LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (2024)







LS21 1AFLocal Map

Approximate address for LS21 1AF:

IntroductionLS21 1AF

Use the postcode street map opposite - and the information below - to discover useful information for the LS21 1AF postcode area in Leeds.

We've got loads of statistics for LS21 1AF, including demographic data, local facilities, travel essentials, hotel accommodation, crime rates and much more.


LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (1)

DemographicsLS21 1AF

What social class do the population of LS21 1AF belong to? What are the predominant ethnic groups? How deprived is LS21 1AF in Leeds, how professionally qualified are the community, and how many hours a week do they work? All this, and more information and demographic statistics about LS21 1AF from the Census 2011.


  • 16%Children
  • 84%Adults

16% of people in this postcode area are children. Of the remainder, 10% are aged 76 or more.


  • 50%Male
  • 50%Female

From the last census, 50% of people in LS211AF male, and 50% female. Women outnumber men in Otley and Yeadon.


  • 34%AB
  • 50%C2/C2
  • 15%DE

According to census records, 34% of people here have a social grade of AB (highest), compared to the national average of 27%.


  • 31%SINGLE
  • 49%MARRIED

The percentage of people who are married in LS21 1AF is 31%. Single and 'other' people is 70%.


  • 97%WHITE

97% of people class themselves as 'white', compared to a national UK average of 81.9%


  • 92.8%WORKING

2.1% are either unemployed or students in this area. The UK unemployment rate is 4%.

See all demographics for LS21 1AF

Discover LS21 1AF

People and Demographics

LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (2)


An in-depth look at the demographic data of the people who live in LS21 1AF, including ethnicity, religious beliefs, age breakdown and social grades.

LS21 1AF Demographics

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (3)

Crime Rates

Police crime stats - see how safe it is around LS21 1AF, including burglaries, ASBOs, vehicle crime and violent crime. How does this area compare?

Crime stats in LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (4)


Find out the voting intentions, poll results, your local MP, 2015 election results and voting turnout for your local constituency.

LS21 1AF Constituency

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (5)

Local Issues

In conjunction with FixMyStreet, view problems around LS21 1AF reported by local residents, including flytipping, graffiti, faulty street lighting etc.

LS21 1AF Issues

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (6)


Sunrise (dawn) and sunset (dusk) times for today as well as for the next month for the postcode area LS211AF. Wakey wakey, rise and shine!

Sunrise/sunset in LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (7)

Job Vacancies

Looking for job vacancies in the LS21 1AF area? Find out what positions are available in this area, as well as further afield in surrounding areas.

Job vacancies near LS21 1AF

Travel & Transport

LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (8)


Travelling to this postcode area? Find the nearest train station, railway, or nearest bus stop to LS21 1AF.

Travel around LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (9)

Traffic Reports

Don't let traffic become a pain in the bumper. The latest road traffic incidents & traffic jams around this postcode.

Traffic near LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (10)

Taxi Firms

Book a taxi and leave the car at home. Here's a list of taxi and mini cab companies operating in the LS21 1AF area.

Taxis near LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (11)

Car Parks

Locate the nearest car parks near LS21 1AF, so you can leave your car safely while you pop to the shops.

Car Parks near LS21 1AF

Leisure & Outdoor Facilities

LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (12)


From local gigs to heritage events, and car boot sales to shows at the local theatre, find out what's on around LS21 1AF.

What's on near LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (13)


Enjoy a great family day out at a local attraction near LS21 1AF, including theme parks, castles, historic castles & more.

Attractions near LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (14)


Comfortable, quality bed & breakfast and hotel accommodation located within a 15 miles of the postcode area LS21 1AF.

Hotels near LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (15)

Tourist Information

Locate the nearest car parks near LS21 1AF, so you can leave your car safely while you pop to the shops.

Tourist Information LS21 1AF

Local Amenities

LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (16)


Find the nearest bank or building society in LS21 1AF. Map locations, email addresses & customer services phone numbers.

Banks near LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (17)

Cash Machines

Locations of the nearest cash withdrawal machines (ATMs) in the LS21 1AF postcode area that dispense money.

Cach Machines near LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (18)


The nearest schools in the LS21 1AF area, including their latest Ofsted Results, pupil statistics and test results.

Schools near LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (19)

Shopping Centres

Shop until you drop at a retail park or shopping centre near here. There's nothing quite like a bit of retail therapy.

Shopping Centres LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (20)

Police Stations

Report a crime or make an enquiry at your local police station or constabulary in your area. Phone 101 in a non-emergency.

Police Stations in LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (21)

Emergency Facilities

A handy list of emergency information in this area, including hospitals, doctors, chemists and emergency services near LS21 1AF.

Emergencies in LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (22)

Post Offices

Whether you want to send a letter, make a Post Office transaction or pop a letter in the local postbox, we've got you covered.

Post Offices in LS21 1AF

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (23)


A useful list of lending libraries located in and around LS21 1AF. May also lend CDs and DVDs, and other services available.

Libraries in LS21 1AF

Your views ofLS21 1AF

Chris H

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

We don't have any views of Ls211af right now. If you live in Ls211af or have visited it, please help us to help others by telling others what you think of this neighbourhood.

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Essential InformationLS21 1AF

LS211AF Postcode Breakdown

Full PostcodeLS21 1AF
Postal TownLeeds
Ward Name
CountyWest Yorkshire
Local Authority
Local Authority Code
Area ClassificationUrban with Major Conurbation

LS211AF Postal District

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (25)

LS21 1AF postcode is located in the postal town of Leeds. Leeds postal area may cover a large geographical region that may correspond to several postal districts, which may include many towns and/or villages. Use the map to determine the geographical location of the postcode LS21 1AF.

Nearest Towns & Cities

Otley0.5 miles SE
Farnley1.3 miles E
Leathley1.9 miles E
Menston2.3 miles SW
Burley2.5 miles W
Guiseley2.9 miles SW
Yeadon2.9 miles SE
Poole3.1 miles E
Bramhope3.4 miles E
Stainburn3.6 miles E
Denton4.2 miles W
Ben Rhydding4.5 miles W
Timble4.5 miles NW
Baildon4.9 miles SW
Rawdon5.1 miles S
London180 miles SE
Glasgow166 miles NW
Edinburgh153 miles NW
Cardiff178 miles SW
Liverpool64 miles SW
Southampton208 miles S
Saint Ives212 miles S

Other Postcodes Nearby

LS21 1AA

LS21 1AB

LS21 1AD

LS21 1AE

LS21 1AG

LS21 1AH

LS21 1AJ

LS21 1AL

LS21 1AN

LS21 1AP

LS21 1AQ

LS21 1AR

LS21 1AS

LS21 1AT

LS21 1AU

LS21 1AW

LS21 1AX

LS21 1AY

LS21 1AZ

Local News West Yorkshire

Wakefield council tax rise agreed amid angry scenes at meeting

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Elland waste tip to close for up to two weeks

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Murder victim told police she feared ex-partner would kill her

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Thomas to focus on Leeds play-off after US PGA

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Huddersfield Town appoint Duff as head coach

Huddersfield Town appoint former Barnsley and Swansea City boss Michael Duff as their new head coach on a three-year contract.

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Horbury: Plans to convert WW2 gas site into caf rejected

Objectors say the project would "fail to preserve the special historic interest" of the structure.

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1970 FA Cup final: The most brutal game in English football history

As Chelsea get set to face Leeds in the FA Cup fifth round, BBC Sport looks back at the notoriously ferocious 1970 FA Cup final replay between the two sides.

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Criminals' cash pays to train future plumbers

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From the Postcode Area blog

LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (26)

Showers drown UK retail sales - which stores suffered?

April's heavy rains soaked the UK retail sector, causing a significant sales slump and highlighting vulnerabilities to economic and environmental factors.

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LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (27)

Deciphering Crime Rates - a Deep Dive Into UK Postcode Analysis

Ever wondered about the crime rate in your UK postcode? You're not alone. We've dug deep into the data, uncovering trends and patterns that'll make your head spin.

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LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (28)

Death of the High Street?

The BBC reports that despite councils' attempts to kurb them, the UK's high streets have seen a huge growth in fast food outlets. Could this mark the death knell for the Great British high street, and what can we do about it to halt its decline?

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LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (29)

Discrimination by Postcode

You really couldn't make it up, could you? Some of the country's most vulnerable people are missing out on their weekly £25 Cold Weather Payment, just because the system that's in operation is discriminating against them because payments are based on postcode, rather than geographic location.

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LS21 1AF (Leeds) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report (2024)
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Article information

Author: Kieth Sipes

Last Updated:

Views: 6210

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.