak ada rasanya, tetapi hambar. Honta bananas don't have a flavor, they're bland.

tiga petiga vi. main tebak-tebakan. play tic-tac-toe.

tirisa Lihatlah: cirisa. to- prn. orang pertama jamak kasus nominatif. first person plural nominative.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)





pfx. awalan yg jarang dipakai, yg bermakna 'orang'. a seldom-used prefix meaning 'person'. toko'ua orang-orang tua, orang-orang beruban the old people, the grey-hairs toa vi. menggonggong. bark, howl. toba vi. tobat, jera. learn one's lesson. Lihatlah: pasoso. toɓa n. peti terbuat dr daun pandan hutan. k.o. storage case with matching lid, plaited from pandanus, gebanga, or kolosua. Lihatlah: kululi, mbalo, soronga. toɓe vt [-'o]. membelah dua. split in two, crack in half (as a coconut by striking sharply on top). montoɓe ni'i membelah dua kelapa split a coconut in half Toɓe'o ngalu kai cuuna ɓakeno. **** The wind hit it, and its fruit dropped. — n. ****. block. satoɓe gola ɓaku **** gula merah a block of palm sugar Searti: wo'a. toɓi n. air laut yg dalam. deep ocean water. Lihatlah: ɗumapu, pasi, wiwira. toɓo n. 1) belati, golok. dagger, the blade up to a foot long. Lihatlah: lolaɓi, ladi. 2) kelopak mayang palem sebelum membuka. spathe (unopened inflorescence) of a palm. 3) bulir gandung masih di dalam kelopaknya. ear of corn still in its husk. Lihatlah: unale. — vt [-'o]. menikam. stab. pekatoɓoki baku tikam. stab each other. tobu vt [-'o]. menjolokkan. poke, jab. montobu mata menjolok mata poke in the eye kantobu n. seligi, bambu yang runcing. bamboo spear, a length of bamboo whittled to a sharp point and used for spearing. Topompandohako kantobu. Kita menombak dengan seligi. We spear with bamboo spears. Searti: suraɓi.

toɗo patoɗo vt [-%]. mengunci (msl badan). tighten, draw tight or taut (as one's body).

motoɗo vn. ****. firm, hard. Lihatlah: mo/tea. toɗo oleo cmpd n. tengah hari, sekitar jam 12.

toe toga


noon, noontime. n. luar. outside. Lingkaho i toe. Pindahlah ke luar. Move it outside. tebulu i toe tertumpah di luar spilled out vi. suka, lebih suka, betah, berlengket (kpd orang atau tempat). enjoy, prefer, feel at home, attracted to and bonding with (a person or place). Ndotoga te ungkuɗe saluwu'inda. Mereka semua betah dengan saya. They all feel at home with me. Itoga te tamano. Dia berlengket kepada bapaknya. He has bonded with his father. Itoga mo'ia i Amerika. Dia lebih suka tinggal di Amerika. She prefers living

in America.

toge n. tauge, taoge. bean sprouts, often of mung beans.

toici n. sm kerang laut. k.o. barnacle or small bivalve mollusk.

toka vi. menghinggap, bertengger. perch. toka'i vt [-o]. menghinggapi. alight on, perch on. Toka'i'aku lale. Saya dihinggapi lalat. A fly landed on me. kotoka-toka vi. bertengger-tengger. perch about, perch around. Komondaando ɓawu hako a'iso, ɗaaho sa'ulu manu-manu kotoka-toka i rapano. Komandan babi-babi itu mempunyai seekor burung yang bertengger-tengger di kepalanya. As for the commander of those pigs, there was a bird perching about on his head. toke n. tokek. tokay. Gecko gecko. Lihatlah: kimbohu, kolela, simpo. toki vt [-'o]. menepuk. tap. Searti: ɗeku, rombu. toko1 n. tongkat. cane, walking stick. petoko vi. bertongkat. walk with a cane. toko2 n. toko. small shop where goods are sold. Searti: waru. tokulo n. pohon waru laut. the portia tree. Thespesia populnea (L.) Sol. ex Corr頼. Lihatlah: ɓoncu. tolai vn. menghadap. face. ɓantolai %%. berhadapan. facing each other, facing one another. tinola-tolai %%. depan, yg akan datang (bulan, tahun). coming (month, year). Ta'u tinola-tolai ɓeto leupo ɗuka kei ɗa'a kampolea. Kami datang lagi tahun depan kalau tidak ada halangan. We'll come again next year if nothing hinders us. tole n. pandan. pandanus, screwpine. Pandanus spp. Lihatlah: panda. tole e'e cmpd n. sm pandan. k.o. screwpine. Pandanus spp. tole ponda cmpd n. sm pandan. thatch screwpine. Pandanus tectorius Parkinson. tolenta n. ****. ear lobe (of chicken). tolewa n. ngengat. moth. tolihe Bentuk lain: tolise. n. pohon ketapang. tropical almond tree. Terminalia catappa L. tolise Lihatlah: tolihe. tolo ****. ****. i tampu ntolo keu di ujung pasak the part of a corner plank (of a house) which sticks out tolod*u vn. memuntahkan makanan krn terlalu kenyang (spt bayi). regurgitate food after overeating (as of babies). tolosi vt [-o]. menebus. ransom. tolowe n. mangkuk yg dibuat dr belahan buah maja. bowl made from a half-shell of the fruit of the

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




calabash tree. Lihatlah: taku.

Here will be the end of my writings.

tolowoha %%. ****. ****. tolu menggulung. wind, roll, coil up. montolu nilo

tompi-tompi n. sm ikan. k.o. fingerling, large

**** wind up nylon string into a coil Lihatlah: pare. tolu-2 bound num. tiga. three. Lihatlah: otolu. tomba n. tanah liat, tembikar. clay, earthenware. tombi n. bendera. flag. tombo n. jambu semarang. Java apple, wax jambu. Syzygium samarangense (Blume) Merr. & Perry. tombonua Bentuk lain: tombo-tombonua. n. sm ikan. k.o. fish, maroon on top, silverish on side, orangish belly, anal fin, and tail. tomboro n. salung api, alat dr bambu untuk meniup api. bamboo tube used for blowing on a fire. tombo-tomboro n. sm ikan. smooth flutemouth fish. Fistularia commersonii R

ppell. tombu n. tumpukan, kumpulan, tempat. clump, small pile. Lihatlah: punsu. tombu-tombu vt [-'o]. menumpukkan di beberapa tempat. place into piles or clumps. tomi1 n. sm burung. k.o. small bird. tomi2 n. pemilik. owner. Inaio tomino ɓala a'ai? Siapa pemiliknya sero ini? Who owns this fishtrap? Tomino katinti itonia pinoli'ana a'ai. Pemiliknya ketinting tadi adalah kemenakan ini. The owner of that boat just then is this nephew. Ee a'iso, tomino cina mo'apa. Air itu, pemiliknya 'perempuan kosong'. That well was owned by the 'empty woman'. Tomia n. Tomea (sebuah pulau dekat Buton). Tomea (island off the coast of Buton). tomi-tomi n. sm ikan. k.o. small fish, said to make one feel dizzy if it is eaten. tompa n. batas. edge, limit of extent. tompano aspal batas aspal (jalan raya) edge of asphalt (roadway) tompano oci ***** land along the low watermark, which becomes exposed at low tide Te ungkuɗe tompanomo. Dengan saya sudah batasnya. **** tomparako vt [-ø]. ****. ****. Ngkaa-ngkaa'ai oto kaɗi tomparako sumawino i Buranga. **** **** tompa'i vt [-o]. memberi ****. supply with an edge, endpiece, border, etc. kantompa'i n. ****. endpiece, edging. tompari %%. sampai. until, up until, as far as. tompari wula otolu sampai bulan ketiga until March Minai Buranga ndopoone johnson sampe tompari Ereke. Dari Buranga mereka naik johnson sampai Ereke From Buranga they take a johnson as far as Ereke. Tomparipo ri'ai ɓo b*inuringku. Sampai di sini untuk tulisanku.

tompo vt [-'o, -o]. menyuapi. feed s.o. by placing food


amounts sold at the market. in the mouth. Leu ri'ai, kutompoko. Datang ke sini, saya menyuapi kamu. Come here, I'll feed you. tonda vt [-'o]. menuntun, menarik. lead by the hand, drag along. petonda-tonda vi. memancing ****. go line fishing while slowly paddling and intermitently giving th line a tug. tonde n. gelas. drinking glass. mata tonde cmpd n. kacamata. eyeglasses. mata tonde morawu **** seeing-eye glasses tondo n. pagar. fence. — vt [-'o]. memapari. fence in, put a fence around. tondo kiki **** **** (attached to a tondo mentade) tondo mentaɗe **** fence made of vertical sticks standing next to each other tondo tumaɗe = tondo mentaɗe = tondo mentade kantondohi n. ****. **** bolster. petondo vi. berpagar. construct a fence, have a fence. tondu vi. tenggelam. sink. mantondu vn. sarat. ride low in the water, partially submerged. Ɓangkando imantondu'ako kaɗio bara. Perahunya sarat dengan barang-barang. Their boats ride low in the water just because of all their goods. mantondu rope sarat haluan bow low in the water mantondu wana sarat buritan stern low in the water tonea n. talas, keladi. cocoyam, taro. tonea ɓio cmpd n. talas, keladi. common taro. Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott. tonea bula cmpd n. talas, keladi. tannia, cocoyam. Xanthosoma spp. tonga n. pinggang; tengah, bagian tengah. waist; the part of the body between the lowest rib and the hipbone; middle, middle part. mentonga n. setengah. a half, one half. sajuta samentonga satu setengah juta one and a half million Kadipo lae i mentonga. **** We're only halfway, you know. i mentonga'aluo pada tengah malam in the middle of the night Lihatlah: tanga. pementonga'a pertengahan. middle, the middle. pementonga'ano pombulaando La Dema te pombulaamai pertengahan kebun La Dema dan kebun kami midway between La Dema's garden and our garden tongali n. kuskus Sulawesi. Sulawesi dwarf cuscus.

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Stigocuscus celebensis Gray. Lihatlah: kuhe.

tongka n. tongkat. cane, walking stick. Lihatlah: toko.

tongka1 motongka vn. tumpul, sumbing, retak dan jatuh sebagian kecil. blunt, chipped. Lihatlah: mo/kundu, mo/ngenge, mo/ngero. tongka2 vt [-'o]. menerka, coba menebak, coba mengidentifikasikan. guess (as to identity), try to identify. Keto tongka'o ngeeno tonuana, ilausako tumambo. Kalau kita menerka nama ruh orang mati, langsung turun (penyakitan). If we can guess the name of the spirit, directly it (the illness) will subside. tongka'ako vt [-ø]. memperlihatkan. show. tongkaa n. burung gagak hutan. crow. Corvus enca. Lihatlah: kakiu. tongke1 n. sm pohon bakau. k.o. tree found in mangrove forests, with distinctive, manybranched arial roots that hang down from the branches. tongke2 vt [-%]. menancap. implant. katongke n. sj alat mencabut rumput, panjang pegangannya, matanya seperti perang yg ***** ujungnya. long-handled weeding spud (machetelike tool with a blunt tip for digging out weeds). Lihatlah: ɓera, tambali, ta'owu. ngkotongke tegak, tancap berdiri. implanted in an upright position. tongkewako vt [-ø]. menancapkan sesuatu secara kuat sehingga tetap tegak. imbed, implant something with force so that it remains standing. tongki-tongki n. sm kerang bercangkang ganda. k.o. large marine clam, the edges of the shell scalloped, found among rocks and corals. Lihatlah: mata morawu [mata-1].

tongko tongkono a'iso nph. 1) itu hari, dulu. recently, within the past week or month. 2) dulu. in the past, ago. cula-culano tongkono a'iso ceritanya dulu a story from long ago tongku n. 1) tangkai. stem, petiole. 2) ****. the stem end of certain tubers such as cassava and taro. tongkuno uwingkeu **** stem of a cassava plant, the stem end of a cassava tuber Lihatlah: rapa. tongkuno kamba nph. belalang centadu, belalang kacung, belalang sentadu. preying mantis. Lihatlah: kocumba. tongo vt [-ho]. 1) membungkus. wrap (as food in leaves before boiling). montongo tabako membungkus tabako (dan merokok) roll a cigarette (and, by extension, to smoke) Imokora montongo. Dia kuat merokok. He's a heavy 142

smoker. — n. bungkus. bag, wrapper. satongo karopo satu bungkus kerupuk one bag of shrimp chips kantongo n. pembungkus, kertas pembungkus. wrapper, wrapping paper.

tongo2 motongo vn. kikir, pelit, bakhil. stingy, miserly, avaricious.

tongori n. sm ikan. k.o. mackerel. tonia Lihatlah: itonia, ntonia. tonisu n. jari telunjuk (tangan atau kaki). index finger, second toe. Imopii tonisuno karungku. Jari telunjuk kaki saya sakit. My second toe hurts. Lihatlah: cina lima [cina], laki lima [laki], tisu 'point'. tonto1 n. kolong rumah. space underneath a house built on stilts, the space under any object. imoɗaki i tontono. (sepatuku) ***** di bawah (my shoes) are ruined on the underside. Searti: paɗa.

tonto2 tonto mata cmpd vi. merotot. look at with wide eyes (because astonished). Lihatlah: ɗungko.

tonu motonu vn. hancur. ruined, destroyed. baju motonu baju hancur a tattered shirt

tonuana n. ruh orang mati. spirit of a deceased person.

kantonuanaka n. perasan panas oleh karena yg mati mengingat seseorang. a feeling of hotness associated with being remembered by a dead person. Ndoweweu'inda kumaɓengkano, ɓaraako ndokantonuanaka. **** She's doing that to the ones being circumcised, lest otherwise ****. too vt [-'o]. mengisap. suck (as through a straw). to'ora vi. terang, bersinar bagus. bright, shining brightly. to'ori vt [-o]. mengetahui, mengerti. know, understand, figure out. Wangkinamboro a'iso ito'orio io kumaaho kinaano io ana hako itonia. Wangkinamboro itupun dapat mengetahui bahwa yang memakan nasinya adalah kedua anak tadi. Wangkinamboro knew that the ones who had eaten his rice were the children just now. Kuto'oriomo. Saya sudah mengerti. I understand now, I know it already. Inao tino'oriu. Ini bukan urusanmu. It's none of your business. Kumo'iliako tumo'ori pogaumiu. Saya ingin tahu bahasa kamu sekalian. I want to know your language. teto'ori vn. diketahui. known. Impia ɓemi lingka? Hinapo iteto'ori. Kapan kamu mau berangkat? Belum tahu. When are you leaving?

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




It's not known yet. Po'iahando nahina iteto'ori. Tempat tinggalnya tidak diketahui. It's not known where they live. pekato'ori vi. baku tahu, saling berkenalan. know one another, have an acquaintance. Ngineahako atamolai hako a'iso, ndopekato'ori te Wanae. Yang diesbut Atamolai itu baku tahu dengan Wanae. The ones who are called the Atamolai, they all are acquaintanced with Wanae. sapekato'ori Bentuk lain: sampekato'ori. n. kenalan. acquaintance. Mau i'ompole sampekato'orimiu i Ereke, sađia ɗuka mileu kolili-lili i ri'ai i rahamai. Banyak kenalan kalian di Ereke. Even if you have many acquaintances in Ereke, you must always come here to our house. topa n. ikan yg diawetkan dalam air asin. fish which has been preserved by brining. Lihatlah: kawole. topendua n. sepupu dua kali. second cousin. topentolu n. sepupu tiga kali. third cousin. topi1 n. topi. hat. Lihatlah: japeo, songko. topi2 n. sj keranjang. k.o. basket. topisa n. sepupu satu kali. first cousin. topu1 vt [-ho]. mengingat. remember. Mintopuhopo ngeengku? Masih ingat nama saya? Do you remember my name? Itopukomiupo. Dia masih ingat engkau. He still remembers you. topu-topu vt [-ho]. mengingat. remember. Topu-topuho ngeemai. Ingat-ingat nama saya. Remember my name. Aripo kuwawaako'inda kodando ɓo tinopu-topundo. Nanti saya bawa hasil foto untuk membuat kenang-kenangan mereka. Later I will bring them their photos as a memento for them.

topu2 motopu vn. 1) lembek. soft. Opa imotea. Kei ninahu, imotopu. Ubi kembili keras. Nanti direbus, menjadi lembek. Lesser yams are hard. Once they're boiled, they become soft. 2) gampang. easy. Lihatlah: monguɗa [nguɗa]. tora1 n. hidupnya. life. — vi. hidup. live, be alive. balaki ntora **** yg masih segar a freshly caught mackerel, a mackerel of the freshest quality patora vt [-'o]. menghidupkan; **** (mesin, motor). give life to; start (machine, motor). toraa n. tempat atau waktu menjadi hidup. place or time of coming alive. oleono toraangku hari lahir saya the day of my birth toraako n. penghidupan. that which sustains of life. toraakono rua ta'u penghidupan yg berlaku dua tahun two years' worth of what is 10/4/2013

needed for living

kantoraa n. ****. dark red organ with white tip, found inside of tuna.

tora2 n. sisa. leftover, remainder. Toranoako, towawao i rahanto. Kalau sisanya, kami bawah ke rumah. Any leftovers, we'll take home to our house. toree n. tiong-lampu sulawesi (sm burung). purplewinged roller. Coracias temminckii Vieillot. Lihatlah: ree. toria vt [-'o]. mengangkat (anak). adopt (a child). Wa Noe, nai ɗa'a anano. Anano kaakano kai po'ala, kai pontoria. **** Wa Noe didn't have any children. She took her older sister's child, and she adopted her.

toro1 montoroka %%. ****. ****. tootoro vi. duduk. sit. Bentuk lain: d*empo, hempo, ntanda, wangu.

totoroka Bentuk lain: totoro'a. n. tempat duduk, seperti kursi, pelana dsb. a place for sitting, such as a chair, saddle, etc. totoroka(no) kokombu sepatu tiang, tempat berdiri tiang layar mast bed, the place in which the mast of a boat is stood kotootoro duduk. sit, stay. Mingkotootoropo, ɓeku poonepo mongkaa pakulino kapii rapa. **** You stay here, I'm going to go take some aspirin. Tokotootoro i ri'ai i rahamai, hiina topongkaa hapa-hapa. **** **** kotoro-toro vi. duduk-duduk. sit around. tepotoro %%. jatuh terduduk. fall and land in a sitting position. toro seba cmpd vi. bersila. sit cross-legged. toro ngkawule cmpd vi. bertimpuh. sit with knees bent to one side. toro2 vi. berdiri tegak lurus, tidak bengkok. stand straight upright, not bent over. toro rigi clause_idiom. berdiri bulu kudung. with one's hairs standing on end. Itoro rigingku. Berdiri bulu kudungku. My hairs stood on end. Lihatlah: hiu rembe [hiu]. torompu n. kelewang. klewang, a type of sword or cleaver with a heavy long straight blade. Lihatlah: taa. torongke Bentuk lain: strongke. n. stromking, strongking. kerosene lantern which uses a ******. torongkeke n. katak. frog. torongkeke morusu cmpd n. katak puru. toad. toro'ue n. pelangi. rainbow. torouwe n. encok, sengal. rheumatism. kotorouwe %%. menderita encok. suffer from rheumatic pain. toruku n. punggung. back (of body). Lihatlah:

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towuni kototo %%. pandai bekerja. skilled, clever at


torungku n. terungku, penjara. prison, cage.

working. Ikototo kumarajaa. **** ****

— vt [-'o]. menghukum, memenjara. punish, send to prison. katorungku n. tempat penjara. jail, prison cell. rahano katorungku rumah penjara prisonhouse torusu Lihatlah: turusu. totapi vt [-o]. mencuci pakaian. wash (clothes), wash by beating. Ɓeku totapio salanangku, karano ikoraki. Saya mau mencuci celana saya, karena berdaki. I want to wash my pants, because they are dirty. petotapi vi. toto1 vt [-'o]. memotong, membelah. cut off, slice, chop through transversely. montoto keu memotong kayu chop wood montoto ngisi memotong gigi filing of the teeth montoto ika memotong ikan cut, slice a fish into pieces Tototo'o ɓei pokana'ako. **** We cut off (the tops) so that they will be level. — n. bagian kayu, dsb yg dipotong begitu. a piece of wood, etc. so cut or chopped. totowi vt [-o]. memotong sama panjangnya. cut the same length. Ipokana ka'entaano ana tinoto ngkanao tinotowi. Anak yang dikasih tentang, tingginya sama, seperti dipotong. The children who have been lined up are the same height, as if they had been cut that way. toto2 vi. tenang. calm, peaceful. toto laro clause_idiom. tenang hati. be calmhearted, be at peace. Itoto larono. Hatinya tenang, pikirannya tenang. His thoughts are calm, he is calm-hearted. toto3 vt [-'o]. meluruskan, kasih tentang. align, line up against each other. Ipokana ka'entaano ana tinoto. Anak yang dikasih tentang, tingginya sama. The children who have been lined up are the same height. ɓatoto vi. setentang, persis lawan, pas, tepat. aligned, opposite, flush, exact. ɓatotoa n. tempat tepat, bagian yg persis lawan. the exact place, the precise spot. Kaɗimo ugogiri'akono ihingku a'ai i maina-maina ɓatotoano mopiihano, maka ɓei tambo. Gosokkanlah daging ini persis di mana saja badanya yang sakit, pasti ia akan sembuh. Just rub this piece of my flesh precisely wherever there is sickness, thereupon she will recover. kototo vn. ta'at. obedient. petoto vi. menempatkan diri pd semuanya yg benar. having an inner conviction to do what is right, scrupulous. Lihatlah: pekuku [kuku-2].

totohe vt [-'o]. ****. shake or swirl gently in order to


towuni n. ari-ari. afterbirth.


separate. Arimo totapisako io pae, tototohe'o. ***** After winnowing the rice, we swirl it (to separate the husked from unhusked grains of rice)

totoka tumotoka %%.

kadang-kadang sakit, sering berhenti baru sakit lagi. be sick off and on, often getting well then falling sick again. totokeo n. sm burung. any of various squatish, bigbodied birds, including bitterns, night-herons, and rails. totokeo mpanata cmpd n. sm burung. k.o. bird. totopu n. ikan gurita yg bisa dimakan. k.o. edible octopus. Searti: imbu, kuita, suɗa. totoroka Lihatlah: toro1. to'u %%. sangat, betul. true, real, truly, really, very. mokokato to'u sangat gatal very itchy mencundu to'u sering kali, sering betul very often towa vn. reda, kurang (penyakit). subside, lessen (of an illness). Itowamo kapiino. Sudah kurang penyakitnya. His pain has subsided. Lihatlah: tambo. towehi vt [-o]. membelah kelapa dan ****. split a coconut and ritually sprinkle its water on s.o. petowehi vi. ****. use coconut water ritually, be sprinkled with coconut water. Korua'alono ndoperere, ndopetowehimo. **** On the second night of being circumcised, they are sprinkled with coconut water. towo'a n. tumbuhan hanjuang, juga disebut andong, lenjuang, sawang. k.o. small plant, old stems becoming somewhat woody, leaves entire, smooth, up to 14", petioles up to 5" with overlapping bracts; petioles maroon, leaves maroon-fringed, flowers red; a pot of this plant growing at Saidi's house. Cordyline fruticosa (L.) A. Chev. Lihatlah: kalolowu. towu n. tebu. sugarcane. Saccharum officinarum L. towu buri **** **** towu ɗaci **** **** towu kapolopa **** **** towu mpembulu sayur lilin, tunas tebu untuk sayuran sugarcane culms sold as a vegetable towu ndoke **** **** towu lambe cmpd n. gelagah. wild cane. Saccharum spontaneum L. towua n. sm penyengat yg bikin rumahnya dr tanah. k.o. wasp which makes its nest out of mud.

towuna kantowuna n. ****. ****.

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tugu n. tugu, tiang besar dan tinggi, biasanya

continue, continue on (one's journey). Ɗaaho hambatano karano jambata imoɗaki. A'isomo ka hiina itorusu oto. Ada hambatan karena jembatan rusak. Itulah alasannya mobil tidak meneruskan. There's an obstruction because the bridge is in ruin. That's why cars don't continue on through. Ɓou ɓansulemo i lipuu atawa ɓou turusu i lako'au? Apakah engkau akan kembali ke negerimu ataukah akan meneruskan ketujuanmu? Do you want to return to your country, or do you want to continue on to your destination? Ɓeku torusu i lipu rumame rounomo gaungku ɓekupo'onto. Saya akan meneruskan perjalananku ke negeri yang ramai, karena saya ingin melihatnya. I want to continue on to that festive country because I said I would see it. — %%. terus, selalu. continually, keep on. Io kamusu, ipinopoiko torusu. Kamus ini, diperbaiki terus. The dictionary is continually being improved.

dibangun pd bundaran atau persimpangan jalan. a kind of edifice or pillar, often erected at major road intersections or traffic circles. tujua n. tujuan, maksud. aim, purpose. tuka n. tukang kayu. carpenter. tulasi n. selasih. k.o. mint with whitish flowers. Ocimum basilicum?? Lihatlah: ruku-ruku. tuli-tuli1 n. sm kueh. k.o. twisted pastry made from cassava. tuli-tuli2 n. burung kring-kring bukit. raquet-tail. Prioniturus platurus. Lihatlah: kea, kuluri, mansi. tumpi-tumpi n. perkedel ikan. seasoned fish-meat patty, fish meat pounded with spices, cooked, and then shaped as flattened triangles, sometimes also wrapped in banana leaves. Lihatlah: ɓajabu, kuɓa. turukende n. puteri malu. sensitive fern. Mimosa pudica L. turusu Bentuk lain: torusu. vi. meneruskan.

U - u u-

prn. orang kedua tunggal kasus nominatif. second person singular nominative. -u prn. orang kedua tunggal kasus genitif. second person singular genitive. ua1 n. uban. grey hair. ko'ua vi. beruban. having grey hairs, grey haired. Iko'uamo wuuno. Rambutnya sudah putih. His hair has turned gray. toko'ua n. orang-orang tua, orang-orang yg beruban. old people, the grey-hairs. ua2 n. kacang benguk, sj tumbuhan menjalar, liar di hutan, yg. velvet bean, also known as cowitch. Mucuna spp. uate n. lundi. sago grub. uɓa n. carik dari bambu atau rotan untuk pengikat atap. strips of bamboo or rattan used to attach panels of roofing thatch to a house. Lihatlah: wane. uɗo vt [-o,_-ho]. menelan. swallow. Lihatlah: olomo. ue n. rotan. rattan. pe'ue vi. mengambil rotan dr hutan. collect rattan from the forest. ue ncina cmpd n. rotan tikus. whip vine, also known as supplejack, false rattan, and bush cane. Flagellaria indica L. 10/4/2013

ue wowonga cmpd n. sm rotan, untuk tali rumah, pagar, dsb. species of thin rattan, much used for lashing. uhu n. sengatan (tabuhan, lebah, dsb). stinger (of a wasp, bee, etc.). uhuno neua sengatan lebah madu stinger of a honeybee — vt [-'o]. menusukkan, menyuntik, menancap. stick, stab, jab, inject. Taɓeano, ɓei inuhu. Dia perlu disuntik. He needs an injection. Lihatlah: cipu. uhupako vt [-ø]. menusukkan. stick, insert. Ndo'alao seundo kando uhupako i larono bua malaka. Mereka ambil jarum mereka dan menusukkannya di dalam jambu biji. They took their needle and stuck in into a guava fruit. uhuki vt [-o]. menusuki. stick into, stab into. pe'uhu vi. menusukkan diri, disuntik, dilubangi telinga. pierce oneself, get a shot, have one's ears pierced. te'uhu vn. tertusuk. stabbed, pricked. ka'uhu n. tusuk. skewer. uji n. uji, ujian. test, exam. pe'uji vi. beruji. take a test. ujo vt [-'o]. mendorong dengan pantat. bump with the butt. ko'ujo-ujo %%. mendorong-dorong dengan

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



unale pantat tanpa tujuan. purposelessly bumping one's butt on something.

ukiri pe'ukiri vi. mengukir. work with wood, do carpentry work.

uko ko'uko %%. panjang. long. Sio-sionomo uko'uko umuru. Mudah-mudahan kamu panjung umurmu. Hopefully you will have a long life. Sio-sionomo, toko'uko umuru ɓeto ɓaawa mpendua. Mudah-mudahan kita panjang umur, dan ketemu lagi. Hopefully our years will be long and we will meet again. ukuru vt [-'o]. mengukur. measure. I'arimo umukuru'o ka'owoseno tamano. Dia telah mengukur badan ayahnya. She already measured her father's size. ula n. tali yg dipasang kpd timba untuk menimba air. drawrope, the rope attached to a bucket or scoop used for drawing water. kantaɗu te ulano timba te talinya the scoop with its rope Lihatlah: kansaa'i, kantaɗu. ule n. ular, ulat. snake, caterpillar. ule sampotea cmpd n. sm ular. k.o. snake. ule ndoke cmpd n. sm ular. k.o. snake. ule-uleno gandu nph. ****. corn worm. ulea n. muatan. cargo. Ɓangkando imantondu'ako uleano. Perahunya sarat dengan muatannya. Their boat rides low because of its cargo. — vt [-ho]. memuat. load (cargo). mo'ulea bara-bara memuat barang-barang load goods ulepe1 n. sm jamur putih, cendawan. k.o. white mushroom. Lihatlah: uu. ulepe2 n. susu kurus perempuan yg sudah tua. withered breast of an old woman. ulu n. 1) ekor, kata penjodoh untuk menghitung ****. head, classifier used in counting ****. Sahapa haragaano sa'ulu? Berapa harganya satu ekor? Ho much is this per head? 2) hulu sungai. head, source of a river. ulu wacu cmpd n. sm ikan. k.o. fish. ului n. gagang. handle. uluino ta'owu gagang parang machete handle ulurea n. tadah embun, sisir pisang yg tersusun di bagian paling atas. the upper-most hand of bananas on a stalk. uluri vi. ****. go back and forth. Hapai'inɗapo uluri'ako ri'ai? **** Why do you keep coming and going here? — vt [-o]. merentangkan benang sebelum menenun. lay out cotton thread on a loom before weaving. -um- nfx. penanda kata kerja aktif ****. active participle marker. 146

uma n. ayah, istilah informil untuk memanggil bapak. dad, informal term of address for one's father. Lihatlah: ama-1, bapa, đaiđa, tama. umari n. limpa. spleen. umati n. umat. community, especially a Muslim community. umba vt [-'o]. menengok, mengunjungi, melihat, memeriksa. visit, see, view, check on, inspect. Kulako umumba sahinaamai i Kampo Entaa. Saya pergi menengok keluarga di Kampung Entaa. I'm on my way to see family in Kampung Entaa. Ilakomo mo'umba ɓala. Dia sudah pergi memeriksa sero. He went to inspect a fishing wier. Tinotapimiu hinapo imocu'i. Aripo ku'umba'o. Cucianmu belum kering. Nanti saya memeriksa kembali. Your laundry isn't dry yet. I'll check on it later. peka'umba-umba vi. saling kunjungmengunjungi. visit back and forth. umbawo Bentuk lain: ombawo. vn. dangkal. shallow. umbe %%. ya. yes, affirmative particle. umpa vi. 1) turun (dari perahu). descend (from a boat), disembark. Umpamo! Turun! Get off! Ndoteleu ri'ario, ndo'umpa i ri'ai i Malalanda. Tiba di sana, mereka turun di sini di Malalanda. When they arrived there, they disembarked here at Malalanda. 2) turun, kulai, dl keadaan terkulai (tt kuntum bunga pisang) yaitu tt pisang, mulai berbuah, mencapai taraf jantungnya mulai keluar. descend, turn downward, droop (of the inflorescence of a banana plant), hence of bananas, to bloom, to reach the stage at which the blossom has emerged and begun to set fruit. Oo, puncino i'umpamo. Oh, sudah keluar buah pisangnya. Oh, his banana trees have started to bloom. umpu Asal: cf PKP *umpu' 'connect, link, join together'. pe'umpu vr. bersetubuh (tt anjing). couple, mate (of dogs). tepo'umpu vn. bersambung. connected, joined together. Pociba'ako ɓangke mototapuno itonia itepo'umpumo pendua, tei toramo pendua ana ncina itonia. Ternyata bangkai yang terpotong-potong tadi telah bersambung kembali dan hiduplah kembali anak perempuan itu It turned out that the cut-up corpse was joined back together, and the young girl was alive again. umuru n. umur. age. umu-umuru n. sm ikan. Japanese trevally. Caranggoides uui Wakiya. unale n. 1) pd tongkol jagung, bulir kecil yang

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upi timbul di bagian bawah, biasanya tidak menjadi bulir biasa/besar. on a cornstalk, the smaller, lower ear, which usually never fully develops. 2) jagung semi, jagung mini, jagung putri, bulir jagung kecil yg dimakan sbg sayuran. baby corn, eaten as a vegetable.

unda te'unda vn. terangguk karena mengantuk. knod one's head because of sleepiness.

ko'unda-unda vi. mengangguk-anggukkan. knod one's head up and down. Lihatlah: koicu-icu [icu]. undelacu n. cacing tanah. earthworm.

undu undu u'undu vi. melompat-lompat ****. rock up and down while squating. Ɗalumense i lia, pohoropiano La Engu, ndotena'omo umuundu. Sementara dia menari di gua, di atas lantai yang dipasang La Engu, mereka suruh dia melompat-lompat. While he was dancing over the cave, the place which La Engu had floored over, they ordered himto squat and rock up and down. tota'undu %%. ****. bump up and down and from side to side (as wehn riding a motorcyle on a bumpy road). une n. bagian dalam kayu yg keras, hati kayu, teras. the hard inner core of the trunk of certain trees, heartwood. uneno keu teras heartwood unea n. lunas (kapal). keel piece running the length of the boat along its bottom. Lihatlah: tangara. ungke vt [-'o]. mengundang dng lisan. invite by word of mouth. mia mo'ungke **** people who travel around delivering invitations (to a wedding, circumcision, etc.) ka'ungke n. undangan. invitation. ungke lele clause_idiom. mengundang sembarang orang dalam kampung. invite the whole neighborhood, offer a blanket invitation.

ungkei pe'ungkei Bentuk

lain: pe'ingkei. vi. menghilangkan kutu, mencari kutu rambut. delouse, hunt for lice.

ungku pe'ungku-ungku aɗe vi. menyangga dagu dng tangan, menyandarkan dagu di telapak tangan. rest one's chin in the palm of one's hand. Lihatlah: mehuɗu-huɗu aɗe [huɗu]. ungkuɗe prn. orang pertama tunggal bentuk bebas. first person singular free pronoun. uni n. bunyi. sound. — vi. berbunyi. make a sound. Manu-manu a'iso, kei uni, "curio" unino. Kalau burung itu 10/4/2013

berbunyi, "curio" bunyinya. That bird, if it calls, "curio" is its call. ko'uni vi. berbunyi, berkata. speak, utter. Iko'unimo Wangkinamboro a'iso i Buragil, "Ɓeku kaako!" Wangkinamboro itu berkata kepada Buragil, "Saya akan memakan engkau!" That Wangkinamboro said to Buragil, "I'm going to eat you!" 2) ****. specifically, for a man to announce his intentions toward the girl he wishes to marry by sending a ring and money (sometimes also with a sarong) to the girl's house. hala uni cmpd n. nazar, janjian. vow, oath. — cmpd vi. bernazar, berjanji berbuat sesuatu jika maksud tercapai. make a vow, vow to do s.t. if one's prayer is granted. Humala unino tabeano haroa'ano roraea. **** The ones making vows **** unse n. baunya badan, baunya ketiak. body odor, the smell of stinky armpits. ko'unse %%. berbau ketiak. hav body oder. unso n. tambal. patch. — vt [-ho]. memberi uang kpd ****. present a gift or gifts for a firstborn child or circumcision initate. Io hapa'inda mi'unsohakono ana sompe? **** What did you give for their firstborn? ka'unso n. pemberian untuk anak pertama. gift which is given for a firstborn child or circumcision initiate. unte n. untai. ****. unto n. otak. brain. ko'unto %%. pandai berpikir. smart, brainy. untolo vt [-'o]. menelan (kata kasar makan dan minum). swallow, gulp down (coarse word for eating and drinking). Lihatlah: kaa1, laambe'u, solokea. upe n. ampas. pulp, grounds, dregs. upeno towu ampas tebu (sesudah dikunyah) sugarcane fibers (the remains of chewing sugarcane) upeu n. empedu. gall, bile. upi vt [-'o]. menjepit. press. tepo'upi vn. berjepitan, berdesakan. pushing against each other, pressing together. ka'upi n. 1) ubi kayu parut yg sudah dijepit. grated cassava which has been pressed and is ready for steaming. Owingkeu, togigio. Ariako, totongoho. Ariako, to'upi'o membali ka'upi. Ubi kayu diparut, lalu dibungkus, lalu dijepit dijadikan 'ka'upi. We grate the cassava, then we wrap it and press it to make pressed cassava. 2) alat untuk menjepit ubi kayu. a cassava press consisting of two flat boards held together by rope at one end and one's weight applied at the

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)



waa other end.

inside, bring inside.

upu vt [-o]. memetik. pick (fruit, vegetables), harvest

ka'usupia n. kemasukkan mahluk halus (sm setan

by picking. Ɗapo humule mo'upu jambu i pombulaa. Baru pergi memetik jambu di kebun. He just went to pick cashew apples in the garden. Lihatlah: sasa1. upui vt [-o]. mengupil (msl biji jagung dr tongkolnya). pick off, remove (as corn kernels from the cob). uru n. jampi-jampi (berupa benda) yg disimpan di pohon agar tidak diambil orang buahnya karena takut. k.o. charm (physical object) placed on a tree so that people will fear to take its fruit. urusu vt [-%]. mengurus. arrange, take care of. Hapa'inda inurusumiu? Apa yang kau kerjakan? What are you up to? Ɗa'a umurusuno ika kambolu. Tidak ada yang mengurus ikan di kolam. There's no one to take care of the fish in the pond.

atau iblis). possession by an evil supernatural being. Lihatlah: sawiko. te'usu vi. termasuk, lolos. entered, broken through. uu1 Asal: PAN *quSung 'edible mushroom (generic)'. n. sm jamur agak besar. k.o. large mushroom. Lihatlah: ulepe-1. uu2 Bentuk lain: oo. excl. ****. response indicating that one has heard (instructions), okay; pronounced nasally. Leupo ri'ai. - Uu. Datang sini. - **** Come here. - Okay. uu3 excl. exclamation of awe at great size, number, distance, etc.; pronounced with a high pitched, lengthened vowel. Uu, ndo'ompole mia! **** Boy, there were a lot of people! u'u Asal: PMP *ququs. vt [-ho]. menyepah, mengunyah sesuatu untuk mengambil sarinya kemudian membuang ampasnya (msl tebu, cantel). chew in order to suck the liquid out of s.th., then spit out the remainders (as sugarcane, sorghum). uuhu excl. ya. yes. Iwangumo kai ko'uni, "Maka ilembahi kupocuri, apua." Apuano a'iso iko'unimo ɗuka, "Uuhu monona ilembahi upocuri." Dia bangun lalu berkata "Alangkah lamanya saya tidur, nenek." Nenek itu berkata pula, "Ya, memang engkau lama sekali tidurmu." She soke up and said, "Boy I slept a long time, grandmother." The old woman replied, "Yes indeed, it was a long time that you slept." Lihatlah: umbee. uwe vt [-'o]. *****. remove, take out, serve (food from a cookpot). uwi n. ubi. greater yam. Dioscorea alata L. uwi ngkeu Bentuk lain: owingkeu. n. ubi kayu, singkong. cassava, manioc. Manihot esculenta Crantz. owingkeu mocu'i ubi kayu kering dried cassava tuber uwi ngkeu mpopole ubi kayu yang dikupas dan dipotong, kemudian direbus cassava which has been peeled, cut and boiled

uso mo'uso vn. hijau. green.

usu vi. masuk. enter. Usu i raha! Masuklah di rumah! Come inside! To'usumo i laro pocuri'a. Mari kita masuk ke dalam kamar tidur. Let's go into the bedroom. usu sumikola masuk sekolah enter school, start school usu'a n. tempat masuk. entrance. Ndomancuu lumombangio ɓo usu'ano e'e. Dengan sengaja mereka membuat lubang untuk tempat masuk air. They made the holes on purpose as a place for water to enter. usupi vt [-o]. memasuki. enter. Totangowio hinaako iusupio lale. Kita menutupnya jangan sampai dimasuki lalat. We cover it lest flies get into it. usupako memasukkan. bring inside. Usupako cinotapi, ɓei kowahomo. Masukkan pakaian, hari akan hujan. Bring the clothes in, it's about to rain. Ke mata malo io sandalinto to'usupako i raha, iseeako imo'isa. Waktu mata malam, kita memasukkan sandal kita agar supaya tidak hilang (kecurian). When it's nighttime, we put our sandals inside, lest they get lost (stolen). pa'usu vt [-'o]. memasukkan. make enter, place

uwu-uwu uwu-uwuno rapa nph. puncak kepala. crown of the head.

W - w Wa gelar perempuan yg bukan bangsawan. title for a female not of the noble class. Lihatlah: Waode. 148

waa n. 1) air yg mengalir (susudah hujan, dl kali, dsb). runoff from rain, flowing water. 2) banjir.

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flood. — vi. mengalir. flow. kowaa vi. berbanjir. flooded, flooding, be in flood. waade Lihatlah: ade. wacu n. batu. stone, rock. wacu awu batu kapur limestone wacu bungi batu keras dan bundar di kali atau sungai hard, round river rocks wacu lonto batu apung pumice wacu memea batu bata merah red bricks wacu taka batu yg tidak punya antaranya, batu yg baku sambung rocks with barely a crack inbetween, closely spaced rocks pembacu n. sauh batu. rock used as an anchor. wađi1 n. baji. wedge. wađi2 n. wajik, penganan yg dibuat dr beras ketan, gula merah dan kelapa parut. sweet dish made from glutinous rice, palm sugar and grated coconut. pewađi vi. membikin wajik. prepare this kind of sweet rice. waɗihori n. buah pinggang, ginjal. kidney. waho n. hujan. rain. kowaho vn. hujan. rainy, raining. Ɓei kowaho? Nai siɗa. Mokora ngalu. Akan hujan? - Tidak bisa, karena angin keras. Is it going to rain? No, it won't, the wind is too strong.

wai mowai vn. basi. spoiled.

wa'iko %%.

****. particle indicating that information is secondhand: they say, so they say, I've heard. Wa'iko ɓendo lako i sambali mohohalu ue. Katanya, mereka akan menyeberang mencari rotan I've heard they're goind to go to the other side and hunt for rattan. waipoɗe n. sm ikan. k.o. fish. Wajo pn. orang Bajau, terutama kampungnya yg terletak pd sebelah selatan Ereke. the Bajau people, specifically the community located just to the south of Ereke. wajo vi. ****. stride. wajo mbalola **** sride and swing arms wide Ngeahako ngkumatepo, ka ɓou wajo mbalola. **** I think after I die, you'll be taking happy strides. Wakurempa kampung yg dekat Tanjung Goram, kampung pertama di Kulisusu. a village near Goram Cape, said to be the first village in Kulisusu. wakutuu n. waktu. time. wakutuuno waho musim hujan rainy season wakutuuno oleo musim kemaru, musim kering dry season wakutuuno kamapu musim dingin cool season wala n. bidang dinding, petak dinding. section of wall. walano raha bidang dinding rumah wall section of a house sawala rere satu bidang dinding one 10/4/2013

section of wall Lihatlah: rere.

walaka1 n. air tergenang, genangan. puddle, standing water. Lihatlah: jepeka, waa.

walaka2 n. **** yg termasuk golongan bonto. the rank of those who belong to the bonto caste in traditional Kulisusu society. Walanda pn. Belanda. Dutch. walarongo n. kulit kayu dr pohon waru. bark stripped from the sea hibiscus tree. walata n. sm ikan. k.o.fish. wala-walangke n. balok di pinggir ujung atap rumah. facing boards along the edges of a gable. wale Bentuk lain: wale-wale. n. rumah sederhana, pondok kecil, tempat berkemah waktu mengerjakan atau mengeumpulkan sesuatu, msl mengambil ikan, mencari rotan, menenun padi, dsb. simple cottage or shelter, particularly a more-or-less temporary shelter set up at a work camp or collection point, as when fishing, collecting rattan, harvesting rice, etc. waleno ika baskem ikan holding pen for fish waleno garangga **** shelter built out over the water where red seaweed is being gardened Lihatlah: laika, raha. pewale vi. berkemah. set up a emporary shelter, camp. Topewale mperi'ou i tompano pae, beto pongkocu. Kami berkemah di pinggir padi sebelum memanen. We set up shelter on the edge of the rice (paddy) before starting to harvest. wali1 n. 1) kawan, teman. friend. wali moiko **** a good friend, a close friend wali to'u **** a true friend 2) ****. two things which are similar or go together. Tole ponda, lanu walino. Pandan, agel temannya. Pandanus, its companion is gebanga. Lihatlah: andea, ɓela, joara. ɓawali vi. bersahabat, berakrab, bermian bersama. be friends with one another, be close, play together. pewali vi. bersahabat, berakrab, bermian bersama (seperti anak laki-laki). be friends with one another, be close, play together. papewali vt [-o]. mempersahabatkan, memajukan persahabatan antara dua (atau lebih) orang. make become friends, encourage a friendship between two or more persons. pokowali vt [-o]. menemani. keep (s.o.) company. Ɗa'a mokowali'inda? **** Is there no one to keep them company? wali2 Lihatlah: tewali. walira n. belerang. sulphur. walirano colo **** korek api match head

walo1 mewalo vn.


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nice, 149


waru pleasing, satisfying, delicious (food).

walo2 n. sm ikan laut. k.o. marine fish. walo3 n. 1) arang. charcoal. 2) abu. ashes. walono tabako abu rokok cigarette ashes

walo4 Asal: PAN *bales. pengkawalo vi. bekerjasama, gotong royong, saling membantu secara bergilir. work together, work collectively, help each other by turns. mengkawalo ɓo lipu bekerjasame untuk negara work together for one's country walu Asal: PMP *balun 'bind, bundle, wrap in cloth; death shroud; cloth(ing)'. n. kain kafan. shroud, gravecloth. waluno mia mate kain kafan orang mati the shroud of the dead person Lihatlah: kaci-1. wamba n. tempat masuk, mulut, pintu. opening, mouth, entrance, doorway. Itotoro i wamba. Dia duduk di pintu. He sat in the doorway. Bente ngKulisusu ɗa'opaa wambano. Benteng Kulisusu adalah empat pintunya. The Kulisusu fort has four entrances. Lihatlah: kampo-2. sawamba %%. kedua ujung lobang sama besarnya. having equal openings at both ends. wamba laa cmpd n. muara sungai. river mouth. wana n. buritan. stern, aft. periwana vi. berada, duduk di buritan. be, sit in the stern. wancu vt [-'o]. membantingkan. cause or make something lean. wanculako vt [-ø]. membantingkan, meruntuhkan. cause to lean or collapse. Wula ɓara imokora ngalu. Lumaluno aruange, ngalu ipowanculako raha nsikola. During the west monsoons the wind is strong. Before over there, the wind collapsed a school building. tewancu vn. terbanting. leaning, fallen down, fallen over. raha tewancu rumah terbanting fallen down house wandu vt [-ho]. ****. throw down. Toholeo sampe mohalo, kato wanduho kato cucu'o. **** We fry it until it is dark, then we throw it down and strike it. wane n. ****. strips of nene or whip vine fiber, already separated **** and ready for use. Lihatlah: uɓa. wangkara n. kelapa setengah tua. half-ripe coconut, between a kalimbungo and a ni'i mocu'a in ripeness. Iwangkaramo. Sudah menjadi kelapa setengah tua. It's a half-ripe coconut already. Lihatlah: kalimbungo, ni'i. wangkawondu n. sj beras yg berbau harum. a variety of fragrant rice. Oryza sativa L. wangkuđa n. sj beras pulut yg merah isinya. k.o. sticky rice with a red kernel. 150

wangu vi. — vi. bangun. arisen, awake. Searti: poɗea. — vt [-ho]. membangun. build (a house), raise to an upright position. wangusako vt [-ø]. membangunkan. wake someone, get someone up. mewangu %%. pagi, sekitar jam 6 sampai jam 9. morning, from about 6 until 9 AM. mewangu itonia tadi pagi this morning mewa-mewangu %%. pagi-pagi. early morning, before sunrise. wangu-wangu ncuu cmpd vi. ****. sit with the knee of one leg raised, and the other leg tucked underneath it. wansa n. sm ikan. k.o. silverish fish with large scales. Wanse pn. Wanci (sebuah pulau dekat Buton). Wanci (island off the coast of Buton). wanse vt [-'o]. lempar: me-*. throw at with a stick of wood. Waode gelar bangsawan wanita. title for a noblewoman. Lihatlah: Wa, Laode. wara1 n. sinar, pendar. glow, phosphorescence. warano api sinar api the glow of the fire Lihatlah: were. kowara vi. bersinar, berpendar. glow, phosphoresce. Ikowaramo lampu. Sudah bersinar lampu. The lamp is lit. Ikowara'ea sintereno. Senternya terang sekali. His flashlight is very bright. Saɓara giu ika, ikowara kompono? - Hiina, kaɗio siɓa. Apakah bersinar ususnya segala macam ikan? Tidak, hanya ikan cakalang. Do the guts of all kinds of fish glow in the dark? - No, only that of the skipjack tuna.

wara2 mowara vn. takut, tidak melawan. be afraid, be unwilling to fight.

waraka vi. sehat. healthy. Hinami waraka leɗe? Apakah engkau tidak sehat? Are you not well?

wowaraka vi. lama sehat. healthy over a period time. Ndomocu'amo, hinamo ndotewowaraka. Ariako ndomopiimo. Mereka sudah tua, tidak bisa sehat lama. Kalau (menjadi sehat), lalu jatuh sakit. They are old, they can't stay healthy for long. Whenever (they become well) afterward they get sick. waranaa n. warna. color. wara-wara n. sm ikan pari. blus-spotted fantail stingray. Taeniura iymma Forss. Lihatlah: langke, pagi. ware n. sm ikan. yellowtail blue snapper. Paracaesio xanthurus Bleeker. wariso Lihatlah: ɓariso [riso]. waru Bentuk lain: waru-waru. n. warung, kios,

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kedai. a small stand where various goods are sold, kiosk. waruno pakuli apotik pharmacy, drug store waru pongkaaha warung makan kanteen Lihatlah: po'asoa [aso], toko. wata n. batang kayu, terutama yg tidak berdiri lagi. tree trunk, especially one which is no longer standing. wata tembo cmpd n. batang kayu yg terapung di laut. a tree trunk which drifts in the sea. pewata n. gelondongan, sisa-sisa pohon tebang yg sudah dipotong-potong. trunk and limbs of a tree which have been cut into lengths. wauɓe vt [-'o]. menggantikan (dgn cadangan). replace (with a reserve or backup). pewauɓe vi. menjadi cadangan. serve as a replacment. wawa vt [-o]. membawa. carry, bring, take. mowawa motoro berkendara motor drive a motorcycle Arimo to'iu'o io pae, towawao i raha. ***** After we bundle the rice, we carry it home. ɓawawa vr. giliran membawa. carry each other by turns. ɓawawa-wawa vr. saling membawa. carry each other. wawai vt [-o]. menyertai, mengiringi, mengantar. accompany, escort. pewawa vi. berlaku. behave, conduct oneself. Topesondo'o ɓei moikoako pewawano. **** We perform the pesondo ritual on someone, so that they might be well-behaved. powawaa n. ****. an engagement ceremony at which the boy's parents bring gold or other expensive gifts to the girl's family. Lihatlah: lanci, kawi'a [kawi]. wawo1 n. atas, bagain atas, puncak. top part, above part, peak. i wawono tangke di atas gunung, di puncak gunung on the mountain, on the top of the mountain Searti: lolo. periwawo vi. letak di atas atau pd puncak. be located above or on top. wawo nsusu Bentuk lain: wawono susu. cmpd n. ****. breast (of man or woman). wawo2 Lihatlah: wete. pewawo vi. mencangkul rumput sampai akar, mencabut rumput dng akar. weed by cutting out or pulling up roots and all. mewawo'ako ewo i pombulaa mencabut rumput di kebun weed grass in the garden wawokia n. burung punai penganten. grey-cheeked green pigeon. Treron griseicauda Wallace. wawoleɗa n. sm keranjang panjang dibuat dari agel. k.o. long basket made from gebanga. Wd. Lihatlah: Waode. 10/4/2013

wea n. bara. hot coals. welalo n. sm tumbuhan. k.o. plant with a brown, two (or more) parted fruit.

mewelalo %%. ****. ceremonial cleansing in the ocean, performed three days after a person has been buried. mewela-welalo %%. ****. ****. wele n. sm tarian, lemah gayanya. a kind of dance with weak motions. — vi. menari dng gaya lemah. dance with weak motions. Lihatlah: balumpa, kompania, lense, ngibi, pangaru, pomaani. welisi vt [-o]. ****. slash (with a machete) using a sideward motion. Lihatlah: cimpu, taɓa, wete. pewelisi vi. membabat secara tidak rapi. weed around, weed here and there. wembe n. kambing. goat. Capra hircus. wengkure n. sm kerang laut. silver conch. Strombus lentiginosus L. Lihatlah: longkoi. wense vt [-ho]. lepes. ****. mowense vn. ****. no longer having a sharp point? Imowensemo io tasuno pae. Tugal padi sudah ****. The rice dibble is ****. Lihatlah: rense. weo Asal: PMP *baReq 'abcess, swelling'. n. bisul di kangkang, kunci paha. abcess, boil in the crotch or groin area. were vn. menjulang, menyala besar dan tidak beratur. flame up, flare up, flash. Lihatlah: wara-1. kowere vn. bernyala, berkilat. flame up, flash. kowere-were vn. menyala-nyala. flaming, flaring. Ndo'ontohomo rapano Wangkinamboro, matano ɗakowere-were. Mereka melihat kepala Wangkinamboro dengan matanya yang menyala-nyala. They saw Wangkinamboro's head, and his eyes were flaming. wete vt [-'o]. membabat (lokasi). weed (a location) by cutting off at ground level. Imonseko koburuno, hinapo towete'o. Kuburnya ditumbuhi rumput yang tinggi, belum kami babat. His grave is overgrown with weeds, we haven't weeded it yet. Lihatlah: wawo, welisi. pewete vi. membabat. chop down weeds by cutting off at the base. peweteki vi. membabat. clear growth by cutting off at the ground. Mewawo, topompake tambali; meweteki, topompake ta'owu. Untuk mencabut, kita memakai pisau rumput; untuk membabat, kita memakai parang. To dig out weeds, we use a weeding knife; to cut growth off at the ground, we use a machete. Ndohule meweteki jambu. Mereka pergi membabat jambu mente. The went to clear the cashew grove of weeds. Lihatlah: rabu, wawo-2.

Kamus Kulisusu – Indonesia – Inggris (edisi percobaan ke-6)




we'u n. leher. neck. wewe vt [-ho]. memukul sampai serabut mulai pecah (tt bambu, kayu, dsb). hit or pound until fibers begin to separate (of bamboo, wood, etc.). weweu vt [-o]. membuat. do, make. weweuaha n. barangnya (sendiri), memiliknya (sendiri). one's (own) thing, one's (own) possession. Ɓara ɗiako hiina tohule momonio bokumiu, ndo'anggapu'omo weweuahando. Kalau kita tidak minta bukumu, dianggapnya memiliknya sendiri. If we don't go ask for your book back, they'll think it belongs to themselves. wici n. kaki (seluruhnya); betis. leg (from hip to ankle); lower leg, calf. ɓolo mbici cmpd n. bagian kaki ****. part of the leg immediately below the calf. wie vi. sedu. sob, give a sob. wiwie vi. tersedu-sedu. sob gently. pekawie vi. menonjolkan bibirnya *****. protrude one's lower lip as a sign of disapproval, frown. tewiwie vn. hampir mau menangis dng bibirnya menggigil. have a trembling lip and on the verge of crying. Itewiwie wiwi huuno. Bibirnya menggigil. His lips trembled. wiga n. kotoran. dirt, dust. Lihatlah: lombu, raki, rana. wina n. ikan teri kecil. k.o. fish. Lihatlah: ligo, lure. wini vt [-'o]. mencubit. pinch. — n. gumpal. small piece, pinch, lump. winola n. bubur. porridge. winolano kasitela bubur ubi jalar sweet potato porridge winolano kuna-kuna bubur kacang hijau mung bean porridge winolano owingkeu bubur ubi kayu cassava porridge winolano pae bubur beras rice porridge winolano punci bubur pisang banana porridge winolano tonea bubur keladi taro porridge Searti: jepe. winsu n. ****, tempat asal mayang palem. base of the flowing structure of a palm tree, the place where the inflorescence issues forth. winuke Lihatlah: wuke. wira n. sm ikan. the orbicular batfish and similar species. Platax orbicularis Forss.

wiro kowiro-wiro %%. ****. squint.

wita n. tanah, bumi. earth, ground, soil. kawita'a darat. land, dry land, that part of the earth which rises above the oceans. wiwi n. pinggir, tepi. edge. Lihatlah: papa. wiwi huu cmpd n. bibir. lips.

wiwiki pewiwiki vi. ****. use hair gel, have one's hair flattened and shaped with gel. Lihatlah: 152

gulu-gulu, paɓale.

wiwira n. ****, batasan laut dangkal dengan laut dalam. reef slope, the boundary between shallow and deep ocean water. Lihatlah: pasi, toɓi. wo'a vt [-o]. membelah (seperti ikan, labu, kelapa muda, dsb) menjadi dua belahan yg mirip. cut or chop longitudinally (as a fish, pumpkin, young coconut, etc.) into two symmetrical halves. sawo'a n. belahan, sebelah. half, one side. Imatemo sawo'a wutono. Sebelah badannya sudah mati. He's paralyzed on one side of his body. i sawo'ano prep ph. di seberang (yg berlawanan), ke sebelah. on the other side, opposite, across from. Irara, to'ontoho te i sawo'ano. **** It's sheer, we can see to the other side. I'awaomo koli-koli, kai limba i sawo'ano. Ia mendapat sampan, dan menyeberang ke sebelah. He found a boat and crossed over to the opposite side. I sawo'ano opicu tangke te opicu mbolonga, ri'asoamo ndopohalu bua malaka. Di seberang tujuh gunung dan tujuh lembah, disanalah mereka mencari jambu biji. On the other side of seven mountains and seven valleys, there they hunted for guava. woci n. ketimun yg kuning sekali, dipakai sebagai sayuran. old, yellowed cucumbers, cooked as a vegetable. Cucumis sativus L. wocu vi. baru mulai mendidih. just beginning to boil. Lihatlah: reɗe. wocucu n. kelambu. curtain. Lihatlah: kulambu. wocu'i vt [-o]. menetas. hatch.

wohi mewohi vn. kenyang. full, satiated, satisfied.

woi n. 1) muka, wajah. face. 2) depan. (in) front, ahead. i woino wamba di depan pintu in front of the doorway i woino tamano di depan bapaknya in front of her father Rua ta'u i woi kato ɓa'awa ɗuka. Dua tahun depan kita bertemu lagi. Two years from now we will meet again. woi-woi Lihatlah: kawoi-woi. woka n. belahan ****. fragment, shard, classifier for counting ****. sawoka piri sebuah piring a plate wokia n. sm burung. k.o. bird. wola1 n. tikus. rat, mouse.

wola2 pewola vi. merbersihkan badan (dengan air hangat) sesudah melahirkan. wash one's body (with warm water) after giving birth. wole vt [-o]. membentangkan. spread, spread out. mambole vn. luas. wide. sala mambole jalan luas wide trail wolia n. bidan, doktor (dukun). healer, shaman,

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wulele wowo n. beban. load, burden, responsibility.



kowowo %%. banyak beban. burdened, carrying

mowolo sangat

lapar, ingin sekali makan. famished, ravenous. Imowolo'akono ika. Dia ingin sekali makan ikan. He was ravenous for fish. wombo n. tabuhan. wasp, hornet, bumblebee. wonci n. ikan belanak. mullet. woncu n. bari-bari. fruitfly.

wondu mowondu vn. harum, wangi. fragrant, sweetsmelling. wongki vi. mengisutkan hidung. wrinkle one's nose. Iwongki engeno. Dia mengisutkan hidungnya. He wrinkled his nose.


wuci pewuci vi. berbohong. tell lies.

wuhe mowuhe vn. lembek. soft, yielding.

wuju wuju-wuju vt [-'o]. membujuk. coax, persuade.

wonseki vt [-o]. menggali jari ke dalam sesuatu dan membuka (msl untuk membuka kulit buah jagung). dig the fingers in and pull apart (for example when shucking corn). wonso vt [-ho]. menutup dgn bakul, keranjang, dsb. cover with a basket. wonua n. wilayah. region. Searti: guluma. woo n. bau. smell, scent. woono manusia baunya manusia human scent, scent of humans kowoo vi. berbau. scented, smelly, having a smell. kowoo moɓosi berbau busuk smell rotten pewoo vt [-ho]. mencium. smell, be aware of through the sense of smell. Ɓawu hako a'iso ndoto'orio ɗuka i ri'iso ɗaaho te manusia, rounomo ndopompewoo woono manusia. Babi itu tahu juga di sana ada manusia, karena mereka mencium baunya manusia. Those pigs also knew at that place there were humans, because the smelled human scent. worokou n. sm burung. k.o. bird. woru n. sm pohon bakau. k.o. tree found in mangrove forests. wosi vi. kembali ke posisi dulunya dng mendadak (spt cabang pohon). spring back, snap back into position (as a tree branch). Lihatlah: nee. wosilako vt [-ø]. melepaskan sehingga memdadak ke posisi dulunya. release and let spring back. tewosi vn. ****. sprung or snapped back into position, straightened out. wosi-wosi %%. melompat-lompat (msl kumpulan ikan di laut yg ****). jump about (as fish in a school which break the surface all together). wota vt [-'o]. membuka (seperti kelapa muda dengan parang). cut open, chop open (as a young coconut with a machete). Searti: wo'a. wotaki vt [-o]. membuka (telur). break open (as an egg). 10/4/2013

many burdens. Ke nai kowowo... Kalau tidak banyak beban... If it's not too much,... wowou n. sm pohon. k.o. tree, the wood is hard, the mature bark is rough and dark, young branches grey, and smooth, leaves compound, leaflets alternate, about 8 pair. wua n. pinang. areca palm, betel nut palm. Areca spp.

Lihatlah: sawo-sawo [sawo].

wukaka vt [-'o]. menguraikan, membuka. untie, undo (a knot), open.

wuke vn. menapai (tt ubi kayu). fermented (cassava). winuke n. 1) tapai ubi kayu. fermented cassava. 2) air tapai (dr beras). rice wine. Lihatlah: pongasi. pewinuke vi. membikin tapai. prepare fermented cassava or rice. wuku n. 1) tulang, tombol. bone, knob, protuberence. 2) tenaga, kekuatan. energy, strength. Mocu'amo ungkuɗe, ɗa'amo wukungku. Saya sudah tua, saya tidak lagi bertenaga. I am old, I don't have any strength left. kowuku vi. bertulang. bony, having bones (as fish). wukuno ɓelenga nph. tulang pipi, pasu-pasu. cheekbone. wukuno kara-kara nph. tulang rusuk. rib, ribbone. wukuno lari nph. tulang kering, tulang garas. shinbone. wula Asal: PAN *bulaN 'moon'. n. bulan. moon, month, season. wula oleo musim panas hot season Wula jambu a'ai. Bulan jambu monyet sekarang. It's cashew season now. Wulano gandu mongura teleumiu a'ai. Jagung muda kedatangan ini. You've come just when young corn is in season. wula hapa intrg. kapan. when. Meanta wula hapa? Besok kapan? Tomorrow when? Lihatlah: impia. wulaci vt [-o]. melihat, melihat-lihat, memeriksa. see, look over, examine. mowulaci mia mopii melihat-lihat orang examine a sick person Lihatlah: onto. wulele n. bunga keu. flower which will become a fruit. wuleleno kela bunga labu squash flower

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wuleleno lemo bunga jeruk lime flower wuleleno kamba bunga pohon kelor flower of the horseradish tree Lihatlah: bunga. kowulele vi. berbunga. having blossoms, in bloom. ɗapo kumowulele masih berbunga still in bloom wuli n. cabang, tandan (pisang, rambutan, mangga, dsb). stalk, bunch (of bananas, rambutan, mango, etc.). Lihatlah: eta, ni'i. ɓawuli-wuli vi. berkelompok, beranting-ranting (msl buah). in clusters, on branches next to each other (as fruit). Ɓakeno oloso imokuni, ɓawuli-wuli, imongilu ɓei kinaa. Buahnya oloso kuning, beranting-ranting, Oloso fruit is yellow, growing in clusters, and sour to eat. wulohi n. gelegar, balok yg melintang penyanggah lantai atau loteng. floor joist. Lihatlah: konta, horo. wulu n. bulu. hair, fur, feathers. Lihatlah: rembe, wuu. kowulu vi. berbulu. hairy, furred, feathered. Io ondo, ikowulu ke te kulino. Ubi hutan berbulu kalau masih ada kulitnya. Bitter yam is hairy if it still has it's skin. wulu enge cmpd n. bulu hidung. nose hair. wulu huu cmpd n. kumis. moustache. wulu mpuri cmpd n. jembut. pubic hair. wulu ngkeke Bentuk lain: wulu keke. cmpd n. bulu ketiak. underarm hair. wuluno mata nph. bulu mata. eyelashes. wulu matano pae nph. buliran padi. spiklet of a rice plant. wulu-wuluno meo nph. kumis kucing. a plant, the so-called cat's whiskers or Java tea plant. Orthosiphon aristatus (Blume) Miq. Wuna pn. Muna. Muna. wuna n. sarang, sarang burung. nest, bird's nest. wunga n. bunga, malai. flower, inflorescence. wungano gandu malai jagung, perbungaan jantan jagung corn tassel, the male flower structure of maize wungano towu malai tebu, untaian tebu sugarcane inflorescence Lihatlah: bunga. wungano karu nph. jari kaki. toes. wungano lima nph. jari tangan. fingers. wungkahi vt [-o]. membuka. open, uncover. Wungkahio kulino kosambi. Bukalah kulitnya buah kesambi. Open up the skin of the gum-lac fruit. Lawan: cucuwi. Lihatlah: cungkahi.

wungu mewungu vn. ungu. purple, violet.

wuni Lihatlah: mbuni, wuwuni. wuno n. jamur (krn disimpan terlalu lama). mold. kowuno vi. berjamur. moldy, covered with mold. 154

wunta n. sm tas yg terbuat dr benang. k.o. string bag. wu'ohi vt [-o]. mencuci. wash by rubbing the surface. mowu'ohi piri mencuci piring wash dishes Ɓeku wu'ohio kaɓelano anamai. ***** I want to wash our child's wounds. Io kasitela, tokulisio kato hea-hea'o. Ariako towu'ohio kato punto'akono tarigu kato holeo. We peel and slice the sweet potatoes. Afterward we wash them, dip them in flour, and fry them. pewu'ohi vi. mencuci dirinya. wash oneself. mewo'uhi lima mencuci tangan wash one's hands pewu'ohia n. kembokan, tempat cuci jari. finger bowl. pewu'ohiano limano kembokannya his fingerbowl wura vt [-ho]. mengupas. peel, skin (as cassava). Lihatlah: ɗeɗehi, kulisi [kuli], lulasi, owihi. wuro vt [-ho]. meramas, menggemburkan sampai hancur. crush, crumble until fine. mowuro ka'upi menggemburkan ubi kayu parut yg dijepit crumble apart grated, pressed cassava

wuru kowuru vi. ****. swish or brush past. kowuru-wuru vi. 1) berkibar, berkipas-kipas. swish or fan back and forth, flutter. Ikowuru-wuru laewo. Ombak berkibar. The waves swish back and forth. 2) berdengkur. snore. wusu mendapat konsekwensi yg sepantasnya lakuan diri, menanggung akibatnya. experience the consequences of one's actions, be served right, have only one's self to blame. Wusuko! Sudah saya katakan, bukan? (spt kpd anak yang terus bermain dan menjatuhkan gelas, meskipun diberi peringatan) You have yourself to blame! You were told! (as to a child who despite being warned keeps playing and knocks over a glass) Wusu'aku. Saya mendapat hukuman yang sepantas (sbg ucapan menyesal diri). It served me right (as an expression of regret). wuto n. 1) 2) sendiri. self. doingku wutongku uangku sendiri my own money wineweungku wutongku sesuatu yang saya bikin sendiri something I made by myself Milako wutomiu. Kalian sendiri pergi. You yourselves should go.. Kuhule mohohalu'akono wutongku. Saya sendiri mau pergi cari. I'm going looking for myself. Ipakomingku wutono. Bergerak sendiri. It moved by itself, of its own accord. wuu1 n. rambut. head hair. io wuu ngkolu rambut keriting curly or kinky hair wuuno gandu rambut jagung corn silk 2) kowuu vi. berambut. haired, hairy, having head hair.

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wuu2 vt [-ho]. mengupas kelapa. husk (coconut). wuuh excl. seruan krn kagum, ****. an exclamation

wuwu Asal: PMP *bubu 'fish trap'. n. bubu. k.o.

of great astonishment or excitement, woah, wow, whew! Wuuh! Wuuh! Wuuh! **** Wow! Oh wow! Wow! (in exclamation of one fighting cock quickly and decisively defeating its opponent) Ilakomo kai sapu'o keu a'ai. Wuuh, nai saɓa, ilamosako i wita. Dia pergi baru ia tada kayu itu. **** He went and caught the (falling) tree. Woah, he couldn't be seen, he was buried in the ground.

wuwu2 vt [-o]. melepaskan ikatan. untie. wuwui vt [-o]. 1) memasukkan biji ke dalam lubang

basket fish trap with non-return entrance.

tugal. place seeds in a dibble hole. 2) memberi makanan kepada ayam. feed chickens by scattering grain.

wuwuni pewuwuni vi. sembunyi-sembunyi, menyangkal. hide, cover up, deny. Lihatlah: mbuni.

Z - z zikiri vi. mengucapkan puji-pujian Allah sambil

using prayer beads.

menghitung tasbih. recite praiises to Allah while

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